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#![cfg(feature = "sync")]
#[cfg(all(target_family = "wasm", not(target_os = "wasi")))]
use wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test as test;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize;
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::{Acquire, Release};
use tokio::sync::mpsc::{self, channel, unbounded_channel};
use tokio::sync::oneshot;
async fn weak_sender() {
let (tx, mut rx) = channel(11);
let tx_weak = tokio::spawn(async move {
let tx_weak = tx.clone().downgrade();
for i in 0..10 {
if tx.send(i).await.is_err() {
return None;
let tx2 = tx_weak
.expect("expected to be able to upgrade tx_weak");
let _ = tx2.send(20).await;
let tx_weak = tx2.downgrade();
for i in 0..12 {
let recvd = rx.recv().await;
match recvd {
Some(msg) => {
if i == 10 {
assert_eq!(msg, 20);
None => {
assert_eq!(i, 11);
let tx_weak = tx_weak.unwrap();
let upgraded = tx_weak.upgrade();
async fn actor_weak_sender() {
pub struct MyActor {
receiver: mpsc::Receiver<ActorMessage>,
sender: mpsc::WeakSender<ActorMessage>,
next_id: u32,
pub received_self_msg: bool,
enum ActorMessage {
GetUniqueId { respond_to: oneshot::Sender<u32> },
SelfMessage {},
impl MyActor {
fn new(
receiver: mpsc::Receiver<ActorMessage>,
sender: mpsc::WeakSender<ActorMessage>,
) -> Self {
MyActor {
next_id: 0,
received_self_msg: false,
fn handle_message(&mut self, msg: ActorMessage) {
match msg {
ActorMessage::GetUniqueId { respond_to } => {
self.next_id += 1;
// The `let _ =` ignores any errors when sending.
// This can happen if the `select!` macro is used
// to cancel waiting for the response.
let _ = respond_to.send(self.next_id);
ActorMessage::SelfMessage { .. } => {
self.received_self_msg = true;
async fn send_message_to_self(&mut self) {
let msg = ActorMessage::SelfMessage {};
let sender = self.sender.clone();
// cannot move self.sender here
if let Some(sender) = sender.upgrade() {
let _ = sender.send(msg).await;
self.sender = sender.downgrade();
async fn run(&mut self) {
let mut i = 0;
while let Some(msg) = self.receiver.recv().await {
if i == 0 {
i += 1
pub struct MyActorHandle {
sender: mpsc::Sender<ActorMessage>,
impl MyActorHandle {
pub fn new() -> (Self, MyActor) {
let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::channel(8);
let actor = MyActor::new(receiver, sender.clone().downgrade());
(Self { sender }, actor)
pub async fn get_unique_id(&self) -> u32 {
let (send, recv) = oneshot::channel();
let msg = ActorMessage::GetUniqueId { respond_to: send };
// Ignore send errors. If this send fails, so does the
// recv.await below. There's no reason to check the
// failure twice.
let _ = self.sender.send(msg).await;
recv.await.expect("Actor task has been killed")
let (handle, mut actor) = MyActorHandle::new();
let actor_handle = tokio::spawn(async move { });
let _ = tokio::spawn(async move {
let _ = handle.get_unique_id().await;
let _ = actor_handle.await;
static NUM_DROPPED: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
struct Msg;
impl Drop for Msg {
fn drop(&mut self) {
NUM_DROPPED.fetch_add(1, Release);
// Tests that no pending messages are put onto the channel after `Rx` was
// dropped.
