Name Description Size
browser-sidebar.js SidebarController handles logic such as toggling sidebar panels, dynamically adding menubar menu items for the View -> Sidebar menu, and provides APIs for sidebar extensions, etc. 65819 1086
metrics.yaml 18704 578
sidebar-customize.css 2283
sidebar-customize.html 998
sidebar-customize.mjs 12272
sidebar-history.css 398
sidebar-history.html 1595
sidebar-history.mjs The template to use for cards-container. 8965
sidebar-main.css stylelint-disable-next-line media-query-no-invalid 3054
sidebar-main.mjs Sidebar with expanded and collapsed states that provides entry points to various sidebar panels and sidebar extensions. 14239
sidebar-page.mjs Check if this event comes from an element of the specified type. If it does, return that element. @param {Event} e The event to check. @param {string} localName The name of the element to match. @returns {Element | null} The matching element, or `null` if no match is found. 4523
sidebar-panel-header.css 507
sidebar-panel-header.mjs 1424
sidebar-syncedtabs.html 1848
sidebar-syncedtabs.mjs The template shown when the list of synced devices is currently unavailable. @param {object} options @param {string} options.action @param {string} options.buttonLabel @param {string[]} options.descriptionArray @param {string} options.descriptionLink @param {string} options.header @param {string} options.mainImageUrl @returns {TemplateResult} 9287
sidebar-tab-list.css 573
sidebar-tab-list.mjs Only handle vertical navigation in sidebar. @param {KeyboardEvent} e 4321
sidebar-tab-row.css 751
sidebar.css these illustrations need a larger width otherwise they look too small 2742
SidebarManager.sys.mjs Handle startup tasks like telemetry, adding listeners. 4257
SidebarState.sys.mjs The properties that make up a sidebar's UI state. @typedef {object} SidebarStateProps @property {boolean} panelOpen Whether there is an open panel. @property {number} panelWidth Current width of the sidebar panel. @property {boolean} launcherVisible Whether the launcher is visible. @property {boolean} launcherExpanded Whether the launcher is expanded. @property {boolean} launcherDragActive Whether the launcher is currently being dragged. @property {boolean} launcherHoverActive Whether the launcher is currently being hovered. @property {number} launcherWidth Current width of the sidebar launcher. @property {number} expandedLauncherWidth Width that the sidebar launcher should expand to. @property {number} collapsedLauncherWidth Width that the sidebar launcher should collapse to. 12564