Name Description Size
head.js Provides infrastructure for automated formautofill components tests. 10892
head_addressComponent.js exported BOTH_EMPTY, A_IS_EMPTY, B_IS_EMPTY, A_CONTAINS_B, B_CONTAINS_A, SIMILAR, SAME, DIFFERENT, runIsValidTest, runCompareTest 2366
test_activeStatus.js Test for status handling in Form Autofill Parent. 5733
test_addressComponent_city.js 829
test_addressComponent_country.js 1145
test_addressComponent_email.js ["", false], // username starts with '-' ["", false], // username starts with '.' ["", true], // username ends with '-' ??? ["", true], // username ends with '.' ??? ["", true], // domain starts with '.' ??? ["", false], // consecutive period ["", false], // period + dash ["", false], // dash + period ["john.doe@school.123", false], ["peter-parker@spiderman", false], ["a".repeat(64) + "", true], // length of username ["b".repeat(65) + "", false], 2444
test_addressComponent_name.js 4485
test_addressComponent_organization.js 2120
test_addressComponent_postal_code.js 1777
test_addressComponent_state.js 971
test_addressComponent_street_address.js 2634
test_addressComponent_tel.js import-globals-from head_addressComponent.js 3346
test_addressDataLoader.js 4234
test_addressRecords.js Tests FormAutofillStorage object with addresses records. 12459
test_autofill_ios_library.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 6725
test_autofillFormFields.js Test for form auto fill content helper fill all inputs function. 33454
test_createRecords.js Test for the normalization of records created by FormAutofillHandler. 10553
test_creditCardRecords.js Tests FormAutofillStorage object with creditCards records. 21710
test_extractLabelStrings.js 2368
test_findLabelElements.js 3305
test_getAdaptedProfiles.js Test for form auto fill content helper fill all inputs function. 48105
test_getAdaptedProfiles_locales.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 9808
test_getCategoriesFromFieldNames.js 2252
test_getCreditCardLogo.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 925
test_getInfo.js 11852
test_getRecords.js Test for make sure getRecords can retrieve right collection from storage. 7454
test_inspectFields.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1492
test_isAddressAutofillAvailable.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2612
test_isCJKName.js Tests the "isCJKName" function of FormAutofillNameUtils object. 2040
test_isCreditCardAutofillAvailable.js Test enabling the feature in specific locales and regions. 2393
test_isCreditCardOrAddressFieldType.js 2496
test_known_strings.js global FormAutofillHeuristics: true 2817
test_migrateRecords.js Tests the migration algorithm in profileStorage. 13034
test_nameUtils.js Tests FormAutofillNameUtils object. 6642
test_parseAddressFormat.js 1931
test_parseStreetAddress.js 2878
test_phoneNumber.js Tests PhoneNumber.sys.mjs and PhoneNumberNormalizer.sys.mjs. 9913
test_profileAutocompleteResult.js 14925
test_reconcile.js 30387
test_savedFieldNames.js Test for keeping the valid fields information in sharedData. 3328
test_storage_remove.js Tests removing all address/creditcard records. 2415
test_storage_syncfields.js Tests FormAutofillStorage objects support for sync related fields. 15627
test_storage_tombstones.js Tests tombstones in address/creditcard records. 5841
test_sync.js Tests sync functionality. 28117
test_sync_deprecate_address_x_name_fields.js Tests sync functionality. 31477
test_sync_deprecate_credit_card_v4.js Tests sync functionality. 7266
test_toOneLineAddress.js 1306
test_transformFields.js Tests the transform algorithm in profileStorage. 23287
xpcshell.toml 3984