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use crate::future::Future;
use crate::runtime::task::core::{Cell, Core, Header, Trailer};
use crate::runtime::task::state::{Snapshot, State};
use crate::runtime::task::waker::waker_ref;
use crate::runtime::task::{Id, JoinError, Notified, RawTask, Schedule, Task};
use std::any::Any;
use std::mem;
use std::mem::ManuallyDrop;
use std::panic;
use std::ptr::NonNull;
use std::task::{Context, Poll, Waker};
/// Typed raw task handle.
pub(super) struct Harness<T: Future, S: 'static> {
cell: NonNull<Cell<T, S>>,
impl<T, S> Harness<T, S>
T: Future,
S: 'static,
pub(super) unsafe fn from_raw(ptr: NonNull<Header>) -> Harness<T, S> {
Harness {
cell: ptr.cast::<Cell<T, S>>(),
fn header_ptr(&self) -> NonNull<Header> {
fn header(&self) -> &Header {
unsafe { &*self.header_ptr().as_ptr() }
fn state(&self) -> &State {
fn trailer(&self) -> &Trailer {
unsafe { &self.cell.as_ref().trailer }
fn core(&self) -> &Core<T, S> {
unsafe { &self.cell.as_ref().core }
/// Task operations that can be implemented without being generic over the
/// scheduler or task. Only one version of these methods should exist in the
/// final binary.
impl RawTask {
pub(super) fn drop_reference(self) {
if self.state().ref_dec() {
/// This call consumes a ref-count and notifies the task. This will create a
/// new Notified and submit it if necessary.
/// The caller does not need to hold a ref-count besides the one that was
/// passed to this call.
pub(super) fn wake_by_val(&self) {
use super::state::TransitionToNotifiedByVal;
match self.state().transition_to_notified_by_val() {
TransitionToNotifiedByVal::Submit => {
// The caller has given us a ref-count, and the transition has
// created a new ref-count, so we now hold two. We turn the new
// ref-count Notified and pass it to the call to `schedule`.
// The old ref-count is retained for now to ensure that the task
// is not dropped during the call to `schedule` if the call
// drops the task it was given.
// Now that we have completed the call to schedule, we can
// release our ref-count.
TransitionToNotifiedByVal::Dealloc => {
TransitionToNotifiedByVal::DoNothing => {}
/// This call notifies the task. It will not consume any ref-counts, but the
/// caller should hold a ref-count. This will create a new Notified and
/// submit it if necessary.
pub(super) fn wake_by_ref(&self) {
use super::state::TransitionToNotifiedByRef;
match self.state().transition_to_notified_by_ref() {
TransitionToNotifiedByRef::Submit => {
// The transition above incremented the ref-count for a new task
// and the caller also holds a ref-count. The caller's ref-count
// ensures that the task is not destroyed even if the new task
// is dropped before `schedule` returns.
TransitionToNotifiedByRef::DoNothing => {}
/// Remotely aborts the task.
/// The caller should hold a ref-count, but we do not consume it.
/// This is similar to `shutdown` except that it asks the runtime to perform
/// the shutdown. This is necessary to avoid the shutdown happening in the
/// wrong thread for non-Send tasks.
pub(super) fn remote_abort(&self) {
if self.state().transition_to_notified_and_cancel() {
// The transition has created a new ref-count, which we turn into
// a Notified and pass to the task.
// Since the caller holds a ref-count, the task cannot be destroyed
// before the call to `schedule` returns even if the call drops the
// `Notified` internally.
/// Try to set the waker notified when the task is complete. Returns true if
/// the task has already completed. If this call returns false, then the
/// waker will not be notified.
pub(super) fn try_set_join_waker(&self, waker: &Waker) -> bool {
can_read_output(self.header(), self.trailer(), waker)
impl<T, S> Harness<T, S>
T: Future,
S: Schedule,
pub(super) fn drop_reference(self) {
if self.state().ref_dec() {
/// Polls the inner future. A ref-count is consumed.
/// All necessary state checks and transitions are performed.
/// Panics raised while polling the future are handled.
pub(super) fn poll(self) {
// We pass our ref-count to `poll_inner`.
match self.poll_inner() {
PollFuture::Notified => {
// The `poll_inner` call has given us two ref-counts back.
// We give one of them to a new task and call `yield_now`.
// The remaining ref-count is now dropped. We kept the extra
// ref-count until now to ensure that even if the `yield_now`
// call drops the provided task, the task isn't deallocated
// before after `yield_now` returns.
PollFuture::Complete => {
PollFuture::Dealloc => {
PollFuture::Done => (),
/// Polls the task and cancel it if necessary. This takes ownership of a
/// ref-count.
