Name Description Size
browser.toml 9190
browser_873501_handle_specials.js 3303
browser_876926_customize_mode_wrapping.js 9858
browser_876944_customize_mode_create_destroy.js 1389
browser_877006_missing_view.js Empty handler so we try to attach it maybe? 1157
browser_877178_unregisterArea.js 2046
browser_877447_skip_missing_ids.js 1089
browser_878452_drag_to_panel.js 3528
browser_884402_customize_from_overflow.js 3873
browser_885052_customize_mode_observers_disabed.js 2171
browser_885530_showInPrivateBrowsing.js 4675
browser_886323_buildArea_removable_nodes.js 1912
browser_890262_destroyWidget_after_add_to_panel.js 1957
browser_892955_isWidgetRemovable_for_removed_widgets.js 818
browser_892956_destroyWidget_defaultPlacements.js 850
browser_901207_searchbar_in_panel.js 4317
browser_909779_overflow_toolbars_new_window.js 1720
browser_913972_currentset_overflow.js 2788
browser_914138_widget_API_overflowable_toolbar.js 13762
browser_918049_skipintoolbarset_dnd.js 1768
browser_923857_customize_mode_event_wrapping_during_reset.js 998
browser_927717_customize_drag_empty_toolbar.js 983
browser_934113_menubar_removable.js 1379
browser_934951_zoom_in_toolbar.js eslint-disable mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout 2581
browser_938980_navbar_collapsed.js 5851
browser_938995_indefaultstate_nonremovable.js 1354
browser_940013_registerToolbarNode_calls_registerArea.js 1928
browser_940307_panel_click_closure_handling.js Clicking a button should close the panel 4654
browser_940946_removable_from_navbar_customizemode.js 924
browser_941083_invalidate_wrapper_cache_createWidget.js 1488
browser_942581_unregisterArea_keeps_placements.js 4294
browser_944887_destroyWidget_should_destroy_in_palette.js 783
browser_945739_showInPrivateBrowsing_customize_mode.js 1385
browser_947914_button_copy.js 1759
browser_947914_button_cut.js 1678
browser_947914_button_find.js 1239
browser_947914_button_history.js 2280
browser_947914_button_newPrivateWindow.js 1905
browser_947914_button_newWindow.js 1830
browser_947914_button_paste.js 1675
browser_947914_button_print.js 1639
browser_947914_button_zoomIn.js 1887
browser_947914_button_zoomOut.js 1911
browser_947914_button_zoomReset.js 2227
browser_947987_removable_default.js 2849
browser_948985_non_removable_defaultArea.js 1588
browser_952963_areaType_getter_no_area.js 2160
browser_956602_remove_special_widget.js 1258
browser_962069_drag_to_overflow_chevron.js 2654
browser_963639_customizing_attribute_non_customizable_toolbar.js 1332
browser_968565_insert_before_hidden_items.js 2222
browser_969427_recreate_destroyed_widget_after_reset.js 1227
browser_969661_character_encoding_navbar_disabled.js 1099
browser_970511_undo_restore_default.js 7847
browser_972267_customizationchange_events.js 1298
browser_976792_insertNodeInWindow.js Tries to replicate the situation of having a placement list like this: exists-1,trying-to-insert-this,doesn't-exist,exists-2 17337
browser_978084_dragEnd_after_move.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1751
browser_980155_add_overflow_toolbar.js 2542
browser_981305_separator_insertion.js 2598
browser_981418-widget-onbeforecreated-handler.js eslint-disable mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout 2198
browser_982656_restore_defaults_builtin_widgets.js 2490
browser_984455_bookmarks_items_reparenting.js Helper function that opens the bookmarks menu, and returns a Promise that resolves as soon as the menu is ready for interaction. 11387
browser_985815_propagate_setToolbarVisibility.js 1831
browser_987177_destroyWidget_xul.js 1454
browser_987177_xul_wrapper_updating.js 4390
browser_987492_window_api.js 2076
browser_987640_charEncoding.js 2279
browser_989338_saved_placements_not_resaved.js 2497
browser_989751_subviewbutton_class.js 2845
browser_992747_toggle_noncustomizable_toolbar.js 908
browser_993322_widget_notoolbar.js 1647
browser_995164_registerArea_during_customize_mode.js 8127
browser_996364_registerArea_different_properties.js 3758
browser_996635_remove_non_widgets.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2025
browser_1003588_no_specials_in_panel.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 4174
browser_1008559_anchor_undo_restore.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2937
browser_1042100_default_placements_update.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 7615
browser_1058573_showToolbarsDropdown.js 837
browser_1087303_button_fullscreen.js eslint-disable mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout 1759
browser_1087303_button_preferences.js eslint-disable mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout 1797
browser_1089591_still_customizable_after_reset.js 858
browser_1096763_seen_widgets_post_reset.js 1229
browser_1161838_inserted_new_default_buttons.js 3410
browser_1484275_PanelMultiView_toggle_with_other_popup.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2584
browser_1701883_restore_defaults_pocket_pref.js 928
browser_1702200_PanelMultiView_header_separator.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2475
browser_1795260_searchbar_overflow_toolbar.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 834
browser_1856572_ensure_Fluent_works_in_customizeMode.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2674
browser_1880230_hideInNonPrivateBrowsing.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 5639
browser_addons_area.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2177
browser_allow_dragging_removable_false.js Test dragging a removable=false widget within its own area as well as to the palette. 1475
browser_backfwd_enabled_post_customize.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2202
browser_bookmarks_empty_message.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2893
browser_bookmarks_toolbar_collapsed_restore_default.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 999
browser_bookmarks_toolbar_shown_newtab.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1013
