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Test Info:

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
"use strict";
const { sinon } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
const { SidebarState } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
const mockElement = { toggleAttribute: sinon.stub() };
const mockGlobal = {
document: { getElementById: () => mockElement },
gBrowser: { tabContainer: mockElement },
const mockPanel = {
setAttribute: (name, value) => (mockPanel[name] = value),
style: { width: "200px" },
const mockController = {
_box: mockPanel,
showInitially: sinon.stub(),
sidebarContainer: { ownerGlobal: mockGlobal },
sidebarMain: mockElement,
sidebarRevampEnabled: true,
sidebarRevampVisibility: "always-show",
sidebars: new Set(["viewBookmarksSidebar"]),
updateToolbarButton: sinon.stub(),
add_task(async function test_load_legacy_session_restore_data() {
const sidebarState = new SidebarState(mockController);
width: "300px",
command: "viewBookmarksSidebar",
expanded: true,
hidden: false,
const props = sidebarState.getProperties();
Assert.equal(props.panelWidth, 300, "The panel was resized.");
Assert.equal(props.launcherExpanded, true, "The launcher is expanded.");
Assert.equal(props.launcherVisible, true, "The launcher is visible.");
"Bookmarks panel was shown."