browser.toml |
9190 |
browser_873501_handle_specials.js |
3303 |
browser_876926_customize_mode_wrapping.js |
9858 |
browser_876944_customize_mode_create_destroy.js |
1389 |
browser_877006_missing_view.js |
Empty handler so we try to attach it maybe? |
1157 |
browser_877178_unregisterArea.js |
2046 |
browser_877447_skip_missing_ids.js |
1089 |
browser_878452_drag_to_panel.js |
3528 |
browser_884402_customize_from_overflow.js |
3873 |
browser_885052_customize_mode_observers_disabed.js |
2171 |
browser_885530_showInPrivateBrowsing.js |
4675 |
browser_886323_buildArea_removable_nodes.js |
1912 |
browser_890262_destroyWidget_after_add_to_panel.js |
1957 |
browser_892955_isWidgetRemovable_for_removed_widgets.js |
818 |
browser_892956_destroyWidget_defaultPlacements.js |
850 |
browser_901207_searchbar_in_panel.js |
4317 |
browser_909779_overflow_toolbars_new_window.js |
1720 |
browser_913972_currentset_overflow.js |
2788 |
browser_914138_widget_API_overflowable_toolbar.js |
13762 |
browser_918049_skipintoolbarset_dnd.js |
1768 |
browser_923857_customize_mode_event_wrapping_during_reset.js |
998 |
browser_927717_customize_drag_empty_toolbar.js |
983 |
browser_934113_menubar_removable.js |
1379 |
browser_934951_zoom_in_toolbar.js |
eslint-disable mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout |
2581 |
browser_938980_navbar_collapsed.js |
5851 |
browser_938995_indefaultstate_nonremovable.js |
1354 |
browser_940013_registerToolbarNode_calls_registerArea.js |
1928 |
browser_940307_panel_click_closure_handling.js |
Clicking a button should close the panel |
4654 |
browser_940946_removable_from_navbar_customizemode.js |
924 |
browser_941083_invalidate_wrapper_cache_createWidget.js |
1488 |
browser_942581_unregisterArea_keeps_placements.js |
4294 |
browser_944887_destroyWidget_should_destroy_in_palette.js |
783 |
browser_945739_showInPrivateBrowsing_customize_mode.js |
1385 |
browser_947914_button_copy.js |
1759 |
browser_947914_button_cut.js |
1678 |
browser_947914_button_find.js |
1239 |
browser_947914_button_history.js |
2280 |
browser_947914_button_newPrivateWindow.js |
1905 |
browser_947914_button_newWindow.js |
1830 |
browser_947914_button_paste.js |
1675 |
browser_947914_button_print.js |
1639 |
browser_947914_button_zoomIn.js |
1887 |
browser_947914_button_zoomOut.js |
1911 |
browser_947914_button_zoomReset.js |
2227 |
browser_947987_removable_default.js |
2849 |
browser_948985_non_removable_defaultArea.js |
1588 |
browser_952963_areaType_getter_no_area.js |
2160 |
browser_956602_remove_special_widget.js |
1258 |
browser_962069_drag_to_overflow_chevron.js |
2654 |
browser_963639_customizing_attribute_non_customizable_toolbar.js |
1332 |
browser_968565_insert_before_hidden_items.js |
2222 |
browser_969427_recreate_destroyed_widget_after_reset.js |
1227 |
browser_969661_character_encoding_navbar_disabled.js |
1099 |
browser_970511_undo_restore_default.js |
7847 |
browser_972267_customizationchange_events.js |
1298 |
browser_976792_insertNodeInWindow.js |
Tries to replicate the situation of having a placement list like this:
17337 |
browser_978084_dragEnd_after_move.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
1751 |
browser_980155_add_overflow_toolbar.js |
2542 |
browser_981305_separator_insertion.js |
2598 |
browser_981418-widget-onbeforecreated-handler.js |
eslint-disable mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout |
2198 |
browser_982656_restore_defaults_builtin_widgets.js |
2490 |
browser_984455_bookmarks_items_reparenting.js |
Helper function that opens the bookmarks menu, and returns a Promise that
resolves as soon as the menu is ready for interaction.
