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//! Collectors collect and record trace data.
use crate::{span, Dispatch, Event, LevelFilter, Metadata};
use crate::stdlib::{
any::{Any, TypeId},
/// Trait representing the functions required to collect trace data.
/// Crates that provide implementations of methods for collecting or recording
/// trace data should implement the `Subscriber` interface. This trait is
/// intended to represent fundamental primitives for collecting trace events and
/// spans — other libraries may offer utility functions and types to make
/// subscriber implementations more modular or improve the ergonomics of writing
/// subscribers.
/// A subscriber is responsible for the following:
/// - Registering new spans as they are created, and providing them with span
/// IDs. Implicitly, this means the subscriber may determine the strategy for
/// determining span equality.
/// - Recording the attachment of field values and follows-from annotations to
/// spans.
/// - Filtering spans and events, and determining when those filters must be
/// invalidated.
/// - Observing spans as they are entered, exited, and closed, and events as
/// they occur.
/// When a span is entered or exited, the subscriber is provided only with the
/// [ID] with which it tagged that span when it was created. This means
/// that it is up to the subscriber to determine whether and how span _data_ —
/// the fields and metadata describing the span — should be stored. The
/// [`new_span`] function is called when a new span is created, and at that
/// point, the subscriber _may_ choose to store the associated data if it will
/// be referenced again. However, if the data has already been recorded and will
/// not be needed by the implementations of `enter` and `exit`, the subscriber
/// may freely discard that data without allocating space to store it.
/// ## Overriding default impls
/// Some trait methods on `Subscriber` have default implementations, either in
/// order to reduce the surface area of implementing `Subscriber`, or for
/// backward-compatibility reasons. However, many subscribers will likely want
/// to override these default implementations.
/// The following methods are likely of interest:
/// - [`register_callsite`] is called once for each callsite from which a span
/// event may originate, and returns an [`Interest`] value describing whether or
/// not the subscriber wishes to see events or spans from that callsite. By
/// default, it calls [`enabled`], and returns `Interest::always()` if
/// `enabled` returns true, or `Interest::never()` if enabled returns false.
/// However, if the subscriber's interest can change dynamically at runtime,
/// it may want to override this function to return `Interest::sometimes()`.
/// Additionally, subscribers which wish to perform a behaviour once for each
/// callsite, such as allocating storage for data related to that callsite,
/// can perform it in `register_callsite`.
/// See also the [documentation on the callsite registry][cs-reg] for details
/// on [`register_callsite`].
/// - [`event_enabled`] is called once before every call to the [`event`]
/// method. This can be used to implement filtering on events once their field
/// values are known, but before any processing is done in the `event` method.
/// - [`clone_span`] is called every time a span ID is cloned, and [`try_close`]
/// is called when a span ID is dropped. By default, these functions do
/// nothing. However, they can be used to implement reference counting for
/// spans, allowing subscribers to free storage for span data and to determine
/// when a span has _closed_ permanently (rather than being exited).
/// Subscribers which store per-span data or which need to track span closures
/// should override these functions together.
/// [ID]: super::span::Id
/// [`new_span`]: Subscriber::new_span
/// [`register_callsite`]: Subscriber::register_callsite
/// [`enabled`]: Subscriber::enabled
/// [`clone_span`]: Subscriber::clone_span
/// [`try_close`]: Subscriber::try_close
/// [cs-reg]: crate::callsite#registering-callsites
/// [`event`]: Subscriber::event
/// [`event_enabled`]: Subscriber::event_enabled
pub trait Subscriber: 'static {
/// Invoked when this subscriber becomes a [`Dispatch`].
/// ## Avoiding Memory Leaks
/// `Subscriber`s should not store their own [`Dispatch`]. Because the
/// `Dispatch` owns the `Subscriber`, storing the `Dispatch` within the
/// `Subscriber` will create a reference count cycle, preventing the `Dispatch`
/// from ever being dropped.
