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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
use std::fmt;
// To ensure we don't use stdlib allocating types by accident
struct Vec;
struct Box;
struct HashMap;
struct String;
macro_rules! box_database {
($($(#[$attr:meta])* $boxenum:ident $boxtype:expr),*,) => {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum BoxType {
$($(#[$attr])* $boxenum),*,
impl From<u32> for BoxType {
fn from(t: u32) -> BoxType {
use self::BoxType::*;
match t {
$($(#[$attr])* $boxtype => $boxenum),*,
_ => UnknownBox(t),
impl From<BoxType> for u32 {
fn from(b: BoxType) -> u32 {
use self::BoxType::*;
match b {
$($(#[$attr])* $boxenum => $boxtype),*,
UnknownBox(t) => t,
impl fmt::Debug for BoxType {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let fourcc: FourCC = From::from(*self);
#[derive(Default, Eq, Hash, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub struct FourCC {
pub value: [u8; 4],
impl From<u32> for FourCC {
fn from(number: u32) -> FourCC {
FourCC {
value: number.to_be_bytes(),
impl From<BoxType> for FourCC {
fn from(t: BoxType) -> FourCC {
let box_num: u32 = Into::into(t);
impl From<[u8; 4]> for FourCC {
fn from(v: [u8; 4]) -> FourCC {
FourCC { value: v }
impl fmt::Debug for FourCC {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match std::str::from_utf8(&self.value) {
Ok(s) => f.write_str(s),
Err(_) => self.value.fmt(f),
impl fmt::Display for FourCC {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
impl PartialEq<&[u8; 4]> for FourCC {
fn eq(&self, other: &&[u8; 4]) -> bool {
FileTypeBox 0x6674_7970, // "ftyp"
MediaDataBox 0x6d64_6174, // "mdat"
PrimaryItemBox 0x7069_746d, // "pitm"
ItemDataBox 0x6964_6174, // "idat"
ItemInfoBox 0x6969_6e66, // "iinf"
ItemInfoEntry 0x696e_6665, // "infe"
ItemLocationBox 0x696c_6f63, // "iloc"
MovieBox 0x6d6f_6f76, // "moov"
MovieHeaderBox 0x6d76_6864, // "mvhd"
TrackBox 0x7472_616b, // "trak"
TrackHeaderBox 0x746b_6864, // "tkhd"
TrackReferenceBox 0x7472_6566, // "tref"
AuxiliaryBox 0x6175_786C, // "auxl"
EditBox 0x6564_7473, // "edts"
MediaBox 0x6d64_6961, // "mdia"
EditListBox 0x656c_7374, // "elst"
MediaHeaderBox 0x6d64_6864, // "mdhd"
HandlerBox 0x6864_6c72, // "hdlr"
MediaInformationBox 0x6d69_6e66, // "minf"
ItemReferenceBox 0x6972_6566, // "iref"
ItemPropertiesBox 0x6970_7270, // "iprp"
ItemPropertyContainerBox 0x6970_636f, // "ipco"
ItemPropertyAssociationBox 0x6970_6d61, // "ipma"
ColourInformationBox 0x636f_6c72, // "colr"
ImageSpatialExtentsProperty 0x6973_7065, // "ispe"
PixelAspectRatioBox 0x7061_7370, // "pasp"
PixelInformationBox 0x7069_7869, // "pixi"
AuxiliaryTypeProperty 0x6175_7843, // "auxC"
CleanApertureBox 0x636c_6170, // "clap"
ImageRotation 0x6972_6f74, // "irot"
ImageMirror 0x696d_6972, // "imir"
OperatingPointSelectorProperty 0x6131_6f70, // "a1op"
AV1LayeredImageIndexingProperty 0x6131_6c78, // "a1lx"
LayerSelectorProperty 0x6c73_656c, // "lsel"
SampleTableBox 0x7374_626c, // "stbl"
SampleDescriptionBox 0x7374_7364, // "stsd"
TimeToSampleBox 0x7374_7473, // "stts"
SampleToChunkBox 0x7374_7363, // "stsc"
SampleSizeBox 0x7374_737a, // "stsz"
ChunkOffsetBox 0x7374_636f, // "stco"
ChunkLargeOffsetBox 0x636f_3634, // "co64"
SyncSampleBox 0x7374_7373, // "stss"
AVCSampleEntry 0x6176_6331, // "avc1"
AVC3SampleEntry 0x6176_6333, // "avc3" - Need to check official name in spec.
AVCConfigurationBox 0x6176_6343, // "avcC"
H263SampleEntry 0x7332_3633, // "s263"
H263SpecificBox 0x6432_3633, // "d263"
HEV1SampleEntry 0x6865_7631, // "hev1"
HVC1SampleEntry 0x6876_6331, // "hvc1"
HEVCConfigurationBox 0x6876_6343, // "hvcC"
MP4AudioSampleEntry 0x6d70_3461, // "mp4a"
MP4VideoSampleEntry 0x6d70_3476, // "mp4v"
#[cfg(feature = "3gpp")]
AMRNBSampleEntry 0x7361_6d72, // "samr" - AMR narrow-band
#[cfg(feature = "3gpp")]
AMRWBSampleEntry 0x7361_7762, // "sawb" - AMR wide-band
#[cfg(feature = "3gpp")]
AMRSpecificBox 0x6461_6d72, // "damr"
ESDBox 0x6573_6473, // "esds"
VP8SampleEntry 0x7670_3038, // "vp08"
VP9SampleEntry 0x7670_3039, // "vp09"
VPCodecConfigurationBox 0x7670_6343, // "vpcC"
AV1SampleEntry 0x6176_3031, // "av01"
AV1CodecConfigurationBox 0x6176_3143, // "av1C"
FLACSampleEntry 0x664c_6143, // "fLaC"
FLACSpecificBox 0x6466_4c61, // "dfLa"
OpusSampleEntry 0x4f70_7573, // "Opus"
OpusSpecificBox 0x644f_7073, // "dOps"
ProtectedVisualSampleEntry 0x656e_6376, // "encv" - Need to check official name in spec.
ProtectedAudioSampleEntry 0x656e_6361, // "enca" - Need to check official name in spec.
MovieExtendsBox 0x6d76_6578, // "mvex"
MovieExtendsHeaderBox 0x6d65_6864, // "mehd"
QTWaveAtom 0x7761_7665, // "wave" - quicktime atom
ProtectionSystemSpecificHeaderBox 0x7073_7368, // "pssh"
SchemeInformationBox 0x7363_6869, // "schi"
TrackEncryptionBox 0x7465_6e63, // "tenc"
ProtectionSchemeInfoBox 0x7369_6e66, // "sinf"
OriginalFormatBox 0x6672_6d61, // "frma"
SchemeTypeBox 0x7363_686d, // "schm"
MP3AudioSampleEntry 0x2e6d_7033, // ".mp3" - from F4V.
CompositionOffsetBox 0x6374_7473, // "ctts"
LPCMAudioSampleEntry 0x6c70_636d, // "lpcm" - quicktime atom
ALACSpecificBox 0x616c_6163, // "alac" - Also used by ALACSampleEntry
UuidBox 0x7575_6964, // "uuid"
MetadataBox 0x6d65_7461, // "meta"
MetadataHeaderBox 0x6d68_6472, // "mhdr"
MetadataItemKeysBox 0x6b65_7973, // "keys"
MetadataItemListEntry 0x696c_7374, // "ilst"
MetadataItemDataEntry 0x6461_7461, // "data"
MetadataItemNameBox 0x6e61_6d65, // "name"
#[cfg(feature = "meta-xml")]
MetadataXMLBox 0x786d_6c20, // "xml "
#[cfg(feature = "meta-xml")]
MetadataBXMLBox 0x6278_6d6c, // "bxml"
UserdataBox 0x7564_7461, // "udta"
AlbumEntry 0xa961_6c62, // "©alb"
ArtistEntry 0xa941_5254, // "©ART"
ArtistLowercaseEntry 0xa961_7274, // "©art"
AlbumArtistEntry 0x6141_5254, // "aART"
CommentEntry 0xa963_6d74, // "©cmt"
DateEntry 0xa964_6179, // "©day"
TitleEntry 0xa96e_616d, // "©nam"
CustomGenreEntry 0xa967_656e, // "©gen"
StandardGenreEntry 0x676e_7265, // "gnre"
TrackNumberEntry 0x7472_6b6e, // "trkn"
DiskNumberEntry 0x6469_736b, // "disk"
ComposerEntry 0xa977_7274, // "©wrt"
EncoderEntry 0xa974_6f6f, // "©too"
EncodedByEntry 0xa965_6e63, // "©enc"
TempoEntry 0x746d_706f, // "tmpo"
CopyrightEntry 0x6370_7274, // "cprt"
CompilationEntry 0x6370_696c, // "cpil"
CoverArtEntry 0x636f_7672, // "covr"
AdvisoryEntry 0x7274_6e67, // "rtng"
RatingEntry 0x7261_7465, // "rate"
GroupingEntry 0xa967_7270, // "©grp"
MediaTypeEntry 0x7374_696b, // "stik"
PodcastEntry 0x7063_7374, // "pcst"
CategoryEntry 0x6361_7467, // "catg"
KeywordEntry 0x6b65_7977, // "keyw"
PodcastUrlEntry 0x7075_726c, // "purl"
PodcastGuidEntry 0x6567_6964, // "egid"
DescriptionEntry 0x6465_7363, // "desc"
LongDescriptionEntry 0x6c64_6573, // "ldes"
LyricsEntry 0xa96c_7972, // "©lyr"
TVNetworkNameEntry 0x7476_6e6e, // "tvnn"
TVShowNameEntry 0x7476_7368, // "tvsh"
TVEpisodeNameEntry 0x7476_656e, // "tven"
TVSeasonNumberEntry 0x7476_736e, // "tvsn"
TVEpisodeNumberEntry 0x7476_6573, // "tves"
PurchaseDateEntry 0x7075_7264, // "purd"
GaplessPlaybackEntry 0x7067_6170, // "pgap"
OwnerEntry 0x6f77_6e72, // "ownr"
HDVideoEntry 0x6864_7664, // "hdvd"
SortNameEntry 0x736f_6e6d, // "sonm"
SortAlbumEntry 0x736f_616c, // "soal"
SortArtistEntry 0x736f_6172, // "soar"
SortAlbumArtistEntry 0x736f_6161, // "soaa"
SortComposerEntry 0x736f_636f, // "soco"