/// If the return value is Notified, the caller is given ownership of two
/// ref-counts.
/// If the return value is Complete, the caller is given ownership of a
/// single ref-count, which should be passed on to `complete`.
/// If the return value is `Dealloc`, then this call consumed the last
/// ref-count and the caller should call `dealloc`.
/// Otherwise the ref-count is consumed and the caller should not access
/// `self` again.
fn poll_inner(&self) -> PollFuture {
use super::state::{TransitionToIdle, TransitionToRunning};
match self.state().transition_to_running() {
TransitionToRunning::Success => {
// Separated to reduce LLVM codegen
fn transition_result_to_poll_future(result: TransitionToIdle) -> PollFuture {
match result {
TransitionToIdle::Ok => PollFuture::Done,
TransitionToIdle::OkNotified => PollFuture::Notified,
TransitionToIdle::OkDealloc => PollFuture::Dealloc,
TransitionToIdle::Cancelled => PollFuture::Complete,
let header_ptr = self.header_ptr();
let waker_ref = waker_ref::<S>(&header_ptr);
let cx = Context::from_waker(&waker_ref);
let res = poll_future(self.core(), cx);
if res == Poll::Ready(()) {
// The future completed. Move on to complete the task.
return PollFuture::Complete;
let transition_res = self.state().transition_to_idle();
if let TransitionToIdle::Cancelled = transition_res {
// The transition to idle failed because the task was
// cancelled during the poll.
TransitionToRunning::Cancelled => {
TransitionToRunning::Failed => PollFuture::Done,
TransitionToRunning::Dealloc => PollFuture::Dealloc,
/// Forcibly shuts down the task.
/// Attempt to transition to `Running` in order to forcibly shutdown the
/// task. If the task is currently running or in a state of completion, then
/// there is nothing further to do. When the task completes running, it will
/// notice the `CANCELLED` bit and finalize the task.
pub(super) fn shutdown(self) {
if !self.state().transition_to_shutdown() {
// The task is concurrently running. No further work needed.
// By transitioning the lifecycle to `Running`, we have permission to
// drop the future.
pub(super) fn dealloc(self) {
// Observe that we expect to have mutable access to these objects
// because we are going to drop them. This only matters when running
// under loom.
self.trailer().waker.with_mut(|_| ());
self.core().stage.with_mut(|_| ());
// Safety: The caller of this method just transitioned our ref-count to
// zero, so it is our responsibility to release the allocation.
// We don't hold any references into the allocation at this point, but
// it is possible for another thread to still hold a `&State` into the
// allocation if that other thread has decremented its last ref-count,
// but has not yet returned from the relevant method on `State`.
// However, the `State` type consists of just an `AtomicUsize`, and an
// `AtomicUsize` wraps the entirety of its contents in an `UnsafeCell`.
// As explained in the documentation for `UnsafeCell`, such references
// are allowed to be dangling after their last use, even if the
// reference has not yet gone out of scope.
unsafe {
// ===== join handle =====
/// Read the task output into `dst`.
pub(super) fn try_read_output(self, dst: &mut Poll<super::Result<T::Output>>, waker: &Waker) {
if can_read_output(self.header(), self.trailer(), waker) {
*dst = Poll::Ready(self.core().take_output());
pub(super) fn drop_join_handle_slow(self) {
// Try to unset `JOIN_INTEREST`. This must be done as a first step in
// case the task concurrently completed.
if self.state().unset_join_interested().is_err() {
// It is our responsibility to drop the output. This is critical as
// the task output may not be `Send` and as such must remain with
// the scheduler or `JoinHandle`. i.e. if the output remains in the
// task structure until the task is deallocated, it may be dropped
// by a Waker on any arbitrary thread.
// Panics are delivered to the user via the `JoinHandle`. Given that
// they are dropping the `JoinHandle`, we assume they are not
// interested in the panic and swallow it.
let _ = panic::catch_unwind(panic::AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
// Drop the `JoinHandle` reference, possibly deallocating the task
// ====== internal ======
/// Completes the task. This method assumes that the state is RUNNING.
fn complete(self) {
// The future has completed and its output has been written to the task
// stage. We transition from running to complete.
let snapshot = self.state().transition_to_complete();
// We catch panics here in case dropping the future or waking the
// JoinHandle panics.
let _ = panic::catch_unwind(panic::AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
if !snapshot.is_join_interested() {
// The `JoinHandle` is not interested in the output of
// this task. It is our responsibility to drop the
// output.
