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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
/// This module contains builtin `FFIConverter` implementations. These cover:
/// - Simple privitive types: u8, i32, String, Arc<T>, etc
/// - Composite types: Vec<T>, Option<T>, etc.
/// - SystemTime and Duration, which maybe shouldn`t be built-in, but have been historically and
/// we want to continue to support them for now.
/// As described in
/// we use the following system:
/// - Each UniFFIed crate defines a unit struct named `UniFfiTag`
/// - We define an `impl FFIConverter<UniFfiTag> for Type` for each type that we want to pass
/// across the FFI.
/// - When generating the code, we use the `<T as ::uniffi::FFIConverter<crate::UniFfiTag>>` impl
/// to lift/lower/serialize types for a crate.
/// This crate needs to implement `FFIConverter<UT>` on `UniFfiTag` instances for all UniFFI
/// consumer crates. To do this, it defines blanket impls like `impl<UT> FFIConverter<UT> for u8`.
/// "UT" means an arbitrary `UniFfiTag` type.
use crate::{
check_remaining, derive_ffi_traits, ffi_converter_rust_buffer_lift_and_lower, metadata,
ConvertError, FfiConverter, Lift, LiftArgsError, LiftRef, LiftReturn, Lower, LowerError,
LowerReturn, MetadataBuffer, Result, RustBuffer, RustCallError, TypeId,
use anyhow::bail;
use bytes::buf::{Buf, BufMut};
use paste::paste;
use std::{
fmt::{Debug, Display},
time::{Duration, SystemTime},
/// Blanket implementation of `FfiConverter` for numeric primitives.
/// Numeric primitives have a straightforward mapping into C-compatible numeric types,
/// sice they are themselves a C-compatible numeric type!
macro_rules! impl_ffi_converter_for_num_primitive {
($T:ty, $type_code:expr) => {
paste! {
unsafe impl<UT> FfiConverter<UT> for $T {
type FfiType = $T;
fn lower(obj: $T) -> Self::FfiType {
fn try_lift(v: Self::FfiType) -> Result<$T> {
fn write(obj: $T, buf: &mut Vec<u8>) {
buf.[<put_ $T>](obj);
fn try_read(buf: &mut &[u8]) -> Result<$T> {
check_remaining(buf, std::mem::size_of::<$T>())?;
Ok(buf.[<get_ $T>]())
const TYPE_ID_META: MetadataBuffer = MetadataBuffer::from_code($type_code);
impl_ffi_converter_for_num_primitive!(u8, metadata::codes::TYPE_U8);
impl_ffi_converter_for_num_primitive!(i8, metadata::codes::TYPE_I8);
impl_ffi_converter_for_num_primitive!(u16, metadata::codes::TYPE_U16);
impl_ffi_converter_for_num_primitive!(i16, metadata::codes::TYPE_I16);
impl_ffi_converter_for_num_primitive!(u32, metadata::codes::TYPE_U32);
impl_ffi_converter_for_num_primitive!(i32, metadata::codes::TYPE_I32);
impl_ffi_converter_for_num_primitive!(u64, metadata::codes::TYPE_U64);
impl_ffi_converter_for_num_primitive!(i64, metadata::codes::TYPE_I64);
impl_ffi_converter_for_num_primitive!(f32, metadata::codes::TYPE_F32);
impl_ffi_converter_for_num_primitive!(f64, metadata::codes::TYPE_F64);
/// Support for passing boolean values via the FFI.
/// Booleans are passed as an `i8` in order to avoid problems with handling
/// C-compatible boolean values on JVM-based languages.
unsafe impl<UT> FfiConverter<UT> for bool {
type FfiType = i8;
fn lower(obj: bool) -> Self::FfiType {
fn try_lift(v: Self::FfiType) -> Result<bool> {
Ok(match v {
0 => false,
1 => true,
_ => bail!("unexpected byte for Boolean"),
fn write(obj: bool, buf: &mut Vec<u8>) {
buf.put_i8(<Self as FfiConverter<UT>>::lower(obj));
fn try_read(buf: &mut &[u8]) -> Result<bool> {
check_remaining(buf, 1)?;
<Self as FfiConverter<UT>>::try_lift(buf.get_i8())
const TYPE_ID_META: MetadataBuffer = MetadataBuffer::from_code(metadata::codes::TYPE_BOOL);
/// Support for passing Strings via the FFI.
