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//! Callsites represent the source locations from which spans or events
//! originate.
//! # What Are Callsites?
//! Every span or event in `tracing` is associated with a [`Callsite`]. A
//! callsite is a small `static` value that is responsible for the following:
//! * Storing the span or event's [`Metadata`],
//! * Uniquely [identifying](Identifier) the span or event definition,
//! * Caching the subscriber's [`Interest`][^1] in that span or event, to avoid
//! re-evaluating filters,
//! * Storing a [`Registration`] that allows the callsite to be part of a global
//! list of all callsites in the program.
//! # Registering Callsites
//! When a span or event is recorded for the first time, its callsite
//! [`register`]s itself with the global callsite registry. Registering a
//! callsite calls the [`Subscriber::register_callsite`][`register_callsite`]
//! method with that callsite's [`Metadata`] on every currently active
//! subscriber. This serves two primary purposes: informing subscribers of the
//! callsite's existence, and performing static filtering.
//! ## Callsite Existence
//! If a [`Subscriber`] implementation wishes to allocate storage for each
//! unique span/event location in the program, or pre-compute some value
//! that will be used to record that span or event in the future, it can
//! do so in its [`register_callsite`] method.
//! ## Performing Static Filtering
//! The [`register_callsite`] method returns an [`Interest`] value,
//! which indicates that the subscriber either [always] wishes to record
//! that span or event, [sometimes] wishes to record it based on a
//! dynamic filter evaluation, or [never] wishes to record it.
//! When registering a new callsite, the [`Interest`]s returned by every
//! currently active subscriber are combined, and the result is stored at
//! each callsite. This way, when the span or event occurs in the
//! future, the cached [`Interest`] value can be checked efficiently
//! to determine if the span or event should be recorded, without
//! needing to perform expensive filtering (i.e. calling the
//! [`Subscriber::enabled`] method every time a span or event occurs).
//! ### Rebuilding Cached Interest
//! When a new [`Dispatch`] is created (i.e. a new subscriber becomes
//! active), any previously cached [`Interest`] values are re-evaluated
//! for all callsites in the program. This way, if the new subscriber
//! will enable a callsite that was not previously enabled, the
//! [`Interest`] in that callsite is updated. Similarly, when a
//! subscriber is dropped, the interest cache is also re-evaluated, so
//! that any callsites enabled only by that subscriber are disabled.
//! In addition, the [`rebuild_interest_cache`] function in this module can be
//! used to manually invalidate all cached interest and re-register those
//! callsites. This function is useful in situations where a subscriber's
//! interest can change, but it does so relatively infrequently. The subscriber
//! may wish for its interest to be cached most of the time, and return
//! [`Interest::always`][always] or [`Interest::never`][never] in its
//! [`register_callsite`] method, so that its [`Subscriber::enabled`] method
//! doesn't need to be evaluated every time a span or event is recorded.
//! However, when the configuration changes, the subscriber can call
//! [`rebuild_interest_cache`] to re-evaluate the entire interest cache with its
//! new configuration. This is a relatively costly operation, but if the
//! configuration changes infrequently, it may be more efficient than calling
//! [`Subscriber::enabled`] frequently.
//! # Implementing Callsites
//! In most cases, instrumenting code using `tracing` should *not* require
//! implementing the [`Callsite`] trait directly. When using the [`tracing`
//! crate's macros][macros] or the [`#[instrument]` attribute][instrument], a
//! `Callsite` is automatically generated.
//! However, code which provides alternative forms of `tracing` instrumentation
//! may need to interact with the callsite system directly. If
//! instrumentation-side code needs to produce a `Callsite` to emit spans or
//! events, the [`DefaultCallsite`] struct provided in this module is a
//! ready-made `Callsite` implementation that is suitable for most uses. When
//! possible, the use of `DefaultCallsite` should be preferred over implementing
//! [`Callsite`] for user types, as `DefaultCallsite` may benefit from
//! additional performance optimizations.
//! [^1]: Returned by the [`Subscriber::register_callsite`][`register_callsite`]
//! method.
//! [`Metadata`]: crate::metadata::Metadata
//! [`Interest`]: crate::subscriber::Interest
//! [`Subscriber`]: crate::subscriber::Subscriber
//! [`register_callsite`]: crate::subscriber::Subscriber::register_callsite
//! [`Subscriber::enabled`]: crate::subscriber::Subscriber::enabled
//! [always]: crate::subscriber::Interest::always
//! [sometimes]: crate::subscriber::Interest::sometimes
//! [never]: crate::subscriber::Interest::never
//! [`Dispatch`]: crate::dispatch::Dispatch
use crate::stdlib::{
hash::{Hash, Hasher},
atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicPtr, AtomicU8, Ordering},
use crate::{
metadata::{LevelFilter, Metadata},
use self::dispatchers::Dispatchers;
/// Trait implemented by callsites.
