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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
// We use importESModule here instead of static import so that
// the Karma test environment won't choke on this module. This
// is because the Karma test environment already stubs out
// AppConstants, and overrides importESModule to be a no-op (which
// can't be done for a static import statement).
// eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/use-static-import
const { AppConstants } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
const lazy = {};
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
AboutPreferences: "resource://newtab/lib/AboutPreferences.sys.mjs",
AdsFeed: "resource://newtab/lib/AdsFeed.sys.mjs",
DEFAULT_SITES: "resource://newtab/lib/DefaultSites.sys.mjs",
DefaultPrefs: "resource://newtab/lib/ActivityStreamPrefs.sys.mjs",
DiscoveryStreamFeed: "resource://newtab/lib/DiscoveryStreamFeed.sys.mjs",
FaviconFeed: "resource://newtab/lib/FaviconFeed.sys.mjs",
HighlightsFeed: "resource://newtab/lib/HighlightsFeed.sys.mjs",
NewTabInit: "resource://newtab/lib/NewTabInit.sys.mjs",
NimbusFeatures: "resource://nimbus/ExperimentAPI.sys.mjs",
PrefsFeed: "resource://newtab/lib/PrefsFeed.sys.mjs",
PlacesFeed: "resource://newtab/lib/PlacesFeed.sys.mjs",
Region: "resource://gre/modules/Region.sys.mjs",
SectionsFeed: "resource://newtab/lib/SectionsManager.sys.mjs",
Store: "resource://newtab/lib/Store.sys.mjs",
SystemTickFeed: "resource://newtab/lib/SystemTickFeed.sys.mjs",
TelemetryFeed: "resource://newtab/lib/TelemetryFeed.sys.mjs",
TopSitesFeed: "resource://newtab/lib/TopSitesFeed.sys.mjs",
TopStoriesFeed: "resource://newtab/lib/TopStoriesFeed.sys.mjs",
WallpaperFeed: "resource://newtab/lib/WallpaperFeed.sys.mjs",
WeatherFeed: "resource://newtab/lib/WeatherFeed.sys.mjs",
// NB: Eagerly load modules that will be loaded/constructed/initialized in the
// common case to avoid the overhead of wrapping and detecting lazy loading.
import {
actionCreators as ac,
actionTypes as at,
} from "resource://newtab/common/Actions.mjs";
export function csvPrefHasValue(stringPrefName, value) {
if (typeof stringPrefName !== "string") {
throw new Error(`The stringPrefName argument is not a string`);
const pref = Services.prefs.getStringPref(stringPrefName) || "";
const prefValues = pref
.map(s => s.trim())
.filter(item => item);
return prefValues.includes(value);
// Determine if spocs should be shown for a geo/locale
function showSpocs({ geo }) {
const spocsGeoString =
lazy.NimbusFeatures.pocketNewtab.getVariable("regionSpocsConfig") || "";
const spocsGeo = spocsGeoString.split(",").map(s => s.trim());
return spocsGeo.includes(geo);
function showWeather({ geo, locale }) {
return (
csvPrefHasValue(REGION_WEATHER_CONFIG, geo) &&
csvPrefHasValue(LOCALE_WEATHER_CONFIG, locale)
function showTopicsSelection({ geo, locale }) {
return (
csvPrefHasValue(REGION_TOPICS_CONFIG, geo) &&
csvPrefHasValue(LOCALE_TOPICS_CONFIG, locale)
function showTopicLabels({ geo, locale }) {
return (
csvPrefHasValue(REGION_TOPIC_LABEL_CONFIG, geo) &&
csvPrefHasValue(LOCALE_TOPIC_LABEL_CONFIG, locale)
function showThumbsUpDown({ geo, locale }) {
return (
csvPrefHasValue(REGION_THUMBS_CONFIG, geo) &&
csvPrefHasValue(LOCALE_THUMBS_CONFIG, locale)
function showContextualContent({ geo, locale }) {
return (
function showSectionLayout({ geo, locale }) {
return (
csvPrefHasValue(REGION_SECTIONS_CONFIG, geo) &&
csvPrefHasValue(LOCALE_SECTIONS_CONFIG, locale)
// Configure default Activity Stream prefs with a plain `value` or a `getValue`
// that computes a value. A `value_local_dev` is used for development defaults.
