Revision control
Copy as Markdown
Other Tools
use crate::buffer::Cursor;
use crate::error::{self, Error};
use crate::sealed::lookahead::Sealed;
use crate::span::IntoSpans;
use crate::token::{CustomToken, Token};
use proc_macro2::{Delimiter, Span};
use std::cell::RefCell;
/// Support for checking the next token in a stream to decide how to parse.
/// An important advantage over [`ParseStream::peek`] is that here we
/// automatically construct an appropriate error message based on the token
/// alternatives that get peeked. If you are producing your own error message,
/// go ahead and use `ParseStream::peek` instead.
/// Use [`ParseStream::lookahead1`] to construct this object.
/// [`ParseStream::peek`]: crate::parse::ParseBuffer::peek
/// [`ParseStream::lookahead1`]: crate::parse::ParseBuffer::lookahead1
/// Consuming tokens from the source stream after constructing a lookahead
/// object does not also advance the lookahead object.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use syn::{ConstParam, Ident, Lifetime, LifetimeParam, Result, Token, TypeParam};
/// use syn::parse::{Parse, ParseStream};
/// // A generic parameter, a single one of the comma-separated elements inside
/// // angle brackets in:
/// //
/// // fn f<T: Clone, 'a, 'b: 'a, const N: usize>() { ... }
/// //
/// // On invalid input, lookahead gives us a reasonable error message.
/// //
/// // error: expected one of: identifier, lifetime, `const`
/// // |
/// // 5 | fn f<!Sized>() {}
/// // | ^
/// enum GenericParam {
/// Type(TypeParam),
/// Lifetime(LifetimeParam),
/// Const(ConstParam),
/// }
/// impl Parse for GenericParam {
/// fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
/// let lookahead = input.lookahead1();
/// if lookahead.peek(Ident) {
/// input.parse().map(GenericParam::Type)
/// } else if lookahead.peek(Lifetime) {
/// input.parse().map(GenericParam::Lifetime)
/// } else if lookahead.peek(Token![const]) {
/// input.parse().map(GenericParam::Const)
/// } else {
/// Err(lookahead.error())
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub struct Lookahead1<'a> {
scope: Span,
cursor: Cursor<'a>,
comparisons: RefCell<Vec<&'static str>>,
pub(crate) fn new(scope: Span, cursor: Cursor) -> Lookahead1 {
Lookahead1 {
comparisons: RefCell::new(Vec::new()),
fn peek_impl(
lookahead: &Lookahead1,
peek: fn(Cursor) -> bool,
display: fn() -> &'static str,
) -> bool {
if peek(lookahead.cursor) {
return true;
impl<'a> Lookahead1<'a> {
/// Looks at the next token in the parse stream to determine whether it
/// matches the requested type of token.
/// # Syntax
/// Note that this method does not use turbofish syntax. Pass the peek type
/// inside of parentheses.
/// - `input.peek(Token![struct])`
/// - `input.peek(Token![==])`
/// - `input.peek(Ident)` *(does not accept keywords)*
/// - `input.peek(Ident::peek_any)`
/// - `input.peek(Lifetime)`
/// - `input.peek(token::Brace)`
pub fn peek<T: Peek>(&self, token: T) -> bool {
let _ = token;
peek_impl(self, T::Token::peek, T::Token::display)
/// Triggers an error at the current position of the parse stream.
/// The error message will identify all of the expected token types that
/// have been peeked against this lookahead instance.
pub fn error(self) -> Error {
let mut comparisons = self.comparisons.into_inner();
comparisons.retain_mut(|display| {
if *display == "`)`" {
*display = match self.cursor.scope_delimiter() {
Delimiter::Parenthesis => "`)`",
Delimiter::Brace => "`}`",
Delimiter::Bracket => "`]`",
Delimiter::None => return false,
match comparisons.len() {
0 => {
if self.cursor.eof() {
Error::new(self.scope, "unexpected end of input")
} else {
Error::new(self.cursor.span(), "unexpected token")
1 => {
let message = format!("expected {}", comparisons[0]);
error::new_at(self.scope, self.cursor, message)
2 => {
let message = format!("expected {} or {}", comparisons[0], comparisons[1]);
error::new_at(self.scope, self.cursor, message)
_ => {
let join = comparisons.join(", ");
let message = format!("expected one of: {}", join);
error::new_at(self.scope, self.cursor, message)
/// Types that can be parsed by looking at just one token.
/// Use [`ParseStream::peek`] to peek one of these types in a parse stream
/// without consuming it from the stream.
/// This trait is sealed and cannot be implemented for types outside of Syn.