/// Instead, when it is necessary to store a cyclical reference to the
/// `Dispatch` within a `Subscriber`, use [`Dispatch::downgrade`] to convert a
/// `Dispatch` into a [`WeakDispatch`]. This type is analogous to
/// [`std::sync::Weak`], and does not create a reference count cycle. A
/// [`WeakDispatch`] can be stored within a `Subscriber` without causing a
/// memory leak, and can be [upgraded] into a `Dispatch` temporarily when
/// the `Dispatch` must be accessed by the `Subscriber`.
/// [`WeakDispatch`]: crate::dispatcher::WeakDispatch
/// [upgraded]: crate::dispatcher::WeakDispatch::upgrade
fn on_register_dispatch(&self, subscriber: &Dispatch) {
let _ = subscriber;
/// Registers a new [callsite] with this subscriber, returning whether or not
/// the subscriber is interested in being notified about the callsite.
/// By default, this function assumes that the subscriber's [filter]
/// represents an unchanging view of its interest in the callsite. However,
/// if this is not the case, subscribers may override this function to
/// indicate different interests, or to implement behaviour that should run
/// once for every callsite.
/// This function is guaranteed to be called at least once per callsite on
/// every active subscriber. The subscriber may store the keys to fields it
/// cares about in order to reduce the cost of accessing fields by name,
/// preallocate storage for that callsite, or perform any other actions it
/// wishes to perform once for each callsite.
/// The subscriber should then return an [`Interest`], indicating
/// whether it is interested in being notified about that callsite in the
/// future. This may be `Always` indicating that the subscriber always
/// wishes to be notified about the callsite, and its filter need not be
/// re-evaluated; `Sometimes`, indicating that the subscriber may sometimes
/// care about the callsite but not always (such as when sampling), or
/// `Never`, indicating that the subscriber never wishes to be notified about
/// that callsite. If all active subscribers return `Never`, a callsite will
/// never be enabled unless a new subscriber expresses interest in it.
/// `Subscriber`s which require their filters to be run every time an event
/// occurs or a span is entered/exited should return `Interest::sometimes`.
/// If a subscriber returns `Interest::sometimes`, then its [`enabled`] method
/// will be called every time an event or span is created from that callsite.
/// For example, suppose a sampling subscriber is implemented by
/// incrementing a counter every time `enabled` is called and only returning
/// `true` when the counter is divisible by a specified sampling rate. If
/// that subscriber returns `Interest::always` from `register_callsite`, then
/// the filter will not be re-evaluated once it has been applied to a given
/// set of metadata. Thus, the counter will not be incremented, and the span
/// or event that corresponds to the metadata will never be `enabled`.
/// `Subscriber`s that need to change their filters occasionally should call
/// [`rebuild_interest_cache`] to re-evaluate `register_callsite` for all
/// callsites.
/// Similarly, if a `Subscriber` has a filtering strategy that can be
/// changed dynamically at runtime, it would need to re-evaluate that filter
/// if the cached results have changed.
/// A subscriber which manages fanout to multiple other subscribers
/// should proxy this decision to all of its child subscribers,
/// returning `Interest::never` only if _all_ such children return
/// `Interest::never`. If the set of subscribers to which spans are
/// broadcast may change dynamically, the subscriber should also never
/// return `Interest::Never`, as a new subscriber may be added that _is_
/// interested.
/// See the [documentation on the callsite registry][cs-reg] for more
/// details on how and when the `register_callsite` method is called.
/// # Notes
/// This function may be called again when a new subscriber is created or
/// when the registry is invalidated.
/// If a subscriber returns `Interest::never` for a particular callsite, it
/// _may_ still see spans and events originating from that callsite, if
/// another subscriber expressed interest in it.
