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//! This file contains mocks of the types in src/runtime/metrics
use std::thread::ThreadId;
pub(crate) struct SchedulerMetrics {}
pub(crate) struct WorkerMetrics {}
pub(crate) struct MetricsBatch {}
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub(crate) struct HistogramBuilder {}
impl SchedulerMetrics {
pub(crate) fn new() -> Self {
Self {}
/// Increment the number of tasks scheduled externally
pub(crate) fn inc_remote_schedule_count(&self) {}
impl WorkerMetrics {
pub(crate) fn new() -> Self {
Self {}
pub(crate) fn from_config(config: &crate::runtime::Config) -> Self {
// Prevent the dead-code warning from being triggered
let _ = &config.metrics_poll_count_histogram;
pub(crate) fn set_queue_depth(&self, _len: usize) {}
pub(crate) fn set_thread_id(&self, _thread_id: ThreadId) {}
impl MetricsBatch {
pub(crate) fn new(_: &WorkerMetrics) -> Self {
Self {}
pub(crate) fn submit(&mut self, _to: &WorkerMetrics, _mean_poll_time: u64) {}
pub(crate) fn about_to_park(&mut self) {}
pub(crate) fn unparked(&mut self) {}
pub(crate) fn inc_local_schedule_count(&mut self) {}
pub(crate) fn start_processing_scheduled_tasks(&mut self) {}
pub(crate) fn end_processing_scheduled_tasks(&mut self) {}
pub(crate) fn start_poll(&mut self) {}
pub(crate) fn end_poll(&mut self) {}
cfg_rt_multi_thread! {
impl MetricsBatch {
pub(crate) fn incr_steal_count(&mut self, _by: u16) {}
pub(crate) fn incr_steal_operations(&mut self) {}
pub(crate) fn incr_overflow_count(&mut self) {}