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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "XULFormControlAccessible.h"
#include "LocalAccessible-inl.h"
#include "HTMLFormControlAccessible.h"
#include "nsAccUtils.h"
#include "DocAccessible.h"
#include "Relation.h"
#include "mozilla/a11y/Role.h"
#include "States.h"
#include "TreeWalker.h"
#include "XULMenuAccessible.h"
#include "nsIDOMXULButtonElement.h"
#include "nsIDOMXULMenuListElement.h"
#include "nsIDOMXULRadioGroupElement.h"
#include "nsIDOMXULSelectCntrlItemEl.h"
#include "nsIFrame.h"
#include "nsITextControlFrame.h"
#include "nsMenuPopupFrame.h"
#include "nsNameSpaceManager.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Element.h"
using namespace mozilla::a11y;
// XULButtonAccessible
XULButtonAccessible::XULButtonAccessible(nsIContent* aContent,
DocAccessible* aDoc)
: AccessibleWrap(aContent, aDoc) {
if (ContainsMenu()) {
mGenericTypes |= eMenuButton;
} else {
mGenericTypes |= eButton;
XULButtonAccessible::~XULButtonAccessible() {}
// XULButtonAccessible: nsISupports
// XULButtonAccessible: nsIAccessible
bool XULButtonAccessible::HasPrimaryAction() const { return true; }
void XULButtonAccessible::ActionNameAt(uint8_t aIndex, nsAString& aName) {
if (aIndex == eAction_Click) aName.AssignLiteral("press");
// XULButtonAccessible: LocalAccessible
role XULButtonAccessible::NativeRole() const {
// Buttons can be checked; they simply appear pressed in rather than checked.
// In this case, we must expose them as toggle buttons.
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMXULButtonElement> xulButtonElement = Elm()->AsXULButton();
if (xulButtonElement) {
nsAutoString type;
if (type.EqualsLiteral("checkbox") || type.EqualsLiteral("radio")) {
return roles::TOGGLE_BUTTON;
return roles::PUSHBUTTON;
uint64_t XULButtonAccessible::NativeState() const {
// Possible states: focused, focusable, unavailable(disabled).
// get focus and disable status from base class
uint64_t state = LocalAccessible::NativeState();
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMXULButtonElement> xulButtonElement = Elm()->AsXULButton();
if (xulButtonElement) {
// Some buttons can have their checked state set without being of type
// checkbox or radio. Expose the pressed state unconditionally.
bool checked = false;
if (checked) {
state |= states::PRESSED;
if (ContainsMenu()) state |= states::HASPOPUP;
if (mContent->AsElement()->HasAttr(nsGkAtoms::_default)) {
state |= states::DEFAULT;
return state;
bool XULButtonAccessible::AttributeChangesState(nsAtom* aAttribute) {
if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::checked) {
return true;
return AccessibleWrap::AttributeChangesState(aAttribute);
// XULButtonAccessible: Widgets
bool XULButtonAccessible::IsWidget() const { return true; }
bool XULButtonAccessible::IsActiveWidget() const {
return FocusMgr()->HasDOMFocus(mContent);
bool XULButtonAccessible::AreItemsOperable() const {
if (IsMenuButton()) {
LocalAccessible* menuPopup = mChildren.SafeElementAt(0, nullptr);
if (menuPopup) {
nsMenuPopupFrame* menuPopupFrame = do_QueryFrame(menuPopup->GetFrame());
return menuPopupFrame->IsOpen();
return false; // no items
bool XULButtonAccessible::IsAcceptableChild(nsIContent* aEl) const {
// In general XUL buttons should not have accessible children. However:
// menu buttons can have popup accessibles (@type="menu" or
// columnpicker).
aEl->IsXULElement(nsGkAtoms::menupopup) ||
// A XUL button can be labelled by a direct child text node, so we need to
// allow that as a child so it will be picked up when computing name from
// subtree.
