Name Description Size
ActorConstants.mjs 1242
ASRouter.sys.mjs 72672
ASRouterDefaultConfig.sys.mjs 2734
ASRouterNewTabHook.sys.mjs Params: object - { messageHandler: message handler for parent process messages { handleCFRAction: Responds to CFR action and returns a Promise handleTelemetry: Logs telemetry events and returns nothing }, router: ASRouter instance createStorage: function to create DB storage for ASRouter } 3577
ASRouterParentProcessMessageHandler.sys.mjs 5471
ASRouterPreferences.sys.mjs Use `ASRouterPreferences.console.debug()` and friends from ASRouter files to log messages during development. See LOG_LEVELS in Console.sys.mjs for the available methods as well as the available values for this pref. 7032
ASRouterStorage.sys.mjs @param storeNames Array of strings used to create all the required stores 3368
ASRouterTargeting.sys.mjs 41907
ASRouterTelemetry.sys.mjs Check if it is in the CFR experiment cohort by querying against the experiment manager of Messaging System @return {bool} 8663
ASRouterTriggerListeners.sys.mjs Check current location against the list of allowed hosts Additionally verify for redirects and check original request URL against the list. @returns {object} - {host, url} pair that matched the list of allowed hosts 51800
BookmarksBarButton.sys.mjs 3320
CFRMessageProvider.sys.mjs 27606
CFRPageActions.sys.mjs A WeakMap from browsers to {host, recommendation} pairs. Recommendations are defined in the ExtensionDoorhanger.schema.json. A recommendation is specific to a browser and host and is active until the given browser is closed or the user navigates (within that browser) away from the host. 35270
FeatureCallout.sys.mjs Feature Callout fetches messages relevant to a given source and displays them in the parent page pointing to the element they describe. 83712
FeatureCalloutBroker.sys.mjs @typedef {Object} FeatureCalloutOptions @property {Window} win window in which messages will be rendered. @property {{name: String, defaultValue?: String}} [pref] optional pref used to track progress through a given feature tour. for example: { name: "browser.pdfjs.feature-tour", defaultValue: '{ screen: "FEATURE_CALLOUT_1", complete: false }', } or { name: "browser.pdfjs.feature-tour" } (defaultValue is optional) @property {String} [location] string to pass as the page when requesting messages from ASRouter and sending telemetry. @property {MozBrowser} [browser] <browser> element responsible for the feature callout. for content pages, this is the browser element that the callout is being shown in. for chrome, this is the active browser. @property {Function} [cleanup] callback to be invoked when the callout is removed or the window is unloaded. @property {FeatureCalloutTheme} [theme] optional dynamic color theme. 7821
FeatureCalloutMessages.sys.mjs add24HourImpressionJEXLTargeting - Creates a "hasn't been viewed in > 24 hours" JEXL string and adds it to each message specified @param {array} messageIds - IDs of messages that the targeting string will be added to @param {string} prefix - The prefix of messageIDs that will used to create the JEXL string @param {array} messages - The array of messages that will be edited @returns {array} - The array of messages with the appropriate targeting strings edited 115647
InfoBar.sys.mjs Show the infobar notification and send an impression ping @param {object} browser Browser reference for the currently selected tab 4990
MenuMessage.sys.mjs 7527
MessagingExperimentConstants.sys.mjs This file is used to define constants related to messaging experiments. It is imported by both ASRouter as well as import-rollouts.js, a node script that imports Nimbus rollouts into tree. It doesn't have access to any Firefox APIs, XPCOM, etc. and should be kept that way. 1720
MomentsPageHub.sys.mjs If we don't have `expire` defined with the message it could be because it depends on user dependent parameters. Since the message matched targeting we calculate `expire` based on the current timestamp and the `expireDelta` which defines for how long it should be available. @param expireDelta {number} - Offset in milliseconds from the current date 4831
OnboardingMessageProvider.sys.mjs 57558
PageEventManager.sys.mjs Methods for setting up and tearing down page event listeners. These are used to dismiss Feature Callouts when the callout's anchor element is clicked. 5151
PanelTestProvider.sys.mjs 40487
RemoteL10n.sys.mjs The downloaded Fluent file is located in this sub-directory of the local profile directory. 5186
Spotlight.sys.mjs Shows spotlight tab or window modal specific to the given browser @param browser The browser for spotlight display @param message Message containing content to show @param dispatchCFRAction A function to dispatch resulting actions @return boolean value capturing if spotlight was displayed 2555
ToastNotification.sys.mjs Show a toast notification. @param message Message containing content to show. @param dispatch A function to dispatch resulting actions. @return boolean value capturing if toast notification was displayed. 4349
ToolbarBadgeHub.sys.mjs 9007