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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
//! Verifiable Incremental Distributed Point Function (VIDPF).
//! The VIDPF construction is specified in [[draft-mouris-cfrg-mastic]] and builds
//! on techniques from [[MST23]] and [[CP22]] to lift an IDPF to a VIDPF.
use core::{
ops::{Add, AddAssign, BitXor, BitXorAssign, Index, Sub},
use bitvec::field::BitField;
use rand_core::RngCore;
use std::io::Cursor;
use subtle::{Choice, ConditionallyNegatable, ConditionallySelectable};
use crate::{
codec::{CodecError, Encode, ParameterizedDecode},
conditional_select_seed, conditional_swap_seed, conditional_xor_seeds, xor_seeds,
IdpfInput, IdpfValue,
vdaf::xof::{Seed, Xof, XofFixedKeyAes128, XofTurboShake128},
/// VIDPF-related errors.
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum VidpfError {
/// Error when key's identifier are equal.
#[error("key's identifier should be different")]
/// Error when level does not fit in a 32-bit number.
#[error("level is not representable as a 32-bit integer")]
/// Error during VIDPF evaluation: tried to access a level index out of bounds.
#[error("level index out of bounds")]
/// Error when weight's length mismatches the length in weight's parameter.
#[error("invalid weight length")]
/// Failure when calling getrandom().
#[error("getrandom: {0}")]
GetRandom(#[from] getrandom::Error),
/// Represents the domain of an incremental point function.
pub type VidpfInput = IdpfInput;
/// Represents the codomain of an incremental point function.
pub trait VidpfValue: IdpfValue + Clone {}
/// A VIDPF instance.
pub struct Vidpf<W: VidpfValue, const NONCE_SIZE: usize> {
/// Any parameters required to instantiate a weight value.
weight_parameter: W::ValueParameter,
impl<W: VidpfValue, const NONCE_SIZE: usize> Vidpf<W, NONCE_SIZE> {
/// Creates a VIDPF instance.
/// # Arguments
/// * `weight_parameter`, any parameters required to instantiate a weight value.
pub const fn new(weight_parameter: W::ValueParameter) -> Self {
Self { weight_parameter }
/// The [`Vidpf::gen`] method splits an incremental point function `F` into two private keys
/// used by the aggregation servers, and a common public share.
/// The incremental point function is defined as `F`: [`VidpfInput`] --> [`VidpfValue`]
/// such that:
/// ```txt
/// F(x) = weight, if x is a prefix of the input.
/// F(x) = 0, if x is not a prefix of the input.
/// ```
/// # Arguments
/// * `input`, determines the input of the function.
/// * `weight`, determines the input's weight of the function.
/// * `nonce`, used to cryptographically bind some information.
pub fn gen(
input: &VidpfInput,
weight: &W,
nonce: &[u8; NONCE_SIZE],
) -> Result<(VidpfPublicShare<W>, [VidpfKey; 2]), VidpfError> {
let keys = [
let public = self.gen_with_keys(&keys, input, weight, nonce)?;
Ok((public, keys))
/// [`Vidpf::gen_with_keys`] works as the [`Vidpf::gen`] method, except that two different
/// keys must be provided.
