Name Description Size
about_compat_broker.js global browser, module, onMessageFromTab 4330
custom_functions.js globals browser, module 2683
injections.js globals browser, module 8790
intervention_helpers.js globals module 2901
messaging_helper.js globals browser 1249
module_shim.js We cannot yet use proper JS modules within webextensions, as support for them is highly experimental and highly instable. So we end up just including all the JS files we need as separate background scripts, and since they all are executed within the same context, this works for our in-browser deployment. However, this code is tracked outside of mozilla-central, and we work on shipping this code in other products, like android-components as well. Because of that, we have automated tests running within that repository. To make our lives easier, we add `module.exports` statements to the JS source files, so we can easily import their contents into our NodeJS-based test suite. This works fine, but obviously, `module` is not defined when running in-browser. So let's use this empty object as a shim, so we don't run into runtime exceptions because of that. 1152
requestStorageAccess_helper.js globals browser 1089
shim_messaging_helper.js globals browser 2397
shims.js globals browser, module, onMessageFromTab 35802
ua_helpers.js globals exportFunction, module 3996
ua_overrides.js globals browser, module 6475