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//! Implementation of the AES decryption for zip files.
//! This was implemented according to the [WinZip specification](
//! Note that using CRC with AES depends on the used encryption specification, AE-1 or AE-2.
//! If the file is marked as encrypted with AE-2 the CRC field is ignored, even if it isn't set to 0.
use crate::aes_ctr::AesCipher;
use crate::types::AesMode;
use crate::{aes_ctr, result::ZipError};
use constant_time_eq::constant_time_eq;
use hmac::{Hmac, Mac};
use rand::RngCore;
use sha1::Sha1;
use std::io::{self, Error, ErrorKind, Read, Write};
use zeroize::{Zeroize, Zeroizing};
/// The length of the password verifcation value in bytes
pub const PWD_VERIFY_LENGTH: usize = 2;
/// The length of the authentication code in bytes
const AUTH_CODE_LENGTH: usize = 10;
/// The number of iterations used with PBKDF2
const ITERATION_COUNT: u32 = 1000;
enum Cipher {
impl Cipher {
/// Create a `Cipher` depending on the used `AesMode` and the given `key`.
/// # Panics
/// This panics if `key` doesn't have the correct size for the chosen aes mode.
fn from_mode(aes_mode: AesMode, key: &[u8]) -> Self {
match aes_mode {
AesMode::Aes128 => Cipher::Aes128(Box::new(aes_ctr::AesCtrZipKeyStream::<
AesMode::Aes192 => Cipher::Aes192(Box::new(aes_ctr::AesCtrZipKeyStream::<
AesMode::Aes256 => Cipher::Aes256(Box::new(aes_ctr::AesCtrZipKeyStream::<
fn crypt_in_place(&mut self, target: &mut [u8]) {
match self {
Self::Aes128(cipher) => cipher.crypt_in_place(target),
Self::Aes192(cipher) => cipher.crypt_in_place(target),
Self::Aes256(cipher) => cipher.crypt_in_place(target),
// An aes encrypted file starts with a salt, whose length depends on the used aes mode
// followed by a 2 byte password verification value
// then the variable length encrypted data
// and lastly a 10 byte authentication code
pub struct AesReader<R> {
reader: R,
aes_mode: AesMode,
data_length: u64,
impl<R: Read> AesReader<R> {
pub const fn new(reader: R, aes_mode: AesMode, compressed_size: u64) -> AesReader<R> {
let data_length = compressed_size
- (PWD_VERIFY_LENGTH + AUTH_CODE_LENGTH + aes_mode.salt_length()) as u64;
Self {
/// Read the AES header bytes and validate the password.
/// Even if the validation succeeds, there is still a 1 in 65536 chance that an incorrect
/// password was provided.
/// It isn't possible to check the authentication code in this step. This will be done after
/// reading and decrypting the file.
pub fn validate(mut self, password: &[u8]) -> Result<AesReaderValid<R>, ZipError> {
let salt_length = self.aes_mode.salt_length();
let key_length = self.aes_mode.key_length();
let mut salt = vec![0; salt_length];
self.reader.read_exact(&mut salt)?;
// next are 2 bytes used for password verification
let mut pwd_verification_value = vec![0; PWD_VERIFY_LENGTH];
self.reader.read_exact(&mut pwd_verification_value)?;
// derive a key from the password and salt
// the length depends on the aes key length
let derived_key_len = 2 * key_length + PWD_VERIFY_LENGTH;
let mut derived_key: Box<[u8]> = vec![0; derived_key_len].into_boxed_slice();
// use PBKDF2 with HMAC-Sha1 to derive the key
pbkdf2::pbkdf2::<Hmac<Sha1>>(password, &salt, ITERATION_COUNT, &mut derived_key)
.map_err(|e| Error::new(ErrorKind::InvalidInput, e))?;
let decrypt_key = &derived_key[0..key_length];
let hmac_key = &derived_key[key_length..key_length * 2];
let pwd_verify = &derived_key[derived_key_len - 2..];
// the last 2 bytes should equal the password verification value
if pwd_verification_value != pwd_verify {
// wrong password
return Err(ZipError::InvalidPassword);
let cipher = Cipher::from_mode(self.aes_mode, decrypt_key);
let hmac = Hmac::<Sha1>::new_from_slice(hmac_key).unwrap();
Ok(AesReaderValid {
reader: self.reader,
data_remaining: self.data_length,
finalized: false,
/// Read the AES header bytes and returns the verification value and salt.
