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// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use std::fmt::Debug;
use crate::hex_with_len;
/// Decoder is a view into a byte array that has a read offset. Use it for parsing.
pub struct Decoder<'a> {
buf: &'a [u8],
offset: usize,
impl<'a> Decoder<'a> {
/// Make a new view of the provided slice.
pub const fn new(buf: &[u8]) -> Decoder {
Decoder { buf, offset: 0 }
/// Get the number of bytes remaining until the end.
pub const fn remaining(&self) -> usize {
self.buf.len() - self.offset
/// The number of bytes from the underlying slice that have been decoded.
pub const fn offset(&self) -> usize {
/// Skip n bytes.
/// # Panics
/// If the remaining quantity is less than `n`.
pub fn skip(&mut self, n: usize) {
assert!(self.remaining() >= n, "insufficient data");
self.offset += n;
/// Skip helper that panics if `n` is `None` or not able to fit in `usize`.
fn skip_inner(&mut self, n: Option<u64>) {
self.skip(usize::try_from(n.expect("invalid length")).unwrap());
/// Skip a vector. Panics if there isn't enough space.
/// Only use this for tests because we panic rather than reporting a result.
pub fn skip_vec(&mut self, n: usize) {
let len = self.decode_uint(n);
/// Skip a variable length vector. Panics if there isn't enough space.
/// Only use this for tests because we panic rather than reporting a result.
pub fn skip_vvec(&mut self) {
let len = self.decode_varint();
/// Decodes (reads) a single byte.
pub fn decode_byte(&mut self) -> Option<u8> {
if self.remaining() < 1 {
return None;
let b = self.buf[self.offset];
self.offset += 1;
/// Provides the next byte without moving the read position.
pub const fn peek_byte(&self) -> Option<u8> {
if self.remaining() < 1 {
} else {
/// Decodes arbitrary data.
pub fn decode(&mut self, n: usize) -> Option<&'a [u8]> {
if self.remaining() < n {
return None;
let res = &self.buf[self.offset..self.offset + n];
self.offset += n;
/// Decodes an unsigned integer of length 1..=8.
/// # Panics
/// This panics if `n` is not in the range `1..=8`.
pub fn decode_uint(&mut self, n: usize) -> Option<u64> {
assert!(n > 0 && n <= 8);
if self.remaining() < n {
return None;
let mut v = 0_u64;
for i in 0..n {
let b = self.buf[self.offset + i];
v = v << 8 | u64::from(b);
self.offset += n;
/// Decodes a QUIC varint.
pub fn decode_varint(&mut self) -> Option<u64> {
let b1 = self.decode_byte()?;
match b1 >> 6 {
0 => Some(u64::from(b1 & 0x3f)),
1 => Some((u64::from(b1 & 0x3f) << 8) | self.decode_uint(1)?),
2 => Some((u64::from(b1 & 0x3f) << 24) | self.decode_uint(3)?),
3 => Some((u64::from(b1 & 0x3f) << 56) | self.decode_uint(7)?),
_ => unreachable!(),
/// Decodes the rest of the buffer. Infallible.
pub fn decode_remainder(&mut self) -> &'a [u8] {
let res = &self.buf[self.offset..];
self.offset = self.buf.len();
fn decode_checked(&mut self, n: Option<u64>) -> Option<&'a [u8]> {
if let Ok(l) = usize::try_from(n?) {
} else {
// sizeof(usize) < sizeof(u64) and the value is greater than
// usize can hold. Throw away the rest of the input.
self.offset = self.buf.len();
/// Decodes a TLS-style length-prefixed buffer.
pub fn decode_vec(&mut self, n: usize) -> Option<&'a [u8]> {
let len = self.decode_uint(n);
/// Decodes a QUIC varint-length-prefixed buffer.
pub fn decode_vvec(&mut self) -> Option<&'a [u8]> {
let len = self.decode_varint();
// Implement `AsRef` for `Decoder` so that values can be examined without
// moving the cursor.
impl<'a> AsRef<[u8]> for Decoder<'a> {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &'a [u8] {
impl Debug for Decoder<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
impl<'a> From<&'a [u8]> for Decoder<'a> {
fn from(buf: &'a [u8]) -> Self {
impl<'a, T> From<&'a T> for Decoder<'a>
T: AsRef<[u8]>,
fn from(buf: &'a T) -> Self {
impl<'b> PartialEq<Decoder<'b>> for Decoder<'_> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Decoder<'b>) -> bool {
self.buf == other.buf
/// Encoder is good for building data structures.
