Name Description Size
avatar.css 1022
avatar.mjs Element used for selecting an avatar 894
delete-profile-card.css 700
delete-profile-card.mjs eslint-env mozilla/remote-page 4568
delete-profile.html 1257
edit-profile-card.css 1417
edit-profile-card.mjs eslint-env mozilla/remote-page 9889
edit-profile.html 1128
new-profile-card.mjs eslint-env mozilla/remote-page 2045
new-profile.html 1124
profile-card.css The profile card acts like a button but we don't want the hover styles to apply to the card when we are hovering the child button elements. 2557
profile-card.mjs Element used for displaying a SelectableProfile in the profile selector window 5033
profile-selector.css 677
profile-selector.mjs The element for display SelectableProfiles in the profile selector window 3498
profiles-pages.css 1102
profiles-theme-card.css 1527
profiles-theme-card.mjs Element used for selecting a theme on the about:editprofile page 1767
profiles.html 1089