(aEl->IsText() && aEl->GetParent() == mContent);
// XULButtonAccessible protected
bool XULButtonAccessible::ContainsMenu() const {
return mContent->AsElement()->AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::type,
nsGkAtoms::menu, eCaseMatters);
// XULDropmarkerAccessible
XULDropmarkerAccessible::XULDropmarkerAccessible(nsIContent* aContent,
DocAccessible* aDoc)
: LeafAccessible(aContent, aDoc) {}
bool XULDropmarkerAccessible::HasPrimaryAction() const { return true; }
bool XULDropmarkerAccessible::DropmarkerOpen(bool aToggleOpen) const {
bool isOpen = false;
nsIContent* parent = mContent->GetFlattenedTreeParent();
while (parent) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMXULButtonElement> parentButtonElement =
if (parentButtonElement) {
if (aToggleOpen) parentButtonElement->SetOpen(!isOpen);
return isOpen;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMXULMenuListElement> parentMenuListElement =
if (parentMenuListElement) {
if (aToggleOpen) parentMenuListElement->SetOpen(!isOpen);
return isOpen;
parent = parent->GetFlattenedTreeParent();
return isOpen;
void XULDropmarkerAccessible::ActionNameAt(uint8_t aIndex, nsAString& aName) {
if (aIndex == eAction_Click) {
if (DropmarkerOpen(false)) {
} else {
bool XULDropmarkerAccessible::DoAction(uint8_t index) const {
if (index == eAction_Click) {
DropmarkerOpen(true); // Reverse the open attribute
return true;
return false;
role XULDropmarkerAccessible::NativeRole() const { return roles::PUSHBUTTON; }
uint64_t XULDropmarkerAccessible::NativeState() const {
return DropmarkerOpen(false) ? states::PRESSED : 0;
// XULGroupboxAccessible
XULGroupboxAccessible::XULGroupboxAccessible(nsIContent* aContent,
DocAccessible* aDoc)
: AccessibleWrap(aContent, aDoc) {}
role XULGroupboxAccessible::NativeRole() const { return roles::GROUPING; }
ENameValueFlag XULGroupboxAccessible::NativeName(nsString& aName) const {
// XXX: we use the first related accessible only.
LocalAccessible* label =
if (label) return label->Name(aName);
return eNameOK;
Relation XULGroupboxAccessible::RelationByType(RelationType aType) const {
Relation rel = AccessibleWrap::RelationByType(aType);
// The label for xul:groupbox is generated from the first xul:label
if (aType == RelationType::LABELLED_BY && ChildCount() > 0) {
LocalAccessible* childAcc = LocalChildAt(0);
if (childAcc->Role() == roles::LABEL &&
childAcc->GetContent()->IsXULElement(nsGkAtoms::label)) {
return rel;
// XULRadioButtonAccessible
XULRadioButtonAccessible::XULRadioButtonAccessible(nsIContent* aContent,
DocAccessible* aDoc)
: RadioButtonAccessible(aContent, aDoc) {}
uint64_t XULRadioButtonAccessible::NativeState() const {
uint64_t state = LeafAccessible::NativeState();
state |= states::CHECKABLE;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMXULSelectControlItemElement> radioButton =
if (radioButton) {
bool selected = false; // Radio buttons can be selected
if (selected) {
state |= states::CHECKED;
return state;
uint64_t XULRadioButtonAccessible::NativeInteractiveState() const {
return NativelyUnavailable() ? states::UNAVAILABLE : states::FOCUSABLE;
// XULRadioButtonAccessible: Widgets
LocalAccessible* XULRadioButtonAccessible::ContainerWidget() const {
return mParent;
// XULRadioGroupAccessible
* XUL Radio Group
* The Radio Group proxies for the Radio Buttons themselves. The Group gets
* focus whereas the Buttons do not. So we only have an accessible object for
* this for the purpose of getting the proper RadioButton. Need this here to
* avoid circular reference problems when navigating the accessible tree and
* for getting to the radiobuttons.
