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Test Info: Errors

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
"use strict";
* Tests the warning that is displayed when switching to background
* tabs when sharing the browser window or screen
// The number of tabs to have in the background for testing.
const WARNING_PANEL_ID = "sharing-tabs-warning-panel";
const ALLOW_BUTTON_ID = "sharing-warning-proceed-to-tab";
const WINDOW_SHARING_HEADER_ID = "sharing-warning-window-panel-header";
const SCREEN_SHARING_HEADER_ID = "sharing-warning-screen-panel-header";
// The number of milliseconds we're willing to wait for the
// warning panel before we decide that it's not coming.
const CTRL_TAB_RUO_PREF = "browser.ctrlTab.sortByRecentlyUsed";
* Common helper function that pretendToShareWindow and pretendToShareScreen
* call into. Ensures that the first tab is selected, and then (optionally)
* does the first "freebie" tab switch to the second tab.
* @param {boolean} doFirstTabSwitch - True if this function should take
* care of doing the "freebie" tab switch for you.
* @return {Promise}
* @resolves {undefined} - Once the simulation is set up.
async function pretendToShareDisplay(doFirstTabSwitch) {
"Should start on the first tab."
webrtcUI.sharingDisplay = true;
if (doFirstTabSwitch) {
await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, gBrowser.tabs[1]);
* Simulates the sharing of a particular browser window. The
* simulation doesn't actually share the window over WebRTC, but
* does enough to convince webrtcUI that the window is in the shared
* window list.
* It is assumed that the first tab is the selected tab when calling
* this function.
* This helper function can also automatically perform the first
* "freebie" tab switch that never warns. This is its default behaviour.
* @param {DOM Window} aWindow - The window that we're simulating sharing.
* @param {boolean} doFirstTabSwitch - True if this function should take
* care of doing the "freebie" tab switch for you. Defaults to true.
* @return {Promise}
* @resolves {undefined} - Once the simulation is set up.
async function pretendToShareWindow(aWindow, doFirstTabSwitch = true) {
// Poke into webrtcUI so that it thinks that the current browser
// window is being shared.
await pretendToShareDisplay(doFirstTabSwitch);
* Simulates the sharing of the screen. The simulation doesn't actually share
* the screen over WebRTC, but does enough to convince webrtcUI that the screen
* is being shared.
* It is assumed that the first tab is the selected tab when calling
* this function.
* This helper function can also automatically perform the first
* "freebie" tab switch that never warns. This is its default behaviour.
* @param {boolean} doFirstTabSwitch - True if this function should take
* care of doing the "freebie" tab switch for you. Defaults to true.
* @return {Promise}
* @resolves {undefined} - Once the simulation is set up.
async function pretendToShareScreen(doFirstTabSwitch = true) {
// Poke into webrtcUI so that it thinks that the current screen is being
// shared.
webrtcUI.sharingScreen = true;
await pretendToShareDisplay(doFirstTabSwitch);
* Resets webrtcUI's notion of what is being shared. This also clears
* out any simulated shared windows, and resets any state that only
* persists for a sharing session.
* This helper function will also:
* 1. Switch back to the first tab if it's not already selected.
* 2. Check if the tab switch warning panel is open, and if so, close it.
* @return {Promise}
* @resolves {undefined} - Once the state is reset.
async function resetDisplaySharingState() {
let firstTabBC = gBrowser.browsers[0].browsingContext;
webrtcUI.streamAddedOrRemoved(firstTabBC, { remove: true });
if (gBrowser.selectedTab !== gBrowser.tabs[0]) {
await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, gBrowser.tabs[0]);
let panel = document.getElementById(WARNING_PANEL_ID);
if (panel && (panel.state == "open" || panel.state == "showing")) {
info("Closing the warning panel.");
let panelHidden = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(panel, "popuphidden");
await panelHidden;
* Checks to make sure that a tab switch warning doesn't show
* within WARNING_PANEL_TIMEOUT_MS milliseconds.
