Name Description Size
bug0000000-testbed-js-injection.js globals exportFunction 444
bug1448747-fastclick-shim.js Bug 1448747 - Neutralize FastClick The patch is applied on sites using FastClick library to make sure `FastClick.notNeeded` returns `true`. This allows to disable FastClick and fix various breakage caused by the library (mainly non-functioning drop-down lists). 1005 Bug 1452707 - Build site patch for WebCompat issue #16401 - The online banking at detect if window.controllers is a non-falsy value to detect if the current browser is Firefox or something else. In bug 1448045, this shim has been disabled for Firefox Nightly 61+, which breaks the UA detection on this site and results in a "Browser unsuppored" error message. This site patch simply sets window.controllers to a string, resulting in their check to work again. 1135 Bug 1457335 - - Override UA & navigator.vendor WebCompat issue #1804 - This site is using a strict matching of navigator.userAgent and navigator.vendor to allow access for Safari or Chrome. Here, we set the values appropriately so we get recognized as Chrome. 1180 Bug 1472075 - Build UA override for Bank of America for OSX & Linux WebCompat issue #2787 - BoA is showing a red warning to Linux and macOS users, while accepting Windows users without warning. From our side, there is no difference here and we receive a lot of user complains about the warnings, so we spoof as Firefox on Windows in those cases. 1586 - Override PDFJS.disableWorker to be true WebCompat issue #39057 - Custom viewer built with PDF.js is not working in Firefox for Android Disabling worker to match Chrome behavior fixes the issue 933 Bug 1722955 - Add UA override for Webcompat issue #36277 - The website is sending the desktop version to Firefox on mobile devices based on UA sniffing. Spoofing as Chrome fixes this. 721 Bug 1724868 - - Override UA WebCompat issue #82605 - Yahoo Japan news doesn't allow playing video in Firefox on Android as they don't have it in their support matrix. They check UA override twice and display different ui with the same error. Changing UA to Chrome via content script allows playing the videos. 1089
bug1739489-draftjs-beforeinput.js Bug 1739489 - Entering an emoji using the MacOS IME "crashes" Draft.js editors. 4097 Bug 1769762 - Empty out navigator.plugins WebCompat issue #103612 - Certain features of the site are breaking if navigator.plugins array is not empty: 1. "Likes" on the comments are not saved 2. Can't reply to other people's comments 3. "Likes" on the videos are not saved 4. Can't follow an account (after refreshing "Follow" button is visible again) (note that the first 2 are still broken if you open devtools even with this intervention) 1232
bug1774005-installtrigger-shim.js Bug 1774005 - Generic window.InstallTrigger shim This interventions shims window.InstallTrigger to a string, which evaluates as `true` in web developers browser sniffing code. This intervention will be applied to multiple domains, see bug 1774005 for more information. 942 Bug 1799968 - Build site patch for WebCompat issue #108993 - Samsung's Watch pages try to detect the OS via navigator.appVersion, but fail with Linux because they expect it to contain the literal string "linux", and their JS breaks. As such this site patch sets appVersion to "5.0 (Linux)", and is only meant to be applied on Linux. 1005 Bug 1799980 - Healow gets stuck in an infinite loop while pages load This patch keeps Healow's localization scripts from getting stuck in an infinite loop while their pages are loading. This happens because they use synchronous XMLHttpRequests to fetch a JSON file with their localized text on the first call to their i18n function, and then force subsequent calls to wait for it by waiting in an infinite loop. But since they're in an infinite loop, the code after the syncXHR will never be able to run, so this ultimately triggers a slow script warning. We can improve this by just preventing the infinite loop from happening, though since they disable caching on their JSON files it means that more XHRs may happen. But since those files are small, this seems like a reasonable compromise until they migrate to a better i18n solution. See for details. 1418
bug1818818-fastclick-legacy-shim.js Bug 1818818 - Neutralize FastClick The patch is applied on sites using older version of FastClick library. This allows to disable FastClick and fix various breakage caused by the library. 688 Bug 1819450 - - Override UA The site is using UA detection to redirect to (mobile version of the site). Adding `SAMSUNG` allows to bypass the detection of mobile browser. 880 - Shim webkitSpeechRecognition WebCompat issue #117770 - The page with bank offerings is not loading options due to the site relying on webkitSpeechRecognition, which is undefined in Firefox. Shimming it to `class {}` makes the pages work. 857 Bug 1827678 - UA spoof for This site is checking for, so let's spoof that. 701 Bug 1830776 - WebCompat issue #112630 - The site is showing unsupported message in Firefox. They're also checking for "browserCollapsed" item in sessionStorage before showing the message, to only show it once. Adding this item to sessionStorage will make sure the message is not shown on the initial load. 891
bug1831007-nintendo-window-OnetrustActiveGroups.js Bug 1831007 - Shim window.OnetrustActiveGroups for Nintendo sites Nintendo relies on `window.OnetrustActiveGroups` being defined. If it's not, users may have intermittent issues signing into their account, as they're then trying to call `.split()` on `undefined`. This intervention sets a default value (an empty string), but still allows the value to be overwritten at any time. 948
bug1836157-thai-masszazs-niceScroll-disable.js Bug 1836157 - Shim navigator.platform on This page adds niceScroll on Android, which breaks scrolling and zooming on Firefox. Adding ` Mac` to `navigator.platform` makes the page avoid adding niceScroll entirely, unbreaking the page. 870 Bug 1842437 - When attempting to go back on, the content remains the same If consecutive session history entries had history.state.entryTime set to same value, back button doesn't work as expected. The entryTime value is coming from and modifying its return value slightly to make sure two close consecutive calls don't get the same result helped with resolving the issue. 1308 Bug 1849058 - Shim PictureInPictureWindow for WebCompat issue #124463 - The page is showing unsupported message based on typeof window.PictureInPictureWindow, which is undefined in Firefox. Shimming it to `class {}` makes the pages work. 872 - Set window.loggingEnabled = false WebCompat issue #77221 - A scripting error on the site causes images to not load unless window.loggingEnabled = false 798 - virtual keyboard is hidden as it is opened webcompat issue #121197 - the site's map is 75vh tall, and it hides the keyboard onresize, meaning the keyboard is closed as it it brought up in Firefox. 1272
bug1859617-installtrigger-removal-shim.js Bug 1859617 - Generic window.InstallTrigger removal shim This interventions shims window.InstallTrigger to undefine it. 811
bug1864564-esri-transfrom-names-shim.js Bug 1864564 - Override esri._css.names containing -moz-prefixed css rules names Webcompat issue #129144 - Esri library is applying -moz-transform to maps built with it, based on UA detection. Since support for -moz-transform has been removed in, this results in maps partially or incorrectly displayed. Overriding esri._css.names containing -moz-prefixed css properties to their unprefixed versions fixes the issues. 1504