/// Unlike many other implementations of `FfiConverter`, this passes a struct containing
/// a raw pointer rather than copying the data from one side to the other. This is a
/// safety hazard, but turns out to be pretty nice for useability. This struct
/// *must* be a valid `RustBuffer` and it *must* contain valid utf-8 data (in other
/// words, it *must* be a `Vec<u8>` suitable for use as an actual rust `String`).
/// When serialized in a buffer, strings are represented as a i32 byte length
/// followed by utf8-encoded bytes. (It's a signed integer because unsigned types are
/// currently experimental in Kotlin).
unsafe impl<UT> FfiConverter<UT> for String {
type FfiType = RustBuffer;
// This returns a struct with a raw pointer to the underlying bytes, so it's very
// important that it consume ownership of the String, which is relinquished to the
// foreign language code (and can be restored by it passing the pointer back).
fn lower(obj: String) -> Self::FfiType {
// The argument here *must* be a uniquely-owned `RustBuffer` previously obtained
// from `lower` above, and hence must be the bytes of a valid rust string.
fn try_lift(v: Self::FfiType) -> Result<String> {
let v = v.destroy_into_vec();
// This turns the buffer back into a `String` without copying the data
// and without re-checking it for validity of the utf8. If the `RustBuffer`
// came from a valid String then there's no point in re-checking the utf8,
// and if it didn't then bad things are probably going to happen regardless
// of whether we check for valid utf8 data or not.
Ok(unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(v) })
fn write(obj: String, buf: &mut Vec<u8>) {
// N.B. `len()` gives us the length in bytes, not in chars or graphemes.
// TODO: it would be nice not to panic here.
let len = i32::try_from(obj.len()).unwrap();
buf.put_i32(len); // We limit strings to u32::MAX bytes
fn try_read(buf: &mut &[u8]) -> Result<String> {
check_remaining(buf, 4)?;
let len = usize::try_from(buf.get_i32())?;
check_remaining(buf, len)?;
// N.B: In the general case `Buf::chunk()` may return partial data.
// But in the specific case of `<&[u8] as Buf>` it returns the full slice,
// so there is no risk of having less than `len` bytes available here.
let bytes = &buf.chunk()[..len];
let res = String::from_utf8(bytes.to_vec())?;
const TYPE_ID_META: MetadataBuffer = MetadataBuffer::from_code(metadata::codes::TYPE_STRING);
/// Support for passing timestamp values via the FFI.
/// Timestamps values are currently always passed by serializing to a buffer.
/// Timestamps are represented on the buffer by an i64 that indicates the
/// direction and the magnitude in seconds of the offset from epoch, and a
/// u32 that indicates the nanosecond portion of the offset magnitude. The
/// nanosecond portion is expected to be between 0 and 999,999,999.
/// To build an epoch offset the absolute value of the seconds portion of the
/// offset should be combined with the nanosecond portion. This is because
/// the sign of the seconds portion represents the direction of the offset
/// overall. The sign of the seconds portion can then be used to determine
/// if the total offset should be added to or subtracted from the unix epoch.
unsafe impl<UT> FfiConverter<UT> for SystemTime {
fn write(obj: SystemTime, buf: &mut Vec<u8>) {
let mut sign = 1;
let epoch_offset = obj
.unwrap_or_else(|error| {
sign = -1;
// This panic should never happen as SystemTime typically stores seconds as i64
let seconds = sign
* i64::try_from(epoch_offset.as_secs())
.expect("SystemTime overflow, seconds greater than i64::MAX");
fn try_read(buf: &mut &[u8]) -> Result<SystemTime> {
check_remaining(buf, 12)?;
let seconds = buf.get_i64();
let nanos = buf.get_u32();
let epoch_offset = Duration::new(seconds.wrapping_abs() as u64, nanos);
if seconds >= 0 {
Ok(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH + epoch_offset)
} else {
Ok(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH - epoch_offset)
const TYPE_ID_META: MetadataBuffer =
/// Support for passing duration values via the FFI.