* @return {Promise}
* @resolves {undefined} - Once the check is complete.
async function ensureNoWarning() {
let timerExpired = false;
let sawWarning = false;
let resolver;
let timeoutOrPopupShowingPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
resolver = resolve;
let onPopupShowing = event => {
sawWarning = true;
// The panel might not have been lazily-inserted yet, so we
// attach the popupshowing handler to the window instead.
window.addEventListener("popupshowing", onPopupShowing);
// eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout
let timer = setTimeout(() => {
timerExpired = true;
await timeoutOrPopupShowingPromise;
window.removeEventListener("popupshowing", onPopupShowing);
Assert.ok(timerExpired, "Timer should have expired.");
Assert.ok(!sawWarning, "Should not have shown the tab switch warning.");
* Checks to make sure that a tab switch warning appears for
* a particular tab.
* @param {<xul:tab>} tab - The tab that the warning should be anchored to.
* @return {Promise}
* @resolves {undefined} - Once the check is complete.
async function ensureWarning(tab) {
let popupShowingEvent = await BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(
event => {
let panel =;
"Expected the warning to be anchored to the right tab."
add_setup(async function () {
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
set: [["privacy.webrtc.sharedTabWarning", true]],
// Loads up NEW_BACKGROUND_TABS_TO_OPEN background tabs at about:blank,
// and waits until they're fully open.
let uris = new Array(NEW_BACKGROUND_TABS_TO_OPEN).fill("about:blank");
let loadPromises = Promise.all( => BrowserTestUtils.waitForNewTab(gBrowser, uri, false, true))
gBrowser.loadTabs(uris, {
inBackground: true,
triggeringPrincipal: Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal(),
await loadPromises;
// Switches to the first tab and closes all of the rest.
registerCleanupFunction(async () => {
await resetDisplaySharingState();
* Tests that when sharing the window that the first tab switch does _not_ show
* the warning. This is because we presume that the first tab switch since
* starting display sharing is for a tab that is intentionally being shared.
add_task(async function testFirstTabSwitchAllowed() {
pretendToShareWindow(window, false);
let targetTab = gBrowser.tabs[1];
let noWarningPromise = ensureNoWarning();
await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, targetTab);
await noWarningPromise;
await resetDisplaySharingState();
* Tests that the second tab switch after sharing is not allowed
* without a warning. Also tests that the warning can "allow"
* the tab switch to proceed, and that no warning is subsequently
* shown for the "allowed" tab. Finally, ensures that if the sharing
* session ends and a new session begins, that warnings are shown
* again for the allowed tabs.
add_task(async function testWarningOnSecondTabSwitch() {
let originalTab = gBrowser.selectedTab;
// pretendToShareWindow will have switched us to the second
// tab automatically as the first "freebie" tab switch
let targetTab = gBrowser.tabs[2];
// Ensure that we show the warning on the second tab switch
let warningPromise = ensureWarning(targetTab);
await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, targetTab);
await warningPromise;
// Not only should we have warned, but we should have prevented
// the tab switch from occurring.
"Should still be on the original tab."
// Now test the "Allow" button in the warning to make sure the tab
// switch goes through.
let tabSwitchPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(
let allowButton = document.getElementById(ALLOW_BUTTON_ID);;
await tabSwitchPromise;
"Should have switched tabs to the target."
// We shouldn't see a warning when switching back to that first
// "freebie" tab.
let noWarningPromise = ensureNoWarning();
await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, originalTab);
await noWarningPromise;
"Should have switched tabs back to the original tab."
// We shouldn't see a warning when switching back to the tab that
// we had just allowed.
noWarningPromise = ensureNoWarning();
await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, targetTab);
await noWarningPromise;
"Should have switched tabs back to the target tab."
// Reset the sharing state, and make sure that warnings can
// be displayed again.
await resetDisplaySharingState();
// pretendToShareWindow will have switched us to the second
// tab automatically as the first "freebie" tab switch
// Make sure we get the warning again when switching to the
// target tab.
warningPromise = ensureWarning(targetTab);
await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, targetTab);
await warningPromise;
await resetDisplaySharingState();
* Tests that warnings can be skipped for a session via the
* checkbox in the warning panel. Also checks that once the
* session ends and a new one begins that warnings are displayed
* again.
add_task(async function testDisableWarningForSession() {
// pretendToShareWindow will have switched us to the second
// tab automatically as the first "freebie" tab switch
let targetTab = gBrowser.tabs[2];
// Ensure that we show the warning on the second tab switch
let warningPromise = ensureWarning(targetTab);
await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, targetTab);
await warningPromise;
// Check the checkbox to suppress warnings for the rest of this session.
let checkbox = document.getElementById(
checkbox.checked = true;
// Now test the "Allow" button in the warning to make sure the tab
// switch goes through.
let tabSwitchPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(
let allowButton = document.getElementById(ALLOW_BUTTON_ID);;
await tabSwitchPromise;
"Should have switched tabs to the target tab."
