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# Note that this `release.toml` exists to capture things that must only be
# done once for `cargo release-backend-crates`.
# [../uniffi/release.toml](../uniffi/release.toml) captures things that must only be done for `cargo release-uniffi`
# All other config exists in [../release.toml](../release.toml).
tag = false
# This is how we manage the sections in
pre-release-replacements = [
{file="../", search="\\[\\[UnreleasedBackendVersion\\]\\]", replace="v{{version}}", exactly=1},
{file="../", search="\\[\\[ReleaseDate\\]\\]", replace="{{date}}", exactly=1},
{file="../", search="<!-- next-header -->", replace="<!-- next-header -->\n\n## [[NextUnreleasedUniFFIVersion]] (backend crates: [[UnreleasedBackendVersion]]) - (_[[ReleaseDate]]_)\n\n[All changes in [[NextUnreleasedUniFFIVersion]]]({{version}}...NEXT_HEAD).", exactly=1},