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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
//! Verifiable Distributed Aggregation Functions (VDAFs) as described in
//! [[draft-irtf-cfrg-vdaf-08]].
#[cfg(feature = "experimental")]
use crate::dp::DifferentialPrivacyStrategy;
#[cfg(all(feature = "crypto-dependencies", feature = "experimental"))]
use crate::idpf::IdpfError;
#[cfg(all(feature = "crypto-dependencies", feature = "experimental"))]
use crate::vidpf::VidpfError;
use crate::{
codec::{CodecError, Decode, Encode, ParameterizedDecode},
field::{encode_fieldvec, merge_vector, FieldElement, FieldError},
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::{error::Error, fmt::Debug, io::Cursor};
use subtle::{Choice, ConstantTimeEq};
/// A component of the domain-separation tag, used to bind the VDAF operations to the document
/// version. This will be revised with each draft with breaking changes.
pub(crate) const VERSION: u8 = 8;
/// Errors emitted by this module.
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum VdafError {
/// An error occurred.
#[error("vdaf error: {0}")]
/// Field error.
#[error("field error: {0}")]
Field(#[from] FieldError),
/// An error occured while parsing a message.
#[error("io error: {0}")]
IoError(#[from] std::io::Error),
/// FLP error.
#[error("flp error: {0}")]
Flp(#[from] FlpError),
/// PRNG error.
#[error("prng error: {0}")]
Prng(#[from] PrngError),
/// Failure when calling getrandom().
#[error("getrandom: {0}")]
GetRandom(#[from] getrandom::Error),
/// IDPF error.
#[cfg(all(feature = "crypto-dependencies", feature = "experimental"))]
#[error("idpf error: {0}")]
Idpf(#[from] IdpfError),
/// VIDPF error.
#[cfg(all(feature = "crypto-dependencies", feature = "experimental"))]
#[error("vidpf error: {0}")]
Vidpf(#[from] VidpfError),
/// Errors from other VDAFs.
Other(Box<dyn Error + 'static + Send + Sync>),
/// An additive share of a vector of field elements.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Share<F, const SEED_SIZE: usize> {
/// An uncompressed share, typically sent to the leader.
/// A compressed share, typically sent to the helper.
impl<F: ConstantTimeEq, const SEED_SIZE: usize> PartialEq for Share<F, SEED_SIZE> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
impl<F: ConstantTimeEq, const SEED_SIZE: usize> Eq for Share<F, SEED_SIZE> {}
impl<F: ConstantTimeEq, const SEED_SIZE: usize> ConstantTimeEq for Share<F, SEED_SIZE> {
fn ct_eq(&self, other: &Self) -> subtle::Choice {
// We allow short-circuiting on the type (Leader vs Helper) of the value, but not the types'
// contents.
match (self, other) {
(Share::Leader(self_val), Share::Leader(other_val)) => self_val.ct_eq(other_val),
(Share::Helper(self_val), Share::Helper(other_val)) => self_val.ct_eq(other_val),
_ => Choice::from(0),
/// Parameters needed to decode a [`Share`]
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub(crate) enum ShareDecodingParameter<const SEED_SIZE: usize> {
impl<F: FieldElement, const SEED_SIZE: usize> ParameterizedDecode<ShareDecodingParameter<SEED_SIZE>>
for Share<F, SEED_SIZE>
fn decode_with_param(
decoding_parameter: &ShareDecodingParameter<SEED_SIZE>,
bytes: &mut Cursor<&[u8]>,
) -> Result<Self, CodecError> {
match decoding_parameter {
ShareDecodingParameter::Leader(share_length) => {
let mut data = Vec::with_capacity(*share_length);
for _ in 0..*share_length {
ShareDecodingParameter::Helper => {
let seed = Seed::decode(bytes)?;
impl<F: FieldElement, const SEED_SIZE: usize> Encode for Share<F, SEED_SIZE> {
fn encode(&self, bytes: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), CodecError> {
match self {
Share::Leader(share_data) => {
for x in share_data {
Share::Helper(share_seed) => share_seed.encode(bytes),
fn encoded_len(&self) -> Option<usize> {
match self {
Share::Leader(share_data) => {
// Each element of the data vector has the same size.
