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// DO NOT EDIT. THIS FILE IS GENERATED FROM $SRCDIR/dom/interfaces/base/nsITextInputProcessorCallback.idl
/// `interface nsITextInputProcessorNotification : nsISupports`
/// ```text
/// /**
/// * nsITextInputProcessorNotification stores the type of notification to IME and
/// * its detail. See each explanation of attribute for the detail.
/// */
/// ```
// The actual type definition for the interface. This struct has methods
// declared on it which will call through its vtable. You never want to pass
// this type around by value, always pass it behind a reference.
pub struct nsITextInputProcessorNotification {
vtable: &'static nsITextInputProcessorNotificationVTable,
/// This field is a phantomdata to ensure that the VTable type and any
/// struct containing it is not safe to send across threads by default, as
/// XPCOM is generally not threadsafe.
/// If this type is marked as [rust_sync], there will be explicit `Send` and
/// `Sync` implementations on this type, which will override the inherited
/// negative impls from `Rc`.
__nosync: ::std::marker::PhantomData<::std::rc::Rc<u8>>,
// Make the rust compiler aware that there might be interior mutability
// in what actually implements the interface. This works around UB
// that a rust lint would make blatantly obvious, but doesn't exist.
// This prevents optimizations, but those optimizations weren't available
// before rustc switched to LLVM 16, and they now cause problems because
// of the UB.
// Until there's a lint available to find all our UB, it's simpler to
// avoid the UB in the first place, at the cost of preventing optimizations
// in places that don't cause UB. But again, those optimizations weren't
// available before.
__maybe_interior_mutability: ::std::cell::UnsafeCell<[u8; 0]>,
// Implementing XpCom for an interface exposes its IID, which allows for easy
// use of the `.query_interface<T>` helper method. This also defines that
// method for nsITextInputProcessorNotification.
unsafe impl XpCom for nsITextInputProcessorNotification {
const IID: nsIID = nsID(0xc0ce1add, 0x82bb, 0x45ab,
[0xb9, 0x9a, 0x42, 0xcf, 0xba, 0x7f, 0xd5, 0xd7]);
// We need to implement the RefCounted trait so we can be used with `RefPtr`.
// This trait teaches `RefPtr` how to manage our memory.
unsafe impl RefCounted for nsITextInputProcessorNotification {
unsafe fn addref(&self) {
unsafe fn release(&self) {
// This trait is implemented on all types which can be coerced to from nsITextInputProcessorNotification.
// It is used in the implementation of `fn coerce<T>`. We hide it from the
// documentation, because it clutters it up a lot.
pub trait nsITextInputProcessorNotificationCoerce {
/// Cheaply cast a value of this type from a `nsITextInputProcessorNotification`.
fn coerce_from(v: &nsITextInputProcessorNotification) -> &Self;
// The trivial implementation: We can obviously coerce ourselves to ourselves.
impl nsITextInputProcessorNotificationCoerce for nsITextInputProcessorNotification {
fn coerce_from(v: &nsITextInputProcessorNotification) -> &Self {
impl nsITextInputProcessorNotification {
/// Cast this `nsITextInputProcessorNotification` to one of its base interfaces.
pub fn coerce<T: nsITextInputProcessorNotificationCoerce>(&self) -> &T {
// Every interface struct type implements `Deref` to its base interface. This
// causes methods on the base interfaces to be directly avaliable on the
// object. For example, you can call `.AddRef` or `.QueryInterface` directly
// on any interface which inherits from `nsISupports`.
impl ::std::ops::Deref for nsITextInputProcessorNotification {
type Target = nsISupports;
fn deref(&self) -> &nsISupports {
unsafe {
// Ensure we can use .coerce() to cast to our base types as well. Any type which
// our base interface can coerce from should be coercable from us as well.
impl<T: nsISupportsCoerce> nsITextInputProcessorNotificationCoerce for T {
fn coerce_from(v: &nsITextInputProcessorNotification) -> &Self {
// This struct represents the interface's VTable. A pointer to a statically
// allocated version of this struct is at the beginning of every nsITextInputProcessorNotification
// object. It contains one pointer field for each method in the interface. In
// the case where we can't generate a binding for a method, we include a void
// pointer.
