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Test Info: Warnings

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
/* This test sync IPC done on the main thread during startup. */
"use strict";
// Shortcuts for conditions.
const LINUX = AppConstants.platform == "linux";
const WIN = AppConstants.platform == "win";
const MAC = AppConstants.platform == "macosx";
const WEBRENDER = window.windowUtils.layerManagerType.startsWith("WebRender");
const SKELETONUI = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(
* Specifying 'ignoreIfUnused: true' will make the test ignore unused entries;
* without this the test is strict and will fail if a list entry isn't used.
const startupPhases = {
// Anything done before or during app-startup must have a compelling reason
// to run before we have even selected the user profile.
"before profile selection": [],
"before opening first browser window": [],
// We reach this phase right after showing the first browser window.
// This means that any I/O at this point delayed first paint.
"before first paint": [
name: "PLayerTransaction::Msg_GetTextureFactoryIdentifier",
condition: (MAC || LINUX) && !WEBRENDER,
maxCount: 1,
name: "PLayerTransaction::Msg_GetTextureFactoryIdentifier",
condition: WIN && !WEBRENDER,
maxCount: 3,
name: "PWebRenderBridge::Msg_EnsureConnected",
condition: WIN && WEBRENDER,
maxCount: 3,
name: "PWebRenderBridge::Msg_EnsureConnected",
condition: (MAC || LINUX) && WEBRENDER,
maxCount: 1,
name: "PCompositorBridge::Msg_NotifyChildCreated",
condition: !WIN,
maxCount: 1,
name: "PCompositorBridge::Msg_NotifyChildCreated",
condition: WIN,
ignoreIfUnused: true, // Only on Win7 32
maxCount: 2,
name: "PCompositorBridge::Msg_MapAndNotifyChildCreated",
condition: WIN,
ignoreIfUnused: true, // Only on Win10 64
maxCount: 2,
name: "PCompositorBridge::Msg_FlushRendering",
condition: MAC,
maxCount: 1,
name: "PCompositorBridge::Msg_FlushRendering",
condition: WIN,
ignoreIfUnused: true, // Only on Win7 32
maxCount: 1,
name: "PCompositorBridge::Msg_Initialize",
condition: WIN,
ignoreIfUnused: true, // Only on Win10 64
maxCount: 3,
name: "PCompositorWidget::Msg_Initialize",
condition: WIN,
ignoreIfUnused: true, // Only on Win10 64
maxCount: 3,
name: "PGPU::Msg_AddLayerTreeIdMapping",
condition: WIN,
ignoreIfUnused: true, // Only on Win10 64
maxCount: 5,
name: "PCompositorBridge::Msg_MakeSnapshot",
condition: WIN && !WEBRENDER,
ignoreIfUnused: true, // Only on Win10 64
maxCount: 1,
name: "PWebRenderBridge::Msg_GetSnapshot",
condition: WIN && WEBRENDER,
ignoreIfUnused: true, // Sometimes in the next phase on Windows10 QR
maxCount: 1,
name: "PCompositorBridge::Msg_WillClose",
condition: WIN,
ignoreIfUnused: true, // Only on Win10 64
maxCount: 2,
name: "PAPZInputBridge::Msg_ProcessUnhandledEvent",
condition: WIN,
ignoreIfUnused: true, // Only on Win10 64
maxCount: 2,
name: "PGPU::Msg_GetDeviceStatus",
// bug 1553740 might want to drop the WEBRENDER clause here.
// Additionally, the skeleton UI causes us to attach "before first paint" to a
// later event, which lets this sneak in.
condition: WIN && (WEBRENDER || SKELETONUI),
// If Init() completes before we call EnsureGPUReady we won't send GetDeviceStatus
// so we can safely ignore if unused.
ignoreIfUnused: true,
maxCount: 1,
// We use Resume signal to propagate correct XWindow/wl_surface
// to EGL compositor.
name: "PCompositorBridge::Msg_Resume",
condition: LINUX,
ignoreIfUnused: true, // intermittently occurs in "before handling user events"
maxCount: 1,
// We are at this phase once we are ready to handle user events.