export const PREFS_CONFIG = new Map([
"Comma-separated list of default top sites to fill in behind visited sites",
getValue: ({ geo }) =>
lazy.DEFAULT_SITES.get(lazy.DEFAULT_SITES.has(geo) ? geo : ""),
title: "Configuration options for top stories feed",
// This is a dynamic pref as it depends on the feed being shown or not
getValue: args =>
api_key_pref: "extensions.pocket.oAuthConsumerKey",
// Use the opposite value as what default value the feed would have used
hidden: !PREFS_CONFIG.get("feeds.system.topstories").getValue(args),
provider_icon: "chrome://global/skin/icons/pocket.svg",
provider_name: "Pocket",
showSpocs(args) ? "default_spocs_on" : "default_spocs_off"
show_spocs: showSpocs(args),
title: "Displays Top Sites on the New Tab Page",
value: true,
"Hide the top sites section's title, including the section and collapse icons",
value: false,
title: "User pref for sponsored Pocket content",
value: true,
title: "System pref for sponsored Pocket content",
// This pref is dynamic as the sponsored content depends on the region
getValue: showSpocs,
title: "Show sponsored top sites",
value: true,
"Use AdsFeed.sys.mjs to fetch/cache/serve Mozilla Ad Routing Service (MARS) unified ads ",
value: false,
"Use AdsFeed.sys.mjs to fetch/cache/serve sponsored top sites tiles",
value: false,
"Use AdsFeed.sys.mjs to fetch/cache/serve sponsored content in recommended stories",
value: false,
"Use Mozilla Ad Routing Service (MARS) unified ads API for sponsored top sites tiles",
value: false,
"Use Mozilla Ad Routing Service (MARS) unified ads API for sponsored content in recommended stories",
value: false,
title: "Mozilla Ad Routing Service (MARS) unified ads API endpoint URL",
"CSV list of blocked (dismissed) MARS ads. This payload is sent back every time new ads are fetched.",
value: "",
title: "system.showWeather",
// pref is dynamic
getValue: showWeather,
title: "showWeather",
value: true,
title: "weather.query",
value: "",
title: "Enable the option to search for a specific city",
value: false,
title: "Switch the temperature between Celsius and Fahrenheit",
getValue: ({ geo }) => (geo === "US" ? "f" : "c"),
"Toggle the weather widget to include a text summary of the current conditions",
value: "simple",
title: "Smart crop images on newtab",
value: false,
title: "Pocket cta and button for logged out users.",
value: JSON.stringify({
cta_button: "",
cta_text: "",
cta_url: "",
use_cta: false,
title: "Show the Search bar",
value: true,
title: "Show the logo and wordmark",
value: true,
title: "Number of rows of Top Sites to display",
value: 1,
title: "Enable system error and usage data collection",
value: true,
value_local_dev: false,
title: "Enable Unified Telemetry event data collection",
value: AppConstants.EARLY_BETA_OR_EARLIER,
value_local_dev: false,
title: "Structured Ingestion telemetry server endpoint",
"Boolean flag that decides whether or not to show visited pages in highlights.",
value: true,
"Boolean flag that decides whether or not to show bookmarks in highlights.",
value: true,
"Boolean flag that decides whether or not to show saved Pocket stories in highlights.",
value: true,
"Boolean flag that decides whether or not to show saved recent Downloads in highlights.",
value: true,
title: "Number of rows of Highlights to display",
value: 1,
title: "Number of rows of Top Stories to display",
value: 1,
title: "The rendering order for the sections",
value: "topsites,topstories,highlights",
title: "Boolean flag to turn wallpaper functionality on and off",
value: false,
title: "Boolean flag to turn wallpaper v2 functionality on and off",
value: false,
title: "Boolean flag to turn show custom color select box",
value: false,
"Boolean flag to enable custom/user-uploaded wallpaper functionality",
value: false,
"Boolean flag to track if a user has previously uploaded a custom wallpaper",
value: false,
title: "Boolean flag to turn ad size variant A on and off",
value: false,
title: "Boolean flag to turn ad size variant B on and off",
value: false,
title: "Boolean flag to turn the leaderboard ad size on and off",
value: false,
"position for leaderboard spoc - should corralate to a row in DS grid",
value: "3",