// Switching to the 4th and 5th tabs should now not show warnings.
let noWarningPromise = ensureNoWarning();
await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, gBrowser.tabs[3]);
await noWarningPromise;
noWarningPromise = ensureNoWarning();
await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, gBrowser.tabs[4]);
await noWarningPromise;
// Reset the sharing state, and make sure that warnings can
// be displayed again.
await resetDisplaySharingState();
// pretendToShareWindow will have switched us to the second
// tab automatically as the first "freebie" tab switch
// Make sure we get the warning again when switching to the
// target tab.
warningPromise = ensureWarning(targetTab);
await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, targetTab);
await warningPromise;
await resetDisplaySharingState();
* Tests that we don't show a warning when sharing a different
* window than the one we're switching tabs in.
add_task(async function testOtherWindow() {
let otherWin = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow();
await SimpleTest.promiseFocus(window);
// Switching to the 4th and 5th tabs should now not show warnings.
let noWarningPromise = ensureNoWarning();
await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, gBrowser.tabs[3]);
await noWarningPromise;
noWarningPromise = ensureNoWarning();
await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, gBrowser.tabs[4]);
await noWarningPromise;
await BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(otherWin);
await resetDisplaySharingState();
* Tests that we show a different label when sharing the screen
* vs when sharing a window.
add_task(async function testWindowVsScreenLabel() {
// pretendToShareWindow will have switched us to the second
// tab automatically as the first "freebie" tab switch.
// Let's now switch to the third tab.
let targetTab = gBrowser.tabs[2];
// Ensure that we show the warning on this second tab switch
let warningPromise = ensureWarning(targetTab);
await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, targetTab);
await warningPromise;
let windowHeader = document.getElementById(WINDOW_SHARING_HEADER_ID);
let screenHeader = document.getElementById(SCREEN_SHARING_HEADER_ID);
"Should be showing window sharing header"
"Should not be showing screen sharing header"
// Reset the sharing state, and then pretend to share the screen.
await resetDisplaySharingState();
// Ensure that we show the warning on this second tab switch
warningPromise = ensureWarning(targetTab);
await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, targetTab);
await warningPromise;
"Should not be showing window sharing header"
"Should be showing screen sharing header"
await resetDisplaySharingState();
* Tests that tab switching via the keyboard can also trigger the
* tab switch warnings.
add_task(async function testKeyboardTabSwitching() {
let pressCtrlTab = async (expectPanel = false) => {
let promise;
if (expectPanel) {
promise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(ctrlTab.panel, "popupshown");
} else {
promise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(document, "keyup");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_TAB", {
ctrlKey: true,
shiftKey: false,
await promise;
let releaseCtrl = async () => {
let promise;
if (ctrlTab.isOpen) {
promise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(ctrlTab.panel, "popuphidden");
} else {
promise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(document, "keyup");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_CONTROL", { type: "keyup" });
return promise;
// Ensure that the (on by default) ctrl-tab switch panel is enabled.
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
set: [[CTRL_TAB_RUO_PREF, true]],
let originalTab = gBrowser.selectedTab;
await pressCtrlTab(true);
// The Ctrl-Tab MRU list should be:
// 0: Second tab (currently selected)
// 1: First tab
// 2: Last tab
// Having pressed Ctrl-Tab once, 1 (First tab) is selected in the
// panel. We want a tab that will warn, so let's hit Ctrl-Tab again
// to choose 2 (Last tab).
let targetTab = ctrlTab.tabList[2];
await pressCtrlTab();
let warningPromise = ensureWarning(targetTab);
await releaseCtrl();
await warningPromise;
// Hide the warning without allowing the tab switch.
let panel = document.getElementById(WARNING_PANEL_ID);
"Should not have changed from the original tab."
// Now switch to the in-order tab switching keyboard shortcut mode.
await SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv();
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
set: [[CTRL_TAB_RUO_PREF, false]],
// Hitting Ctrl-Tab should choose the _next_ tab over from
// the originalTab, which should be the third tab.
targetTab = gBrowser.tabs[2];
warningPromise = ensureWarning(targetTab);
await pressCtrlTab();
await warningPromise;
await resetDisplaySharingState();