// Any IO at this phase or before gets in the way of the user
// interacting with the first browser window.
"before handling user events": [
name: "PCompositorBridge::Msg_FlushRendering",
condition: MAC,
ignoreIfUnused: true,
maxCount: 1,
name: "PCompositorBridge::Msg_FlushRendering",
condition: LINUX,
ignoreIfUnused: true, // intermittently occurs in "before becoming idle"
maxCount: 2,
name: "PLayerTransaction::Msg_GetTextureFactoryIdentifier",
condition: (!MAC && !WEBRENDER) || (WIN && WEBRENDER),
ignoreIfUnused: true, // intermittently occurs in "before becoming idle"
maxCount: 1,
name: "PCompositorBridge::Msg_Initialize",
condition: WIN,
ignoreIfUnused: true, // Only on Win10 64
maxCount: 1,
name: "PCompositorWidget::Msg_Initialize",
condition: WIN,
ignoreIfUnused: true, // Only on Win10 64
maxCount: 1,
name: "PCompositorBridge::Msg_WillClose",
condition: WIN,
ignoreIfUnused: true, // Only on Win7 32
maxCount: 2,
name: "PCompositorBridge::Msg_MakeSnapshot",
condition: WIN,
ignoreIfUnused: true, // Only on Win7 32
maxCount: 1,
name: "PWebRenderBridge::Msg_GetSnapshot",
condition: WIN && WEBRENDER,
ignoreIfUnused: true, // Sometimes in the next phase on Windows10 QR
maxCount: 1,
name: "PAPZInputBridge::Msg_ProcessUnhandledEvent",
condition: WIN,
ignoreIfUnused: true, // intermittently occurs in "before becoming idle"
maxCount: 1,
name: "PAPZInputBridge::Msg_ReceiveMouseInputEvent",
condition: WIN,
ignoreIfUnused: true, // intermittently occurs in "before becoming idle"
maxCount: 1,
name: "PWebRenderBridge::Msg_EnsureConnected",
condition: WIN && WEBRENDER,
ignoreIfUnused: true,
maxCount: 1,
name: "PContent::Reply_BeginDriverCrashGuard",
condition: WIN,
ignoreIfUnused: true, // Bug 1660590 - found while running test on windows hardware
maxCount: 1,
name: "PContent::Reply_EndDriverCrashGuard",
condition: WIN,
ignoreIfUnused: true, // Bug 1660590 - found while running test on windows hardware
maxCount: 1,
// We use Resume signal to propagate correct XWindow/wl_surface
// to EGL compositor.
name: "PCompositorBridge::Msg_Resume",
condition: LINUX,
ignoreIfUnused: true, // intermittently occurs in "before first paint"
maxCount: 1,
// Things that are expected to be completely out of the startup path
// and loaded lazily when used for the first time by the user should
// be listed here.