title: "Boolean flag to turn the billboard ad size on and off",
value: false,
"position for billboard spoc - should corralate to a row in DS grid",
value: "3",
title: "Boolean flag to turn layout variant A on and off",
value: false,
title: "Boolean flag to turn layout variant B on and off",
value: false,
title: "Boolean flag to change sizes and spacing of new tab shortcuts",
value: false,
title: "Boolean flag to enable section layout UI in recommended stories",
getValue: showSectionLayout,
"Boolean flag to enable personalized sections layout. Allows users to follow/unfollow topic sections.",
value: false,
"Boolean flag to enable the setions management panel in Customize menu",
value: false,
"Boolean flag to enable revised pocket story card UI in recommended stories",
value: false,
title: "Boolean flag to enable inferred personalizaton",
value: false,
"Boolean flag to enable thumbs up/down buttons in the new card UI in recommended stories",
value: true,
title: "A comma-separated list of strings of followed section topics",
value: "",
title: "A comma-separated list of strings of blocked section topics",
value: "",
title: "Boolean flag to enable the inline interest picker",
value: false,
title: "comma separated string of sections that are visible",
value: "",
title: "CSV string of spoc position indexes on newtab Pocket grid",
value: "1,5,7,11,18,20",
"CSV string of spoc placement ids on newtab Pocket grid. A placement id tells our ad server where the ads are intended to be displayed.",
"CSV string of spoc placement counts on newtab Pocket grid. The count tells the ad server how many ads to return for this position and placement.",
"CSV string of tiles placement ids on newtab tiles section. A placement id tells our ad server where the ads are intended to be displayed.",
"CSV string of tiles placement counts on newtab tiles section. The count tells the ad server how many ads to return for this position and placement.",
title: "Boolean flag to show the highlight about the Wallpaper feature",
value: false,
"Boolean flag to remember if the user has seen the feature highlight",
value: false,
title: "Count the number of times a user has seen the feature highlight",
value: 0,
title: "Changes the wallpaper feature highlight header text",
value: "",
title: "Changes the wallpaper feature highlight content text",
value: "",
title: "Changes the wallpaper feature highlight cta text",
value: "",
title: "Currently set wallpaper",
value: "",
title: "Remove tiles that are the same as the default search",
value: true,
"An ordered, comma-delimited list of search shortcuts that we should try and pin",
// This pref is dynamic as the shortcuts vary depending on the region
getValue: ({ geo }) => {
if (!geo) {
return "";
const searchShortcuts = [];
if (geo === "CN") {
} else if (["BY", "KZ", "RU", "TR"].includes(geo)) {
} else {
if (["DE", "FR", "GB", "IT", "JP", "US"].includes(geo)) {
return searchShortcuts.join(",");
"A comma-delimited list of search shortcuts that have previously been pinned",
value: "",
title: "Are the asrouter devtools enabled?",
value: false,
title: "Track flight blocks",
skipBroadcast: true,
value: "{}",
title: "Configuration for the new pocket new tab",
getValue: () => {
return JSON.stringify({
api_key_pref: "extensions.pocket.oAuthConsumerKey",
collapsible: true,
enabled: true,
"Endpoint prefixes (comma-separated) that are allowed to be requested",
title: "Allows Pocket story collections to be dismissed",
value: false,
title: "Allows the user to dismiss the new Pocket onboarding experience",
skipBroadcast: true,
alsoToPreloaded: true,
value: false,
title: "Allow users to give thumbs up/down on recommended stories",
// pref is dynamic
getValue: showThumbsUpDown,
"A compact layout of the search/topsites/stories sections to account for new height from thumbs up/down icons ",
value: false,
title: "Decision to use basic layout based on region.",
getValue: ({ geo }) => {
const preffedRegionsString =
Services.prefs.getStringPref(REGION_BASIC_CONFIG) || "";
// If no regions are set to basic,
// we don't need to bother checking against the region.
// We are also not concerned if geo is not set,
// because stories are going to be empty until we have geo.
