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// Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
// Copyright by contributors to this project.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
use mls_rs::{
basic::{BasicCredential, BasicIdentityProvider},
CipherSuite, CipherSuiteProvider, Client, CryptoProvider, ExtensionList,
const CIPHERSUITE: CipherSuite = CipherSuite::CURVE25519_AES128;
fn make_client<P: CryptoProvider + Clone>(
crypto_provider: P,
name: &str,
) -> Result<Client<impl MlsConfig>, MlsError> {
let cipher_suite = crypto_provider.cipher_suite_provider(CIPHERSUITE).unwrap();
// Generate a signature key pair.
let (secret, public) = cipher_suite.signature_key_generate().unwrap();
// Create a basic credential for the session.
// NOTE: BasicCredential is for demonstration purposes and not recommended for production.
// X.509 credentials are recommended.
let basic_identity = BasicCredential::new(name.as_bytes().to_vec());
let signing_identity = SigningIdentity::new(basic_identity.into_credential(), public);
.signing_identity(signing_identity, secret, CIPHERSUITE)
fn main() -> Result<(), MlsError> {
let crypto_provider = mls_rs_crypto_openssl::OpensslCryptoProvider::default();
// Create clients for Alice and Bob
let alice = make_client(crypto_provider.clone(), "alice")?;
let bob = make_client(crypto_provider.clone(), "bob")?;
// Alice creates a new group.
let mut alice_group = alice.create_group(ExtensionList::default())?;
// Bob generates a key package that Alice needs to add Bob to the group.
let bob_key_package = bob.generate_key_package_message()?;
// Alice issues a commit that adds Bob to the group.
let alice_commit = alice_group
// Alice confirms that the commit was accepted by the group so it can be applied locally.
// This would normally happen after a server confirmed your commit was accepted and can
// be broadcasted.
// Bob joins the group with the welcome message created as part of Alice's commit.
let (mut bob_group, _) = bob.join_group(None, &alice_commit.welcome_messages[0])?;
// Alice encrypts an application message to Bob.
let msg = alice_group.encrypt_application_message(b"hello world", Default::default())?;
// Bob decrypts the application message from Alice.
let msg = bob_group.process_incoming_message(msg)?;
println!("Received message: {:?}", msg);
// Alice and bob write the group state to their configured storage engine