Some(share_data.len() * F::ENCODED_SIZE)
Share::Helper(share_seed) => share_seed.encoded_len(),
/// The base trait for VDAF schemes. This trait is inherited by traits [`Client`], [`Aggregator`],
/// and [`Collector`], which define the roles of the various parties involved in the execution of
/// the VDAF.
pub trait Vdaf: Clone + Debug {
/// The type of Client measurement to be aggregated.
type Measurement: Clone + Debug;
/// The aggregate result of the VDAF execution.
type AggregateResult: Clone + Debug;
/// The aggregation parameter, used by the Aggregators to map their input shares to output
/// shares.
type AggregationParam: Clone + Debug + Decode + Encode;
/// A public share sent by a Client.
type PublicShare: Clone + Debug + ParameterizedDecode<Self> + Encode;
/// An input share sent by a Client.
type InputShare: Clone + Debug + for<'a> ParameterizedDecode<(&'a Self, usize)> + Encode;
/// An output share recovered from an input share by an Aggregator.
type OutputShare: Clone
+ Debug
+ for<'a> ParameterizedDecode<(&'a Self, &'a Self::AggregationParam)>
+ Encode;
/// An Aggregator's share of the aggregate result.
type AggregateShare: Aggregatable<OutputShare = Self::OutputShare>
+ for<'a> ParameterizedDecode<(&'a Self, &'a Self::AggregationParam)>
+ Encode;
/// Return the VDAF's algorithm ID.
fn algorithm_id(&self) -> u32;
/// The number of Aggregators. The Client generates as many input shares as there are
/// Aggregators.
fn num_aggregators(&self) -> usize;
/// Generate the domain separation tag for this VDAF. The output is used for domain separation
/// by the XOF.
fn domain_separation_tag(&self, usage: u16) -> [u8; 8] {
let mut dst = [0_u8; 8];
dst[0] = VERSION;
dst[1] = 0; // algorithm class
/// The Client's role in the execution of a VDAF.
pub trait Client<const NONCE_SIZE: usize>: Vdaf {
/// Shards a measurement into a public share and a sequence of input shares, one for each
/// Aggregator.
/// Implements `Vdaf::shard` from [VDAF].
fn shard(
measurement: &Self::Measurement,
nonce: &[u8; NONCE_SIZE],
) -> Result<(Self::PublicShare, Vec<Self::InputShare>), VdafError>;
/// The Aggregator's role in the execution of a VDAF.
pub trait Aggregator<const VERIFY_KEY_SIZE: usize, const NONCE_SIZE: usize>: Vdaf {
/// State of the Aggregator during the Prepare process.
type PrepareState: Clone + Debug + PartialEq + Eq;
/// The type of messages sent by each aggregator at each round of the Prepare Process.
/// Decoding takes a [`Self::PrepareState`] as a parameter; this [`Self::PrepareState`] may be
/// associated with any aggregator involved in the execution of the VDAF.
type PrepareShare: Clone + Debug + ParameterizedDecode<Self::PrepareState> + Encode;
/// Result of preprocessing a round of preparation shares. This is used by all aggregators as an
/// input to the next round of the Prepare Process.
/// Decoding takes a [`Self::PrepareState`] as a parameter; this [`Self::PrepareState`] may be
/// associated with any aggregator involved in the execution of the VDAF.
type PrepareMessage: Clone
+ Debug
+ PartialEq
+ Eq
+ ParameterizedDecode<Self::PrepareState>
+ Encode;
/// Begins the Prepare process with the other Aggregators. The [`Self::PrepareState`] returned
/// is passed to [`Self::prepare_next`] to get this aggregator's first-round prepare message.
/// Implements `Vdaf.prep_init` from [VDAF].
fn prepare_init(
verify_key: &[u8; VERIFY_KEY_SIZE],
agg_id: usize,
agg_param: &Self::AggregationParam,
nonce: &[u8; NONCE_SIZE],
public_share: &Self::PublicShare,
input_share: &Self::InputShare,
) -> Result<(Self::PrepareState, Self::PrepareShare), VdafError>;
/// Preprocess a round of preparation shares into a single input to [`Self::prepare_next`].
/// Implements `Vdaf.prep_shares_to_prep` from [VDAF].
fn prepare_shares_to_prepare_message<M: IntoIterator<Item = Self::PrepareShare>>(
agg_param: &Self::AggregationParam,
inputs: M,
) -> Result<Self::PrepareMessage, VdafError>;
/// Compute the next state transition from the current state and the previous round of input
/// messages. If this returns [`PrepareTransition::Continue`], then the returned
/// [`Self::PrepareShare`] should be combined with the other Aggregators' `PrepareShare`s from
/// this round and passed into another call to this method. This continues until this method
/// returns [`PrepareTransition::Finish`], at which point the returned output share may be
/// aggregated. If the method returns an error, the aggregator should consider its input share
/// invalid and not attempt to process it any further.