pub struct nsITextInputProcessorNotificationVTable {
/// We need to include the members from the base interface's vtable at the start
/// of the VTable definition.
pub __base: nsISupportsVTable,
/* readonly attribute ACString type; */
pub GetType: unsafe extern "system" fn (this: *const nsITextInputProcessorNotification, aType: *mut ::nsstring::nsACString) -> ::nserror::nsresult,
/* readonly attribute boolean hasRange; */
pub GetHasRange: unsafe extern "system" fn (this: *const nsITextInputProcessorNotification, aHasRange: *mut bool) -> ::nserror::nsresult,
/* readonly attribute unsigned long offset; */
pub GetOffset: unsafe extern "system" fn (this: *const nsITextInputProcessorNotification, aOffset: *mut u32) -> ::nserror::nsresult,
/* readonly attribute AString text; */
pub GetText: unsafe extern "system" fn (this: *const nsITextInputProcessorNotification, aText: *mut ::nsstring::nsAString) -> ::nserror::nsresult,
/* readonly attribute boolean collapsed; */
pub GetCollapsed: unsafe extern "system" fn (this: *const nsITextInputProcessorNotification, aCollapsed: *mut bool) -> ::nserror::nsresult,
/* readonly attribute uint32_t length; */
pub GetLength: unsafe extern "system" fn (this: *const nsITextInputProcessorNotification, aLength: *mut u32) -> ::nserror::nsresult,
/* readonly attribute boolean reversed; */
pub GetReversed: unsafe extern "system" fn (this: *const nsITextInputProcessorNotification, aReversed: *mut bool) -> ::nserror::nsresult,
/* readonly attribute ACString writingMode; */
pub GetWritingMode: unsafe extern "system" fn (this: *const nsITextInputProcessorNotification, aWritingMode: *mut ::nsstring::nsACString) -> ::nserror::nsresult,
/* readonly attribute boolean causedByComposition; */
pub GetCausedByComposition: unsafe extern "system" fn (this: *const nsITextInputProcessorNotification, aCausedByComposition: *mut bool) -> ::nserror::nsresult,
/* readonly attribute boolean causedBySelectionEvent; */
pub GetCausedBySelectionEvent: unsafe extern "system" fn (this: *const nsITextInputProcessorNotification, aCausedBySelectionEvent: *mut bool) -> ::nserror::nsresult,
/* readonly attribute boolean occurredDuringComposition; */
pub GetOccurredDuringComposition: unsafe extern "system" fn (this: *const nsITextInputProcessorNotification, aOccurredDuringComposition: *mut bool) -> ::nserror::nsresult,
/* readonly attribute unsigned long removedLength; */
pub GetRemovedLength: unsafe extern "system" fn (this: *const nsITextInputProcessorNotification, aRemovedLength: *mut u32) -> ::nserror::nsresult,
/* readonly attribute unsigned long addedLength; */
pub GetAddedLength: unsafe extern "system" fn (this: *const nsITextInputProcessorNotification, aAddedLength: *mut u32) -> ::nserror::nsresult,
/* readonly attribute boolean causedOnlyByComposition; */
pub GetCausedOnlyByComposition: unsafe extern "system" fn (this: *const nsITextInputProcessorNotification, aCausedOnlyByComposition: *mut bool) -> ::nserror::nsresult,
/* readonly attribute boolean includingChangesDuringComposition; */
pub GetIncludingChangesDuringComposition: unsafe extern "system" fn (this: *const nsITextInputProcessorNotification, aIncludingChangesDuringComposition: *mut bool) -> ::nserror::nsresult,
/* readonly attribute boolean includingChangesWithoutComposition; */
pub GetIncludingChangesWithoutComposition: unsafe extern "system" fn (this: *const nsITextInputProcessorNotification, aIncludingChangesWithoutComposition: *mut bool) -> ::nserror::nsresult,
// The implementations of the function wrappers which are exposed to rust code.
// Call these methods rather than manually calling through the VTable struct.
impl nsITextInputProcessorNotification {
/// ```text
/// /**
/// * type attribute represents what's notified or requested. Value must be
/// * one of following values:
/// *
/// * "request-to-commit" (required to be handled)
/// * This is requested when Gecko believes that active composition should be
/// * committed. nsITextInputProcessorCallback::onNotify() has to handle this
/// * notification.