XULRadioGroupAccessible::XULRadioGroupAccessible(nsIContent* aContent,
DocAccessible* aDoc)
: XULSelectControlAccessible(aContent, aDoc) {}
role XULRadioGroupAccessible::NativeRole() const { return roles::RADIO_GROUP; }
uint64_t XULRadioGroupAccessible::NativeInteractiveState() const {
// The radio group is not focusable. Sometimes the focus controller will
// report that it is focused. That means that the actual selected radio button
// should be considered focused.
return NativelyUnavailable() ? states::UNAVAILABLE : 0;
// XULRadioGroupAccessible: Widgets
bool XULRadioGroupAccessible::IsWidget() const { return true; }
bool XULRadioGroupAccessible::IsActiveWidget() const {
return FocusMgr()->HasDOMFocus(mContent);
bool XULRadioGroupAccessible::AreItemsOperable() const { return true; }
LocalAccessible* XULRadioGroupAccessible::CurrentItem() const {
if (!mSelectControl) {
return nullptr;
RefPtr<dom::Element> currentItemElm;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMXULRadioGroupElement> group =
if (group) {
if (currentItemElm) {
DocAccessible* document = Document();
if (document) {
return document->GetAccessible(currentItemElm);
return nullptr;
void XULRadioGroupAccessible::SetCurrentItem(const LocalAccessible* aItem) {
if (!mSelectControl) {
nsCOMPtr<dom::Element> itemElm = aItem->Elm();
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMXULRadioGroupElement> group =
if (group) {
// XULStatusBarAccessible
XULStatusBarAccessible::XULStatusBarAccessible(nsIContent* aContent,
DocAccessible* aDoc)
: AccessibleWrap(aContent, aDoc) {}
role XULStatusBarAccessible::NativeRole() const { return roles::STATUSBAR; }
// XULToolbarButtonAccessible
XULToolbarButtonAccessible::XULToolbarButtonAccessible(nsIContent* aContent,
DocAccessible* aDoc)
: XULButtonAccessible(aContent, aDoc) {}
void XULToolbarButtonAccessible::GetPositionAndSetSize(int32_t* aPosInSet,
int32_t* aSetSize) {
int32_t setSize = 0;
int32_t posInSet = 0;
LocalAccessible* parent = LocalParent();
if (!parent) return;
uint32_t childCount = parent->ChildCount();
for (uint32_t childIdx = 0; childIdx < childCount; childIdx++) {
LocalAccessible* child = parent->LocalChildAt(childIdx);
if (IsSeparator(child)) { // end of a group of buttons
if (posInSet) break; // we've found our group, so we're done
setSize = 0; // not our group, so start a new group
} else {
setSize++; // another button in the group
if (child == this) posInSet = setSize; // we've found our button
*aPosInSet = posInSet;
*aSetSize = setSize;
bool XULToolbarButtonAccessible::IsSeparator(LocalAccessible* aAccessible) {
nsIContent* content = aAccessible->GetContent();
return content && content->IsAnyOfXULElements(nsGkAtoms::toolbarseparator,
// XULToolbarButtonAccessible: Widgets
bool XULToolbarButtonAccessible::IsAcceptableChild(nsIContent* aEl) const {
return XULButtonAccessible::IsAcceptableChild(aEl) ||
// In addition to the children allowed by buttons, toolbarbuttons can
// have labels as children, but only if the label attribute is not
// present.
(aEl->IsXULElement(nsGkAtoms::label) &&
// XULToolbarAccessible
XULToolbarAccessible::XULToolbarAccessible(nsIContent* aContent,
DocAccessible* aDoc)
: AccessibleWrap(aContent, aDoc) {}
role XULToolbarAccessible::NativeRole() const { return roles::TOOLBAR; }
ENameValueFlag XULToolbarAccessible::NativeName(nsString& aName) const {
if (mContent->AsElement()->GetAttr(nsGkAtoms::toolbarname, aName)) {
return eNameOK;
// XULToolbarAccessible
nsIContent* aContent, DocAccessible* aDoc)
: LeafAccessible(aContent, aDoc) {}
role XULToolbarSeparatorAccessible::NativeRole() const {
return roles::SEPARATOR;
uint64_t XULToolbarSeparatorAccessible::NativeState() const { return 0; }