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// Copyright 2017 GFX developers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or
//>, at your option. This file may not be
// copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
use super::{MTLTextureType, NSUInteger};
use objc::runtime::{NO, YES};
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum MTLDataType {
None = 0,
Struct = 1,
Array = 2,
Float = 3,
Float2 = 4,
Float3 = 5,
Float4 = 6,
Float2x2 = 7,
Float2x3 = 8,
Float2x4 = 9,
Float3x2 = 10,
Float3x3 = 11,
Float3x4 = 12,
Float4x2 = 13,
Float4x3 = 14,
Float4x4 = 15,
Half = 16,
Half2 = 17,
Half3 = 18,
Half4 = 19,
Half2x2 = 20,
Half2x3 = 21,
Half2x4 = 22,
Half3x2 = 23,
Half3x3 = 24,
Half3x4 = 25,
Half4x2 = 26,
Half4x3 = 27,
Half4x4 = 28,
Int = 29,
Int2 = 30,
Int3 = 31,
Int4 = 32,
UInt = 33,
UInt2 = 34,
UInt3 = 35,
UInt4 = 36,
Short = 37,
Short2 = 38,
Short3 = 39,
Short4 = 40,
UShort = 41,
UShort2 = 42,
UShort3 = 43,
UShort4 = 44,
Char = 45,
Char2 = 46,
Char3 = 47,
Char4 = 48,
UChar = 49,
UChar2 = 50,
UChar3 = 51,
UChar4 = 52,
Bool = 53,
Bool2 = 54,
Bool3 = 55,
Bool4 = 56,
Texture = 58,
Sampler = 59,
Pointer = 60,
R8Unorm = 62,
R8Snorm = 63,
R16Unorm = 64,
R16Snorm = 65,
RG8Unorm = 66,
RG8Snorm = 67,
RG16Unorm = 68,
RG16Snorm = 69,
RGBA8Unorm = 70,
RGBA8Unorm_sRGB = 71,
RGBA8Snorm = 72,
RGBA16Unorm = 73,
RGBA16Snorm = 74,
RGB10A2Unorm = 75,
RG11B10Float = 76,
RGB9E5Float = 77,
RenderPipeline = 78,
ComputePipeline = 79,
IndirectCommandBuffer = 80,
Long = 81,
Long2 = 82,
Long3 = 83,
Long4 = 84,
ULong = 85,
ULong2 = 86,
ULong3 = 87,
ULong4 = 88,
VisibleFunctionTable = 115,
IntersectionFunctionTable = 116,
PrimitiveAccelerationStructure = 117,
InstanceAccelerationStructure = 118,
BFloat = 121,
BFloat2 = 122,
BFloat3 = 123,
BFloat4 = 124,
note = "Since: iOS 8.0–16.0, iPadOS 8.0–16.0, macOS 10.11–13.0, Mac Catalyst 13.1–16.0, tvOS 9.0–16.0"
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum MTLArgumentType {
Buffer = 0,
ThreadgroupMemory = 1,
Texture = 2,
Sampler = 3,
ImageblockData = 16,
Imageblock = 17,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum MTLArgumentAccess {
ReadOnly = 0,
ReadWrite = 1,
WriteOnly = 2,
pub enum MTLStructMember {}
foreign_obj_type! {
type CType = MTLStructMember;
pub struct StructMember;
impl StructMemberRef {
pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
unsafe {
let name = msg_send![self, name];
pub fn offset(&self) -> NSUInteger {
unsafe { msg_send![self, offset] }
pub fn data_type(&self) -> MTLDataType {
unsafe { msg_send![self, dataType] }
pub fn struct_type(&self) -> MTLStructType {
unsafe { msg_send![self, structType] }
pub fn array_type(&self) -> MTLArrayType {
unsafe { msg_send![self, arrayType] }
pub enum MTLStructMemberArray {}
foreign_obj_type! {
type CType = MTLStructMemberArray;
pub struct StructMemberArray;
impl StructMemberArrayRef {
pub fn object_at(&self, index: NSUInteger) -> Option<&StructMemberRef> {
unsafe { msg_send![self, objectAtIndexedSubscript: index] }
pub fn count(&self) -> NSUInteger {
unsafe { msg_send![self, count] }
pub enum MTLStructType {}