/// [callsite]: crate::callsite
/// [filter]: Self::enabled
/// [metadata]: super::metadata::Metadata
/// [`enabled`]: Subscriber::enabled()
/// [`rebuild_interest_cache`]: super::callsite::rebuild_interest_cache
/// [cs-reg]: crate::callsite#registering-callsites
fn register_callsite(&self, metadata: &'static Metadata<'static>) -> Interest {
if self.enabled(metadata) {
} else {
/// Returns true if a span or event with the specified [metadata] would be
/// recorded.
/// By default, it is assumed that this filter needs only be evaluated once
/// for each callsite, so it is called by [`register_callsite`] when each
/// callsite is registered. The result is used to determine if the subscriber
/// is always [interested] or never interested in that callsite. This is intended
/// primarily as an optimization, so that expensive filters (such as those
/// involving string search, et cetera) need not be re-evaluated.
/// However, if the subscriber's interest in a particular span or event may
/// change, or depends on contexts only determined dynamically at runtime,
/// then the `register_callsite` method should be overridden to return
/// [`Interest::sometimes`]. In that case, this function will be called every
/// time that span or event occurs.
/// [metadata]: super::metadata::Metadata
/// [interested]: Interest
/// [`Interest::sometimes`]: Interest::sometimes
/// [`register_callsite`]: Subscriber::register_callsite()
fn enabled(&self, metadata: &Metadata<'_>) -> bool;
/// Returns the highest [verbosity level][level] that this `Subscriber` will
/// enable, or `None`, if the subscriber does not implement level-based
/// filtering or chooses not to implement this method.
/// If this method returns a [`Level`][level], it will be used as a hint to
/// determine the most verbose level that will be enabled. This will allow
/// spans and events which are more verbose than that level to be skipped
/// more efficiently. Subscribers which perform filtering are strongly
/// encouraged to provide an implementation of this method.
/// If the maximum level the subscriber will enable can change over the
/// course of its lifetime, it is free to return a different value from
/// multiple invocations of this method. However, note that changes in the
/// maximum level will **only** be reflected after the callsite [`Interest`]
/// cache is rebuilt, by calling the [`callsite::rebuild_interest_cache`][rebuild]
/// function. Therefore, if the subscriber will change the value returned by
/// this method, it is responsible for ensuring that
/// [`rebuild_interest_cache`][rebuild] is called after the value of the max
/// level changes.
/// [level]: super::Level
/// [rebuild]: super::callsite::rebuild_interest_cache
fn max_level_hint(&self) -> Option<LevelFilter> {
/// Visit the construction of a new span, returning a new [span ID] for the
/// span being constructed.
/// The provided [`Attributes`] contains any field values that were provided
/// when the span was created. The subscriber may pass a [visitor] to the
/// `Attributes`' [`record` method] to record these values.
/// IDs are used to uniquely identify spans and events within the context of a
/// subscriber, so span equality will be based on the returned ID. Thus, if
/// the subscriber wishes for all spans with the same metadata to be
/// considered equal, it should return the same ID every time it is given a
/// particular set of metadata. Similarly, if it wishes for two separate
/// instances of a span with the same metadata to *not* be equal, it should
/// return a distinct ID every time this function is called, regardless of
/// the metadata.
/// Note that the subscriber is free to assign span IDs based on whatever
/// scheme it sees fit. Any guarantees about uniqueness, ordering, or ID
/// reuse are left up to the subscriber implementation to determine.
/// [span ID]: super::span::Id
/// [`Attributes`]: super::span::Attributes
/// [visitor]: super::field::Visit
/// [`record` method]: super::span::Attributes::record
fn new_span(&self, span: &span::Attributes<'_>) -> span::Id;
// === Notification methods ===============================================
/// Record a set of values on a span.
/// This method will be invoked when value is recorded on a span.
/// Recording multiple values for the same field is possible,
/// but the actual behaviour is defined by the subscriber implementation.
/// Keep in mind that a span might not provide a value
/// for each field it declares.
/// The subscriber is expected to provide a [visitor] to the `Record`'s
/// [`record` method] in order to record the added values.
/// # Example
/// "foo = 3" will be recorded when [`record`] is called on the
/// `Attributes` passed to `new_span`.