#[derive(Clone, Default, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Encoder {
buf: Vec<u8>,
impl Encoder {
/// Static helper function for previewing the results of encoding without doing it.
/// # Panics
/// When `v` is too large.
pub const fn varint_len(v: u64) -> usize {
match () {
() if v < (1 << 6) => 1,
() if v < (1 << 14) => 2,
() if v < (1 << 30) => 4,
() if v < (1 << 62) => 8,
() => panic!("Varint value too large"),
/// Static helper to determine how long a varint-prefixed array encodes to.
/// # Panics
/// When `len` doesn't fit in a `u64`.
pub fn vvec_len(len: usize) -> usize {
Self::varint_len(u64::try_from(len).unwrap()) + len
/// Default construction of an empty buffer.
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// Construction of a buffer with a predetermined capacity.
pub fn with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> Self {
Self {
buf: Vec::with_capacity(capacity),
/// Get the capacity of the underlying buffer: the number of bytes that can be
/// written without causing an allocation to occur.
pub fn capacity(&self) -> usize {
/// Get the length of the underlying buffer: the number of bytes that have
/// been written to the buffer.
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns true if the encoder buffer contains no elements.
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
/// Create a view of the current contents of the buffer.
/// Note: for a view of a slice, use `Decoder::new(&enc[s..e])`
pub fn as_decoder(&self) -> Decoder {
/// Don't use this except in testing.
/// # Panics
/// When `s` contains non-hex values or an odd number of values.
pub fn from_hex(s: impl AsRef<str>) -> Self {
let s = s.as_ref();
assert_eq!(s.len() % 2, 0, "Needs to be even length");
let cap = s.len() / 2;
let mut enc = Self::with_capacity(cap);
for i in 0..cap {
let v = u8::from_str_radix(&s[i * 2..i * 2 + 2], 16).unwrap();
/// Generic encode routine for arbitrary data.
pub fn encode(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> &mut Self {
/// Encode a single byte.
pub fn encode_byte(&mut self, data: u8) -> &mut Self {
/// Encode an integer of any size up to u64.
/// # Panics
/// When `n` is outside the range `1..=8`.
pub fn encode_uint<T: Into<u64>>(&mut self, n: usize, v: T) -> &mut Self {
let v = v.into();
assert!(n > 0 && n <= 8);
for i in 0..n {
self.encode_byte(((v >> (8 * (n - i - 1))) & 0xff) as u8);
/// Encode a QUIC varint.
/// # Panics
/// When `v >= 1<<62`.
pub fn encode_varint<T: Into<u64>>(&mut self, v: T) -> &mut Self {
let v = v.into();
match () {
() if v < (1 << 6) => self.encode_uint(1, v),
() if v < (1 << 14) => self.encode_uint(2, v | (1 << 14)),
() if v < (1 << 30) => self.encode_uint(4, v | (2 << 30)),
() if v < (1 << 62) => self.encode_uint(8, v | (3 << 62)),
() => panic!("Varint value too large"),
/// Encode a vector in TLS style.
/// # Panics
/// When `v` is longer than 2^64.
pub fn encode_vec(&mut self, n: usize, v: &[u8]) -> &mut Self {
self.encode_uint(n, u64::try_from(v.as_ref().len()).unwrap())
/// Encode a vector in TLS style using a closure for the contents.
/// # Panics
/// When `f()` returns a length larger than `2^8n`.
pub fn encode_vec_with<F: FnOnce(&mut Self)>(&mut self, n: usize, f: F) -> &mut Self {
let start = self.buf.len();
self.buf.resize(self.buf.len() + n, 0);
let len = self.buf.len() - start - n;
assert!(len < (1 << (n * 8)));
for i in 0..n {
self.buf[start + i] = ((len >> (8 * (n - i - 1))) & 0xff) as u8;
/// Encode a vector with a varint length.