foreign_obj_type! {
type CType = MTLStructType;
pub struct StructType;
impl StructTypeRef {
pub fn members(&self) -> &StructMemberArrayRef {
unsafe { msg_send![self, members] }
pub fn member_from_name(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&StructMemberRef> {
let nsname = crate::nsstring_from_str(name);
unsafe { msg_send![self, memberByName: nsname] }
pub enum MTLArrayType {}
foreign_obj_type! {
type CType = MTLArrayType;
pub struct ArrayType;
impl ArrayTypeRef {
pub fn array_length(&self) -> NSUInteger {
unsafe { msg_send![self, arrayLength] }
pub fn stride(&self) -> NSUInteger {
unsafe { msg_send![self, stride] }
pub fn element_type(&self) -> MTLDataType {
unsafe { msg_send![self, elementType] }
pub fn element_struct_type(&self) -> MTLStructType {
unsafe { msg_send![self, elementStructType] }
pub fn element_array_type(&self) -> MTLArrayType {
unsafe { msg_send![self, elementArrayType] }
note = "Since iOS 8.0–16.0, iPadOS 8.0–16.0, macOS 10.11–13.0, Mac Catalyst 13.1–16.0, tvOS 9.0–16.0"
pub enum MTLArgument {}
foreign_obj_type! {
type CType = MTLArgument;
pub struct Argument;
impl ArgumentRef {
pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
unsafe {
let name = msg_send![self, name];
pub fn type_(&self) -> MTLArgumentType {
unsafe { msg_send![self, type] }
pub fn access(&self) -> MTLArgumentAccess {
unsafe { msg_send![self, access] }
pub fn index(&self) -> NSUInteger {
unsafe { msg_send![self, index] }
pub fn is_active(&self) -> bool {
unsafe { msg_send_bool![self, isActive] }
pub fn buffer_alignment(&self) -> NSUInteger {
unsafe { msg_send![self, bufferAlignment] }
pub fn buffer_data_size(&self) -> NSUInteger {
unsafe { msg_send![self, bufferDataSize] }
pub fn buffer_data_type(&self) -> MTLDataType {
unsafe { msg_send![self, bufferDataType] }
pub fn buffer_struct_type(&self) -> &StructTypeRef {
unsafe { msg_send![self, bufferStructType] }
pub fn threadgroup_memory_alignment(&self) -> NSUInteger {
unsafe { msg_send![self, threadgroupMemoryAlignment] }
pub fn threadgroup_memory_data_size(&self) -> NSUInteger {
unsafe { msg_send![self, threadgroupMemoryDataSize] }
pub fn texture_type(&self) -> MTLTextureType {
unsafe { msg_send![self, textureType] }
pub fn texture_data_type(&self) -> MTLDataType {
unsafe { msg_send![self, textureDataType] }
pub enum MTLArgumentDescriptor {}
foreign_obj_type! {
type CType = MTLArgumentDescriptor;
pub struct ArgumentDescriptor;
impl ArgumentDescriptor {
pub fn new<'a>() -> &'a ArgumentDescriptorRef {
unsafe {
let class = class!(MTLArgumentDescriptor);
msg_send![class, argumentDescriptor]
impl ArgumentDescriptorRef {
pub fn set_data_type(&self, ty: MTLDataType) {
unsafe { msg_send![self, setDataType: ty] }
pub fn set_index(&self, index: NSUInteger) {
unsafe { msg_send![self, setIndex: index] }
pub fn set_access(&self, access: MTLArgumentAccess) {
unsafe { msg_send![self, setAccess: access] }
pub fn set_array_length(&self, length: NSUInteger) {
unsafe { msg_send![self, setArrayLength: length] }
pub fn set_texture_type(&self, ty: MTLTextureType) {
unsafe { msg_send![self, setTextureType: ty] }