/// Implements `Vdaf.prep_next` from [VDAF].
fn prepare_next(
state: Self::PrepareState,
input: Self::PrepareMessage,
) -> Result<PrepareTransition<Self, VERIFY_KEY_SIZE, NONCE_SIZE>, VdafError>;
/// Aggregates a sequence of output shares into an aggregate share.
fn aggregate<M: IntoIterator<Item = Self::OutputShare>>(
agg_param: &Self::AggregationParam,
output_shares: M,
) -> Result<Self::AggregateShare, VdafError>;
/// Aggregator that implements differential privacy with Aggregator-side noise addition.
#[cfg(feature = "experimental")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "experimental")))]
pub trait AggregatorWithNoise<
const VERIFY_KEY_SIZE: usize,
const NONCE_SIZE: usize,
DPStrategy: DifferentialPrivacyStrategy,
/// Adds noise to an aggregate share such that the aggregate result is differentially private
/// as long as one Aggregator is honest.
fn add_noise_to_agg_share(
dp_strategy: &DPStrategy,
agg_param: &Self::AggregationParam,
agg_share: &mut Self::AggregateShare,
num_measurements: usize,
) -> Result<(), VdafError>;
/// The Collector's role in the execution of a VDAF.
pub trait Collector: Vdaf {
/// Combines aggregate shares into the aggregate result.
fn unshard<M: IntoIterator<Item = Self::AggregateShare>>(
agg_param: &Self::AggregationParam,
agg_shares: M,
num_measurements: usize,
) -> Result<Self::AggregateResult, VdafError>;
/// A state transition of an Aggregator during the Prepare process.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum PrepareTransition<
const VERIFY_KEY_SIZE: usize,
const NONCE_SIZE: usize,
> {
/// Continue processing.
Continue(V::PrepareState, V::PrepareShare),
/// Finish processing and return the output share.
/// An aggregate share resulting from aggregating output shares together that
/// can merged with aggregate shares of the same type.
pub trait Aggregatable: Clone + Debug + From<Self::OutputShare> {
/// Type of output shares that can be accumulated into an aggregate share.
type OutputShare;
/// Update an aggregate share by merging it with another (`agg_share`).
fn merge(&mut self, agg_share: &Self) -> Result<(), VdafError>;
/// Update an aggregate share by adding `output_share`.
fn accumulate(&mut self, output_share: &Self::OutputShare) -> Result<(), VdafError>;
/// An output share comprised of a vector of field elements.
pub struct OutputShare<F>(Vec<F>);
impl<F: ConstantTimeEq> PartialEq for OutputShare<F> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
impl<F: ConstantTimeEq> Eq for OutputShare<F> {}
impl<F: ConstantTimeEq> ConstantTimeEq for OutputShare<F> {
fn ct_eq(&self, other: &Self) -> Choice {
impl<F> AsRef<[F]> for OutputShare<F> {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &[F] {
impl<F> From<Vec<F>> for OutputShare<F> {
fn from(other: Vec<F>) -> Self {
impl<F: FieldElement> Encode for OutputShare<F> {
fn encode(&self, bytes: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), CodecError> {
encode_fieldvec(&self.0, bytes)
fn encoded_len(&self) -> Option<usize> {
Some(F::ENCODED_SIZE * self.0.len())
impl<F> Debug for OutputShare<F> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
/// An aggregate share comprised of a vector of field elements.
