card-container.css |
3341 |
card-container.mjs |
A collapsible card container to be used throughout Firefox View
@property {string} sectionLabel - The aria-label used for the section landmark if the header is hidden with hideHeader
@property {boolean} hideHeader - Optional property given if the card container should not display a header
@property {boolean} isEmptyState - Optional property given if the card is used within an empty state
@property {boolean} isInnerCard - Optional property given if the card a nested card within another card and given a border rather than box-shadow
@property {boolean} preserveCollapseState - Whether or not the expanded/collapsed state should persist
@property {string} shortPageName - Page name that the 'View all' link will navigate to and the preserveCollapseState pref will use
@property {boolean} showViewAll - True if you need to display a 'View all' header link to navigate
@property {boolean} toggleDisabled - Optional property given if the card container should not be collapsible
@property {boolean} removeBlockEndMargin - True if you need to remove the block end margin on the card container
6570 |
content |
firefox-view-synced-tabs-error-handler.sys.mjs |
This module exports the SyncedTabsErrorHandler singleton, which handles
error states for synced tabs.
6667 |
firefox-view-tabs-setup-manager.sys.mjs |
This module exports the TabsSetupFlowManager singleton, which manages the state and
diverse inputs which drive the Firefox View synced tabs setup flow
21101 |
firefoxview.css |
override --in-content-page-background from common-shared.css |
5215 |
firefoxview.html |
4145 |
firefoxview.mjs |
5327 |
fxview-empty-state.css |
1616 |
fxview-empty-state.mjs |
An empty state card to be used throughout Firefox View
@property {string} headerLabel - (Optional) The l10n id for the header text for the empty/error state
@property {object} headerArgs - (Optional) The l10n args for the header text for the empty/error state
@property {string} isInnerCard - (Optional) True if the card is displayed within another card and needs a border instead of box shadow
@property {boolean} isSelectedTab - (Optional) True if the component is the selected navigation tab - defaults to false
@property {Array} descriptionLabels - (Optional) An array of l10n ids for the secondary description text for the empty/error state
@property {object} descriptionLink - (Optional) An object describing the l10n name and url needed within a description label
@property {string} mainImageUrl - (Optional) The chrome:// url for the main image of the empty/error state
@property {string} errorGrayscale - (Optional) The image should be shown in gray scale
@property {boolean} openLinkInParentWindow - (Optional) The link, when clicked, should be opened programatically in the parent window.
5200 |
fxview-search-textbox.css |
1524 |
fxview-search-textbox.mjs |
A search box that displays a search icon and is clearable. Updates to the
search query trigger a `fxview-search-textbox-query` event with the current
query value.
There is no actual searching done here. That needs to be implemented by the
`fxview-search-textbox-query` event handler. `searchTabList()` from
`search-helpers.mjs` can be used as a starting point.
@property {string} placeholder
The placeholder text for the search box.
@property {number} size
The width (number of characters) of the search box.
@property {string} pageName
The hash for the page name that the search input is located on.
3493 |
fxview-tab-list.css |
656 |
fxview-tab-list.mjs |
A list of clickable tab items
@property {boolean} compactRows - Whether to hide the URL and date/time for each tab.
@property {string} dateTimeFormat - Expected format for date and/or time
@property {string} hasPopup - The aria-haspopup attribute for the secondary action, if required
@property {number} maxTabsLength - The max number of tabs for the list
@property {Array} tabItems - Items to show in the tab list
@property {string} searchQuery - The query string to highlight, if provided.
@property {string} secondaryActionClass - The class used to style the secondary action element
@property {string} tertiaryActionClass - The class used to style the tertiary action element
29321 |
fxview-tab-row.css |
3031 |
helpers.mjs |
This function doesn't just copy the link to the clipboard, it creates a
URL object on the clipboard, so when it's pasted into an application that
supports it, it displays the title as a link.
4750 |
history.css |
1274 |
history.mjs |
15268 |
HistoryController.sys.mjs |
A list of visits displayed on a card.
@typedef {object} CardEntry
@property {string} domain
@property {HistoryVisit[]} items
@property {string} l10nId
10713 | |
2466 |
metrics.yaml |
12782 | |
623 |
opentabs-tab-list.css |
659 |
opentabs-tab-list.mjs |
A list of clickable tab items
@property {boolean} pinnedTabsGridView - Whether to show pinned tabs in a grid view
18860 |
opentabs-tab-row.css |
3139 |
opentabs.mjs |
A collection of open tabs grouped by window.
@property {Array<Window>} windows
A list of windows with the same privateness
@property {string} sortOption
The sorting order of open tabs:
- "recency": Sorted by recent activity. (For recent browsing, this is the only option.)
- "tabStripOrder": Match the order in which they appear on the tab strip.
30650 |
OpenTabs.sys.mjs |
This module provides the means to monitor and query for tab collections against open
browser windows and allow listeners to be notified of changes to those collections.
13260 |
recentbrowsing.mjs |
1707 |
recentlyclosed.mjs |
13962 |
search-helpers.mjs |
Escape special characters for regular expressions from a string.
@param {string} string
The string to sanitize.
@returns {string} The sanitized string.
739 |
syncedtabs-tab-list.css |
363 |
syncedtabs-tab-list.mjs |
A list of synced tabs that are clickable and able to be remotely closed
5941 |
syncedtabs.mjs |
13521 |
SyncedTabsController.sys.mjs |
The controller for synced tabs components.
@implements {ReactiveController}
13624 |
tests |
triage.json |
761 |
view-opentabs.css |
Switch to 2-column layout on narrow viewports |
841 |
view-syncedtabs.css |
2244 |
viewpage.mjs |
A base class for content container views displayed on firefox-view.
@property {boolean} recentBrowsing
Is part of the recentbrowsing page view
@property {boolean} paused
No content will be updated and rendered while paused
7553 |