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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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# The question portion of the following message should have the <strong> and </strong> tags surrounding it.
default-browser-notification-message = <strong>Set { -brand-short-name } as your default browser?</strong> Get fast, safe, and private browsing whenever you use the web.
default-browser-notification-button =
.label = Set as default
.accesskey = S
## These strings are used for the default browser prompt. There are 2 variations
## depending on the operating system (Windows vs other). The checkbox label and
## secondary button are shared between the variants.
default-browser-prompt-title-pin = Make { -brand-short-name } your primary browser?
default-browser-prompt-message-pin = Keep { -brand-short-name } at your fingertips — make it your default browser and pin it to your taskbar.
default-browser-prompt-message-pin-mac = Keep { -brand-short-name } at your fingertips — make it your default browser and keep it in your Dock.
default-browser-prompt-button-primary-pin = Make primary browser
default-browser-prompt-title-alt = Make { -brand-short-name } your default browser?
default-browser-prompt-message-alt = Get speed, safety, and privacy every time you browse.
default-browser-prompt-button-primary-alt = Set as default browser
default-browser-prompt-checkbox-not-again-label = Don’t show this message again
default-browser-prompt-button-secondary = Not now
## Strings for a Windows native guidance notification when the user is forced to
## use Windows Settings to set the default browser. Instructions differ for
## Windows 10 and 11.
default-browser-guidance-notification-title = Finish making { -brand-short-name } your default
# Quoted text are keywords to look for in the Windows Settings app.
default-browser-guidance-notification-body-instruction-win10 =
Step 1: Go to Settings > Default apps
Step 2: Scroll down to “Web browser”
Step 3: Select and choose { -brand-short-name }
# Quoted text are keywords to look for in the Windows Settings app.
default-browser-guidance-notification-body-instruction-win11 =
Step 1: Go to Settings > Default apps
Step 2: Select “Set default” for { -brand-short-name }
default-browser-guidance-notification-info-page = Show me
default-browser-guidance-notification-dismiss = Done