} else if snapshot.is_join_waker_set() {
// Notify the waker. Reading the waker field is safe per rule 4
// in task/, since the JOIN_WAKER bit is set and the call
// to transition_to_complete() above set the COMPLETE bit.
// The task has completed execution and will no longer be scheduled.
let num_release = self.release();
if self.state().transition_to_terminal(num_release) {
/// Releases the task from the scheduler. Returns the number of ref-counts
/// that should be decremented.
fn release(&self) -> usize {
// We don't actually increment the ref-count here, but the new task is
// never destroyed, so that's ok.
let me = ManuallyDrop::new(self.get_new_task());
if let Some(task) = self.core().scheduler.release(&me) {
} else {
/// Creates a new task that holds its own ref-count.
/// # Safety
/// Any use of `self` after this call must ensure that a ref-count to the
/// task holds the task alive until after the use of `self`. Passing the
/// returned Task to any method on `self` is unsound if dropping the Task
/// could drop `self` before the call on `self` returned.
fn get_new_task(&self) -> Task<S> {
// safety: The header is at the beginning of the cell, so this cast is
// safe.
unsafe { Task::from_raw(self.cell.cast()) }
fn can_read_output(header: &Header, trailer: &Trailer, waker: &Waker) -> bool {
// Load a snapshot of the current task state
let snapshot = header.state.load();
if !snapshot.is_complete() {
// If the task is not complete, try storing the provided waker in the
// task's waker field.
let res = if snapshot.is_join_waker_set() {
// If JOIN_WAKER is set, then JoinHandle has previously stored a
// waker in the waker field per step (iii) of rule 5 in task/
// Optimization: if the stored waker and the provided waker wake the
// same task, then return without touching the waker field. (Reading
// the waker field below is safe per rule 3 in task/
if unsafe { trailer.will_wake(waker) } {
return false;
// Otherwise swap the stored waker with the provided waker by
// following the rule 5 in task/
.and_then(|snapshot| set_join_waker(header, trailer, waker.clone(), snapshot))
} else {
// If JOIN_WAKER is unset, then JoinHandle has mutable access to the
// waker field per rule 2 in task/; therefore, skip step (i)
// of rule 5 and try to store the provided waker in the waker field.
set_join_waker(header, trailer, waker.clone(), snapshot)
match res {
Ok(_) => return false,
Err(snapshot) => {
fn set_join_waker(
header: &Header,
trailer: &Trailer,
waker: Waker,
snapshot: Snapshot,
) -> Result<Snapshot, Snapshot> {
// Safety: Only the `JoinHandle` may set the `waker` field. When
// `JOIN_INTEREST` is **not** set, nothing else will touch the field.
unsafe {
// Update the `JoinWaker` state accordingly
let res = header.state.set_join_waker();
// If the state could not be updated, then clear the join waker
if res.is_err() {
unsafe {
enum PollFuture {
/// Cancels the task and store the appropriate error in the stage field.
fn cancel_task<T: Future, S: Schedule>(core: &Core<T, S>) {
// Drop the future from a panic guard.
let res = panic::catch_unwind(panic::AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
core.store_output(Err(panic_result_to_join_error(core.task_id, res)));
fn panic_result_to_join_error(
task_id: Id,
res: Result<(), Box<dyn Any + Send + 'static>>,
) -> JoinError {
match res {
Ok(()) => JoinError::cancelled(task_id),
Err(panic) => JoinError::panic(task_id, panic),
/// Polls the future. If the future completes, the output is written to the
/// stage field.
fn poll_future<T: Future, S: Schedule>(core: &Core<T, S>, cx: Context<'_>) -> Poll<()> {
// Poll the future.
let output = panic::catch_unwind(panic::AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
struct Guard<'a, T: Future, S: Schedule> {
core: &'a Core<T, S>,
impl<'a, T: Future, S: Schedule> Drop for Guard<'a, T, S> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// If the future panics on poll, we drop it inside the panic
// guard.
let guard = Guard { core };
let res = guard.core.poll(cx);
// Prepare output for being placed in the core stage.
let output = match output {
Ok(Poll::Pending) => return Poll::Pending,
Ok(Poll::Ready(output)) => Ok(output),
Err(panic) => Err(panic_to_error(&core.scheduler, core.task_id, panic)),
// Catch and ignore panics if the future panics on drop.
let res = panic::catch_unwind(panic::AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
if res.is_err() {
fn panic_to_error<S: Schedule>(
scheduler: &S,
task_id: Id,
panic: Box<dyn Any + Send + 'static>,
) -> JoinError {
JoinError::panic(task_id, panic)