"before becoming idle": [
name: "PCompositorBridge::Msg_NotifyChildCreated",
ignoreIfUnused: true,
maxCount: 1,
name: "PAPZInputBridge::Msg_ProcessUnhandledEvent",
condition: WIN,
ignoreIfUnused: true, // Only on Win10 64
maxCount: 1,
name: "PAPZInputBridge::Msg_ReceiveMouseInputEvent",
condition: WIN,
ignoreIfUnused: true, // Only on Win10 64
maxCount: 1,
name: "PLayerTransaction::Msg_GetTextureFactoryIdentifier",
condition: WIN || LINUX,
ignoreIfUnused: true, // intermittently occurs in "before handling user events"
maxCount: 1,
name: "PWebRenderBridge::Msg_EnsureConnected",
condition: (WIN || LINUX) && WEBRENDER,
ignoreIfUnused: true,
maxCount: 1,
name: "PCompositorBridge::Msg_Initialize",
condition: WIN,
ignoreIfUnused: true, // Intermittently occurs in "before handling user events"
maxCount: 1,
name: "PCompositorWidget::Msg_Initialize",
condition: WIN,
ignoreIfUnused: true, // Intermittently occurs in "before handling user events"
maxCount: 1,
name: "PCompositorBridge::Msg_MapAndNotifyChildCreated",
condition: WIN,
ignoreIfUnused: true,
maxCount: 1,
name: "PCompositorBridge::Msg_FlushRendering",
condition: MAC || SKELETONUI,
ignoreIfUnused: true,
maxCount: 1,
name: "PCompositorBridge::Msg_FlushRendering",
condition: LINUX,
ignoreIfUnused: true, // intermittently occurs in "before handling user events"
maxCount: 1,
name: "PWebRenderBridge::Msg_GetSnapshot",
condition: WIN && WEBRENDER,
ignoreIfUnused: true,
maxCount: 1,
name: "PCompositorBridge::Msg_MakeSnapshot",
condition: WIN,
ignoreIfUnused: true,
maxCount: 1,
name: "PCompositorBridge::Msg_WillClose",
condition: WIN,
ignoreIfUnused: true,
maxCount: 2,
// Added for the search-detection built-in add-on.
name: "PGPU::Msg_AddLayerTreeIdMapping",
condition: WIN,
ignoreIfUnused: true,
maxCount: 1,
add_task(async function () {
if (
!AppConstants.NIGHTLY_BUILD &&
!AppConstants.MOZ_DEV_EDITION &&
) {
!(";1" in Cc),
"the startup recorder component shouldn't exist in this non-nightly/non-devedition/" +
"non-debug build."
let startupRecorder =
await startupRecorder.done;
// Check for sync IPC markers in the startup profile.
let profile =[0];
let phases = {};
const nameCol =;
const dataCol =;
const startTimeCol = profile.markers.schema.startTime;
let markersForCurrentPhase = [];
for (let m of {
let markerName = profile.stringTable[m[nameCol]];
if (markerName.startsWith("startupRecorder:")) {
phases[markerName.split("startupRecorder:")[1]] =
markersForCurrentPhase = [];
let markerData = m[dataCol];
if (
!markerData ||
markerData.category != "Sync IPC" ||
) {
for (let phase in startupPhases) {
startupPhases[phase] = startupPhases[phase].filter(
entry => !("condition" in entry) || entry.condition
let shouldPass = true;
for (let phase in phases) {
let knownIPCList = startupPhases[phase];
if (knownIPCList.length) {
`known sync IPC ${phase}:\n` +
.map(e => ` ${} - at most ${e.maxCount} times`)
let markers = phases[phase];
for (let marker of markers) {
let expected = false;
for (let entry of knownIPCList) {
if (marker == {
entry.useCount = (entry.useCount || 0) + 1;
expected = true;
if (!expected) {
ok(false, `unexpected ${marker} sync IPC ${phase}`);
shouldPass = false;
for (let entry of knownIPCList) {
// Make sure useCount has been defined.
entry.useCount = entry.useCount || 0;
let message = `sync IPC ${} `;
if (entry.useCount == entry.maxCount) {
message += "happened as many times as expected";
} else if (entry.useCount < entry.maxCount) {
message += `allowed ${entry.maxCount} but only happened ${entry.useCount} times`;
} else {
message += `happened ${entry.useCount} but max is ${entry.maxCount}`;
shouldPass = false;
Assert.lessOrEqual(entry.useCount, entry.maxCount, `${message} ${phase}`);
if (entry.useCount == 0 && !entry.ignoreIfUnused) {
ok(false, `unused known IPC entry ${phase}: ${}`);
shouldPass = false;
if (shouldPass) {
ok(shouldPass, "No unexpected sync IPC during startup");
} else {
const filename = "profile_startup_syncIPC.json";
let path = Services.env.get("MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR");
let profilePath = PathUtils.join(path, filename);
await IOUtils.writeJSON(profilePath,;
`Unexpected sync IPC behavior during startup; open the ${filename} ` +
"artifact in the Firefox Profiler to see what happened"