// Note: After the introduction of `WeakSender`, which internally
// used `Arc` and doesn't call a drop of the channel after the last strong
// `Sender` was dropped while more than one `WeakSender` remains, we want to
// ensure that no messages are kept in the channel, which were sent after
// the receiver was dropped.
async fn test_msgs_dropped_on_rx_drop() {
let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel(3);
tx.send(Msg {}).await.unwrap();
tx.send(Msg {}).await.unwrap();
// This msg will be pending and should be dropped when `rx` is dropped
let sent_fut = tx.send(Msg {});
let _ = rx.recv().await.unwrap();
let _ = rx.recv().await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(NUM_DROPPED.load(Acquire), 3);
// This msg will not be put onto `Tx` list anymore, since `Rx` is closed.
assert!(tx.send(Msg {}).await.is_err());
assert_eq!(NUM_DROPPED.load(Acquire), 4);
// Tests that a `WeakSender` is upgradeable when other `Sender`s exist.
fn downgrade_upgrade_sender_success() {
let (tx, _rx) = mpsc::channel::<i32>(1);
let weak_tx = tx.downgrade();
// Tests that a `WeakSender` fails to upgrade when no other `Sender` exists.
fn downgrade_upgrade_sender_failure() {
let (tx, _rx) = mpsc::channel::<i32>(1);
let weak_tx = tx.downgrade();
// Tests that a `WeakSender` cannot be upgraded after a `Sender` was dropped,
// which existed at the time of the `downgrade` call.
fn downgrade_drop_upgrade() {
let (tx, _rx) = mpsc::channel::<i32>(1);
// the cloned `Tx` is dropped right away
let weak_tx = tx.clone().downgrade();
// Tests that we can upgrade a weak sender with an outstanding permit
// but no other strong senders.
async fn downgrade_get_permit_upgrade_no_senders() {
let (tx, _rx) = mpsc::channel::<i32>(1);
let weak_tx = tx.downgrade();
let _permit = tx.reserve_owned().await.unwrap();
// Tests that you can downgrade and upgrade a sender with an outstanding permit
// but no other senders left.
async fn downgrade_upgrade_get_permit_no_senders() {
let (tx, _rx) = mpsc::channel::<i32>(1);
let tx2 = tx.clone();
let _permit = tx.reserve_owned().await.unwrap();
let weak_tx = tx2.downgrade();
// Tests that `downgrade` does not change the `tx_count` of the channel.
fn test_tx_count_weak_sender() {
let (tx, _rx) = mpsc::channel::<i32>(1);
let tx_weak = tx.downgrade();
let tx_weak2 = tx.downgrade();
assert!(tx_weak.upgrade().is_none() && tx_weak2.upgrade().is_none());
async fn weak_unbounded_sender() {
let (tx, mut rx) = unbounded_channel();
let tx_weak = tokio::spawn(async move {
let tx_weak = tx.clone().downgrade();
for i in 0..10 {
if tx.send(i).is_err() {
return None;
let tx2 = tx_weak
.expect("expected to be able to upgrade tx_weak");
let _ = tx2.send(20);
let tx_weak = tx2.downgrade();
for i in 0..12 {
let recvd = rx.recv().await;
match recvd {
Some(msg) => {
if i == 10 {
assert_eq!(msg, 20);
None => {
assert_eq!(i, 11);
let tx_weak = tx_weak.unwrap();
let upgraded = tx_weak.upgrade();
async fn actor_weak_unbounded_sender() {
pub struct MyActor {
receiver: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<ActorMessage>,
sender: mpsc::WeakUnboundedSender<ActorMessage>,
next_id: u32,
pub received_self_msg: bool,
enum ActorMessage {
GetUniqueId { respond_to: oneshot::Sender<u32> },
SelfMessage {},
impl MyActor {
fn new(
receiver: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<ActorMessage>,
sender: mpsc::WeakUnboundedSender<ActorMessage>,
) -> Self {
MyActor {
next_id: 0,
received_self_msg: false,
fn handle_message(&mut self, msg: ActorMessage) {
match msg {
ActorMessage::GetUniqueId { respond_to } => {
self.next_id += 1;
// The `let _ =` ignores any errors when sending.