if (!preffedRegionsString) {
return false;
const preffedRegions = preffedRegionsString
.map(s => s.trim());
return preffedRegions.includes(geo);
title: "Track spoc impressions",
skipBroadcast: true,
value: "{}",
"Endpoint for when a user opts-out of sponsored content to delete the user's data from the ad server.",
title: "Track rec impressions",
skipBroadcast: true,
value: "{}",
title: "Enables topic selection for discovery stream",
// pref is dynamic
getValue: showTopicsSelection,
title: "Topics available",
"business, arts, food, health, finance, government, sports, tech, travel, education-science, society",
title: "Selected topics",
value: "",
title: "Suggested topics to choose during onboarding for topic selection",
value: "business, arts, government",
title: "Returns true only if the user has previously selected topics",
value: false,
title: "amount of times that topic selection onboarding has been shown",
value: 0,
"Whether the onboarding should be shown, based on previous interactions",
value: true,
"time in ms that onboarding was last shown (stored as string due to contraits of prefs)",
value: "",
title: "time in ms that the onboarding show be shown next",
value: 0,
title: "enabled onboarding experience for topic selection onboarding",
value: false,
title: "Enables topic labels for discovery stream",
// pref is dynamic
getValue: showTopicLabels,
title: "Control whether a user wants recent saves visible on Newtab",
value: true,
title: "Set sponsored content cache timeout in minutes.",
title: "Controls if spocs should be included in startup cache.",
value: false,
title: "Controls if contextual content (List feed) is displayed",
getValue: showContextualContent,
title: "CSV list of possible topics for the contextual content feed",
value: "need_to_know, fakespot",
"currently selected feed (one of discoverystream.contextualContent.feeds) to display in listfeed",
value: "need_to_know",
title: "Title for currently selected feed",
value: "",
title: "Title default category from fakespot endpoint",
value: "",
title: "footer copy for fakespot feed",
value: "",
title: "User controlled pref that displays fakespot feed",
value: true,
title: "cta copy for fakespot feed",
value: "",
title: "cta link for fakespot feed",
value: "",
title: "Enables publihser favicons on recommended stories",
value: false,
title: "Link to HNT's support page",
getValue: () => {
// Services.urlFormatter completes the in-product SUMO page URL:
const baseUrl = Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref(
return `${baseUrl}new-tab`;
"The amount of times the caret blinks. This pref copies the value from the system settings",
getValue: () => {
return Services.appinfo.caretBlinkCount;
"Rate at which the caret blinks. This pref copies the value from the system settings",
getValue: () => {
return Services.appinfo.caretBlinkTime;
// Array of each feed's FEEDS_CONFIG factory and values to add to PREFS_CONFIG
const FEEDS_DATA = [
name: "aboutpreferences",
factory: () => new lazy.AboutPreferences(),
title: "about:preferences rendering",
value: true,
name: "newtabinit",
factory: () => new lazy.NewTabInit(),
title: "Sends a copy of the state to each new tab that is opened",
value: true,
name: "places",
factory: () => new lazy.PlacesFeed(),
title: "Listens for and relays various Places-related events",
value: true,
name: "prefs",
factory: () => new lazy.PrefsFeed(PREFS_CONFIG),
title: "Preferences",
value: true,
name: "sections",
factory: () => new lazy.SectionsFeed(),
title: "Manages sections",
value: true,
name: "section.highlights",
factory: () => new lazy.HighlightsFeed(),
title: "Fetches content recommendations from places db",
value: false,
name: "system.topstories",
factory: () =>
new lazy.TopStoriesFeed(PREFS_CONFIG.get("discoverystream.config")),
"System pref that fetches content recommendations from a configurable content provider",
// Dynamically determine if Pocket should be shown for a geo / locale
getValue: ({ geo, locale }) => {
// If we don't have geo, we don't want to flash the screen with stories while geo loads.
// Best to display nothing until geo is ready.
if (!geo) {
return false;
const preffedRegionsBlockString =
lazy.NimbusFeatures.pocketNewtab.getVariable("regionStoriesBlock") ||
const preffedRegionsString =
lazy.NimbusFeatures.pocketNewtab.getVariable("regionStoriesConfig") ||
const preffedLocaleListString =
lazy.NimbusFeatures.pocketNewtab.getVariable("localeListConfig") || "";
const preffedBlockRegions = preffedRegionsBlockString
.map(s => s.trim());
const preffedRegions = preffedRegionsString.split(",").map(s => s.trim());
const preffedLocales = preffedLocaleListString
.map(s => s.trim());
const locales = {
US: ["en-CA", "en-GB", "en-US"],
CA: ["en-CA", "en-GB", "en-US"],
GB: ["en-CA", "en-GB", "en-US"],
AU: ["en-CA", "en-GB", "en-US"],
NZ: ["en-CA", "en-GB", "en-US"],
IN: ["en-CA", "en-GB", "en-US"],
IE: ["en-CA", "en-GB", "en-US"],
ZA: ["en-CA", "en-GB", "en-US"],
CH: ["de"],
BE: ["de"],
DE: ["de"],
AT: ["de"],
IT: ["it"],
FR: ["fr"],
ES: ["es-ES"],
PL: ["pl"],
JP: ["ja", "ja-JP-mac"],
