Name Description Size
addEngine.css Align the labels with the inputs 493
addEngine.js import-globals-from ../main.js 1983
addEngine.xhtml 2250
applicationManager.js import-globals-from ../main.js 4100
applicationManager.xhtml 2029
blocklists.js 4340
blocklists.xhtml 2314
browserLanguages.js import-globals-from /toolkit/content/preferencesBindings.js 21655
browserLanguages.xhtml 2548
clearSiteData.css 548
clearSiteData.js 2934
clearSiteData.xhtml 2287
colors.js import-globals-from /toolkit/content/preferencesBindings.js 750
colors.xhtml 4174
connection.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 4 -*- 14381
connection.xhtml 8492
containers.js We want to set the window title immediately to prevent flickers. 4814
containers.xhtml 2149
dohExceptions.js 7676
dohExceptions.xhtml 3234
fonts.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 4 -*- 5466
fonts.xhtml 10315
handlers.css Make the icons appear. Note: we display the icon box for every item whether or not it has an icon so the labels of all the items align vertically. 702 2730
languages.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 4 -*- 12472
languages.xhtml 3335 503
permissions.js @param {Object} params @param {string} params.permissionType Permission type for which the dialog should be shown @param {string} params.prefilledHost The value which the URL field should initially contain @param {boolean} params.blockVisible Display the "Block" button in the dialog @param {boolean} params.sessionVisible Display the "Allow for Session" button in the dialog (Only for Cookie & HTTPS-Only permissions) @param {boolean} params.allowVisible Display the "Allow" button in the dialog @param {boolean} params.disableETPVisible Display the "Add Exception" button in the dialog (Only for ETP permissions) @param {boolean} params.hideStatusColumn Hide the "Status" column in the dialog @param {boolean} params.forcedHTTP Save inputs whose URI has a HTTPS scheme with a HTTP scheme (Used by HTTPS-Only) 22208
permissions.xhtml 4577
sanitize.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 4 -*- 1386
sanitize.xhtml 2982
selectBookmark.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 4167
selectBookmark.xhtml 1871
siteDataRemoveSelected.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 4 -*- 1756
siteDataRemoveSelected.xhtml 1815
siteDataSettings.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 4 -*- 10119
siteDataSettings.xhtml 2822
sitePermissions.css 2 * 35px, which is the min row height specified below 1140
sitePermissions.js import-globals-from ../extensionControlled.js 21114
sitePermissions.xhtml 3787
syncChooseWhatToSync.js import-globals-from /toolkit/content/preferencesBindings.js 2277
syncChooseWhatToSync.xhtml 2751
translationExceptions.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 4 -*- 6529
translationExceptions.xhtml 3822
translations.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 4 -*- 12800
translations.xhtml 5410