/// # Panics
/// When `v` is longer than 2^64.
pub fn encode_vvec(&mut self, v: &[u8]) -> &mut Self {
/// Encode a vector with a varint length using a closure.
/// # Panics
/// When `f()` writes more than 2^62 bytes.
pub fn encode_vvec_with<F: FnOnce(&mut Self)>(&mut self, f: F) -> &mut Self {
let start = self.buf.len();
// Optimize for short buffers, reserve a single byte for the length.
self.buf.resize(self.buf.len() + 1, 0);
let len = self.buf.len() - start - 1;
// Now to insert a varint for `len` before the encoded block.
// We now have one zero byte at `start`, followed by `len` encoded bytes:
// | 0 | ... encoded ... |
// We are going to encode a varint by putting the low bytes in that spare byte.
// Any additional bytes for the varint are put after the encoded blob:
// | low | ... encoded ... | varint high |
// Then we will rotate that entire piece right, by however many bytes we add:
// | varint high | low | ... encoded ... |
// As long as encoding more than 63 bytes is rare, this won't cost much relative
// to the convenience of being able to use this function.
let v = u64::try_from(len).expect("encoded value fits in a u64");
// The lower order byte fits before the inserted block of bytes.
self.buf[start] = (v & 0xff) as u8;
let (count, bits) = match () {
// Great. The byte we have is enough.
() if v < (1 << 6) => return self,
() if v < (1 << 14) => (1, 1 << 6),
() if v < (1 << 30) => (3, 2 << 22),
() if v < (1 << 62) => (7, 3 << 54),
() => panic!("Varint value too large"),
// Now, we need to encode the high bits after the main block, ...
self.encode_uint(count, (v >> 8) | bits);
// ..., then rotate the entire thing right by the same amount.
/// Truncate the encoder to the given size.
pub fn truncate(&mut self, len: usize) {
/// Pad the buffer to `len` with bytes set to `v`.
pub fn pad_to(&mut self, len: usize, v: u8) {
if len > self.buf.len() {
self.buf.resize(len, v);
impl Debug for Encoder {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
impl AsRef<[u8]> for Encoder {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] {
impl AsMut<[u8]> for Encoder {
fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] {
impl<'a> From<Decoder<'a>> for Encoder {
fn from(dec: Decoder<'a>) -> Self {
impl From<&[u8]> for Encoder {
fn from(buf: &[u8]) -> Self {
Self {
buf: Vec::from(buf),
impl From<Encoder> for Vec<u8> {
fn from(buf: Encoder) -> Self {
mod tests {
use super::{Decoder, Encoder};
fn decode() {
let enc = Encoder::from_hex("012345");
let mut dec = enc.as_decoder();
assert_eq!(dec.decode(2).unwrap(), &[0x01, 0x23]);
fn decode_byte() {
let enc = Encoder::from_hex("0123");
let mut dec = enc.as_decoder();
assert_eq!(dec.decode_byte().unwrap(), 0x01);
assert_eq!(dec.decode_byte().unwrap(), 0x23);
fn decode_byte_short() {
let enc = Encoder::from_hex("");
let mut dec = enc.as_decoder();
fn decode_remainder() {
let enc = Encoder::from_hex("012345");
let mut dec = enc.as_decoder();
assert_eq!(dec.decode_remainder(), &[0x01, 0x23, 0x45]);
let mut dec = Decoder::from(&[]);
assert_eq!(dec.decode_remainder().len(), 0);
fn decode_vec() {
let enc = Encoder::from_hex("012345");
let mut dec = enc.as_decoder();
assert_eq!(dec.decode_vec(1).expect("read one octet length"), &[0x23]);
assert_eq!(dec.remaining(), 1);
let enc = Encoder::from_hex("00012345");
let mut dec = enc.as_decoder();
assert_eq!(dec.decode_vec(2).expect("read two octet length"), &[0x23]);
assert_eq!(dec.remaining(), 1);
fn decode_vec_short() {
// The length is too short.
let enc = Encoder::from_hex("02");
let mut dec = enc.as_decoder();
// The body is too short.