11387 |
browser_985815_propagate_setToolbarVisibility.js |
1831 |
browser_987177_destroyWidget_xul.js |
1454 |
browser_987177_xul_wrapper_updating.js |
4390 |
browser_987492_window_api.js |
2076 |
browser_987640_charEncoding.js |
2279 |
browser_989338_saved_placements_not_resaved.js |
2497 |
browser_989751_subviewbutton_class.js |
2845 |
browser_992747_toggle_noncustomizable_toolbar.js |
908 |
browser_993322_widget_notoolbar.js |
1647 |
browser_995164_registerArea_during_customize_mode.js |
8127 |
browser_996364_registerArea_different_properties.js |
3758 |
browser_996635_remove_non_widgets.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
2025 |
browser_1003588_no_specials_in_panel.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
4174 |
browser_1008559_anchor_undo_restore.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
2937 |
browser_1042100_default_placements_update.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
7615 |
browser_1058573_showToolbarsDropdown.js |
837 |
browser_1087303_button_fullscreen.js |
eslint-disable mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout |
1759 |
browser_1087303_button_preferences.js |
eslint-disable mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout |
1797 |
browser_1089591_still_customizable_after_reset.js |
858 |
browser_1096763_seen_widgets_post_reset.js |
1229 |
browser_1161838_inserted_new_default_buttons.js |
3410 |
browser_1484275_PanelMultiView_toggle_with_other_popup.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
2584 |
browser_1701883_restore_defaults_pocket_pref.js |
928 |
browser_1702200_PanelMultiView_header_separator.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
2475 |
browser_1795260_searchbar_overflow_toolbar.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
834 |
browser_1856572_ensure_Fluent_works_in_customizeMode.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
2674 |
browser_1880230_hideInNonPrivateBrowsing.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
5639 |
browser_addons_area.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
2177 |
browser_allow_dragging_removable_false.js |
Test dragging a removable=false widget within its own area as well as to the palette.
1475 |
browser_backfwd_enabled_post_customize.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
2202 |
browser_bookmarks_empty_message.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
2893 |
browser_bookmarks_toolbar_collapsed_restore_default.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
999 |
browser_bookmarks_toolbar_shown_newtab.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
1013 |
browser_bootstrapped_custom_toolbar.js |
Helper function that does the following:
1) Creates a custom toolbar and registers it
with CustomizableUI.
2) Adds the widget with ID aWidgetID to that new
3) Enters customize mode and makes sure that the
widget is still in the right toolbar.
4) Exits customize mode, then removes and deregisters
the custom toolbar.
5) Checks that the widget has no placement.
6) Re-adds and re-registers a custom toolbar with the same
ID and options as the first one.
7) Enters customize mode and checks that the widget is
properly back in the toolbar.
8) Exits customize mode, removes and de-registers the
toolbar, and resets the toolbars to default.
2490 |
browser_check_tooltips_in_navbar.js |
729 |
browser_create_button_widget.js |
2701 |
browser_ctrl_click_panel_opening.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
2214 |
browser_currentset_post_reset.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
1079 |
browser_customization_context_menus.js |
22424 |
browser_customizemode_contextmenu_menubuttonstate.js |
2083 |
browser_customizemode_lwthemes.js |
929 |
browser_customizemode_uidensity.js |
6827 |
browser_disable_commands_customize.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
2427 |
browser_drag_outside_palette.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
1789 |
browser_editcontrols_update.js |
9610 |
browser_exit_background_customize_mode.js |
Tests that if customize mode is currently attached to a background
tab, and that tab browses to a new location, that customize mode
is detached from that tab.
