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//! This crate is a GLSL450/GLSL460 compiler. It’s able to parse valid GLSL formatted source into
//! an abstract syntax tree (AST). That AST can then be transformed into SPIR-V, your own format or
//! even folded back to a raw GLSL [`String`] (think of a minifier, for instance).
//! You’ll find several modules:
//! - [`parser`], which exports the parsing interface. This is the place you will get most
//! interesting types and traits, such as [`Parse`] and [`ParseError`].
//! - [`syntax`], which exports the AST and language definitions. If you look into destructuring,
//! transpiling or getting information on the GLSL code that got parsed, you will likely
//! manipulate objects which types are defined in this module.
//! - [`transpiler`], which provides you with GLSL transpilers. For instance, you will find _GLSL
//! to GLSL_ transpiler, _GLSL to SPIR-V_ transpiler, etc.
//! - [`visitor`](visitor), which gives you a way to visit AST nodes and mutate them, both with
//! inner and outer mutation.
//! Feel free to inspect those modules for further information.
//! # GLSL parsing and transpiling
//! Parsing is the most common operation you will do. It is not required per-se (you can still
//! create your AST by hand or use [glsl-quasiquote] to create it at compile-time by using the GLSL
//! syntax directly in Rust). However, in this section, we are going to see how we can parse from a
//! string to several GLSL types.
//! ## Parsing architecture
//! Basically, the [`Parse`] trait gives you all you need to start parsing. This crate is designed
//! around the concept of type-driven parsing: parsers are hidden and you just have to state what
//! result type you expect.
//! The most common type you want to parse to is [`TranslationUnit`], which represents a set of
//! [`ExternalDeclaration`]s. An [`ExternalDeclaration`] is just a declaration at the top-most level
//! of a shader. It can be a global, uniform declarations, vertex attributes, a function, a
//! structure, etc. In that sense, a [`TranslationUnit`] is akin to a shader stage (vertex shader,
//! fragment shader, etc.).
//! You can parse any type that implements [`Parse`]. Parsers are mostly sensible to external
//! blanks, which means that parsing an [`Expr`] starting with a blank will not work (this is not
//! true for a [`TranslationUnit`] as it’s exceptionnally more permissive).
//! ## Parsing an expression
//! Let’s try to parse an expression.
//! ```rust
//! use glsl::parser::Parse as _;
//! use glsl::syntax::Expr;
//! let glsl = "(vec3(r, g, b) * cos(t * PI * .5)).xxz";
//! let expr = Expr::parse(glsl);
//! assert!(expr.is_ok());
//! ```
//! Here, `expr` is an AST which type is `Result<Expr, ParseError>` that represents the GLSL
//! expression `(vec3(r, g, b) * cos(t * PI * .5)).xxz`, which is an outer (scalar) multiplication
//! of an RGB color by a cosine of a time, the whole thing being
//! responsibility to check if the parsing process has succeeded.
//! In the previous example, the GLSL string is a constant and hardcoded. It could come from a file,
//! network or built on the fly, but in the case of constant GLSL code, it would be preferable not
//! to parse the string at runtime, right? Well, [glsl-quasiquote] is there exactly for that. You
//! can ask **rustc** to parse that string and, if the parsing has succeeded, inject the AST
//! directly into your code. No [`Result`], just the pure AST. Have a look at [glsl-quasiquote] for
//! further details.
//! ## Parsing a whole shader
//! Vertex shaders, geometry shaders, fragment shaders and control and evaluation tessellation
//! shaders can be parsed the same way by using one of the `TranslationUnit` or `ShaderStage` types.
//! Here, a simple vertex shader being parsed.
//! ```rust
//! use glsl::parser::Parse as _;
//! use glsl::syntax::ShaderStage;
//! let glsl = "
//! layout (location = 0) in vec3 pos;
//! layout (location = 1) in vec4 col;
//! out vec4 v_col;
//! uniform mat4 projview;
//! void main() {
//! v_col = col; // pass color to the next stage
//! gl_Position = projview * vec4(pos, 1.);
//! }
//! ";
//! let stage = ShaderStage::parse(glsl);
//! assert!(stage.is_ok());
//! ```
//! ## Visiting AST nodes
//! The crate is also getting more and more combinators and functions to transform the AST or create
//! nodes with regular Rust. The [`Visitor`] trait will be a great friend of yours when you will
//! want to cope with deep mutation, filtering and validation. Have a look at the
//! [`visitor`](visitor) module for a tutorial on how to use visitors.
//! # About the GLSL versions…
//! This crate can parse both GLSL450 and GLSL460 formatted input sources. At the language level,
//! the difference between GLSL450 and GLSL460 is pretty much nothing, so both cases are covered.
//! > If you’re wondering, the only difference between both versions is that in GLSL460, it’s
//! > authorized to have semicolons (`;`) on empty lines at top-level in a shader.
//! [`Parse`]: crate::parser::Parse
//! [`ParseError`]: crate::parser::ParseError
//! [`ExternalDeclaration`]: crate::syntax::ExternalDeclaration
//! [`TranslationUnit`]: crate::syntax::TranslationUnit
//! [`Expr`]: crate::syntax::Expr
//! [`Visitor`]: crate::visitor::Visitor
mod parse_tests;
pub mod parser;
mod parsers;
pub mod syntax;
pub mod transpiler;
pub mod visitor;