/// These functions are only intended to be called by the callsite registry, which
/// correctly handles determining the common interest between all subscribers.
/// See the [module-level documentation](crate::callsite) for details on
/// callsites.
pub trait Callsite: Sync {
/// Sets the [`Interest`] for this callsite.
/// See the [documentation on callsite interest caching][cache-docs] for
/// details.
/// [`Interest`]: super::subscriber::Interest
/// [cache-docs]: crate::callsite#performing-static-filtering
fn set_interest(&self, interest: Interest);
/// Returns the [metadata] associated with the callsite.
/// <div class="example-wrap" style="display:inline-block">
/// <pre class="ignore" style="white-space:normal;font:inherit;">
/// **Note:** Implementations of this method should not produce [`Metadata`]
/// that share the same callsite [`Identifier`] but otherwise differ in any
/// way (e.g., have different `name`s).
/// </pre></div>
/// [metadata]: super::metadata::Metadata
fn metadata(&self) -> &Metadata<'_>;
/// This method is an *internal implementation detail* of `tracing-core`. It
/// is *not* intended to be called or overridden from downstream code.
/// The `Private` type can only be constructed from within `tracing-core`.
/// Because this method takes a `Private` as an argument, it cannot be
/// called from (safe) code external to `tracing-core`. Because it must
/// *return* a `Private`, the only valid implementation possible outside of
/// `tracing-core` would have to always unconditionally panic.
/// THIS IS BY DESIGN. There is currently no valid reason for code outside
/// of `tracing-core` to override this method.
// TODO(eliza): this could be used to implement a public downcasting API
// for `&dyn Callsite`s in the future.
fn private_type_id(&self, _: private::Private<()>) -> private::Private<TypeId>
Self: 'static,
/// Uniquely identifies a [`Callsite`]
/// Two `Identifier`s are equal if they both refer to the same callsite.
/// [`Callsite`]: super::callsite::Callsite
pub struct Identifier(
/// **Warning**: The fields on this type are currently `pub` because it must
/// be able to be constructed statically by macros. However, when `const
/// fn`s are available on stable Rust, this will no longer be necessary.
/// Thus, these fields are *not* considered stable public API, and they may
/// change warning. Do not rely on any fields on `Identifier`. When
/// constructing new `Identifier`s, use the `identify_callsite!` macro
/// instead.
pub &'static dyn Callsite,
/// A default [`Callsite`] implementation.
pub struct DefaultCallsite {
interest: AtomicU8,
registration: AtomicU8,
meta: &'static Metadata<'static>,
next: AtomicPtr<Self>,
/// Clear and reregister interest on every [`Callsite`]
/// This function is intended for runtime reconfiguration of filters on traces
/// when the filter recalculation is much less frequent than trace events are.
/// The alternative is to have the [`Subscriber`] that supports runtime
/// reconfiguration of filters always return [`Interest::sometimes()`] so that
/// [`enabled`] is evaluated for every event.
/// This function will also re-compute the global maximum level as determined by
/// the [`max_level_hint`] method. If a [`Subscriber`]
/// implementation changes the value returned by its `max_level_hint`
/// implementation at runtime, then it **must** call this function after that
/// value changes, in order for the change to be reflected.
/// See the [documentation on callsite interest caching][cache-docs] for
/// additional information on this function's usage.
/// [`max_level_hint`]: super::subscriber::Subscriber::max_level_hint
/// [`Callsite`]: super::callsite::Callsite
/// [`enabled`]: super::subscriber::Subscriber#tymethod.enabled
/// [`Interest::sometimes()`]: super::subscriber::Interest::sometimes
/// [`Subscriber`]: super::subscriber::Subscriber
/// [cache-docs]: crate::callsite#rebuilding-cached-interest
pub fn rebuild_interest_cache() {
/// Register a new [`Callsite`] with the global registry.
/// This should be called once per callsite after the callsite has been
/// constructed.
/// See the [documentation on callsite registration][reg-docs] for details
/// on the global callsite registry.
/// [`Callsite`]: crate::callsite::Callsite
/// [reg-docs]: crate::callsite#registering-callsites
pub fn register(callsite: &'static dyn Callsite) {
rebuild_callsite_interest(callsite, &DISPATCHERS.rebuilder());
// Is this a `DefaultCallsite`? If so, use the fancy linked list!
if callsite.private_type_id(private::Private(())).0 == TypeId::of::<DefaultCallsite>() {
let callsite = unsafe {
// Safety: the pointer cast is safe because the type id of the
// provided callsite matches that of the target type for the cast
// (`DefaultCallsite`). Because user implementations of `Callsite`
// cannot override `private_type_id`, we can trust that the callsite
// is not lying about its type ID.