/// *
/// * "request-to-cancel" (required to be handled)
/// * This is requested when Gecko believes that active composition should be
/// * canceled. I.e., composition should be committed with empty string.
/// * nsITextInputProcessorCallback::onNotify() has to handle this
/// * notification.
/// *
/// * "notify-end-input-transaction" (optional)
/// * This is notified when the callback is detached from
/// * nsITextInputProcessor. I.e., the TextInputProcessor lost the rights
/// * to input text and needs to call .beginInputTransaction() before next
/// * input.
/// *
/// * "notify-focus" (optional)
/// * This is notified when an editable editor gets focus and Gecko starts
/// * to observe changes in the content. E.g., selection changes.
/// * IME shouldn't change DOM tree, focus nor something when this is notified.
/// *
/// * "notify-blur" (optional)
/// * This is notified when an editable editor loses focus and Gecko stops
/// * observing the changes in the content.
/// *
/// * "notify-text-change" (optional)
/// * This is notified when text in the focused editor is modified.
/// * Some attributes below are available to retrieve the detail.
/// * IME shouldn't change DOM tree, focus nor something when this is notified.
/// * Note that when there is no chance to notify you of some text changes
/// * safely, this represents all changes as a change.
/// *
/// * "notify-selection-change" (optional)
/// * This is notified when selection in the focused editor is changed.
/// * Some attributes below are available to retrieve the detail.
/// * IME shouldn't change DOM tree, focus nor something when this is notified.
/// * Note that when there was no chance to notify you of this safely, this
/// * represents the latest selection change.
/// *
/// * "notify-position-change" (optional)
/// * This is notified when layout is changed in the editor or the window
/// * is moved.
/// * IME shouldn't change DOM tree, focus nor something when this is notified.
/// * Note that when there was no chance to notify you of this safely, this
/// * represents the latest layout change.
/// */
/// ```
/// `readonly attribute ACString type;`
pub unsafe fn GetType(&self, aType: *mut ::nsstring::nsACString) -> ::nserror::nsresult {
((*self.vtable).GetType)(self, aType)
/// ```text
/// /**
/// * This attribute has a vaild value when type is "notify-selection-change".
/// * This is true if selection has a range. Otherwise, i.e., there is no
/// * range such as after calling Selection.removeAllRanges, this is false.
/// */
/// ```
/// `readonly attribute boolean hasRange;`
pub unsafe fn GetHasRange(&self, aHasRange: *mut bool) -> ::nserror::nsresult {
((*self.vtable).GetHasRange)(self, aHasRange)
/// ```text
/// /**
/// * Be careful, line breakers in the editor are treated as native line
/// * breakers. I.e., on Windows, a line breaker is "\r\n" (CRLF). On the
/// * others, it is "\n" (LF). If you want TextInputProcessor to treat line
/// * breakers on Windows as XP line breakers (LF), please file a bug with
/// * the reason why you need the behavior.
/// */
/// /**
/// * This attribute has a valid value when type is "notify-text-change", or
/// * is "notify-selection-change" and hasRange is true.
/// * This is offset of the start of modified text range if type is
/// * "notify-text-change". Or offset of start of selection if type is
/// * "notify-selection-change".
/// */
/// ```
/// `readonly attribute unsigned long offset;`
pub unsafe fn GetOffset(&self, aOffset: *mut u32) -> ::nserror::nsresult {
((*self.vtable).GetOffset)(self, aOffset)
/// ```text
/// /**
/// * This attribute has a valid value when type is "notify-selection-change"
/// * and hasRange is true.
/// * This is selected text. I.e., the length is selected length and
/// * it's empty if the selection is collapsed.
/// */
/// ```
/// `readonly attribute AString text;`
pub unsafe fn GetText(&self, aText: *mut ::nsstring::nsAString) -> ::nserror::nsresult {
((*self.vtable).GetText)(self, aText)
/// ```text
/// /**
/// * This attribute has a valid value when type is "notify-selection-change".
/// * This is set to true when the selection is collapsed or no range.
/// * Otherwise, false.