let enc = Encoder::from_hex("0200");
let mut dec = enc.as_decoder();
fn decode_vvec() {
let enc = Encoder::from_hex("012345");
let mut dec = enc.as_decoder();
assert_eq!(dec.decode_vvec().expect("read one octet length"), &[0x23]);
assert_eq!(dec.remaining(), 1);
let enc = Encoder::from_hex("40012345");
let mut dec = enc.as_decoder();
assert_eq!(dec.decode_vvec().expect("read two octet length"), &[0x23]);
assert_eq!(dec.remaining(), 1);
fn decode_vvec_short() {
// The length field is too short.
let enc = Encoder::from_hex("ff");
let mut dec = enc.as_decoder();
let enc = Encoder::from_hex("405500");
let mut dec = enc.as_decoder();
fn skip() {
let enc = Encoder::from_hex("ffff");
let mut dec = enc.as_decoder();
assert_eq!(dec.remaining(), 1);
#[should_panic(expected = "insufficient data")]
fn skip_too_much() {
let enc = Encoder::from_hex("ff");
let mut dec = enc.as_decoder();
fn skip_vec() {
let enc = Encoder::from_hex("012345");
let mut dec = enc.as_decoder();
assert_eq!(dec.remaining(), 1);
#[should_panic(expected = "insufficient data")]
fn skip_vec_too_much() {
let enc = Encoder::from_hex("ff1234");
let mut dec = enc.as_decoder();
#[should_panic(expected = "invalid length")]
fn skip_vec_short_length() {
let enc = Encoder::from_hex("ff");
let mut dec = enc.as_decoder();
fn skip_vvec() {
let enc = Encoder::from_hex("012345");
let mut dec = enc.as_decoder();
assert_eq!(dec.remaining(), 1);
#[should_panic(expected = "insufficient data")]
fn skip_vvec_too_much() {
let enc = Encoder::from_hex("0f1234");
let mut dec = enc.as_decoder();
#[should_panic(expected = "invalid length")]
fn skip_vvec_short_length() {
let enc = Encoder::from_hex("ff");
let mut dec = enc.as_decoder();
fn encoded_lengths() {
assert_eq!(Encoder::varint_len(0), 1);
assert_eq!(Encoder::varint_len(0x3f), 1);
assert_eq!(Encoder::varint_len(0x40), 2);
assert_eq!(Encoder::varint_len(0x3fff), 2);
assert_eq!(Encoder::varint_len(0x4000), 4);
assert_eq!(Encoder::varint_len(0x3fff_ffff), 4);
assert_eq!(Encoder::varint_len(0x4000_0000), 8);
#[should_panic(expected = "Varint value too large")]
const fn encoded_length_oob() {
_ = Encoder::varint_len(1 << 62);
fn encoded_vvec_lengths() {
assert_eq!(Encoder::vvec_len(0), 1);
assert_eq!(Encoder::vvec_len(0x3f), 0x40);
assert_eq!(Encoder::vvec_len(0x40), 0x42);
assert_eq!(Encoder::vvec_len(0x3fff), 0x4001);
assert_eq!(Encoder::vvec_len(0x4000), 0x4004);
assert_eq!(Encoder::vvec_len(0x3fff_ffff), 0x4000_0003);
assert_eq!(Encoder::vvec_len(0x4000_0000), 0x4000_0008);
#[should_panic(expected = "Varint value too large")]
fn encoded_vvec_length_oob() {
_ = Encoder::vvec_len(1 << 62);
fn encode_byte() {
let mut enc = Encoder::default();
assert_eq!(enc, Encoder::from_hex("01"));
assert_eq!(enc, Encoder::from_hex("01fe"));
fn encode() {
let mut enc = Encoder::default();
enc.encode(&[1, 2, 3]);
assert_eq!(enc, Encoder::from_hex("010203"));
fn encode_uint() {
let mut enc = Encoder::default();
enc.encode_uint(2, 10_u8); // 000a
enc.encode_uint(1, 257_u16); // 01
enc.encode_uint(3, 0xff_ffff_u32); // ffffff
enc.encode_uint(8, 0xfedc_ba98_7654_3210_u64);
assert_eq!(enc, Encoder::from_hex("000a01fffffffedcba9876543210"));