fn gen_with_keys(
keys: &[VidpfKey; 2],
input: &VidpfInput,
weight: &W,
nonce: &[u8; NONCE_SIZE],
) -> Result<VidpfPublicShare<W>, VidpfError> {
if keys[0].id == keys[1].id {
return Err(VidpfError::SameKeyId);
let mut s_i = [keys[0].value, keys[1].value];
let mut t_i = [Choice::from(keys[0].id), Choice::from(keys[1].id)];
let n = input.len();
let mut cw = Vec::with_capacity(n);
let mut cs = Vec::with_capacity(n);
for level in 0..n {
let alpha_i = Choice::from(u8::from(input.get(level).ok_or(VidpfError::IndexLevel)?));
// If alpha_i == 0 then
// (same_seed, diff_seed) = (right_seed, left_seed)
// else
// (same_seed, diff_seed) = (left_seed, right_seed)
let seq_0 = Self::prg(&s_i[0], nonce);
let (same_seed_0, diff_seed_0) = &mut (seq_0.right_seed, seq_0.left_seed);
conditional_swap_seed(same_seed_0, diff_seed_0, alpha_i);
let seq_1 = Self::prg(&s_i[1], nonce);
let (same_seed_1, diff_seed_1) = &mut (seq_1.right_seed, seq_1.left_seed);
conditional_swap_seed(same_seed_1, diff_seed_1, alpha_i);
// If alpha_i == 0 then
// diff_control_bit = left_control_bit
// else
// diff_control_bit = right_control_bit
let diff_control_bit_0 = Choice::conditional_select(
let diff_control_bit_1 = Choice::conditional_select(
let s_cw = xor_seeds(same_seed_0, same_seed_1);
let t_cw_l =
seq_0.left_control_bit ^ seq_1.left_control_bit ^ alpha_i ^ Choice::from(1);
let t_cw_r = seq_0.right_control_bit ^ seq_1.right_control_bit ^ alpha_i;
let t_cw_diff = Choice::conditional_select(&t_cw_l, &t_cw_r, alpha_i);
let s_tilde_i_0 = conditional_xor_seeds(diff_seed_0, &s_cw, t_i[0]);
let s_tilde_i_1 = conditional_xor_seeds(diff_seed_1, &s_cw, t_i[1]);
t_i[0] = diff_control_bit_0 ^ (t_i[0] & t_cw_diff);
t_i[1] = diff_control_bit_1 ^ (t_i[1] & t_cw_diff);
let w_i_0;
let w_i_1;
(s_i[0], w_i_0) = self.convert(s_tilde_i_0, nonce);
(s_i[1], w_i_1) = self.convert(s_tilde_i_1, nonce);
let mut w_cw = w_i_1 - w_i_0 + weight.clone();
let cw_i = VidpfCorrectionWord {
seed: s_cw,
left_control_bit: t_cw_l,
right_control_bit: t_cw_r,
weight: w_cw,
let pi_tilde_0 = Self::node_proof(input, level, &s_i[0])?;
let pi_tilde_1 = Self::node_proof(input, level, &s_i[1])?;
let cs_i = xor_proof(pi_tilde_0, &pi_tilde_1);
Ok(VidpfPublicShare { cw, cs })
/// [`Vidpf::eval`] evaluates the entire `input` and produces a share of the
/// input's weight.
pub fn eval(
key: &VidpfKey,
public: &VidpfPublicShare<W>,
input: &VidpfInput,
nonce: &[u8; NONCE_SIZE],
) -> Result<VidpfValueShare<W>, VidpfError> {
let mut state = VidpfEvalState::init_from_key(key);
let mut share = W::zero(&self.weight_parameter);
let n = input.len();
for level in 0..n {
(state, share) = self.eval_next(, public, input, level, &state, nonce)?;
Ok(VidpfValueShare {
proof: state.proof,
/// [`Vidpf::eval_next`] evaluates the `input` at the given level using the provided initial
/// state, and returns a new state and a share of the input's weight at that level.