/// Since values are not provided for the `bar` and `baz` fields,
/// the span's `Metadata` will indicate that it _has_ those fields,
/// but values for them won't be recorded at this time.
/// ```rust,ignore
/// # use tracing::span;
/// let mut span = span!("my_span", foo = 3, bar, baz);
/// // `Subscriber::record` will be called with a `Record`
/// // containing "bar = false"
/// span.record("bar", &false);
/// // `Subscriber::record` will be called with a `Record`
/// // containing "baz = "a string""
/// span.record("baz", &"a string");
/// ```
/// [visitor]: super::field::Visit
/// [`record`]: super::span::Attributes::record
/// [`record` method]: super::span::Record::record
fn record(&self, span: &span::Id, values: &span::Record<'_>);
/// Adds an indication that `span` follows from the span with the id
/// `follows`.
/// This relationship differs somewhat from the parent-child relationship: a
/// span may have any number of prior spans, rather than a single one; and
/// spans are not considered to be executing _inside_ of the spans they
/// follow from. This means that a span may close even if subsequent spans
/// that follow from it are still open, and time spent inside of a
/// subsequent span should not be included in the time its precedents were
/// executing. This is used to model causal relationships such as when a
/// single future spawns several related background tasks, et cetera.
/// If the subscriber has spans corresponding to the given IDs, it should
/// record this relationship in whatever way it deems necessary. Otherwise,
/// if one or both of the given span IDs do not correspond to spans that the
/// subscriber knows about, or if a cyclical relationship would be created
/// (i.e., some span _a_ which proceeds some other span _b_ may not also
/// follow from _b_), it may silently do nothing.
fn record_follows_from(&self, span: &span::Id, follows: &span::Id);
/// Determine if an [`Event`] should be recorded.
/// By default, this returns `true` and `Subscriber`s can filter events in
/// [`event`][Self::event] without any penalty. However, when `event` is
/// more complicated, this can be used to determine if `event` should be
/// called at all, separating out the decision from the processing.
fn event_enabled(&self, event: &Event<'_>) -> bool {
let _ = event;
/// Records that an [`Event`] has occurred.
/// This method will be invoked when an Event is constructed by
/// the `Event`'s [`dispatch` method]. For example, this happens internally
/// when an event macro from `tracing` is called.
/// The key difference between this method and `record` is that `record` is
/// called when a value is recorded for a field defined by a span,
/// while `event` is called when a new event occurs.
/// The provided `Event` struct contains any field values attached to the
/// event. The subscriber may pass a [visitor] to the `Event`'s
/// [`record` method] to record these values.
/// [`Event`]: super::event::Event
/// [visitor]: super::field::Visit
/// [`record` method]: super::event::Event::record
/// [`dispatch` method]: super::event::Event::dispatch
fn event(&self, event: &Event<'_>);
/// Records that a span has been entered.
/// When entering a span, this method is called to notify the subscriber
/// that the span has been entered. The subscriber is provided with the
/// [span ID] of the entered span, and should update any internal state
/// tracking the current span accordingly.
/// [span ID]: super::span::Id
fn enter(&self, span: &span::Id);
/// Records that a span has been exited.
/// When exiting a span, this method is called to notify the subscriber
/// that the span has been exited. The subscriber is provided with the
/// [span ID] of the exited span, and should update any internal state
/// tracking the current span accordingly.
/// Exiting a span does not imply that the span will not be re-entered.
/// [span ID]: super::span::Id
fn exit(&self, span: &span::Id);
/// Notifies the subscriber that a [span ID] has been cloned.
/// This function is guaranteed to only be called with span IDs that were
/// returned by this subscriber's `new_span` function.
/// Note that the default implementation of this function this is just the
/// identity function, passing through the identifier. However, it can be
/// used in conjunction with [`try_close`] to track the number of handles
/// capable of `enter`ing a span. When all the handles have been dropped
/// (i.e., `try_close` has been called one more time than `clone_span` for a
/// given ID), the subscriber may assume that the span will not be entered
/// again. It is then free to deallocate storage for data associated with
/// that span, write data from that span to IO, and so on.