/// Duration values are currently always passed by serializing to a buffer.
/// Durations are represented on the buffer by a u64 that indicates the
/// magnitude in seconds, and a u32 that indicates the nanosecond portion
/// of the magnitude. The nanosecond portion is expected to be between 0
/// and 999,999,999.
unsafe impl<UT> FfiConverter<UT> for Duration {
fn write(obj: Duration, buf: &mut Vec<u8>) {
fn try_read(buf: &mut &[u8]) -> Result<Duration> {
check_remaining(buf, 12)?;
Ok(Duration::new(buf.get_u64(), buf.get_u32()))
const TYPE_ID_META: MetadataBuffer = MetadataBuffer::from_code(metadata::codes::TYPE_DURATION);
// Support for passing optional values via the FFI.
// Optional values are currently always passed by serializing to a buffer.
// We write either a zero byte for `None`, or a one byte followed by the containing
// item for `Some`.
// In future we could do the same optimization as rust uses internally, where the
// `None` option is represented as a null pointer and the `Some` as a valid pointer,
// but that seems more fiddly and less safe in the short term, so it can wait.
unsafe impl<UT, T: Lower<UT>> Lower<UT> for Option<T> {
type FfiType = RustBuffer;
fn write(obj: Option<T>, buf: &mut Vec<u8>) {
match obj {
None => buf.put_i8(0),
Some(v) => {
T::write(v, buf);
fn lower(obj: Option<T>) -> RustBuffer {
unsafe impl<UT, T: Lift<UT>> Lift<UT> for Option<T> {
type FfiType = RustBuffer;
fn try_read(buf: &mut &[u8]) -> Result<Option<T>> {
check_remaining(buf, 1)?;
Ok(match buf.get_i8() {
0 => None,
1 => Some(T::try_read(buf)?),
_ => bail!("unexpected tag byte for Option"),
fn try_lift(buf: RustBuffer) -> Result<Option<T>> {
impl<UT, T: TypeId<UT>> TypeId<UT> for Option<T> {
const TYPE_ID_META: MetadataBuffer =
// Support for passing vectors of values via the FFI.
// Vectors are currently always passed by serializing to a buffer.
// We write a `i32` item count followed by each item in turn.
// (It's a signed type due to limits of the JVM).
// Ideally we would pass `Vec<u8>` directly as a `RustBuffer` rather
// than serializing, and perhaps even pass other vector types using a
// similar struct. But that's for future work.
unsafe impl<UT, T: Lower<UT>> Lower<UT> for Vec<T> {
type FfiType = RustBuffer;
fn write(obj: Vec<T>, buf: &mut Vec<u8>) {
// TODO: would be nice not to panic here :-/
let len = i32::try_from(obj.len()).unwrap();
buf.put_i32(len); // We limit arrays to i32::MAX items
for item in obj {
<T as Lower<UT>>::write(item, buf);
fn lower(obj: Vec<T>) -> RustBuffer {
/// Support for associative arrays via the FFI - `record<u32, u64>` in UDL.
/// HashMaps are currently always passed by serializing to a buffer.
/// We write a `i32` entries count followed by each entry (string
/// key followed by the value) in turn.
/// (It's a signed type due to limits of the JVM).
unsafe impl<UT, T: Lift<UT>> Lift<UT> for Vec<T> {
type FfiType = RustBuffer;
fn try_read(buf: &mut &[u8]) -> Result<Vec<T>> {
check_remaining(buf, 4)?;
let len = usize::try_from(buf.get_i32())?;
let mut vec = Vec::with_capacity(len);
for _ in 0..len {
vec.push(<T as Lift<UT>>::try_read(buf)?)
