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use super::*;
use core::ffi::c_void;
use core::ptr::NonNull;
/// All COM interfaces (and thus WinRT classes and interfaces) implement
/// under the hood to provide reference-counted lifetime management as well as the ability
/// to query for additional interfaces that the object may implement.
pub struct IUnknown(NonNull<c_void>);
pub struct IUnknown_Vtbl {
pub QueryInterface: unsafe extern "system" fn(
this: *mut c_void,
iid: *const GUID,
interface: *mut *mut c_void,
pub AddRef: unsafe extern "system" fn(this: *mut c_void) -> u32,
pub Release: unsafe extern "system" fn(this: *mut c_void) -> u32,
unsafe impl Interface for IUnknown {
type Vtable = IUnknown_Vtbl;
const IID: GUID = GUID::from_u128(0x00000000_0000_0000_c000_000000000046);
impl Clone for IUnknown {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
unsafe {
impl Drop for IUnknown {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
impl PartialEq for IUnknown {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
// First we test for ordinary pointer equality. If two COM interface pointers have the
// same pointer value, then they are the same object. This can save us a lot of time,
// since calling QueryInterface is much more expensive than a single pointer comparison.
// However, interface pointers may have different values and yet point to the same object.
// Since COM objects may implement multiple interfaces, COM identity can only
// be determined by querying for `IUnknown` explicitly and then comparing the
// pointer values. This works since `QueryInterface` is required to return
// the same pointer value for queries for `IUnknown`.
self.as_raw() == other.as_raw()
|| self.cast::<IUnknown>().unwrap().0 == other.cast::<IUnknown>().unwrap().0
impl Eq for IUnknown {}
impl core::fmt::Debug for IUnknown {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
/// The `#[implement]` macro generates implementations of this trait for the types
/// that it generates, e.g. `MyApp_Impl`,
/// `ComObject` uses this trait to interact with boxed COM objects.
pub trait IUnknownImpl {
/// The contained user type, e.g. `MyApp`. Also known as the "inner" type.
type Impl;
/// Get a reference to the backing implementation.
fn get_impl(&self) -> &Self::Impl;
/// Get a mutable reference to the contained (inner) object.
fn get_impl_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Impl;
/// Consumes the box and returns the contained (inner) object. This is the opposite of `new_box`.
fn into_inner(self) -> Self::Impl;
/// The classic `QueryInterface` method from COM.
/// # Safety
/// This function is safe to call as long as the interface pointer is non-null and valid for writes
/// of an interface pointer.
unsafe fn QueryInterface(&self, iid: *const GUID, interface: *mut *mut c_void) -> HRESULT;
/// Increments the reference count of the interface
fn AddRef(&self) -> u32;
/// Decrements the reference count causing the interface's memory to be freed when the count is 0
/// # Safety
/// This function should only be called when the interface pointer is no longer used as calling `Release`
/// on a non-aliased interface pointer and then using that interface pointer may result in use after free.
/// This function takes `*mut Self` because the object may be freed by the time this method returns.
/// Taking `&self` would violate Rust's rules on reference lifetime.
unsafe fn Release(self_: *mut Self) -> u32;
/// Returns `true` if the reference count of the box is equal to 1.
fn is_reference_count_one(&self) -> bool;
/// Gets the trust level of the current object.
unsafe fn GetTrustLevel(&self, value: *mut i32) -> HRESULT;
/// Given a reference to an inner type, returns a reference to the outer shared type.
/// # Safety
/// This function should only be called from methods that implement COM interfaces, i.e.
/// implementations of methods on `IFoo_Impl` traits.
// TODO: This can be made safe, if IFoo_Impl are moved to the Object_Impl types.
// That requires some substantial redesign, though.
unsafe fn from_inner_ref(inner: &Self::Impl) -> &Self;
/// Gets a borrowed reference to an interface that is implemented by this ComObject.
/// The returned reference does not have an additional reference count.
/// You can AddRef it by calling to_owned().
fn as_interface<I: Interface>(&self) -> InterfaceRef<'_, I>
Self: ComObjectInterface<I>,
<Self as ComObjectInterface<I>>::as_interface_ref(self)
/// Gets an owned (counted) reference to an interface that is implemented by this ComObject.
fn to_interface<I: Interface>(&self) -> I
Self: ComObjectInterface<I>,
<Self as ComObjectInterface<I>>::as_interface_ref(self).to_owned()
/// Creates a new owned reference to this object.
/// # Safety
/// This function can only be safely called by `<Foo>_Impl` objects that are embedded in a
/// `ComObject`. Since we only allow safe Rust code to access these objects using a `ComObject`
/// or a `&<Foo>_Impl` that points within a `ComObject`, this is safe.
fn to_object(&self) -> ComObject<Self::Impl>
Self::Impl: ComObjectInner<Outer = Self>;
/// The distance from the start of `<Foo>_Impl` to the `this` field within it, measured in
/// pointer-sized elements. The `this` field contains the `MyApp` instance.
impl IUnknown_Vtbl {
pub const fn new<T: IUnknownImpl, const OFFSET: isize>() -> Self {
unsafe extern "system" fn QueryInterface<T: IUnknownImpl, const OFFSET: isize>(
this: *mut c_void,
iid: *const GUID,
interface: *mut *mut c_void,
) -> HRESULT {
let this = (this as *mut *mut c_void).offset(OFFSET) as *mut T;
(*this).QueryInterface(iid, interface)
unsafe extern "system" fn AddRef<T: IUnknownImpl, const OFFSET: isize>(
this: *mut c_void,
) -> u32 {
let this = (this as *mut *mut c_void).offset(OFFSET) as *mut T;
unsafe extern "system" fn Release<T: IUnknownImpl, const OFFSET: isize>(
this: *mut c_void,
) -> u32 {
let this = (this as *mut *mut c_void).offset(OFFSET) as *mut T;
Self {
QueryInterface: QueryInterface::<T, OFFSET>,
AddRef: AddRef::<T, OFFSET>,
Release: Release::<T, OFFSET>,