/// For more unsafe situations, however, if `id` is itself a pointer of some
/// kind this can be used as a hook to "clone" the pointer, depending on
/// what that means for the specified pointer.
/// [span ID]: super::span::Id
/// [`try_close`]: Subscriber::try_close
fn clone_span(&self, id: &span::Id) -> span::Id {
/// **This method is deprecated.**
/// Using `drop_span` may result in subscribers composed using
/// `tracing-subscriber` crate's `Layer` trait from observing close events.
/// Use [`try_close`] instead.
/// The default implementation of this function does nothing.
/// [`try_close`]: Subscriber::try_close
#[deprecated(since = "0.1.2", note = "use `Subscriber::try_close` instead")]
fn drop_span(&self, _id: span::Id) {}
/// Notifies the subscriber that a [span ID] has been dropped, and returns
/// `true` if there are now 0 IDs that refer to that span.
/// Higher-level libraries providing functionality for composing multiple
/// subscriber implementations may use this return value to notify any
/// "layered" subscribers that this subscriber considers the span closed.
/// The default implementation of this method calls the subscriber's
/// [`drop_span`] method and returns `false`. This means that, unless the
/// subscriber overrides the default implementation, close notifications
/// will never be sent to any layered subscribers. In general, if the
/// subscriber tracks reference counts, this method should be implemented,
/// rather than `drop_span`.
/// This function is guaranteed to only be called with span IDs that were
/// returned by this subscriber's `new_span` function.
/// It's guaranteed that if this function has been called once more than the
/// number of times `clone_span` was called with the same `id`, then no more
/// handles that can enter the span with that `id` exist. This means that it
/// can be used in conjunction with [`clone_span`] to track the number of
/// handles capable of `enter`ing a span. When all the handles have been
/// dropped (i.e., `try_close` has been called one more time than
/// `clone_span` for a given ID), the subscriber may assume that the span
/// will not be entered again, and should return `true`. It is then free to
/// deallocate storage for data associated with that span, write data from
/// that span to IO, and so on.
/// **Note**: since this function is called when spans are dropped,
/// implementations should ensure that they are unwind-safe. Panicking from
/// inside of a `try_close` function may cause a double panic, if the span
/// was dropped due to a thread unwinding.
/// [span ID]: super::span::Id
/// [`clone_span`]: Subscriber::clone_span
/// [`drop_span`]: Subscriber::drop_span
fn try_close(&self, id: span::Id) -> bool {
/// Returns a type representing this subscriber's view of the current span.
/// If subscribers track a current span, they should override this function
/// to return [`Current::new`] if the thread from which this method is
/// called is inside a span, or [`Current::none`] if the thread is not
/// inside a span.
/// By default, this returns a value indicating that the subscriber
/// does **not** track what span is current. If the subscriber does not
/// implement a current span, it should not override this method.
/// [`Current::new`]:
/// [`Current::none`]: super::span::Current#tymethod.none
fn current_span(&self) -> span::Current {
// === Downcasting methods ================================================
/// If `self` is the same type as the provided `TypeId`, returns an untyped
/// `*const` pointer to that type. Otherwise, returns `None`.
/// If you wish to downcast a `Subscriber`, it is strongly advised to use
/// the safe API provided by [`downcast_ref`] instead.
/// This API is required for `downcast_raw` to be a trait method; a method
/// signature like [`downcast_ref`] (with a generic type parameter) is not
/// object-safe, and thus cannot be a trait method for `Subscriber`. This
/// means that if we only exposed `downcast_ref`, `Subscriber`
/// implementations could not override the downcasting behavior
/// This method may be overridden by "fan out" or "chained" subscriber
/// implementations which consist of multiple composed types. Such
/// subscribers might allow `downcast_raw` by returning references to those
/// component if they contain components with the given `TypeId`.