fn try_lift(buf: RustBuffer) -> Result<Vec<T>> {
impl<UT, T: TypeId<UT>> TypeId<UT> for Vec<T> {
const TYPE_ID_META: MetadataBuffer =
unsafe impl<K, V, UT> Lower<UT> for HashMap<K, V>
K: Lower<UT> + std::hash::Hash + Eq,
V: Lower<UT>,
type FfiType = RustBuffer;
fn write(obj: HashMap<K, V>, buf: &mut Vec<u8>) {
// TODO: would be nice not to panic here :-/
let len = i32::try_from(obj.len()).unwrap();
buf.put_i32(len); // We limit HashMaps to i32::MAX entries
for (key, value) in obj {
<K as Lower<UT>>::write(key, buf);
<V as Lower<UT>>::write(value, buf);
fn lower(obj: HashMap<K, V>) -> RustBuffer {
unsafe impl<K, V, UT> Lift<UT> for HashMap<K, V>
K: Lift<UT> + std::hash::Hash + Eq,
V: Lift<UT>,
type FfiType = RustBuffer;
fn try_read(buf: &mut &[u8]) -> Result<HashMap<K, V>> {
check_remaining(buf, 4)?;
let len = usize::try_from(buf.get_i32())?;
let mut map = HashMap::with_capacity(len);
for _ in 0..len {
let key = <K as Lift<UT>>::try_read(buf)?;
let value = <V as Lift<UT>>::try_read(buf)?;
map.insert(key, value);
fn try_lift(buf: RustBuffer) -> Result<HashMap<K, V>> {
impl<K, V, UT> TypeId<UT> for HashMap<K, V>
K: TypeId<UT> + std::hash::Hash + Eq,
V: TypeId<UT>,
const TYPE_ID_META: MetadataBuffer = MetadataBuffer::from_code(metadata::codes::TYPE_HASH_MAP)
derive_ffi_traits!(blanket u8);
derive_ffi_traits!(blanket i8);
derive_ffi_traits!(blanket u16);
derive_ffi_traits!(blanket i16);
derive_ffi_traits!(blanket u32);
derive_ffi_traits!(blanket i32);
derive_ffi_traits!(blanket u64);
derive_ffi_traits!(blanket i64);
derive_ffi_traits!(blanket f32);
derive_ffi_traits!(blanket f64);
derive_ffi_traits!(blanket bool);
derive_ffi_traits!(blanket String);
derive_ffi_traits!(blanket Duration);
derive_ffi_traits!(blanket SystemTime);
// For composite types, derive LowerReturn, LiftReturn, etc, from Lift/Lower.
// Note that this means we don't get specialized return handling. For example, if we could return
// an `Option<Result<>>` we would always return that type directly and never throw.
derive_ffi_traits!(impl<T, UT> LowerReturn<UT> for Option<T> where Option<T>: Lower<UT>);
derive_ffi_traits!(impl<T, UT> LowerError<UT> for Option<T> where Option<T>: Lower<UT>);
derive_ffi_traits!(impl<T, UT> LiftReturn<UT> for Option<T> where Option<T>: Lift<UT>);
derive_ffi_traits!(impl<T, UT> LiftRef<UT> for Option<T> where Option<T>: Lift<UT>);
derive_ffi_traits!(impl<T, UT> LowerReturn<UT> for Vec<T> where Vec<T>: Lower<UT>);
derive_ffi_traits!(impl<T, UT> LowerError<UT> for Vec<T> where Vec<T>: Lower<UT>);
derive_ffi_traits!(impl<T, UT> LiftReturn<UT> for Vec<T> where Vec<T>: Lift<UT>);
derive_ffi_traits!(impl<T, UT> LiftRef<UT> for Vec<T> where Vec<T>: Lift<UT>);
derive_ffi_traits!(impl<K, V, UT> LowerReturn<UT> for HashMap<K, V> where HashMap<K, V>: Lower<UT>);
derive_ffi_traits!(impl<K, V, UT> LowerError<UT> for HashMap<K, V> where HashMap<K, V>: Lower<UT>);
derive_ffi_traits!(impl<K, V, UT> LiftReturn<UT> for HashMap<K, V> where HashMap<K, V>: Lift<UT>);