fn builder_from_slice() {
let slice = &[1, 2, 3];
let enc = Encoder::from(&slice[..]);
assert_eq!(enc, Encoder::from_hex("010203"));
fn builder_inas_decoder() {
let enc = Encoder::from_hex("010203");
let buf = &[1, 2, 3];
assert_eq!(enc.as_decoder(), Decoder::new(buf));
struct UintTestCase {
v: u64,
b: String,
macro_rules! uint_tc {
[$( $v:expr => $b:expr ),+ $(,)?] => {
vec![ $( UintTestCase { v: $v, b: String::from($b) } ),+]
fn varint_encode_decode() {
let cases = uint_tc![
0 => "00",
1 => "01",
63 => "3f",
64 => "4040",
16383 => "7fff",
16384 => "80004000",
(1 << 30) - 1 => "bfffffff",
1 << 30 => "c000000040000000",
(1 << 62) - 1 => "ffffffffffffffff",
for c in cases {
assert_eq!(Encoder::varint_len(c.v), c.b.len() / 2);
let mut enc = Encoder::default();
let encoded = Encoder::from_hex(&c.b);
assert_eq!(enc, encoded);
let mut dec = encoded.as_decoder();
let v = dec.decode_varint().expect("should decode");
assert_eq!(dec.remaining(), 0);
assert_eq!(v, c.v);
fn varint_decode_long_zero() {
for c in &["4000", "80000000", "c000000000000000"] {
let encoded = Encoder::from_hex(c);
let mut dec = encoded.as_decoder();
let v = dec.decode_varint().expect("should decode");
assert_eq!(dec.remaining(), 0);
assert_eq!(v, 0);
fn varint_decode_short() {
for c in &["40", "800000", "c0000000000000"] {
let encoded = Encoder::from_hex(c);
let mut dec = encoded.as_decoder();
fn encode_vec() {
let mut enc = Encoder::default();
enc.encode_vec(2, &[1, 2, 0x34]);
assert_eq!(enc, Encoder::from_hex("0003010234"));
fn encode_vec_with() {
let mut enc = Encoder::default();
enc.encode_vec_with(2, |enc_inner| {
assert_eq!(enc, Encoder::from_hex("000102"));
#[should_panic(expected = "assertion failed")]
fn encode_vec_with_overflow() {
let mut enc = Encoder::default();
enc.encode_vec_with(1, |enc_inner| {
enc_inner.encode(&[0xb0; 256]);
fn encode_vvec() {
let mut enc = Encoder::default();
enc.encode_vvec(&[1, 2, 0x34]);
assert_eq!(enc, Encoder::from_hex("03010234"));
fn encode_vvec_with() {
let mut enc = Encoder::default();
enc.encode_vvec_with(|enc_inner| {
assert_eq!(enc, Encoder::from_hex("0102"));
fn encode_vvec_with_longer() {
let mut enc = Encoder::default();
enc.encode_vvec_with(|enc_inner| {
enc_inner.encode(&[0xa5; 65]);
let v: Vec<u8> = enc.into();
assert_eq!(&v[..3], &[0x40, 0x41, 0xa5]);
// Test that Deref to &[u8] works for Encoder.
fn encode_builder() {
let mut enc = Encoder::from_hex("ff");
let enc2 = Encoder::from_hex("010234");
assert_eq!(enc, Encoder::from_hex("ff010234"));
// Test that Deref to &[u8] works for Decoder.
fn encode_view() {
let mut enc = Encoder::from_hex("ff");
let enc2 = Encoder::from_hex("010234");
let v = enc2.as_decoder();
assert_eq!(enc, Encoder::from_hex("ff010234"));
fn encode_mutate() {
let mut enc = Encoder::from_hex("010234");
enc.as_mut()[0] = 0xff;
assert_eq!(enc, Encoder::from_hex("ff0234"));
fn pad() {
let mut enc = Encoder::from_hex("010234");
enc.pad_to(5, 0);
assert_eq!(enc, Encoder::from_hex("0102340000"));
enc.pad_to(4, 0);
assert_eq!(enc, Encoder::from_hex("0102340000"));
enc.pad_to(7, 0xc2);
assert_eq!(enc, Encoder::from_hex("0102340000c2c2"));