/// # Returns
/// the verification value and the salt
pub fn get_verification_value_and_salt(
mut self,
) -> io::Result<([u8; PWD_VERIFY_LENGTH], Vec<u8>)> {
let salt_length = self.aes_mode.salt_length();
let mut salt = vec![0; salt_length];
self.reader.read_exact(&mut salt)?;
// next are 2 bytes used for password verification
let mut pwd_verification_value = [0; PWD_VERIFY_LENGTH];
self.reader.read_exact(&mut pwd_verification_value)?;
Ok((pwd_verification_value, salt))
/// A reader for aes encrypted files, which has already passed the first password check.
/// There is a 1 in 65536 chance that an invalid password passes that check.
/// After the data has been read and decrypted an HMAC will be checked and provide a final means
/// to check if either the password is invalid or if the data has been changed.
pub struct AesReaderValid<R: Read> {
reader: R,
data_remaining: u64,
cipher: Cipher,
hmac: Hmac<Sha1>,
finalized: bool,
impl<R: Read> Read for AesReaderValid<R> {
/// This implementation does not fulfill all requirements set in the trait documentation.
/// ```txt
/// "If an error is returned then it must be guaranteed that no bytes were read."
/// ```
/// Whether this applies to errors that occur while reading the encrypted data depends on the
/// underlying reader. If the error occurs while verifying the HMAC, the reader might become
/// practically unusable, since its position after the error is not known.
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
if self.data_remaining == 0 {
return Ok(0);
// get the number of bytes to read, compare as u64 to make sure we can read more than
// 2^32 bytes even on 32 bit systems.
let bytes_to_read = self.data_remaining.min(buf.len() as u64) as usize;
let read = buf[0..bytes_to_read])?;
self.data_remaining -= read as u64;
// Update the hmac with the encrypted data
// decrypt the data
self.cipher.crypt_in_place(&mut buf[]);
// if there is no data left to read, check the integrity of the data
if self.data_remaining == 0 {
"Tried to use an already finalized HMAC. This is a bug!"
self.finalized = true;
// Zip uses HMAC-Sha1-80, which only uses the first half of the hash
let mut read_auth_code = [0; AUTH_CODE_LENGTH];
self.reader.read_exact(&mut read_auth_code)?;
let computed_auth_code = &self.hmac.finalize_reset().into_bytes()[0..AUTH_CODE_LENGTH];
// use constant time comparison to mitigate timing attacks
if !constant_time_eq(computed_auth_code, &read_auth_code) {
return Err(
"Invalid authentication code, this could be due to an invalid password or errors in the data"
impl<R: Read> AesReaderValid<R> {
/// Consumes this decoder, returning the underlying reader.
pub fn into_inner(self) -> R {
pub struct AesWriter<W> {
writer: W,
cipher: Cipher,
hmac: Hmac<Sha1>,
buffer: Zeroizing<Vec<u8>>,
encrypted_file_header: Option<Vec<u8>>,
impl<W: Write> AesWriter<W> {
pub fn new(writer: W, aes_mode: AesMode, password: &[u8]) -> io::Result<Self> {
let salt_length = aes_mode.salt_length();
let key_length = aes_mode.key_length();
let mut encrypted_file_header = Vec::with_capacity(salt_length + 2);
let mut salt = vec![0; salt_length];
rand::thread_rng().fill_bytes(&mut salt);
// Derive a key from the password and salt. The length depends on the aes key length
let derived_key_len = 2 * key_length + PWD_VERIFY_LENGTH;
let mut derived_key: Zeroizing<Vec<u8>> = Zeroizing::new(vec![0; derived_key_len]);
// Use PBKDF2 with HMAC-Sha1 to derive the key.