fn eval_next(
id: VidpfServerId,
public: &VidpfPublicShare<W>,
input: &VidpfInput,
level: usize,
state: &VidpfEvalState,
nonce: &[u8; NONCE_SIZE],
) -> Result<(VidpfEvalState, W), VidpfError> {
let cw =;
let seq_tilde = Self::prg(&state.seed, nonce);
let t_i = state.control_bit;
let sl = conditional_xor_seeds(&seq_tilde.left_seed, &cw.seed, t_i);
let sr = conditional_xor_seeds(&seq_tilde.right_seed, &cw.seed, t_i);
let tl = seq_tilde.left_control_bit ^ (t_i & cw.left_control_bit);
let tr = seq_tilde.right_control_bit ^ (t_i & cw.right_control_bit);
let x_i = Choice::from(u8::from(input.get(level).ok_or(VidpfError::IndexLevel)?));
let s_tilde_i = conditional_select_seed(x_i, &[sl, sr]);
let next_control_bit = Choice::conditional_select(&tl, &tr, x_i);
let (next_seed, w_i) = self.convert(s_tilde_i, nonce);
let zero = <W as IdpfValue>::zero(&self.weight_parameter);
let mut y = <W as IdpfValue>::conditional_select(&zero, &cw.weight, next_control_bit);
y += w_i;
let pi_i = &state.proof;
let cs_i = public.cs.get(level).ok_or(VidpfError::IndexLevel)?;
let pi_tilde = Self::node_proof(input, level, &next_seed)?;
let h2_input = xor_proof(
conditional_xor_proof(pi_tilde, cs_i, next_control_bit),
let next_proof = xor_proof(Self::node_proof_adjustment(h2_input), pi_i);
let next_state = VidpfEvalState {
seed: next_seed,
control_bit: next_control_bit,
proof: next_proof,
Ok((next_state, y))
fn prg(seed: &VidpfSeed, nonce: &[u8]) -> VidpfPrgOutput {
let mut rng = XofFixedKeyAes128::seed_stream(&Seed(*seed), VidpfDomainSepTag::PRG, nonce);
let mut left_seed = VidpfSeed::default();
let mut right_seed = VidpfSeed::default();
rng.fill_bytes(&mut left_seed);
rng.fill_bytes(&mut right_seed);
// Use the LSB of seeds as control bits, and clears the bit,
// i.e., seeds produced by `prg` always have their LSB = 0.
// This ensures `prg` costs two AES calls only.
let left_control_bit = Choice::from(left_seed[0] & 0x01);
let right_control_bit = Choice::from(right_seed[0] & 0x01);
left_seed[0] &= 0xFE;
right_seed[0] &= 0xFE;
VidpfPrgOutput {
fn convert(&self, seed: VidpfSeed, nonce: &[u8; NONCE_SIZE]) -> (VidpfSeed, W) {
let mut rng =
XofFixedKeyAes128::seed_stream(&Seed(seed), VidpfDomainSepTag::CONVERT, nonce);
let mut out_seed = VidpfSeed::default();
rng.fill_bytes(&mut out_seed);
let value = <W as IdpfValue>::generate(&mut rng, &self.weight_parameter);
(out_seed, value)
fn node_proof(
input: &VidpfInput,
level: usize,
seed: &VidpfSeed,
) -> Result<VidpfProof, VidpfError> {
let mut shake = XofTurboShake128::init(seed, VidpfDomainSepTag::NODE_PROOF);
for chunk128 in input
.map_err(|_e| VidpfError::LevelTooBig)?
let mut rng = shake.into_seed_stream();
let mut proof = VidpfProof::default();
rng.fill_bytes(&mut proof);
fn node_proof_adjustment(mut proof: VidpfProof) -> VidpfProof {
let mut rng = XofTurboShake128::seed_stream(
rng.fill_bytes(&mut proof);
/// Contains the domain separation tags for invoking different oracles.
struct VidpfDomainSepTag;
impl VidpfDomainSepTag {
const PRG: &'static [u8] = b"Prg";
const CONVERT: &'static [u8] = b"Convert";
const NODE_PROOF: &'static [u8] = b"NodeProof";
const NODE_PROOF_ADJUST: &'static [u8] = b"NodeProofAdjust";
/// Private key of an aggregation server.
pub struct VidpfKey {
id: VidpfServerId,
value: [u8; 16],
impl VidpfKey {
/// Generates a key at random.
/// # Errors
/// Triggers an error if the random generator fails.
pub(crate) fn gen(id: VidpfServerId) -> Result<Self, VidpfError> {
let mut value = [0; 16];
getrandom::getrandom(&mut value)?;
Ok(Self { id, value })
/// Identifies the two aggregation servers.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub(crate) enum VidpfServerId {
/// S0 is the first server.