// This can happen if the `select!` macro is used
// to cancel waiting for the response.
let _ = respond_to.send(self.next_id);
ActorMessage::SelfMessage { .. } => {
self.received_self_msg = true;
async fn send_message_to_self(&mut self) {
let msg = ActorMessage::SelfMessage {};
let sender = self.sender.clone();
// cannot move self.sender here
if let Some(sender) = sender.upgrade() {
let _ = sender.send(msg);
self.sender = sender.downgrade();
async fn run(&mut self) {
let mut i = 0;
while let Some(msg) = self.receiver.recv().await {
if i == 0 {
i += 1
pub struct MyActorHandle {
sender: mpsc::UnboundedSender<ActorMessage>,
impl MyActorHandle {
pub fn new() -> (Self, MyActor) {
let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
let actor = MyActor::new(receiver, sender.clone().downgrade());
(Self { sender }, actor)
pub async fn get_unique_id(&self) -> u32 {
let (send, recv) = oneshot::channel();
let msg = ActorMessage::GetUniqueId { respond_to: send };
// Ignore send errors. If this send fails, so does the
// recv.await below. There's no reason to check the
// failure twice.
let _ = self.sender.send(msg);
recv.await.expect("Actor task has been killed")
let (handle, mut actor) = MyActorHandle::new();
let actor_handle = tokio::spawn(async move { });
let _ = tokio::spawn(async move {
let _ = handle.get_unique_id().await;
let _ = actor_handle.await;
static NUM_DROPPED_UNBOUNDED: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
struct MsgUnbounded;
impl Drop for MsgUnbounded {
fn drop(&mut self) {
NUM_DROPPED_UNBOUNDED.fetch_add(1, Release);
// Tests that no pending messages are put onto the channel after `Rx` was
// dropped.
// Note: After the introduction of `UnboundedWeakSender`, which internally
// used `Arc` and doesn't call a drop of the channel after the last strong
// `UnboundedSender` was dropped while more than one `UnboundedWeakSender`
// remains, we want to ensure that no messages are kept in the channel, which
// were sent after the receiver was dropped.
async fn test_msgs_dropped_on_unbounded_rx_drop() {
let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
tx.send(MsgUnbounded {}).unwrap();
tx.send(MsgUnbounded {}).unwrap();
// This msg will be pending and should be dropped when `rx` is dropped
let sent = tx.send(MsgUnbounded {});
let _ = rx.recv().await.unwrap();
let _ = rx.recv().await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(NUM_DROPPED_UNBOUNDED.load(Acquire), 3);
// This msg will not be put onto `Tx` list anymore, since `Rx` is closed.
assert!(tx.send(MsgUnbounded {}).is_err());
assert_eq!(NUM_DROPPED_UNBOUNDED.load(Acquire), 4);
// Tests that an `WeakUnboundedSender` is upgradeable when other
// `UnboundedSender`s exist.
fn downgrade_upgrade_unbounded_sender_success() {
let (tx, _rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel::<i32>();
let weak_tx = tx.downgrade();
// Tests that a `WeakUnboundedSender` fails to upgrade when no other
// `UnboundedSender` exists.
fn downgrade_upgrade_unbounded_sender_failure() {
let (tx, _rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel::<i32>();
let weak_tx = tx.downgrade();
// Tests that an `WeakUnboundedSender` cannot be upgraded after an
// `UnboundedSender` was dropped, which existed at the time of the `downgrade` call.
fn downgrade_drop_upgrade_unbounded() {
let (tx, _rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel::<i32>();
// the cloned `Tx` is dropped right away
let weak_tx = tx.clone().downgrade();
// Tests that `downgrade` does not change the `tx_count` of the channel.
