ActorConstants.mjs |
1242 |
ASRouter.sys.mjs |
72672 |
ASRouterDefaultConfig.sys.mjs |
2734 |
ASRouterNewTabHook.sys.mjs |
object - {
messageHandler: message handler for parent process messages
handleCFRAction: Responds to CFR action and returns a Promise
handleTelemetry: Logs telemetry events and returns nothing
router: ASRouter instance
createStorage: function to create DB storage for ASRouter
3577 |
ASRouterParentProcessMessageHandler.sys.mjs |
5471 |
ASRouterPreferences.sys.mjs |
Use `ASRouterPreferences.console.debug()` and friends from ASRouter files to
log messages during development. See LOG_LEVELS in Console.sys.mjs for the
available methods as well as the available values for this pref.
7032 |
ASRouterStorage.sys.mjs |
@param storeNames Array of strings used to create all the required stores
3368 |
ASRouterTargeting.sys.mjs |
41907 |
ASRouterTelemetry.sys.mjs |
Check if it is in the CFR experiment cohort by querying against the
experiment manager of Messaging System
@return {bool}
8663 |
ASRouterTriggerListeners.sys.mjs |
Check current location against the list of allowed hosts
Additionally verify for redirects and check original request URL against
the list.
@returns {object} - {host, url} pair that matched the list of allowed hosts
51800 |
BookmarksBarButton.sys.mjs |
3320 |
CFRMessageProvider.sys.mjs |
27606 |
CFRPageActions.sys.mjs |
A WeakMap from browsers to {host, recommendation} pairs. Recommendations are
defined in the ExtensionDoorhanger.schema.json.
A recommendation is specific to a browser and host and is active until the
given browser is closed or the user navigates (within that browser) away from
the host.
35270 |
FeatureCallout.sys.mjs |
Feature Callout fetches messages relevant to a given source and displays them
in the parent page pointing to the element they describe.
83712 |
FeatureCalloutBroker.sys.mjs |
@typedef {Object} FeatureCalloutOptions
@property {Window} win window in which messages will be rendered.
@property {{name: String, defaultValue?: String}} [pref] optional pref used
to track progress through a given feature tour. for example:
name: "browser.pdfjs.feature-tour",
defaultValue: '{ screen: "FEATURE_CALLOUT_1", complete: false }',
or { name: "browser.pdfjs.feature-tour" } (defaultValue is optional)
@property {String} [location] string to pass as the page when requesting
messages from ASRouter and sending telemetry.
@property {MozBrowser} [browser] <browser> element responsible for the
feature callout. for content pages, this is the browser element that the
callout is being shown in. for chrome, this is the active browser.
@property {Function} [cleanup] callback to be invoked when the callout is
removed or the window is unloaded.
@property {FeatureCalloutTheme} [theme] optional dynamic color theme.
7821 |
FeatureCalloutMessages.sys.mjs |
add24HourImpressionJEXLTargeting -
Creates a "hasn't been viewed in > 24 hours"
JEXL string and adds it to each message specified
@param {array} messageIds - IDs of messages that the targeting string will be added to
@param {string} prefix - The prefix of messageIDs that will used to create the JEXL string
@param {array} messages - The array of messages that will be edited
@returns {array} - The array of messages with the appropriate targeting strings edited
115647 |
InfoBar.sys.mjs |
Show the infobar notification and send an impression ping
@param {object} browser Browser reference for the currently selected tab
4990 |
MenuMessage.sys.mjs |
7527 |
MessagingExperimentConstants.sys.mjs |
This file is used to define constants related to messaging experiments. It is
imported by both ASRouter as well as import-rollouts.js, a node script that
imports Nimbus rollouts into tree. It doesn't have access to any Firefox
APIs, XPCOM, etc. and should be kept that way.
1720 |
MomentsPageHub.sys.mjs |
If we don't have `expire` defined with the message it could be because
it depends on user dependent parameters. Since the message matched
targeting we calculate `expire` based on the current timestamp and the
`expireDelta` which defines for how long it should be available.
@param expireDelta {number} - Offset in milliseconds from the current date
4831 |
OnboardingMessageProvider.sys.mjs |
57558 |
PageEventManager.sys.mjs |
Methods for setting up and tearing down page event listeners. These are used
to dismiss Feature Callouts when the callout's anchor element is clicked.
5151 |
PanelTestProvider.sys.mjs |
40487 |
RemoteL10n.sys.mjs |
The downloaded Fluent file is located in this sub-directory of the local
profile directory.
5186 |
Spotlight.sys.mjs |
Shows spotlight tab or window modal specific to the given browser
@param browser The browser for spotlight display
@param message Message containing content to show
@param dispatchCFRAction A function to dispatch resulting actions
@return boolean value capturing if spotlight was displayed
2555 |
ToastNotification.sys.mjs |
Show a toast notification.
@param message Message containing content to show.
@param dispatch A function to dispatch resulting actions.
@return boolean value capturing if toast notification was displayed.
4349 |
ToolbarBadgeHub.sys.mjs |
9007 |