/// [`ParseStream::peek`]: crate::parse::ParseBuffer::peek
pub trait Peek: Sealed {
// Not public API.
type Token: Token;
/// Pseudo-token used for peeking the end of a parse stream.
/// This type is only useful as an argument to one of the following functions:
/// - [`ParseStream::peek`][crate::parse::ParseBuffer::peek]
/// - [`ParseStream::peek2`][crate::parse::ParseBuffer::peek2]
/// - [`ParseStream::peek3`][crate::parse::ParseBuffer::peek3]
/// - [`Lookahead1::peek`]
/// The peek will return `true` if there are no remaining tokens after that
/// point in the parse stream.
/// # Example
/// Suppose we are parsing attributes containing core::fmt inspired formatting
/// arguments:
/// - `#[fmt("simple example")]`
/// - `#[fmt("interpolation e{}ample", self.x)]`
/// - `#[fmt("interpolation e{x}ample")]`
/// and we want to recognize the cases where no interpolation occurs so that
/// more efficient code can be generated.
/// The following implementation uses `input.peek(Token![,]) &&
/// input.peek2(End)` to recognize the case of a trailing comma without
/// consuming the comma from the parse stream, because if it isn't a trailing
/// comma, that same comma needs to be parsed as part of `args`.
/// ```
/// use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
/// use quote::quote;
/// use syn::parse::{End, Parse, ParseStream, Result};
/// use syn::{parse_quote, Attribute, LitStr, Token};
/// struct FormatArgs {
/// template: LitStr, // "...{}..."
/// args: TokenStream, // , self.x
/// }
/// impl Parse for FormatArgs {
/// fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
/// let template: LitStr = input.parse()?;
/// let args = if input.is_empty()
/// || input.peek(Token![,]) && input.peek2(End)
/// {
/// input.parse::<Option<Token![,]>>()?;
/// TokenStream::new()
/// } else {
/// input.parse()?
/// };
/// Ok(FormatArgs {
/// template,
/// args,
/// })
/// }
/// }
/// fn main() -> Result<()> {
/// let attrs: Vec<Attribute> = parse_quote! {
/// #[fmt("simple example")]
/// #[fmt("interpolation e{}ample", self.x)]
/// #[fmt("interpolation e{x}ample")]
/// };
/// for attr in &attrs {
/// let FormatArgs { template, args } = attr.parse_args()?;
/// let requires_fmt_machinery =
/// !args.is_empty() || template.value().contains(['{', '}']);
/// let out = if requires_fmt_machinery {
/// quote! {
/// ::core::write!(__formatter, #template #args)
/// }
/// } else {
/// quote! {
/// __formatter.write_str(#template)
/// }
/// };
/// println!("{}", out);
/// }
/// Ok(())
/// }
/// ```
/// Implementing this parsing logic without `peek2(End)` is more clumsy because
/// we'd need a parse stream actually advanced past the comma before being able
/// to find out whether there is anything after it. It would look something
/// like:
/// ```
/// # use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
/// # use syn::parse::{ParseStream, Result};
/// # use syn::Token;
/// #
/// # fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result<()> {
/// use syn::parse::discouraged::Speculative as _;
/// let ahead = input.fork();
/// ahead.parse::<Option<Token![,]>>()?;
/// let args = if ahead.is_empty() {
/// input.advance_to(&ahead);
/// TokenStream::new()
/// } else {
/// input.parse()?
/// };
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
/// or:
/// ```
/// # use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
/// # use syn::parse::{ParseStream, Result};
/// # use syn::Token;
/// #
/// # fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result<()> {
/// use quote::ToTokens as _;
/// let comma: Option<Token![,]> = input.parse()?;
/// let mut args = TokenStream::new();
/// if !input.is_empty() {
/// comma.to_tokens(&mut args);
/// input.parse::<TokenStream>()?.to_tokens(&mut args);
/// }
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub struct End;
impl Copy for End {}
impl Clone for End {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
impl Peek for End {
type Token = Self;
impl CustomToken for End {
fn peek(cursor: Cursor) -> bool {
fn display() -> &'static str {
"`)`" // Lookahead1 error message will fill in the expected close delimiter
impl<F: Copy + FnOnce(TokenMarker) -> T, T: Token> Peek for F {
type Token = T;
pub enum TokenMarker {}
impl<S> IntoSpans<S> for TokenMarker {
fn into_spans(self) -> S {
match self {}
impl<F: Copy + FnOnce(TokenMarker) -> T, T: Token> Sealed for F {}
impl Sealed for End {}