&*(callsite as *const dyn Callsite as *const DefaultCallsite)
static CALLSITES: Callsites = Callsites {
list_head: AtomicPtr::new(ptr::null_mut()),
has_locked_callsites: AtomicBool::new(false),
static DISPATCHERS: Dispatchers = Dispatchers::new();
static LOCKED_CALLSITES: Lazy<Mutex<Vec<&'static dyn Callsite>>> = Lazy::new(Default::default);
struct Callsites {
list_head: AtomicPtr<DefaultCallsite>,
has_locked_callsites: AtomicBool,
// === impl DefaultCallsite ===
impl DefaultCallsite {
const UNREGISTERED: u8 = 0;
const REGISTERING: u8 = 1;
const REGISTERED: u8 = 2;
const INTEREST_NEVER: u8 = 0;
const INTEREST_ALWAYS: u8 = 2;
/// Returns a new `DefaultCallsite` with the specified `Metadata`.
pub const fn new(meta: &'static Metadata<'static>) -> Self {
Self {
interest: AtomicU8::new(0xFF),
next: AtomicPtr::new(ptr::null_mut()),
registration: AtomicU8::new(Self::UNREGISTERED),
/// Registers this callsite with the global callsite registry.
/// If the callsite is already registered, this does nothing. When using
/// [`DefaultCallsite`], this method should be preferred over
/// [`tracing_core::callsite::register`], as it ensures that the callsite is
/// only registered a single time.
/// Other callsite implementations will generally ensure that
/// callsites are not re-registered through another mechanism.
/// See the [documentation on callsite registration][reg-docs] for details
/// on the global callsite registry.
/// [`Callsite`]: crate::callsite::Callsite
/// [reg-docs]: crate::callsite#registering-callsites
// This only happens once (or if the cached interest value was corrupted).
pub fn register(&'static self) -> Interest {
// Attempt to advance the registration state to `REGISTERING`...
match self.registration.compare_exchange(
) {
Ok(_) => {
// Okay, we advanced the state, try to register the callsite.
rebuild_callsite_interest(self, &DISPATCHERS.rebuilder());
CALLSITES.push_default(self);, Ordering::Release);
// Great, the callsite is already registered! Just load its
// previous cached interest.
Err(Self::REGISTERED) => {}
// Someone else is registering...
Err(_state) => {
"weird callsite registration state"
// Just hit `enabled` this time.
return Interest::sometimes();
match self.interest.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
Self::INTEREST_NEVER => Interest::never(),
Self::INTEREST_ALWAYS => Interest::always(),
_ => Interest::sometimes(),
/// Returns the callsite's cached `Interest`, or registers it for the
/// first time if it has not yet been registered.
pub fn interest(&'static self) -> Interest {
match self.interest.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
Self::INTEREST_NEVER => Interest::never(),
Self::INTEREST_SOMETIMES => Interest::sometimes(),
Self::INTEREST_ALWAYS => Interest::always(),
_ => self.register(),
impl Callsite for DefaultCallsite {
fn set_interest(&self, interest: Interest) {
let interest = match () {
_ if interest.is_never() => Self::INTEREST_NEVER,
_ if interest.is_always() => Self::INTEREST_ALWAYS,
};, Ordering::SeqCst);
fn metadata(&self) -> &Metadata<'static> {
// ===== impl Identifier =====
impl PartialEq for Identifier {
fn eq(&self, other: &Identifier) -> bool {
self.0 as *const _ as *const (),
other.0 as *const _ as *const (),
impl Eq for Identifier {}
impl fmt::Debug for Identifier {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Identifier({:p})", self.0)
impl Hash for Identifier {
fn hash<H>(&self, state: &mut H)
H: Hasher,
(self.0 as *const dyn Callsite).hash(state)
// === impl Callsites ===
impl Callsites {
/// Rebuild `Interest`s for all callsites in the registry.
/// This also re-computes the max level hint.
fn rebuild_interest(&self, dispatchers: dispatchers::Rebuilder<'_>) {
let mut max_level = LevelFilter::OFF;
dispatchers.for_each(|dispatch| {
// If the subscriber did not provide a max level hint, assume
// that it may enable every level.
let level_hint = dispatch.max_level_hint().unwrap_or(LevelFilter::TRACE);
if level_hint > max_level {
max_level = level_hint;
self.for_each(|callsite| {
rebuild_callsite_interest(callsite, &dispatchers);
/// Push a `dyn Callsite` trait object to the callsite registry.
