Name Description Size
airmozilla.js 1722
bbc.js 996
canalplus.js 1647
cbc.js 837
dailymotion.js 1269
disneyplus.js 2071
edx.js 1016
hbomax.js 1322
hotstar.js 1234
hulu.js 2261
jwplayerWrapper.js 1172
mock-wrapper.js 1003
netflix.js The Netflix player returns the current time in milliseconds so we convert to seconds before returning. @returns {number} The current time in seconds 2570
nytimes.js 1163
piped.js 1323
primeVideo.js Playing the video when the readyState is HAVE_METADATA (1) can cause play to fail but it will load the video and trying to play again allows enough time for the second play to successfully play the video. @param {HTMLVideoElement} video The original video element 3264
radiocanada.js 930
sonyliv.js 1221
tubi.js 1136
tubilive.js 1137
twitch.js 510
udemy.js 1751
videojsWrapper.js 1219
voot.js 1163
washingtonpost.js 1364
youtube.js 2554