/// S1 is the second server.
impl From<VidpfServerId> for Choice {
fn from(value: VidpfServerId) -> Self {
match value {
VidpfServerId::S0 => Self::from(0),
VidpfServerId::S1 => Self::from(1),
/// Adjusts values of shares during the VIDPF evaluation.
struct VidpfCorrectionWord<W: VidpfValue> {
seed: VidpfSeed,
left_control_bit: Choice,
right_control_bit: Choice,
weight: W,
/// Common public information used by aggregation servers.
pub struct VidpfPublicShare<W: VidpfValue> {
cw: Vec<VidpfCorrectionWord<W>>,
cs: Vec<VidpfProof>,
/// Contains the values produced during input evaluation at a given level.
pub struct VidpfEvalState {
seed: VidpfSeed,
control_bit: Choice,
proof: VidpfProof,
impl VidpfEvalState {
fn init_from_key(key: &VidpfKey) -> Self {
Self {
seed: key.value,
control_bit: Choice::from(,
proof: VidpfProof::default(),
/// Contains a share of the input's weight together with a proof for verification.
pub struct VidpfValueShare<W: VidpfValue> {
/// Secret share of the input's weight.
pub share: W,
/// Proof used to verify the share.
pub proof: VidpfProof,
/// Proof size in bytes.
const VIDPF_PROOF_SIZE: usize = 32;
/// Allows to validate user input and shares after evaluation.
type VidpfProof = [u8; VIDPF_PROOF_SIZE];
fn xor_proof(mut lhs: VidpfProof, rhs: &VidpfProof) -> VidpfProof {
zip(&mut lhs, rhs).for_each(|(a, b)| a.bitxor_assign(b));
fn conditional_xor_proof(mut lhs: VidpfProof, rhs: &VidpfProof, choice: Choice) -> VidpfProof {
zip(&mut lhs, rhs).for_each(|(a, b)| a.conditional_assign(&a.bitxor(b), choice));
/// Feeds a pseudorandom generator during evaluation.
type VidpfSeed = [u8; 16];
/// Contains the seeds and control bits produced by [`Vidpf::prg`].
struct VidpfPrgOutput {
left_seed: VidpfSeed,
left_control_bit: Choice,
right_seed: VidpfSeed,
right_control_bit: Choice,
/// Represents an array of field elements that implements the [`VidpfValue`] trait.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub struct VidpfWeight<F: FieldElement>(Vec<F>);
impl<F: FieldElement> From<Vec<F>> for VidpfWeight<F> {
fn from(value: Vec<F>) -> Self {
impl<F: FieldElement> VidpfValue for VidpfWeight<F> {}
impl<F: FieldElement> IdpfValue for VidpfWeight<F> {
/// The parameter determines the number of field elements in the vector.
type ValueParameter = usize;
fn generate<S: RngCore>(seed_stream: &mut S, length: &Self::ValueParameter) -> Self {
.map(|_| <F as IdpfValue>::generate(seed_stream, &()))
fn zero(length: &Self::ValueParameter) -> Self {
Self((0..*length).map(|_| <F as IdpfValue>::zero(&())).collect())
/// Panics if weight lengths are different.
fn conditional_select(lhs: &Self, rhs: &Self, choice: Choice) -> Self {
zip(&lhs.0, &rhs.0)
.map(|(a, b)| <F as IdpfValue>::conditional_select(a, b, choice))
impl<F: FieldElement> ConditionallyNegatable for VidpfWeight<F> {
fn conditional_negate(&mut self, choice: Choice) {
self.0.iter_mut().for_each(|a| a.conditional_negate(choice));
impl<F: FieldElement> Add for VidpfWeight<F> {
type Output = Self;
/// Panics if weight lengths are different.
fn add(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
Self(zip(self.0, rhs.0).map(|(a, b)| a.add(b)).collect())
impl<F: FieldElement> AddAssign for VidpfWeight<F> {
/// Panics if weight lengths are different.
fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
zip(&mut self.0, rhs.0).for_each(|(a, b)| a.add_assign(b));
impl<F: FieldElement> Sub for VidpfWeight<F> {
type Output = Self;
/// Panics if weight lengths are different.
fn sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
Self(zip(self.0, rhs.0).map(|(a, b)| a.sub(b)).collect())
impl<F: FieldElement> Encode for VidpfWeight<F> {
fn encode(&self, bytes: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), CodecError> {
for e in &self.0 {
F::encode(e, bytes)?;
fn encoded_len(&self) -> Option<usize> {
Some(self.0.len() * F::ENCODED_SIZE)
impl<F: FieldElement> ParameterizedDecode<<Self as IdpfValue>::ValueParameter> for VidpfWeight<F> {
fn decode_with_param(
decoding_parameter: &<Self as IdpfValue>::ValueParameter,
bytes: &mut Cursor<&[u8]>,
) -> Result<Self, CodecError> {
let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(*decoding_parameter);
for _ in 0..*decoding_parameter {
v.push(F::decode_with_param(&(), bytes)?);
mod tests {
use crate::field::Field128;
use super::VidpfWeight;
type TestWeight = VidpfWeight<Field128>;
const TEST_WEIGHT_LEN: usize = 3;
const TEST_NONCE_SIZE: usize = 16;
const TEST_NONCE: &[u8; TEST_NONCE_SIZE] = b"Test Nonce VIDPF";
mod vidpf {
use crate::{
Vidpf, VidpfError, VidpfEvalState, VidpfInput, VidpfKey, VidpfPublicShare,
fn vidpf_gen_setup(
input: &VidpfInput,
weight: &TestWeight,
) -> (
Vidpf<TestWeight, TEST_NONCE_SIZE>,
[VidpfKey; 2],
) {
let vidpf = Vidpf::new(TEST_WEIGHT_LEN);
let (public, keys) = vidpf.gen(input, weight, TEST_NONCE).unwrap();
(vidpf, public, keys, *TEST_NONCE)
fn gen_with_keys() {
let input = VidpfInput::from_bytes(&[0xFF]);
let weight = TestWeight::from(vec![21.into(), 22.into(), 23.into()]);
let vidpf = Vidpf::new(TEST_WEIGHT_LEN);
let keys_with_same_id = [
let err = vidpf
.gen_with_keys(&keys_with_same_id, &input, &weight, TEST_NONCE)
assert_eq!(err.to_string(), VidpfError::SameKeyId.to_string());
fn correctness_at_last_level() {
let input = VidpfInput::from_bytes(&[0xFF]);
let weight = TestWeight::from(vec![21.into(), 22.into(), 23.into()]);
let (vidpf, public, [key_0, key_1], nonce) = vidpf_gen_setup(&input, &weight);
let value_share_0 = vidpf.eval(&key_0, &public, &input, &nonce).unwrap();
let value_share_1 = vidpf.eval(&key_1, &public, &input, &nonce).unwrap();
value_share_0.share + value_share_1.share,
"shares must add up to the expected weight",
value_share_0.proof, value_share_1.proof,
"proofs must be equal"
let bad_input = VidpfInput::from_bytes(&[0x00]);
let zero = TestWeight::zero(&TEST_WEIGHT_LEN);
let value_share_0 = vidpf.eval(&key_0, &public, &bad_input, &nonce).unwrap();
let value_share_1 = vidpf.eval(&key_1, &public, &bad_input, &nonce).unwrap();
value_share_0.share + value_share_1.share,
"shares must add up to zero",
value_share_0.proof, value_share_1.proof,
"proofs must be equal"
fn correctness_at_each_level() {
let input = VidpfInput::from_bytes(&[0xFF]);
let weight = TestWeight::from(vec![21.into(), 22.into(), 23.into()]);
let (vidpf, public, keys, nonce) = vidpf_gen_setup(&input, &weight);