derive_ffi_traits!(impl<K, V, UT> LiftRef<UT> for HashMap<K, V> where HashMap<K, V>: Lift<UT>);
// For Arc we derive all the traits, but have to write it all out because we need an unsized T bound
derive_ffi_traits!(impl<T, UT> Lower<UT> for Arc<T> where Arc<T>: FfiConverter<UT>, T: ?Sized);
derive_ffi_traits!(impl<T, UT> Lift<UT> for Arc<T> where Arc<T>: FfiConverter<UT>, T: ?Sized);
derive_ffi_traits!(impl<T, UT> LowerReturn<UT> for Arc<T> where Arc<T>: Lower<UT>, T: ?Sized);
derive_ffi_traits!(impl<T, UT> LowerError<UT> for Arc<T> where Arc<T>: Lower<UT>, T: ?Sized);
derive_ffi_traits!(impl<T, UT> LiftReturn<UT> for Arc<T> where Arc<T>: Lift<UT>, T: ?Sized);
derive_ffi_traits!(impl<T, UT> LiftRef<UT> for Arc<T> where Arc<T>: Lift<UT>, T: ?Sized);
derive_ffi_traits!(impl<T, UT> TypeId<UT> for Arc<T> where Arc<T>: FfiConverter<UT>, T: ?Sized);
// Implement LowerReturn/LiftReturn for the unit type (void returns)
unsafe impl<UT> LowerReturn<UT> for () {
type ReturnType = ();
fn lower_return(_: ()) -> Result<Self::ReturnType, RustCallError> {
unsafe impl<UT> LiftReturn<UT> for () {
type ReturnType = ();
fn try_lift_successful_return(_: ()) -> Result<Self> {
impl<UT> TypeId<UT> for () {
const TYPE_ID_META: MetadataBuffer = MetadataBuffer::from_code(metadata::codes::TYPE_UNIT);
// Implement LowerReturn/LiftReturn for `Result<R, E>`. This is where we handle exceptions/Err
// results.
unsafe impl<UT, R, E> LowerReturn<UT> for Result<R, E>
R: LowerReturn<UT>,
E: LowerError<UT> + Display + Debug + Send + Sync + 'static,
type ReturnType = R::ReturnType;
fn lower_return(v: Self) -> Result<Self::ReturnType, RustCallError> {
match v {
Ok(r) => R::lower_return(r),
Err(e) => Err(RustCallError::Error(E::lower_error(e))),
fn handle_failed_lift(error: LiftArgsError) -> Result<Self::ReturnType, RustCallError> {
match error.error.downcast::<E>() {
Ok(downcast) => Err(RustCallError::Error(E::lower_error(downcast))),
Err(e) => {
let msg = format!("Failed to convert arg '{}': {e}", error.arg_name);
unsafe impl<UT, R, E> LiftReturn<UT> for Result<R, E>
R: LiftReturn<UT>,
E: Lift<UT, FfiType = RustBuffer> + ConvertError<UT>,
type ReturnType = R::ReturnType;
fn try_lift_successful_return(v: R::ReturnType) -> Result<Self> {
fn lift_error(buf: RustBuffer) -> Self {
match E::try_lift_from_rust_buffer(buf) {
Ok(lifted_error) => Err(lifted_error),
Err(anyhow_error) => {
Self::handle_callback_unexpected_error(UnexpectedUniFFICallbackError {
reason: format!("Error lifting from rust buffer: {anyhow_error}"),
fn handle_callback_unexpected_error(e: UnexpectedUniFFICallbackError) -> Self {
Err(E::try_convert_unexpected_callback_error(e).unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("{e}")))
impl<UT, R, E> TypeId<UT> for Result<R, E>
R: TypeId<UT>,
E: TypeId<UT>,
const TYPE_ID_META: MetadataBuffer = MetadataBuffer::from_code(metadata::codes::TYPE_RESULT)
unsafe impl<T, UT> LiftRef<UT> for [T]
T: Lift<UT>,
type LiftType = Vec<T>;
unsafe impl<UT> LiftRef<UT> for str {
type LiftType = String;