/// */
/// ```
/// `readonly attribute boolean collapsed;`
pub unsafe fn GetCollapsed(&self, aCollapsed: *mut bool) -> ::nserror::nsresult {
((*self.vtable).GetCollapsed)(self, aCollapsed)
/// ```text
/// /**
/// * This attribute has a valid value when type is "notify-selection-change"
/// * and hasRange is true.
/// * This is selected length. I.e., if this is 0, collapsed is set to true.
/// */
/// ```
/// `readonly attribute uint32_t length;`
pub unsafe fn GetLength(&self, aLength: *mut u32) -> ::nserror::nsresult {
((*self.vtable).GetLength)(self, aLength)
/// ```text
/// /**
/// * This attribute has a valid value when type is "notify-selection-change"
/// * and hasRange is true.
/// * When selection is created from latter point to former point, this is
/// * set to true. Otherwise, false.
/// * I.e., if this is true, offset + length is the anchor of selection.
/// */
/// ```
/// `readonly attribute boolean reversed;`
pub unsafe fn GetReversed(&self, aReversed: *mut bool) -> ::nserror::nsresult {
((*self.vtable).GetReversed)(self, aReversed)
/// ```text
/// /**
/// * This attribute has a valid value when type is "notify-selection-change".
/// * This indicates the start of the selection's writing mode.
/// * The value can be "horizontal-tb", "vertical-rl" or "vertical-lr".
/// */
/// ```
/// `readonly attribute ACString writingMode;`
pub unsafe fn GetWritingMode(&self, aWritingMode: *mut ::nsstring::nsACString) -> ::nserror::nsresult {
((*self.vtable).GetWritingMode)(self, aWritingMode)
/// ```text
/// /**
/// * This attribute has a valid value when type is "notify-selection-change".
/// * If the selection change was caused by composition, this is set to true.
/// * Otherwise, false.
/// */
/// ```
/// `readonly attribute boolean causedByComposition;`
pub unsafe fn GetCausedByComposition(&self, aCausedByComposition: *mut bool) -> ::nserror::nsresult {
((*self.vtable).GetCausedByComposition)(self, aCausedByComposition)
/// ```text
/// /**
/// * This attribute has a valid value when type is "notify-selection-change".
/// * If the selection change was caused by selection event, this is set to true.
/// * Otherwise, false.
/// */
/// ```
/// `readonly attribute boolean causedBySelectionEvent;`
pub unsafe fn GetCausedBySelectionEvent(&self, aCausedBySelectionEvent: *mut bool) -> ::nserror::nsresult {
((*self.vtable).GetCausedBySelectionEvent)(self, aCausedBySelectionEvent)
/// ```text
/// /**
/// * This attribute has a valid value when type is "notify-selection-change".
/// * If the selection change occurred during composition, this is set to true.
/// * Otherwise, false.
/// */
/// ```
/// `readonly attribute boolean occurredDuringComposition;`
pub unsafe fn GetOccurredDuringComposition(&self, aOccurredDuringComposition: *mut bool) -> ::nserror::nsresult {
((*self.vtable).GetOccurredDuringComposition)(self, aOccurredDuringComposition)
/// ```text
/// /**
/// * This attribute has a valid value when type is "notify-text-change".
/// * This is removed text length by the change(s). If this is empty, new text
/// * was just inserted. Otherwise, the text is replaced with new text.
/// */
/// ```
/// `readonly attribute unsigned long removedLength;`
pub unsafe fn GetRemovedLength(&self, aRemovedLength: *mut u32) -> ::nserror::nsresult {
((*self.vtable).GetRemovedLength)(self, aRemovedLength)
/// ```text
/// /**
/// * This attribute has a valid value when type is "notify-text-change".
/// * This is added text length by the change(s). If this is empty, old text
/// * was just deleted. Otherwise, the text replaces the old text.
/// */
/// ```
/// `readonly attribute unsigned long addedLength;`
pub unsafe fn GetAddedLength(&self, aAddedLength: *mut u32) -> ::nserror::nsresult {
((*self.vtable).GetAddedLength)(self, aAddedLength)
/// ```text
/// /**
/// * This attribute has a valid value when type is "notify-text-change".
/// * If the text change(s) was caused only by composition, this is set to true.