/// # Safety
/// The [`downcast_ref`] method expects that the pointer returned by
/// `downcast_raw` is non-null and points to a valid instance of the type
/// with the provided `TypeId`. Failure to ensure this will result in
/// undefined behaviour, so implementing `downcast_raw` is unsafe.
/// [`downcast_ref`]: #method.downcast_ref
unsafe fn downcast_raw(&self, id: TypeId) -> Option<*const ()> {
if id == TypeId::of::<Self>() {
Some(self as *const Self as *const ())
} else {
impl dyn Subscriber {
/// Returns `true` if this `Subscriber` is the same type as `T`.
pub fn is<T: Any>(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns some reference to this `Subscriber` value if it is of type `T`,
/// or `None` if it isn't.
pub fn downcast_ref<T: Any>(&self) -> Option<&T> {
unsafe {
let raw = self.downcast_raw(TypeId::of::<T>())?;
if raw.is_null() {
} else {
Some(&*(raw as *const _))
impl dyn Subscriber + Send {
/// Returns `true` if this [`Subscriber`] is the same type as `T`.
pub fn is<T: Any>(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns some reference to this [`Subscriber`] value if it is of type `T`,
/// or `None` if it isn't.
pub fn downcast_ref<T: Any>(&self) -> Option<&T> {
unsafe {
let raw = self.downcast_raw(TypeId::of::<T>())?;
if raw.is_null() {
} else {
Some(&*(raw as *const _))
impl dyn Subscriber + Sync {
/// Returns `true` if this [`Subscriber`] is the same type as `T`.
pub fn is<T: Any>(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns some reference to this `[`Subscriber`] value if it is of type `T`,
/// or `None` if it isn't.
pub fn downcast_ref<T: Any>(&self) -> Option<&T> {
unsafe {
let raw = self.downcast_raw(TypeId::of::<T>())?;
if raw.is_null() {
} else {
Some(&*(raw as *const _))
impl dyn Subscriber + Send + Sync {
/// Returns `true` if this [`Subscriber`] is the same type as `T`.
pub fn is<T: Any>(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns some reference to this [`Subscriber`] value if it is of type `T`,
/// or `None` if it isn't.
pub fn downcast_ref<T: Any>(&self) -> Option<&T> {
unsafe {
let raw = self.downcast_raw(TypeId::of::<T>())?;
if raw.is_null() {
} else {
Some(&*(raw as *const _))
/// Indicates a [`Subscriber`]'s interest in a particular callsite.
/// `Subscriber`s return an `Interest` from their [`register_callsite`] methods
/// in order to determine whether that span should be enabled or disabled.
/// [`Subscriber`]: super::Subscriber
/// [`register_callsite`]: super::Subscriber::register_callsite
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Interest(InterestKind);
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
enum InterestKind {
Never = 0,
Sometimes = 1,
Always = 2,
impl Interest {
/// Returns an `Interest` indicating that the subscriber is never interested
/// in being notified about a callsite.
/// If all active subscribers are `never()` interested in a callsite, it will
/// be completely disabled unless a new subscriber becomes active.
pub fn never() -> Self {
/// Returns an `Interest` indicating the subscriber is sometimes interested
/// in being notified about a callsite.
/// If all active subscribers are `sometimes` or `never` interested in a
/// callsite, the currently active subscriber will be asked to filter that
/// callsite every time it creates a span. This will be the case until a new
/// subscriber expresses that it is `always` interested in the callsite.
pub fn sometimes() -> Self {
/// Returns an `Interest` indicating the subscriber is always interested in
/// being notified about a callsite.
