Name Description Size
avatar.css 1180
avatar.mjs Element used for displaying an avatar on the about:editprofile and about:newprofile pages. profiles-group-item wraps this element to behave as a radio element. 1467
delete-profile-card.css 701
delete-profile-card.mjs eslint-env mozilla/remote-page 4823
delete-profile.html 1284
edit-profile-card.css 1377
edit-profile-card.mjs eslint-env mozilla/remote-page 12270
edit-profile.html 1155
new-profile-card.mjs eslint-env mozilla/remote-page 2761
new-profile.html 1151
profile-card.css 2186
profile-card.mjs Element used for displaying a SelectableProfile in the profile selector window 5033
profile-selector.css 675
profile-selector.mjs The element for display SelectableProfiles in the profile selector window 5321
profiles-group-item.css 726
profiles-group.mjs eslint-disable jsdoc/check-tag-names 3804
profiles-pages.css 1606
profiles-theme-card.css 1821
profiles-theme-card.mjs Element used for displaying a theme on the about:editprofile and about:newprofile pages. profiles-group-item wraps this element to behave as a radio element. 1780
profiles.html 1127