/// * Otherwise, false. I.e., if one of text changes are caused by JS or
/// * modifying without composition, this is set to false.
/// */
/// ```
/// `readonly attribute boolean causedOnlyByComposition;`
pub unsafe fn GetCausedOnlyByComposition(&self, aCausedOnlyByComposition: *mut bool) -> ::nserror::nsresult {
((*self.vtable).GetCausedOnlyByComposition)(self, aCausedOnlyByComposition)
/// ```text
/// /**
/// * This attribute has a valid value when type is "notify-text-change".
/// * If at least one text change not caused by composition occurred during
/// * composition, this is set to true. Otherwise, false.
/// * Note that this is set to false when new change is caused by neither
/// * composition nor occurred during composition because it's outdated for
/// * new composition.
/// * In other words, when text changes not caused by composition occurred
/// * during composition and it may cause committing composition, this is
/// * set to true.
/// */
/// ```
/// `readonly attribute boolean includingChangesDuringComposition;`
pub unsafe fn GetIncludingChangesDuringComposition(&self, aIncludingChangesDuringComposition: *mut bool) -> ::nserror::nsresult {
((*self.vtable).GetIncludingChangesDuringComposition)(self, aIncludingChangesDuringComposition)
/// ```text
/// /**
/// * This attribute has a valid value when type is "notify-text-change".
/// * If at least one text change occurred when there was no composition, this
/// * is set to true. Otherwise, false.
/// */
/// ```
/// `readonly attribute boolean includingChangesWithoutComposition;`
pub unsafe fn GetIncludingChangesWithoutComposition(&self, aIncludingChangesWithoutComposition: *mut bool) -> ::nserror::nsresult {
((*self.vtable).GetIncludingChangesWithoutComposition)(self, aIncludingChangesWithoutComposition)
/// `interface nsITextInputProcessorCallback : nsISupports`
/// ```text
/// /**
/// * nsITextInputProcessorCallback is a callback interface for JS to implement
/// * IME. IME implemented by JS can implement onNotify() function and must send
/// * it to nsITextInputProcessor at initializing. Then, onNotify() will be
/// * called with nsITextInputProcessorNotification instance.
/// * The reason why onNotify() uses string simply is that if we will support
/// * other notifications such as text changes and selection changes, we need to
/// * notify IME of some other information. Then, only changing
/// * nsITextInputProcessorNotification interface is better for compatibility.
/// */
/// ```
// The actual type definition for the interface. This struct has methods
// declared on it which will call through its vtable. You never want to pass
// this type around by value, always pass it behind a reference.
pub struct nsITextInputProcessorCallback {
vtable: &'static nsITextInputProcessorCallbackVTable,
/// This field is a phantomdata to ensure that the VTable type and any
/// struct containing it is not safe to send across threads by default, as
/// XPCOM is generally not threadsafe.
/// If this type is marked as [rust_sync], there will be explicit `Send` and
/// `Sync` implementations on this type, which will override the inherited
/// negative impls from `Rc`.
__nosync: ::std::marker::PhantomData<::std::rc::Rc<u8>>,
// Make the rust compiler aware that there might be interior mutability
// in what actually implements the interface. This works around UB
// that a rust lint would make blatantly obvious, but doesn't exist.
// This prevents optimizations, but those optimizations weren't available
// before rustc switched to LLVM 16, and they now cause problems because
// of the UB.
// Until there's a lint available to find all our UB, it's simpler to
// avoid the UB in the first place, at the cost of preventing optimizations
// in places that don't cause UB. But again, those optimizations weren't
// available before.
__maybe_interior_mutability: ::std::cell::UnsafeCell<[u8; 0]>,
// Implementing XpCom for an interface exposes its IID, which allows for easy
// use of the `.query_interface<T>` helper method. This also defines that
// method for nsITextInputProcessorCallback.
unsafe impl XpCom for nsITextInputProcessorCallback {
const IID: nsIID = nsID(0x23d5f242, 0xadb5, 0x46f1,
[0x87, 0x66, 0x90, 0xd1, 0xbf, 0x03, 0x83, 0xdf]);
// We need to implement the RefCounted trait so we can be used with `RefPtr`.