/// If any subscriber expresses that it is `always()` interested in a given
/// callsite, then the callsite will always be enabled.
pub fn always() -> Self {
/// Returns `true` if the subscriber is never interested in being notified
/// about this callsite.
pub fn is_never(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self.0, InterestKind::Never)
/// Returns `true` if the subscriber is sometimes interested in being notified
/// about this callsite.
pub fn is_sometimes(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self.0, InterestKind::Sometimes)
/// Returns `true` if the subscriber is always interested in being notified
/// about this callsite.
pub fn is_always(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self.0, InterestKind::Always)
/// Returns the common interest between these two Interests.
/// If both interests are the same, this propagates that interest.
/// Otherwise, if they differ, the result must always be
/// `Interest::sometimes` --- if the two subscribers differ in opinion, we
/// will have to ask the current subscriber what it thinks, no matter what.
pub(crate) fn and(self, rhs: Interest) -> Self {
if self.0 == rhs.0 {
} else {
/// A no-op [`Subscriber`].
/// [`NoSubscriber`] implements the [`Subscriber`] trait by never being enabled,
/// never being interested in any callsite, and dropping all spans and events.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct NoSubscriber(());
impl Subscriber for NoSubscriber {
fn register_callsite(&self, _: &'static Metadata<'static>) -> Interest {
fn new_span(&self, _: &span::Attributes<'_>) -> span::Id {
fn event(&self, _event: &Event<'_>) {}
fn record(&self, _span: &span::Id, _values: &span::Record<'_>) {}
fn record_follows_from(&self, _span: &span::Id, _follows: &span::Id) {}
fn enabled(&self, _metadata: &Metadata<'_>) -> bool {
fn enter(&self, _span: &span::Id) {}
fn exit(&self, _span: &span::Id) {}
impl<S> Subscriber for Box<S>
S: Subscriber + ?Sized,
fn register_callsite(&self, metadata: &'static Metadata<'static>) -> Interest {
fn enabled(&self, metadata: &Metadata<'_>) -> bool {
fn max_level_hint(&self) -> Option<LevelFilter> {
fn new_span(&self, span: &span::Attributes<'_>) -> span::Id {
fn record(&self, span: &span::Id, values: &span::Record<'_>) {
self.as_ref().record(span, values)
fn record_follows_from(&self, span: &span::Id, follows: &span::Id) {
self.as_ref().record_follows_from(span, follows)
fn event_enabled(&self, event: &Event<'_>) -> bool {
fn event(&self, event: &Event<'_>) {
fn enter(&self, span: &span::Id) {
fn exit(&self, span: &span::Id) {
fn clone_span(&self, id: &span::Id) -> span::Id {
fn try_close(&self, id: span::Id) -> bool {
fn drop_span(&self, id: span::Id) {
fn current_span(&self) -> span::Current {
unsafe fn downcast_raw(&self, id: TypeId) -> Option<*const ()> {
if id == TypeId::of::<Self>() {
return Some(self as *const Self as *const _);
impl<S> Subscriber for Arc<S>
S: Subscriber + ?Sized,
fn register_callsite(&self, metadata: &'static Metadata<'static>) -> Interest {
fn enabled(&self, metadata: &Metadata<'_>) -> bool {
fn max_level_hint(&self) -> Option<LevelFilter> {
fn new_span(&self, span: &span::Attributes<'_>) -> span::Id {
fn record(&self, span: &span::Id, values: &span::Record<'_>) {
self.as_ref().record(span, values)
fn record_follows_from(&self, span: &span::Id, follows: &span::Id) {
self.as_ref().record_follows_from(span, follows)
fn event_enabled(&self, event: &Event<'_>) -> bool {
fn event(&self, event: &Event<'_>) {
fn enter(&self, span: &span::Id) {
fn exit(&self, span: &span::Id) {
fn clone_span(&self, id: &span::Id) -> span::Id {
fn try_close(&self, id: span::Id) -> bool {
fn drop_span(&self, id: span::Id) {
fn current_span(&self) -> span::Current {
unsafe fn downcast_raw(&self, id: TypeId) -> Option<*const ()> {
if id == TypeId::of::<Self>() {
return Some(self as *const Self as *const _);