fn test_tx_count_weak_unbounded_sender() {
let (tx, _rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel::<i32>();
let tx_weak = tx.downgrade();
let tx_weak2 = tx.downgrade();
assert!(tx_weak.upgrade().is_none() && tx_weak2.upgrade().is_none());
async fn test_rx_is_closed_when_dropping_all_senders_except_weak_senders() {
// is_closed should return true after dropping all senders except for a weak sender
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel::<()>(10);
let _weak_sender = tx.clone().downgrade();
async fn test_rx_unbounded_is_closed_when_dropping_all_senders_except_weak_senders() {
// is_closed should return true after dropping all senders except for a weak sender
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel::<()>();
let _weak_sender = tx.clone().downgrade();
async fn sender_strong_count_when_cloned() {
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel::<()>(1);
let tx2 = tx.clone();
assert_eq!(tx.strong_count(), 2);
assert_eq!(tx2.strong_count(), 2);
assert_eq!(rx.sender_strong_count(), 2);
async fn sender_weak_count_when_downgraded() {
let (tx, _rx) = mpsc::channel::<()>(1);
let weak = tx.downgrade();
assert_eq!(tx.weak_count(), 1);
assert_eq!(weak.weak_count(), 1);
async fn sender_strong_count_when_dropped() {
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel::<()>(1);
let tx2 = tx.clone();
assert_eq!(tx.strong_count(), 1);
assert_eq!(rx.sender_strong_count(), 1);
async fn sender_weak_count_when_dropped() {
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel::<()>(1);
let weak = tx.downgrade();
assert_eq!(tx.weak_count(), 0);
assert_eq!(rx.sender_weak_count(), 0);
async fn sender_strong_and_weak_conut() {
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel::<()>(1);
let tx2 = tx.clone();
let weak = tx.downgrade();
let weak2 = tx2.downgrade();
assert_eq!(tx.strong_count(), 2);
assert_eq!(tx2.strong_count(), 2);
assert_eq!(weak.strong_count(), 2);
assert_eq!(weak2.strong_count(), 2);
assert_eq!(rx.sender_strong_count(), 2);
assert_eq!(tx.weak_count(), 2);
assert_eq!(tx2.weak_count(), 2);
assert_eq!(weak.weak_count(), 2);
assert_eq!(weak2.weak_count(), 2);
assert_eq!(rx.sender_weak_count(), 2);
assert_eq!(tx.strong_count(), 1);
assert_eq!(weak.strong_count(), 1);
assert_eq!(rx.sender_strong_count(), 1);
assert_eq!(tx.weak_count(), 1);
assert_eq!(weak.weak_count(), 1);
assert_eq!(rx.sender_weak_count(), 1);
async fn unbounded_sender_strong_count_when_cloned() {
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel::<()>();
let tx2 = tx.clone();
assert_eq!(tx.strong_count(), 2);
assert_eq!(tx2.strong_count(), 2);
assert_eq!(rx.sender_strong_count(), 2);
async fn unbounded_sender_weak_count_when_downgraded() {
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel::<()>();
let weak = tx.downgrade();
assert_eq!(tx.weak_count(), 1);
assert_eq!(weak.weak_count(), 1);
assert_eq!(rx.sender_weak_count(), 1);
async fn unbounded_sender_strong_count_when_dropped() {
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel::<()>();
let tx2 = tx.clone();
assert_eq!(tx.strong_count(), 1);
assert_eq!(rx.sender_strong_count(), 1);
async fn unbounded_sender_weak_count_when_dropped() {
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel::<()>();
let weak = tx.downgrade();
assert_eq!(tx.weak_count(), 0);
assert_eq!(rx.sender_weak_count(), 0);
async fn unbounded_sender_strong_and_weak_conut() {
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel::<()>();
let tx2 = tx.clone();
let weak = tx.downgrade();
let weak2 = tx2.downgrade();
assert_eq!(tx.strong_count(), 2);
assert_eq!(tx2.strong_count(), 2);
assert_eq!(weak.strong_count(), 2);
assert_eq!(weak2.strong_count(), 2);
assert_eq!(rx.sender_strong_count(), 2);
assert_eq!(tx.weak_count(), 2);
assert_eq!(tx2.weak_count(), 2);
assert_eq!(weak.weak_count(), 2);
assert_eq!(weak2.weak_count(), 2);
assert_eq!(rx.sender_weak_count(), 2);
assert_eq!(tx.strong_count(), 1);
assert_eq!(weak.strong_count(), 1);
assert_eq!(rx.sender_strong_count(), 1);
assert_eq!(tx.weak_count(), 1);
assert_eq!(weak.weak_count(), 1);
assert_eq!(rx.sender_weak_count(), 1);