// This trait teaches `RefPtr` how to manage our memory.
unsafe impl RefCounted for nsITextInputProcessorCallback {
unsafe fn addref(&self) {
unsafe fn release(&self) {
// This trait is implemented on all types which can be coerced to from nsITextInputProcessorCallback.
// It is used in the implementation of `fn coerce<T>`. We hide it from the
// documentation, because it clutters it up a lot.
pub trait nsITextInputProcessorCallbackCoerce {
/// Cheaply cast a value of this type from a `nsITextInputProcessorCallback`.
fn coerce_from(v: &nsITextInputProcessorCallback) -> &Self;
// The trivial implementation: We can obviously coerce ourselves to ourselves.
impl nsITextInputProcessorCallbackCoerce for nsITextInputProcessorCallback {
fn coerce_from(v: &nsITextInputProcessorCallback) -> &Self {
impl nsITextInputProcessorCallback {
/// Cast this `nsITextInputProcessorCallback` to one of its base interfaces.
pub fn coerce<T: nsITextInputProcessorCallbackCoerce>(&self) -> &T {
// Every interface struct type implements `Deref` to its base interface. This
// causes methods on the base interfaces to be directly avaliable on the
// object. For example, you can call `.AddRef` or `.QueryInterface` directly
// on any interface which inherits from `nsISupports`.
impl ::std::ops::Deref for nsITextInputProcessorCallback {
type Target = nsISupports;
fn deref(&self) -> &nsISupports {
unsafe {
// Ensure we can use .coerce() to cast to our base types as well. Any type which
// our base interface can coerce from should be coercable from us as well.
impl<T: nsISupportsCoerce> nsITextInputProcessorCallbackCoerce for T {
fn coerce_from(v: &nsITextInputProcessorCallback) -> &Self {
// This struct represents the interface's VTable. A pointer to a statically
// allocated version of this struct is at the beginning of every nsITextInputProcessorCallback
// object. It contains one pointer field for each method in the interface. In
// the case where we can't generate a binding for a method, we include a void
// pointer.
pub struct nsITextInputProcessorCallbackVTable {
/// We need to include the members from the base interface's vtable at the start
/// of the VTable definition.
pub __base: nsISupportsVTable,
/* boolean onNotify (in nsITextInputProcessor aTextInputProcessor, in nsITextInputProcessorNotification aNotification); */
pub OnNotify: unsafe extern "system" fn (this: *const nsITextInputProcessorCallback, aTextInputProcessor: *const nsITextInputProcessor, aNotification: *const nsITextInputProcessorNotification, _retval: *mut bool) -> ::nserror::nsresult,
// The implementations of the function wrappers which are exposed to rust code.
// Call these methods rather than manually calling through the VTable struct.
impl nsITextInputProcessorCallback {
/// ```text
/// /**
/// * When Gecko notifies IME of something or requests something to IME,
/// * this is called.
/// *
/// * @param aTextInputProcessor Reference to the nsITextInputProcessor service
/// * which is the original receiver of the request
/// * or notification.
/// * @param aNotification Stores type of notifications and additional
/// * information.
/// * @return Return true if it succeeded or does nothing.
/// * Otherwise, return false.
/// *
/// * Example #1 The simplest implementation of nsITextInputProcessorCallback is:
/// *
/// * function simpleCallback(aTIP, aNotification)
/// * {
/// * try {
/// * switch (aNotification.type) {
/// * case "request-to-commit":
/// * aTIP.commitComposition();
/// * break;
/// * case "request-to-cancel":
/// * aTIP.cancelComposition();
/// * break;
/// * }
/// * } catch (e) {
/// * return false;
/// * }
/// * return true;
/// * }
/// *
/// * var TIP = Components.classes[";1"].
/// * createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsITextInputProcessor);
/// * if (!TIP.init(window, simpleCallback)) {
/// * return;
/// * }
/// */
/// ```
/// `boolean onNotify (in nsITextInputProcessor aTextInputProcessor, in nsITextInputProcessorNotification aNotification);`
pub unsafe fn OnNotify(&self, aTextInputProcessor: *const nsITextInputProcessor, aNotification: *const nsITextInputProcessorNotification, _retval: *mut bool) -> ::nserror::nsresult {
((*self.vtable).OnNotify)(self, aTextInputProcessor, aNotification, _retval)