/// This is suitable for VDAFs where both output shares and aggregate shares are vectors of field
/// elements, and output shares need no special transformation to be merged into an aggregate share.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct AggregateShare<F>(Vec<F>);
impl<F> From<Vec<F>> for AggregateShare<F> {
fn from(other: Vec<F>) -> Self {
impl<F: ConstantTimeEq> PartialEq for AggregateShare<F> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
impl<F: ConstantTimeEq> Eq for AggregateShare<F> {}
impl<F: ConstantTimeEq> ConstantTimeEq for AggregateShare<F> {
fn ct_eq(&self, other: &Self) -> subtle::Choice {
impl<F: FieldElement> AsRef<[F]> for AggregateShare<F> {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &[F] {
impl<F> From<OutputShare<F>> for AggregateShare<F> {
fn from(other: OutputShare<F>) -> Self {
impl<F: FieldElement> Aggregatable for AggregateShare<F> {
type OutputShare = OutputShare<F>;
fn merge(&mut self, agg_share: &Self) -> Result<(), VdafError> {
fn accumulate(&mut self, output_share: &Self::OutputShare) -> Result<(), VdafError> {
// For Poplar1, Prio2, and Prio3, no conversion is needed between output shares and
// aggregate shares.
impl<F: FieldElement> AggregateShare<F> {
fn sum(&mut self, other: &[F]) -> Result<(), VdafError> {
merge_vector(&mut self.0, other).map_err(Into::into)
impl<F: FieldElement> Encode for AggregateShare<F> {
fn encode(&self, bytes: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), CodecError> {
encode_fieldvec(&self.0, bytes)
fn encoded_len(&self) -> Option<usize> {
Some(F::ENCODED_SIZE * self.0.len())
/// Utilities for testing VDAFs.
#[cfg(feature = "test-util")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "test-util")))]
pub mod test_utils {
use super::{Aggregatable, Aggregator, Client, Collector, PrepareTransition, VdafError};
use crate::codec::{Encode, ParameterizedDecode};
use rand::prelude::*;
/// Execute the VDAF end-to-end and return the aggregate result.
pub fn run_vdaf<V, M, const SEED_SIZE: usize>(
vdaf: &V,
agg_param: &V::AggregationParam,
measurements: M,
) -> Result<V::AggregateResult, VdafError>
V: Client<16> + Aggregator<SEED_SIZE, 16> + Collector,
M: IntoIterator<Item = V::Measurement>,
let mut sharded_measurements = Vec::new();
for measurement in measurements.into_iter() {
let nonce = random();
let (public_share, input_shares) = vdaf.shard(&measurement, &nonce)?;
sharded_measurements.push((public_share, nonce, input_shares));
run_vdaf_sharded(vdaf, agg_param, sharded_measurements)
/// Execute the VDAF on sharded measurements and return the aggregate result.
pub fn run_vdaf_sharded<V, M, I, const SEED_SIZE: usize>(
vdaf: &V,
agg_param: &V::AggregationParam,
sharded_measurements: M,
) -> Result<V::AggregateResult, VdafError>
V: Client<16> + Aggregator<SEED_SIZE, 16> + Collector,
M: IntoIterator<Item = (V::PublicShare, [u8; 16], I)>,
I: IntoIterator<Item = V::InputShare>,
let mut rng = thread_rng();
let mut verify_key = [0; SEED_SIZE];
rng.fill(&mut verify_key[..]);
let mut agg_shares: Vec<Option<V::AggregateShare>> = vec![None; vdaf.num_aggregators()];
let mut num_measurements: usize = 0;
for (public_share, nonce, input_shares) in sharded_measurements.into_iter() {
num_measurements += 1;
let out_shares = run_vdaf_prepare(
for (out_share, agg_share) in out_shares.into_iter().zip(agg_shares.iter_mut()) {
// Check serialization of output shares
let encoded_out_share = out_share.get_encoded().unwrap();
let round_trip_out_share =
V::OutputShare::get_decoded_with_param(&(vdaf, agg_param), &encoded_out_share)
let this_agg_share = V::AggregateShare::from(out_share);
if let Some(ref mut inner) = agg_share {
} else {
*agg_share = Some(this_agg_share);
for agg_share in agg_shares.iter() {
// Check serialization of aggregate shares
let encoded_agg_share = agg_share.as_ref().unwrap().get_encoded().unwrap();
let round_trip_agg_share =
V::AggregateShare::get_decoded_with_param(&(vdaf, agg_param), &encoded_agg_share)
let res = vdaf.unshard(
agg_shares.into_iter().map(|option| option.unwrap()),
/// Execute VDAF preparation for a single report and return the recovered output shares.