/// This will attempt to lock the callsites vector.
fn push_dyn(&self, callsite: &'static dyn Callsite) {
let mut lock = LOCKED_CALLSITES.lock().unwrap();, Ordering::Release);
/// Push a `DefaultCallsite` to the callsite registry.
/// If we know the callsite being pushed is a `DefaultCallsite`, we can push
/// it to the linked list without having to acquire a lock.
fn push_default(&self, callsite: &'static DefaultCallsite) {
let mut head = self.list_head.load(Ordering::Acquire);
loop {, Ordering::Release);
callsite as *const _, head,
"Attempted to register a `DefaultCallsite` that already exists! \
This will cause an infinite loop when attempting to read from the \
callsite cache. This is likely a bug! You should only need to call \
`DefaultCallsite::register` once per `DefaultCallsite`."
match self.list_head.compare_exchange(
callsite as *const _ as *mut _,
) {
Ok(_) => {
Err(current) => head = current,
/// Invokes the provided closure `f` with each callsite in the registry.
fn for_each(&self, mut f: impl FnMut(&'static dyn Callsite)) {
let mut head = self.list_head.load(Ordering::Acquire);
while let Some(cs) = unsafe { head.as_ref() } {
head =;
if self.has_locked_callsites.load(Ordering::Acquire) {
let locked = LOCKED_CALLSITES.lock().unwrap();
for &cs in locked.iter() {
pub(crate) fn register_dispatch(dispatch: &Dispatch) {
let dispatchers = DISPATCHERS.register_dispatch(dispatch);
fn rebuild_callsite_interest(
callsite: &'static dyn Callsite,
dispatchers: &dispatchers::Rebuilder<'_>,
) {
let meta = callsite.metadata();
let mut interest = None;
dispatchers.for_each(|dispatch| {
let this_interest = dispatch.register_callsite(meta);
interest = match interest.take() {
None => Some(this_interest),
Some(that_interest) => Some(that_interest.and(this_interest)),
let interest = interest.unwrap_or_else(Interest::never);
mod private {
/// Don't call this function, it's private.
pub struct Private<T>(pub(crate) T);
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
mod dispatchers {
use crate::{dispatcher, lazy::Lazy};
use std::sync::{
atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering},
RwLock, RwLockReadGuard, RwLockWriteGuard,
pub(super) struct Dispatchers {
has_just_one: AtomicBool,
static LOCKED_DISPATCHERS: Lazy<RwLock<Vec<dispatcher::Registrar>>> =
pub(super) enum Rebuilder<'a> {
Read(RwLockReadGuard<'a, Vec<dispatcher::Registrar>>),
Write(RwLockWriteGuard<'a, Vec<dispatcher::Registrar>>),
impl Dispatchers {
pub(super) const fn new() -> Self {
Self {
has_just_one: AtomicBool::new(true),
pub(super) fn rebuilder(&self) -> Rebuilder<'_> {
if self.has_just_one.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {
return Rebuilder::JustOne;
pub(super) fn register_dispatch(&self, dispatch: &dispatcher::Dispatch) -> Rebuilder<'_> {
let mut dispatchers = LOCKED_DISPATCHERS.write().unwrap();
dispatchers.retain(|d| d.upgrade().is_some());
.store(dispatchers.len() <= 1, Ordering::SeqCst);
impl Rebuilder<'_> {
pub(super) fn for_each(&self, mut f: impl FnMut(&dispatcher::Dispatch)) {
let iter = match self {
Rebuilder::JustOne => {
Rebuilder::Read(vec) => vec.iter(),
Rebuilder::Write(vec) => vec.iter(),
.for_each(|dispatch| f(&dispatch))
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
mod dispatchers {
use crate::dispatcher;
pub(super) struct Dispatchers(());
pub(super) struct Rebuilder<'a>(Option<&'a dispatcher::Dispatch>);
impl Dispatchers {
pub(super) const fn new() -> Self {
pub(super) fn rebuilder(&self) -> Rebuilder<'_> {
pub(super) fn register_dispatch<'dispatch>(
dispatch: &'dispatch dispatcher::Dispatch,
) -> Rebuilder<'dispatch> {
// nop; on no_std, there can only ever be one dispatcher
impl Rebuilder<'_> {
pub(super) fn for_each(&self, mut f: impl FnMut(&dispatcher::Dispatch)) {
if let Some(dispatch) = self.0 {
// we are rebuilding the interest cache because a new dispatcher
// is about to be set. on `no_std`, this should only happen
// once, because the new dispatcher will be the global default.
} else {
// otherwise, we are rebuilding the cache because the subscriber
// configuration changed, so use the global default.
// on no_std, there can only ever be one dispatcher