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Test Info:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>states of document</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
<script type="application/javascript"
<script type="application/javascript"
<script type="application/javascript"
<script type="application/javascript"
<script type="application/javascript">
const { BrowserTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
const { Downloads } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
function matchDocBusyChange(isBusy) {
return function(event) {
const scEvent = event.QueryInterface(nsIAccessibleStateChangeEvent);
return (
event.DOMNode == document &&
scEvent.state === STATE_BUSY &&
scEvent.isEnabled === isBusy
function getDownloadStartedPromise() {
return Downloads.getList(Downloads.PUBLIC).then(list => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
onDownloadAdded(download) {
async function downloadHandled(downloadResult) {
if (Window.isInstance(downloadResult)) {
return BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(downloadResult);
// downloadResult is a download object.
await downloadResult.finalize(true);
return Downloads.getList(Downloads.PUBLIC).then(list => list.remove(downloadResult));
async function doTest() {
// Because of variable timing, there are two acceptable possibilities:
// 1. We get an event for busy and an event for not busy.
// 2. The two events get coalesced, so no events are fired.
// However, we fail this test if we get the first event but not the
// second.
let gotBusy = false;
let gotNotBusy = false;
const busyEvents = async function() {
await waitForEvent(EVENT_STATE_CHANGE, matchDocBusyChange(true));
info("Got busy event");
gotBusy = true;
await waitForEvent(EVENT_STATE_CHANGE, matchDocBusyChange(false));
info("Got not-busy event");
gotNotBusy = true;
const downloadStarted = getDownloadStartedPromise();
info("Clicking link to trigger download");
synthesizeMouse(getNode("link"), 1, 1, {});
info("Waiting for download prompt to open");
const downloadResult = await downloadStarted;
// Once we no longer show a dialog for downloads, the not busy event
// might show up a bit later.
if (gotBusy && !gotNotBusy) {
await busyEvents;
// Any busy events should have been fired by the time the download
// prompt has opened.
if (gotBusy && gotNotBusy) {
ok(true, "Got both busy change and not-busy change");
} else if (!gotBusy && !gotNotBusy) {
ok(true, "No busy events, coalesced");
} else {
ok(false, "Got busy change but didn't get not-busy change!");
testStates(document, 0, 0, STATE_BUSY, 0, "Document not busy");
// Clean up.
info("Closing download prompt");
await downloadHandled(downloadResult);
// We might still be waiting on busy events. Remove any pending observers.
for (let observer of Services.obs.enumerateObservers(
) {
Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, "accessible-event");
<a target="_blank"
title="Missing busy state change event when downloading files"
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content" style="display: none"></div>
<pre id="test">