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//! Error management module↩
use crate::escape::EscapeError;↩
use crate::events::attributes::AttrError;↩
use crate::utils::write_byte_string;↩
use std::fmt;↩
use std::io::Error as IoError;↩
use std::str::Utf8Error;↩
use std::string::FromUtf8Error;↩
use std::sync::Arc;↩
/// The error type used by this crate.↩
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]↩
pub enum Error {↩
/// XML document cannot be read from or written to underlying source.↩
/// Contains the reference-counted I/O error to make the error type `Clone`able.↩
/// Input decoding error. If [`encoding`] feature is disabled, contains `None`,↩
/// otherwise contains the UTF-8 decoding error↩
/// [`encoding`]: index.html#encoding↩
/// Unexpected End of File↩
/// End event mismatch↩
EndEventMismatch {↩
/// Expected end event↩
expected: String,↩
/// Found end event↩
found: String,↩
/// Unexpected token↩
/// Unexpected <!>↩
/// Text not found, expected `Event::Text`↩
/// `Event::BytesDecl` must start with *version* attribute. Contains the attribute↩
/// that was found or `None` if an xml declaration doesn't contain attributes.↩
/// Empty `Event::DocType`. `<!doctype foo>` is correct but `<!doctype > is not.↩
/// Attribute parsing error↩
/// Escape error↩
/// Specified namespace prefix is unknown, cannot resolve namespace for it↩
/// Error for when a reserved namespace is set incorrectly.↩
/// This error returned in following cases:↩
/// - the XML document attempts to bind `xml` prefix to something other than↩
/// - the XML document attempts to bind `xmlns` prefix↩
/// - the XML document attempts to bind some prefix (except `xml`) to↩
/// - the XML document attempts to bind some prefix to↩
InvalidPrefixBind {↩
/// The prefix that is tried to be bound↩
prefix: Vec<u8>,↩
/// Namespace to which prefix tried to be bound↩
namespace: Vec<u8>,↩
impl From<IoError> for Error {↩
/// Creates a new `Error::Io` from the given error↩
fn from(error: IoError) -> Error {↩
impl From<Utf8Error> for Error {↩
/// Creates a new `Error::NonDecodable` from the given error↩
fn from(error: Utf8Error) -> Error {↩
impl From<FromUtf8Error> for Error {↩
/// Creates a new `Error::Utf8` from the given error↩
fn from(error: FromUtf8Error) -> Error {↩
impl From<EscapeError> for Error {↩
/// Creates a new `Error::EscapeError` from the given error↩
fn from(error: EscapeError) -> Error {↩
impl From<AttrError> for Error {↩
fn from(error: AttrError) -> Self {↩
/// A specialized `Result` type where the error is hard-wired to [`Error`].↩
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;↩
impl fmt::Display for Error {↩
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {↩
match self {↩
Error::Io(e) => write!(f, "I/O error: {}", e),↩
Error::NonDecodable(None) => write!(f, "Malformed input, decoding impossible"),↩
Error::NonDecodable(Some(e)) => write!(f, "Malformed UTF-8 input: {}", e),↩
Error::UnexpectedEof(e) => write!(f, "Unexpected EOF during reading {}", e),↩
Error::EndEventMismatch { expected, found } => {↩
write!(f, "Expecting </{}> found </{}>", expected, found)↩
Error::UnexpectedToken(e) => write!(f, "Unexpected token '{}'", e),↩
Error::UnexpectedBang(b) => write!(↩
"Only Comment (`--`), CDATA (`[CDATA[`) and DOCTYPE (`DOCTYPE`) nodes can start with a '!', but symbol `{}` found",↩
*b as char↩
Error::TextNotFound => write!(f, "Cannot read text, expecting Event::Text"),↩
Error::XmlDeclWithoutVersion(e) => write!(↩
"XmlDecl must start with 'version' attribute, found {:?}",↩
Error::EmptyDocType => write!(f, "DOCTYPE declaration must not be empty"),↩
Error::InvalidAttr(e) => write!(f, "error while parsing attribute: {}", e),↩
Error::EscapeError(e) => write!(f, "{}", e),↩
Error::UnknownPrefix(prefix) => {↩
f.write_str("Unknown namespace prefix '")?;↩
write_byte_string(f, prefix)?;↩
Error::InvalidPrefixBind { prefix, namespace } => {↩
f.write_str("The namespace prefix '")?;↩
write_byte_string(f, prefix)?;↩
f.write_str("' cannot be bound to '")?;↩
write_byte_string(f, namespace)?;↩
impl std::error::Error for Error {↩
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {↩
match self {↩
Error::Io(e) => Some(e),↩
Error::NonDecodable(Some(e)) => Some(e),↩
Error::InvalidAttr(e) => Some(e),↩
Error::EscapeError(e) => Some(e),↩
_ => None,↩
#[cfg(feature = "serialize")]↩
pub mod serialize {↩
//! A module to handle serde (de)serialization errors↩
use super::*;↩
use crate::utils::write_byte_string;↩
use std::borrow::Cow;↩
#[cfg(feature = "overlapped-lists")]↩
use std::num::NonZeroUsize;↩
use std::num::{ParseFloatError, ParseIntError};↩
