Name Description Size 2044
browser-allTabsMenu.js eslint-env mozilla/browser-window 7102
browser-ctrlTab.js eslint-env mozilla/browser-window 23814
browser-fullZoom.js eslint-env mozilla/browser-window 24893
tab-hover-preview.mjs Detailed preview card that displays when hovering a tab 9925
tab.js Describes how the tab ended up in this mute state. May be any of: - undefined: The tabs mute state has never changed. - null: The mute state was last changed through the UI. - Any string: The ID was changed through an extension API. The string must be the ID of the extension which changed it. 21618
tabbrowser.js A set of known icons to use for internal pages. These are hardcoded so we can start loading them faster than FaviconLoader would normally find them. 264153
tabgroup.js add tabs to the group @param tabs array of tabs to add 2953
tabs.js eslint-env mozilla/browser-window 78641