pbkdf2::pbkdf2::<Hmac<Sha1>>(password, &salt, ITERATION_COUNT, &mut derived_key)
.map_err(|e| Error::new(ErrorKind::InvalidInput, e))?;
let encryption_key = &derived_key[0..key_length];
let hmac_key = &derived_key[key_length..key_length * 2];
let pwd_verify = derived_key[derived_key_len - 2..].to_vec();
let cipher = Cipher::from_mode(aes_mode, encryption_key);
let hmac = Hmac::<Sha1>::new_from_slice(hmac_key).unwrap();
Ok(Self {
buffer: Default::default(),
encrypted_file_header: Some(encrypted_file_header),
pub fn finish(mut self) -> io::Result<W> {
// Zip uses HMAC-Sha1-80, which only uses the first half of the hash
let computed_auth_code = &self.hmac.finalize_reset().into_bytes()[0..AUTH_CODE_LENGTH];
/// The AES encryption specification requires some metadata being written at the start of the
/// file data section, but this can only be done once the extra data writing has been finished
/// so we can't do it when the writer is constructed.
fn write_encrypted_file_header(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
if let Some(header) = self.encrypted_file_header.take() {
impl<W: Write> Write for AesWriter<W> {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
// Fill the internal buffer and encrypt it in-place.
self.cipher.crypt_in_place(&mut self.buffer[..]);
// Update the hmac with the encrypted data.
// Write the encrypted buffer to the inner writer. We need to use `write_all` here as if
// we only write parts of the data we can't easily reverse the keystream in the cipher
// implementation.
// Zeroize the backing memory before clearing the buffer to prevent cleartext data from
// being left in memory.
fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
#[cfg(all(test, feature = "aes-crypto"))]
mod tests {
use std::io::{self, Read, Write};
use crate::{
aes::{AesReader, AesWriter},
/// Checks whether `AesReader` can successfully decrypt what `AesWriter` produces.
fn roundtrip(aes_mode: AesMode, password: &[u8], plaintext: &[u8]) -> Result<bool, ZipError> {
let mut buf = io::Cursor::new(vec![]);
let mut read_buffer = vec![];
let mut writer = AesWriter::new(&mut buf, aes_mode, password)?;
// Reset cursor position to the beginning.
let compressed_length = buf.get_ref().len() as u64;
let mut reader =
AesReader::new(&mut buf, aes_mode, compressed_length).validate(password)?;
reader.read_to_end(&mut read_buffer)?;
Ok(plaintext == read_buffer)
fn crypt_aes_256_0_byte() {
let plaintext = &[];
let password = b"some super secret password";
assert!(roundtrip(AesMode::Aes256, password, plaintext).expect("could encrypt and decrypt"));
fn crypt_aes_128_5_byte() {
let plaintext = b"asdf\n";
let password = b"some super secret password";
assert!(roundtrip(AesMode::Aes128, password, plaintext).expect("could encrypt and decrypt"));
fn crypt_aes_192_5_byte() {
let plaintext = b"asdf\n";
let password = b"some super secret password";
assert!(roundtrip(AesMode::Aes192, password, plaintext).expect("could encrypt and decrypt"));
fn crypt_aes_256_5_byte() {
let plaintext = b"asdf\n";
let password = b"some super secret password";
assert!(roundtrip(AesMode::Aes256, password, plaintext).expect("could encrypt and decrypt"));
fn crypt_aes_128_40_byte() {
let plaintext = b"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur\n";
let password = b"some super secret password";
assert!(roundtrip(AesMode::Aes128, password, plaintext).expect("could encrypt and decrypt"));
fn crypt_aes_192_40_byte() {
let plaintext = b"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur\n";
let password = b"some super secret password";
assert!(roundtrip(AesMode::Aes192, password, plaintext).expect("could encrypt and decrypt"));
fn crypt_aes_256_40_byte() {
let plaintext = b"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur\n";
let password = b"some super secret password";
assert!(roundtrip(AesMode::Aes256, password, plaintext).expect("could encrypt and decrypt"));