1305 |
browser_flexible_space_area.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
1525 |
browser_help_panel_cloning.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
3223 |
browser_hidden_widget_overflow.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
3896 |
browser_history_after_appMenu.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
1349 |
browser_history_recently_closed.js |
28101 |
browser_history_recently_closed_middleclick.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
3447 |
browser_history_restore_session.js |
1584 |
browser_insert_before_moved_node.js |
Check inserting before a node that has moved from the toolbar into a
non-customizable bit of the browser works.
1553 |
browser_menubar_visibility.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
1739 |
browser_newtab_button_customizemode.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
5467 |
browser_open_from_popup.js |
Check that opening customize mode in a popup opens it in the main window.
760 |
browser_open_in_lazy_tab.js |
Check that customize mode can be loaded in a lazy tab.
1021 |
browser_overflow_use_subviews.js |
This checks that subview-compatible items show up as subviews rather than
re-anchored panels. If we ever remove the library widget, please
replace this test with another subview - don't remove it.
3050 |
browser_palette_labels.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
2445 |
browser_panel_keyboard_navigation.js |
Test keyboard navigation in the app menu panel.
9365 |
browser_panel_locationSpecific.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
2246 |
browser_panel_menulist.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
1700 |
browser_panel_toggle.js |
Test opening and closing the menu panel UI.
1549 |
browser_PanelMultiView.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
15352 |
browser_PanelMultiView_focus.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
5160 |
browser_PanelMultiView_keyboard.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
20001 |
browser_panelUINotifications.js |
Tests that when we click on the main call-to-action of the doorhanger, the provided
action is called, and the doorhanger removed.
16568 |
browser_panelUINotifications_bannerVisibility.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
4093 |
browser_panelUINotifications_fullscreen.js |
2230 |
browser_panelUINotifications_fullscreen_noAutoHideToolbar.js |
capture |
4361 |
browser_panelUINotifications_modals.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
1998 |
browser_panelUINotifications_multiWindow.js |
Tests that when we try to show a notification in a background window, it
does not display until the window comes back into the foreground. However,
it should display a badge.
6108 |
browser_proton_moreTools_panel.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
1575 |
browser_proton_toolbar_hide_toolbarbuttons.js |
Checks that the home button is removed from the nav-bar under
these conditions: proton must be enabled, the toolbar engagement
pref is false, and the homepage is about:home or about:blank.
Otherwise, the home button should remain if it was previously
in the navbar.
Also checks that the library button is removed from the nav-bar
if proton is enabled and the toolbar engagement pref is false.
8387 |
browser_registerArea.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
802 |
browser_reload_tab.js |
Check that customize mode doesn't break when its tab is reloaded.
2525 |
browser_remote_attribute.js |
These tests check that the remote attribute is true for remote panels.
This attribute is needed for Mac to properly render the panel.
2488 |
browser_remote_tabs_button.js |
2836 |
browser_remove_customized_specials.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
1374 |
browser_remove_sidebar_button_and_sidebar.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
1857 |
browser_reset_builtin_widget_currentArea.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
889 |
browser_reset_dom_events.js |
786 |
browser_screenshot_button_disabled.js |
692 |
browser_searchbar_removal.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
1018 |
browser_sidebar_button_reset.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
1696 |
browser_sidebar_toggle.js |
3660 |
browser_switch_to_customize_mode.js |
1576 |
browser_synced_tabs_menu.js |
17539 |
browser_tabbar_big_widgets.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
1067 |
browser_toolbar_collapsed_states.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
3574 |
browser_touchbar_customization.js |
960 |
browser_unified_extensions_reset.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
2813 |
browser_vertical_tabs_customize_navbar.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
5717 |
browser_widget_animation.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
2498 |
browser_widget_recreate_events.js |
Check that panel view/hide events are added back,
if widget is destroyed and created again in one session.
2705 |
browserSidebarRevamp.toml |
450 |
CustomizableUITestUtils.sys.mjs |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
5221 |
dummy_history_item.html |
Happy History Hero |
76 |
head.js |
Instance of CustomizableUITestUtils for the current browser window.
16030 |
marionette |
support |
unit |