pub fn run_vdaf_prepare<V, M, const SEED_SIZE: usize>(
vdaf: &V,
verify_key: &[u8; SEED_SIZE],
agg_param: &V::AggregationParam,
nonce: &[u8; 16],
public_share: V::PublicShare,
input_shares: M,
) -> Result<Vec<V::OutputShare>, VdafError>
V: Client<16> + Aggregator<SEED_SIZE, 16> + Collector,
M: IntoIterator<Item = V::InputShare>,
let public_share =
V::PublicShare::get_decoded_with_param(vdaf, &public_share.get_encoded().unwrap())
let input_shares = input_shares
.map(|input_share| input_share.get_encoded().unwrap());
let mut states = Vec::new();
let mut outbound = Vec::new();
for (agg_id, input_share) in input_shares.enumerate() {
let (state, msg) = vdaf.prepare_init(
&V::InputShare::get_decoded_with_param(&(vdaf, agg_id), &input_share)
.expect("failed to decode input share"),
let mut inbound = vdaf
outbound.iter().map(|encoded| {
V::PrepareShare::get_decoded_with_param(&states[0], encoded)
.expect("failed to decode prep share")
let mut out_shares = Vec::new();
loop {
let mut outbound = Vec::new();
for state in states.iter_mut() {
match vdaf.prepare_next(
V::PrepareMessage::get_decoded_with_param(state, &inbound)
.expect("failed to decode prep message"),
)? {
PrepareTransition::Continue(new_state, msg) => {
*state = new_state
PrepareTransition::Finish(out_share) => {
if outbound.len() == vdaf.num_aggregators() {
// Another round is required before output shares are computed.
inbound = vdaf
outbound.iter().map(|encoded| {
V::PrepareShare::get_decoded_with_param(&states[0], encoded)
.expect("failed to decode prep share")
} else if outbound.is_empty() {
// Each Aggregator recovered an output share.
} else {
panic!("Aggregators did not finish the prepare phase at the same time");
fn fieldvec_roundtrip_test<F, V, T>(vdaf: &V, agg_param: &V::AggregationParam, length: usize)
F: FieldElement,
V: Vdaf,
T: Encode,
for<'a> T: ParameterizedDecode<(&'a V, &'a V::AggregationParam)>,
// Generate an arbitrary vector of field elements.
let vec: Vec<F> = crate::field::random_vector(length).unwrap();
// Serialize the field element vector into a vector of bytes.
let mut bytes = Vec::with_capacity(vec.len() * F::ENCODED_SIZE);
encode_fieldvec(&vec, &mut bytes).unwrap();
// Deserialize the type of interest from those bytes.
let value = T::get_decoded_with_param(&(vdaf, agg_param), &bytes).unwrap();
// Round-trip the value back to a vector of bytes.
let encoded = value.get_encoded().unwrap();
assert_eq!(encoded, bytes);
fn equality_comparison_test<T>(values: &[T])
T: Debug + PartialEq,
use std::ptr;
// This function expects that every value passed in `values` is distinct, i.e. should not
// compare as equal to any other element. We test both (i, j) and (j, i) to gain confidence that
// equality implementations are symmetric.
for (i, i_val) in values.iter().enumerate() {
for (j, j_val) in values.iter().enumerate() {
if i == j {
assert!(ptr::eq(i_val, j_val)); // sanity
i_val, j_val,
"Expected element at index {i} to be equal to itself, but it was not"
} else {
i_val, j_val,
"Expected elements at indices {i} & {j} to not be equal, but they were"
mod tests {
use crate::vdaf::{equality_comparison_test, xof::Seed, AggregateShare, OutputShare, Share};
fn share_equality_test() {
Share::Leader(Vec::from([1, 2, 3])),
Share::Leader(Vec::from([3, 2, 1])),
Share::Helper(Seed([1, 2, 3])),
Share::Helper(Seed([3, 2, 1])),
fn output_share_equality_test() {
OutputShare(Vec::from([1, 2, 3])),
OutputShare(Vec::from([3, 2, 1])),
fn aggregate_share_equality_test() {
AggregateShare(Vec::from([1, 2, 3])),
AggregateShare(Vec::from([3, 2, 1])),
#[cfg(feature = "test-util")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "test-util")))]
pub mod dummy;
#[cfg(all(feature = "crypto-dependencies", feature = "experimental"))]
doc(cfg(all(feature = "crypto-dependencies", feature = "experimental")))
pub mod poplar1;
#[cfg(all(feature = "crypto-dependencies", feature = "experimental"))]
doc(cfg(all(feature = "crypto-dependencies", feature = "experimental")))
pub mod prio2;
pub mod prio3;
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-util"))]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "test-util")))]
pub mod prio3_test;
pub mod xof;