Name Description Size
AccessibleWrap.cpp MaiAtkObject 42304
AccessibleWrap.h Atk specific functionality for an accessibility tree node that originated in mDoc's content process. AccessibleWrap, and its descendents in atk directory provide the implementation of AtkObject. 2526
ApplicationAccessibleWrap.cpp 5002
ApplicationAccessibleWrap.h Return the atk object for app root accessible. 1108
DocAccessibleWrap.cpp 1222
DocAccessibleWrap.h For documentation of the accessibility architecture, see 873
DOMtoATK.cpp 4299
DOMtoATK.h ATK offsets are counted in unicode codepoints, while DOM offsets are counted in UTF-16 code units. That makes a difference for non-BMP characters, which need two UTF-16 code units to be represented (a pair of surrogates), while they are just one unicode character. To keep synchronization between ATK offsets (unicode codepoints) and DOM offsets (UTF-16 code units), after translation from UTF-16 to UTF-8 we add a BOM after each non-BMP character (which would otherwise use 2 UTF-16 code units for only 1 unicode codepoint). BOMs (Byte Order Marks, U+FEFF, also known as ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE, but that usage is deprecated) normally only appear at the beginning of unicode files, but their occurrence within text (notably after cut&paste) is not uncommon, and are thus considered as non-text. Since the selection requested through ATK may not contain both surrogates at the ends of the selection, we need to fetch one UTF-16 code point more on both side, and get rid of it before returning the string to ATK. The ATKStringConverterHelper class maintains this, NewATKString should be used to call it properly. In the end, - if the start is between the high and low surrogates, the UTF-8 result includes a BOM from it but not the character - if the end is between the high and low surrogates, the UTF-8 result includes the character but *not* the BOM - all non-BMP characters that are fully in the string are in the UTF-8 result as character followed by BOM 5158
InterfaceInitFuncs.h XXX these should live in a file of utils for atk. 1594 1773
nsMai.h Return true if the loaded version of is at least aMajor.aMinor.aMicro. 3379
nsMaiHyperlink.cpp MaiAtkHyperlink 6255
nsMaiHyperlink.h MaiHyperlink is a auxiliary class for MaiInterfaceHyperText. 1214
nsMaiInterfaceAction.cpp 2404
nsMaiInterfaceComponent.cpp 5379
nsMaiInterfaceDocument.cpp We don't support get_document or set_attribute right now. 3379
nsMaiInterfaceEditableText.cpp 2962
nsMaiInterfaceHyperlinkImpl.cpp 915
nsMaiInterfaceHypertext.cpp 1892
nsMaiInterfaceImage.cpp 1845
nsMaiInterfaceSelection.cpp 2696
nsMaiInterfaceTable.cpp 7367
nsMaiInterfaceTableCell.cpp 4131
nsMaiInterfaceText.cpp 16236
nsMaiInterfaceValue.cpp 2654
nsStateMap.h The following accessible states aren't translated, just ignored: STATE_READONLY: Supported indirectly via EXT_STATE_EDITABLE STATE_HOTTRACKED: No ATK equivalent. No known use case. The nsIAccessible state is not currently supported. STATE_FLOATING: No ATK equivalent. No known use case. The nsIAccessible state is not currently supported. STATE_MOVEABLE: No ATK equivalent. No known use case. The nsIAccessible state is not currently supported. STATE_SELFVOICING: No ATK equivalent -- the object has self-TTS. The nsIAccessible state is not currently supported. STATE_LINKED: The object is formatted as a hyperlink. Supported via ATK_ROLE_LINK. STATE_EXTSELECTABLE: Indicates that an object extends its selection. This is supported via STATE_MULTISELECTABLE. STATE_PROTECTED: The object is a password-protected edit control. Supported via ATK_ROLE_PASSWORD_TEXT STATE_PINNED: The object is pinned, usually indicating it is fixed in place and has permanence. No ATK equivalent. The accessible state is not currently supported. The following ATK states are not supported: ATK_STATE_ARMED: No clear use case, used briefly when button is activated ATK_STATE_HAS_TOOLTIP: No clear use case, no IA2 equivalent ATK_STATE_ICONIFIED: Mozilla does not have elements which are collapsable into icons ATK_STATE_TRUNCATED: No clear use case. Indicates that an object's onscreen content is truncated, e.g. a text value in a spreadsheet cell. No IA2 state. **************************************************************************** 8506
Platform.cpp 9047
RootAccessibleWrap.cpp 691
RootAccessibleWrap.h GtkWindowAccessible is the accessible class for gtk+ native window. The instance of GtkWindowAccessible is a child of MaiAppRoot instance. It is added into root when the toplevel window is created, and removed from root when the toplevel window is destroyed. 1084
UtilInterface.cpp Hook id of 0 and signal id of 0 are invalid 11595