browser_bootstrapped_custom_toolbar.js Helper function that does the following: 1) Creates a custom toolbar and registers it with CustomizableUI. 2) Adds the widget with ID aWidgetID to that new toolbar. 3) Enters customize mode and makes sure that the widget is still in the right toolbar. 4) Exits customize mode, then removes and deregisters the custom toolbar. 5) Checks that the widget has no placement. 6) Re-adds and re-registers a custom toolbar with the same ID and options as the first one. 7) Enters customize mode and checks that the widget is properly back in the toolbar. 8) Exits customize mode, removes and de-registers the toolbar, and resets the toolbars to default. 2490
browser_check_tooltips_in_navbar.js 729
browser_create_button_widget.js 2701
browser_ctrl_click_panel_opening.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2214
browser_currentset_post_reset.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1079
browser_customization_context_menus.js 22424
browser_customizemode_contextmenu_menubuttonstate.js 2083
browser_customizemode_lwthemes.js 929
browser_customizemode_uidensity.js 6827
browser_disable_commands_customize.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2427
browser_drag_outside_palette.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1789
browser_editcontrols_update.js 9610
browser_exit_background_customize_mode.js Tests that if customize mode is currently attached to a background tab, and that tab browses to a new location, that customize mode is detached from that tab. 1305
browser_flexible_space_area.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1525
browser_help_panel_cloning.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 3223
browser_hidden_widget_overflow.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 3896
browser_history_after_appMenu.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1349
browser_history_recently_closed.js 28101
browser_history_recently_closed_middleclick.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 3447
browser_history_restore_session.js 1584
browser_insert_before_moved_node.js Check inserting before a node that has moved from the toolbar into a non-customizable bit of the browser works. 1553
browser_menubar_visibility.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1739
browser_newtab_button_customizemode.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 5467
browser_open_from_popup.js Check that opening customize mode in a popup opens it in the main window. 760
browser_open_in_lazy_tab.js Check that customize mode can be loaded in a lazy tab. 1021
browser_overflow_use_subviews.js This checks that subview-compatible items show up as subviews rather than re-anchored panels. If we ever remove the library widget, please replace this test with another subview - don't remove it. 3050
browser_palette_labels.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2445
browser_panel_keyboard_navigation.js Test keyboard navigation in the app menu panel. 9365
browser_panel_locationSpecific.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2246
browser_panel_menulist.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1700
browser_panel_toggle.js Test opening and closing the menu panel UI. 1549
browser_PanelMultiView.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 15352
browser_PanelMultiView_focus.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 5160
browser_PanelMultiView_keyboard.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 20001
browser_panelUINotifications.js Tests that when we click on the main call-to-action of the doorhanger, the provided action is called, and the doorhanger removed. 16568
browser_panelUINotifications_bannerVisibility.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 4093
browser_panelUINotifications_fullscreen.js 2230
browser_panelUINotifications_fullscreen_noAutoHideToolbar.js capture 4361
browser_panelUINotifications_modals.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1998
browser_panelUINotifications_multiWindow.js Tests that when we try to show a notification in a background window, it does not display until the window comes back into the foreground. However, it should display a badge. 6108
browser_proton_moreTools_panel.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1575
browser_proton_toolbar_hide_toolbarbuttons.js Checks that the home button is removed from the nav-bar under these conditions: proton must be enabled, the toolbar engagement pref is false, and the homepage is about:home or about:blank. Otherwise, the home button should remain if it was previously in the navbar. Also checks that the library button is removed from the nav-bar if proton is enabled and the toolbar engagement pref is false. 8387
browser_registerArea.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 802
browser_reload_tab.js Check that customize mode doesn't break when its tab is reloaded. 2525
browser_remote_attribute.js These tests check that the remote attribute is true for remote panels. This attribute is needed for Mac to properly render the panel. 2488
browser_remote_tabs_button.js 2836
browser_remove_customized_specials.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1374
browser_remove_sidebar_button_and_sidebar.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1857
browser_reset_builtin_widget_currentArea.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 889
browser_reset_dom_events.js 786
browser_screenshot_button_disabled.js 692
browser_searchbar_removal.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1018
browser_sidebar_button_reset.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1696
browser_sidebar_toggle.js 3660
browser_switch_to_customize_mode.js 1576
browser_synced_tabs_menu.js 17539
browser_tabbar_big_widgets.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1067
browser_toolbar_collapsed_states.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 3574
browser_touchbar_customization.js 960
browser_unified_extensions_reset.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2813
browser_vertical_tabs_customize_navbar.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 5717
browser_widget_animation.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2498
browser_widget_recreate_events.js Check that panel view/hide events are added back, if widget is destroyed and created again in one session. 2705
browserSidebarRevamp.toml 450
CustomizableUITestUtils.sys.mjs Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 5221
dummy_history_item.html Happy History Hero 76
head.js Instance of CustomizableUITestUtils for the current browser window. 16030