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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Get a domain from a url optionally stripping subdomains.
export function getDomain(url, strip = "www.") {
let domain = URL.parse(url)?.hostname;
if (!domain) {
return "";
if (strip === "*") {
try {
domain = Services.eTLD.getBaseDomainFromHost(domain);
} catch (ex) {}
} else if (domain.startsWith(strip)) {
domain = domain.slice(strip.length);
return domain;
export class TippyTopProvider {
constructor() {
this._sitesByDomain = new Map();
this.initialized = false;
async init() {
// Load the Tippy Top sites from the json manifest.
try {
for (const site of await (
await this.fetch(TIPPYTOP_JSON_PATH, {
credentials: "omit",
).json()) {
for (const domain of {
this._sitesByDomain.set(domain, site);
this.initialized = true;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Failed to load tippy top manifest.");
processSite(site, strip) {
const tippyTop = this._sitesByDomain.get(getDomain(site.url, strip));
if (tippyTop) {
site.tippyTopIcon = TIPPYTOP_PATH + tippyTop.image_url;
site.smallFavicon = TIPPYTOP_PATH + tippyTop.favicon_url;
site.backgroundColor = tippyTop.background_color;
return site;
* This thin wrapper around global.fetch makes it easier for us to write
* automated tests that simulate responses from this fetch.
fetch(...args) {
return fetch(...args);