assert_eval_at_each_level(&vidpf, &keys, &public, &input, &weight, &nonce);
let bad_input = VidpfInput::from_bytes(&[0x00]);
let zero = TestWeight::zero(&TEST_WEIGHT_LEN);
assert_eval_at_each_level(&vidpf, &keys, &public, &bad_input, &zero, &nonce);
fn assert_eval_at_each_level(
vidpf: &Vidpf<TestWeight, TEST_NONCE_SIZE>,
[key_0, key_1]: &[VidpfKey; 2],
public: &VidpfPublicShare<TestWeight>,
input: &VidpfInput,
weight: &TestWeight,
nonce: &[u8; TEST_NONCE_SIZE],
) {
let mut state_0 = VidpfEvalState::init_from_key(key_0);
let mut state_1 = VidpfEvalState::init_from_key(key_1);
let n = input.len();
for level in 0..n {
let share_0;
let share_1;
(state_0, share_0) = vidpf
.eval_next(, public, input, level, &state_0, nonce)
(state_1, share_1) = vidpf
.eval_next(, public, input, level, &state_1, nonce)
share_0 + share_1,
"shares must add up to the expected weight at the current level: {:?}",
state_0.proof, state_1.proof,
"proofs must be equal at the current level: {:?}",
mod weight {
use std::io::Cursor;
use subtle::{Choice, ConditionallyNegatable};
use crate::{
codec::{Encode, ParameterizedDecode},
vdaf::xof::{Seed, Xof, XofTurboShake128},
use super::{TestWeight, TEST_WEIGHT_LEN};
fn roundtrip_codec() {
let weight = TestWeight::from(vec![21.into(), 22.into(), 23.into()]);
let mut bytes = vec![];
weight.encode(&mut bytes).unwrap();
let expected_bytes = [
[vec![21], vec![0u8; 15]].concat(),
[vec![22], vec![0u8; 15]].concat(),
[vec![23], vec![0u8; 15]].concat(),
assert_eq!(weight.encoded_len().unwrap(), expected_bytes.len());
// Check endianness of encoding
assert_eq!(bytes, expected_bytes);
let decoded =
TestWeight::decode_with_param(&TEST_WEIGHT_LEN, &mut Cursor::new(&bytes)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(weight, decoded);
fn add_sub() {
let [a, b] = compatible_weights();
let mut c = a.clone();
c += a.clone();
(a.clone() + b.clone()) + (a.clone() - b.clone()),
"a: {:?} b:{:?}",
fn conditional_negate() {
let [a, _] = compatible_weights();
let mut c = a.clone();
let mut d = a.clone();
let zero = TestWeight::zero(&TEST_WEIGHT_LEN);
assert_eq!(c + d, zero, "a: {:?}", a);
#[should_panic = "invalid weight length"]
fn add_panics() {
let [w0, w1] = incompatible_weights();
let _ = w0 + w1;
#[should_panic = "invalid weight length"]
fn add_assign_panics() {
let [mut w0, w1] = incompatible_weights();
w0 += w1;
#[should_panic = "invalid weight length"]
fn sub_panics() {
let [w0, w1] = incompatible_weights();
let _ = w0 - w1;
#[should_panic = "invalid weight length"]
fn conditional_select_panics() {
let [w0, w1] = incompatible_weights();
TestWeight::conditional_select(&w0, &w1, Choice::from(0));
fn compatible_weights() -> [TestWeight; 2] {
let mut xof = XofTurboShake128::seed_stream(&Seed(Default::default()), &[], &[]);
TestWeight::generate(&mut xof, &TEST_WEIGHT_LEN),
TestWeight::generate(&mut xof, &TEST_WEIGHT_LEN),
fn incompatible_weights() -> [TestWeight; 2] {
let mut xof = XofTurboShake128::seed_stream(&Seed(Default::default()), &[], &[]);
TestWeight::generate(&mut xof, &TEST_WEIGHT_LEN),
TestWeight::generate(&mut xof, &(2 * TEST_WEIGHT_LEN)),