const regionBlocked = preffedBlockRegions.includes(geo);
const localeEnabled = locale && preffedLocales.includes(locale);
const regionEnabled =
preffedRegions.includes(geo) && !!locales && locales.includes(locale);
return !regionBlocked && (localeEnabled || regionEnabled);
name: "systemtick",
factory: () => new lazy.SystemTickFeed(),
title: "Produces system tick events to periodically check for data expiry",
value: true,
name: "telemetry",
factory: () => new lazy.TelemetryFeed(),
title: "Relays telemetry-related actions to PingCentre",
value: true,
name: "favicon",
factory: () => new lazy.FaviconFeed(),
title: "Fetches tippy top manifests from remote service",
value: true,
name: "system.topsites",
factory: () => new lazy.TopSitesFeed(),
title: "Queries places and gets metadata for Top Sites section",
value: true,
name: "recommendationprovider",
factory: () => new lazy.RecommendationProvider(),
title: "Handles setup and interaction for the personality provider",
value: true,
name: "discoverystreamfeed",
factory: () => new lazy.DiscoveryStreamFeed(),
title: "Handles new pocket ui for the new tab page",
value: true,
name: "wallpaperfeed",
factory: () => new lazy.WallpaperFeed(),
title: "Handles fetching and managing wallpaper data from RemoteSettings",
value: true,
name: "weatherfeed",
factory: () => new lazy.WeatherFeed(),
title: "Handles fetching and caching weather data",
value: true,
name: "adsfeed",
factory: () => new lazy.AdsFeed(),
title: "Handles fetching and caching ads data",
value: true,
const FEEDS_CONFIG = new Map();
for (const config of FEEDS_DATA) {
const pref = `feeds.${}`;
FEEDS_CONFIG.set(pref, config.factory);
PREFS_CONFIG.set(pref, config);
export class ActivityStream {
* constructor - Initializes an instance of ActivityStream
constructor() {
this.initialized = false; = new lazy.Store();
this.feeds = FEEDS_CONFIG;
this._defaultPrefs = new lazy.DefaultPrefs(PREFS_CONFIG);
init() {
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "intl:app-locales-changed");
// Look for outdated user pref values that might have been accidentally
// persisted when restoring the original pref value at the end of an
// experiment across versions with a different default value.
const DS_CONFIG =
if (
Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(DS_CONFIG) &&
// Firefox 66
// Firefox 67
// Firefox 68
) {
// Hook up the store and let all feeds and pages initialize
type: at.INIT,
data: {
locale: this.locale,
meta: {
isStartup: true,
{ type: at.UNINIT }
this.initialized = true;
* Check if an old pref has a custom value to migrate. Clears the pref so that
* it's the default after migrating (to avoid future need to migrate).
* @param oldPrefName {string} Pref to check and migrate
* @param cbIfNotDefault {function} Callback that gets the current pref value
_migratePref(oldPrefName, cbIfNotDefault) {
// Nothing to do if the user doesn't have a custom value
if (!Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(oldPrefName)) {
// Figure out what kind of pref getter to use
let prefGetter;
switch (Services.prefs.getPrefType(oldPrefName)) {
case Services.prefs.PREF_BOOL:
prefGetter = "getBoolPref";
case Services.prefs.PREF_INT:
prefGetter = "getIntPref";
case Services.prefs.PREF_STRING:
prefGetter = "getStringPref";
// Give the callback the current value then clear the pref
uninit() {
if (this.geo === "") {
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, lazy.Region.REGION_TOPIC);
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "intl:app-locales-changed");;
this.initialized = false;
_updateDynamicPrefs() {
// Save the geo pref if we have it
if (lazy.Region.home) {
this.geo = lazy.Region.home;
} else if (this.geo !== "") {
// Watch for geo changes and use a dummy value for now
Services.obs.addObserver(this, lazy.Region.REGION_TOPIC);
this.geo = "";
this.locale = Services.locale.appLocaleAsBCP47;
// Update the pref config of those with dynamic values
for (const pref of PREFS_CONFIG.keys()) {
// Only need to process dynamic prefs
const prefConfig = PREFS_CONFIG.get(pref);
if (!prefConfig.getValue) {
// Have the dynamic pref just reuse using existing default, e.g., those
// set via Autoconfig or policy
try {
const existingDefault = this._defaultPrefs.get(pref);
if (existingDefault !== undefined && prefConfig.value === undefined) {
prefConfig.getValue = () => existingDefault;
} catch (ex) {
// We get NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED for prefs that have a user value (causing
// default branch to believe there's a type) but no actual default value
// Compute the dynamic value (potentially generic based on dummy geo)
const newValue = prefConfig.getValue({
geo: this.geo,
locale: this.locale,
// If there's an existing value and it has changed, that means we need to
// overwrite the default with the new value.
if (prefConfig.value !== undefined && prefConfig.value !== newValue) {
this._defaultPrefs.set(pref, newValue);
prefConfig.value = newValue;
observe(subject, topic) {
switch (topic) {
case "intl:app-locales-changed":
case lazy.Region.REGION_TOPIC: