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// Copyright 2016 GFX developers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or
//>, at your option. This file may not be
// copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
use super::NSUInteger;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum MTLVertexFormat {
Invalid = 0,
UChar2 = 1,
UChar3 = 2,
UChar4 = 3,
Char2 = 4,
Char3 = 5,
Char4 = 6,
UChar2Normalized = 7,
UChar3Normalized = 8,
UChar4Normalized = 9,
Char2Normalized = 10,
Char3Normalized = 11,
Char4Normalized = 12,
UShort2 = 13,
UShort3 = 14,
UShort4 = 15,
Short2 = 16,
Short3 = 17,
Short4 = 18,
UShort2Normalized = 19,
UShort3Normalized = 20,
UShort4Normalized = 21,
Short2Normalized = 22,
Short3Normalized = 23,
Short4Normalized = 24,
Half2 = 25,
Half3 = 26,
Half4 = 27,
Float = 28,
Float2 = 29,
Float3 = 30,
Float4 = 31,
Int = 32,
Int2 = 33,
Int3 = 34,
Int4 = 35,
UInt = 36,
UInt2 = 37,
UInt3 = 38,
UInt4 = 39,
Int1010102Normalized = 40,
UInt1010102Normalized = 41,
UChar4Normalized_BGRA = 42,
UChar = 45,
Char = 46,
UCharNormalized = 47,
CharNormalized = 48,
UShort = 49,
Short = 50,
UShortNormalized = 51,
ShortNormalized = 52,
Half = 53,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum MTLVertexStepFunction {
Constant = 0,
PerVertex = 1,
PerInstance = 2,
PerPatch = 3,
PerPatchControlPoint = 4,
pub enum MTLVertexBufferLayoutDescriptor {}
foreign_obj_type! {
type CType = MTLVertexBufferLayoutDescriptor;
pub struct VertexBufferLayoutDescriptor;
impl VertexBufferLayoutDescriptor {
pub fn new() -> Self {
unsafe {
let class = class!(MTLVertexBufferLayoutDescriptor);
msg_send![class, new]
impl VertexBufferLayoutDescriptorRef {
pub fn stride(&self) -> NSUInteger {
unsafe { msg_send![self, stride] }
pub fn set_stride(&self, stride: NSUInteger) {
unsafe { msg_send![self, setStride: stride] }
pub fn step_function(&self) -> MTLVertexStepFunction {
unsafe { msg_send![self, stepFunction] }
pub fn set_step_function(&self, func: MTLVertexStepFunction) {
unsafe { msg_send![self, setStepFunction: func] }
pub fn step_rate(&self) -> NSUInteger {
unsafe { msg_send![self, stepRate] }
pub fn set_step_rate(&self, step_rate: NSUInteger) {
unsafe { msg_send![self, setStepRate: step_rate] }
pub enum MTLVertexBufferLayoutDescriptorArray {}
foreign_obj_type! {
type CType = MTLVertexBufferLayoutDescriptorArray;
pub struct VertexBufferLayoutDescriptorArray;
impl VertexBufferLayoutDescriptorArrayRef {
pub fn object_at(&self, index: NSUInteger) -> Option<&VertexBufferLayoutDescriptorRef> {
unsafe { msg_send![self, objectAtIndexedSubscript: index] }
pub fn set_object_at(
index: NSUInteger,
layout: Option<&VertexBufferLayoutDescriptorRef>,
) {
unsafe {
msg_send![self, setObject:layout
pub enum MTLVertexAttributeDescriptor {}
foreign_obj_type! {
type CType = MTLVertexAttributeDescriptor;
pub struct VertexAttributeDescriptor;
impl VertexAttributeDescriptor {
pub fn new() -> Self {
unsafe {
let class = class!(MTLVertexAttributeDescriptor);
msg_send![class, new]
impl VertexAttributeDescriptorRef {
pub fn format(&self) -> MTLVertexFormat {
unsafe { msg_send![self, format] }
pub fn set_format(&self, format: MTLVertexFormat) {
unsafe { msg_send![self, setFormat: format] }
pub fn offset(&self) -> NSUInteger {
unsafe { msg_send![self, offset] }
pub fn set_offset(&self, offset: NSUInteger) {
unsafe { msg_send![self, setOffset: offset] }
pub fn buffer_index(&self) -> NSUInteger {
unsafe { msg_send![self, bufferIndex] }
pub fn set_buffer_index(&self, index: NSUInteger) {
unsafe { msg_send![self, setBufferIndex: index] }
pub enum MTLVertexAttributeDescriptorArray {}
foreign_obj_type! {
type CType = MTLVertexAttributeDescriptorArray;
pub struct VertexAttributeDescriptorArray;
impl VertexAttributeDescriptorArrayRef {
pub fn object_at(&self, index: NSUInteger) -> Option<&VertexAttributeDescriptorRef> {
unsafe { msg_send![self, objectAtIndexedSubscript: index] }
pub fn set_object_at(
index: NSUInteger,
attribute: Option<&VertexAttributeDescriptorRef>,
) {
unsafe {
msg_send![self, setObject:attribute
pub enum MTLVertexDescriptor {}
foreign_obj_type! {
type CType = MTLVertexDescriptor;
pub struct VertexDescriptor;
impl VertexDescriptor {
pub fn new<'a>() -> &'a VertexDescriptorRef {
unsafe {
let class = class!(MTLVertexDescriptor);
msg_send![class, vertexDescriptor]
impl VertexDescriptorRef {
pub fn layouts(&self) -> &VertexBufferLayoutDescriptorArrayRef {
unsafe { msg_send![self, layouts] }
pub fn attributes(&self) -> &VertexAttributeDescriptorArrayRef {
unsafe { msg_send![self, attributes] }
#[cfg(feature = "private")]
pub unsafe fn serialize_descriptor(&self) -> *mut std::ffi::c_void {
msg_send![self, newSerializedDescriptor]
pub fn reset(&self) {
unsafe { msg_send![self, reset] }