/// (De)serialization error↩
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]↩
pub enum DeError {↩
/// Serde custom error↩
/// Xml parsing error↩
/// Cannot parse to integer↩
/// Cannot parse to float↩
/// Cannot parse specified value to boolean↩
/// This error indicates an error in the [`Deserialize`](serde::Deserialize)↩
/// implementation when read a map or a struct: `MapAccess::next_value[_seed]`↩
/// was called before `MapAccess::next_key[_seed]`.↩
/// You should check your types, that implements corresponding trait.↩
/// Deserializer encounter a start tag with a specified name when it is↩
/// not expecting. This happens when you try to deserialize a primitive↩
/// value (numbers, strings, booleans) from an XML element.↩
/// Deserializer encounter an end tag with a specified name when it is↩
/// not expecting. Usually that should not be possible, because XML reader↩
/// is not able to produce such stream of events that lead to this error.↩
/// If you get this error this likely indicates and error in the `quick_xml`.↩
/// your Rust code and XML input.↩
/// The [`Reader`] produced [`Event::Eof`] when it is not expecting,↩
/// for example, after producing [`Event::Start`] but before corresponding↩
/// [`Event::End`].↩
/// [`Reader`]: crate::reader::Reader↩
/// [`Event::Eof`]: crate::events::Event::Eof↩
/// [`Event::Start`]: crate::events::Event::Start↩
/// [`Event::End`]: crate::events::Event::End↩
/// This error indicates that [`deserialize_struct`] was called, but there↩
/// is no any XML element in the input. That means that you try to deserialize↩
/// a struct not from an XML element.↩
/// [`deserialize_struct`]: serde::de::Deserializer::deserialize_struct↩
/// An attempt to deserialize to a type, that is not supported by the XML↩
/// store at current position, for example, attempt to deserialize `struct`↩
/// from attribute or attempt to deserialize binary data.↩
/// Serialized type cannot be represented in an XML due to violation of the↩
/// XML rules in the final XML document. For example, attempt to serialize↩
/// a `HashMap<{integer}, ...>` would cause this error because [XML name]↩
/// cannot start from a digit or a hyphen (minus sign). The same result↩
/// would occur if map key is a complex type that cannot be serialized as↩
/// a primitive type (i.e. string, char, bool, unit struct or unit variant).↩
Unsupported(Cow<'static, str>),↩
/// Too many events were skipped while deserializing a sequence, event limit↩
/// exceeded. The limit was provided as an argument↩
#[cfg(feature = "overlapped-lists")]↩
impl fmt::Display for DeError {↩
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {↩
match self {↩
DeError::Custom(s) => write!(f, "{}", s),↩
DeError::InvalidXml(e) => write!(f, "{}", e),↩
DeError::InvalidInt(e) => write!(f, "{}", e),↩
DeError::InvalidFloat(e) => write!(f, "{}", e),↩
DeError::InvalidBoolean(v) => write!(f, "Invalid boolean value '{}'", v),↩
DeError::KeyNotRead => write!(f, "Invalid `Deserialize` implementation: `MapAccess::next_value[_seed]` was called before `MapAccess::next_key[_seed]`"),↩
DeError::UnexpectedStart(e) => {↩
f.write_str("Unexpected `Event::Start(")?;↩
write_byte_string(f, e)?;↩
DeError::UnexpectedEnd(e) => {↩
f.write_str("Unexpected `Event::End(")?;↩
write_byte_string(f, e)?;↩
DeError::UnexpectedEof => write!(f, "Unexpected `Event::Eof`"),↩
DeError::ExpectedStart => write!(f, "Expecting `Event::Start`"),↩
DeError::Unsupported(s) => write!(f, "Unsupported operation: {}", s),↩
#[cfg(feature = "overlapped-lists")]↩
DeError::TooManyEvents(s) => write!(f, "Deserializer buffers {} events, limit exceeded", s),↩
impl ::std::error::Error for DeError {↩
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {↩
match self {↩
DeError::InvalidXml(e) => Some(e),↩
DeError::InvalidInt(e) => Some(e),↩
DeError::InvalidFloat(e) => Some(e),↩
_ => None,↩
impl serde::de::Error for DeError {↩
fn custom<T: fmt::Display>(msg: T) -> Self {↩
impl serde::ser::Error for DeError {↩
fn custom<T: fmt::Display>(msg: T) -> Self {↩
impl From<Error> for DeError {↩
fn from(e: Error) -> Self {↩
impl From<EscapeError> for DeError {↩
fn from(e: EscapeError) -> Self {↩
impl From<Utf8Error> for DeError {↩
fn from(e: Utf8Error) -> Self {↩
impl From<FromUtf8Error> for DeError {↩
fn from(e: FromUtf8Error) -> Self {↩
impl From<AttrError> for DeError {↩
fn from(e: AttrError) -> Self {↩
impl From<ParseIntError> for DeError {↩
fn from(e: ParseIntError) -> Self {↩
impl From<ParseFloatError> for DeError {↩
fn from(e: ParseFloatError) -> Self {↩
impl From<fmt::Error> for DeError {↩
fn from(e: fmt::Error) -> Self {↩