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# Changelog
# 6.0.2
> Mar 23, 2023
- Switch to `nom-7`.
# 6.0.1
> Jul 11, 2021
- Better scheme for parenthesis generation in the GLSL transpiler.
- Fix matrices types in the GLSL transpiler.
- Fix end-of-line parser, which now accepts CR LF too.
# 6.0
> Dec 7th, 2020
- Change the meaning of `Visitor` and `Host`. They now take the AST nodes by simple references (`&`) and not via
mutable references (`&mut`) anymore. This will allow people to use visitors in much more contexts.
- Add `VisitorMut` and `HostMut` to visit AST nodes mutably. These correspond to the previous (version `<6.0`) `Visitor`
and `Host` traits. If you were using them and require mutability, feel free to simply switch to `VisitorMut` and
# 5.0.2
> Nov 1st, 2020
- Bump `nom-6.0`.
# 5.0.1
> Aug 12th, 2020
- Fix float / double literal parsing priority. Floats are parsed first now in case of a polymorphic
# 5.0.0
> Jul 27th, 2020
- Fix array specifiers by splitting the `ArraySpecifier` type into two types:
- `ArraySpecifier`, which holds a non-empty list of `ArraySpecifierDimension`.
- `ArraySpecifierDimension`, which is the “old” `ArraySpecifier`.
This change allows for multidimensional array specifiers.
## Migration guide
- If you were using array specifiers, you need to wrap them inside an `ArraySpecifierDimension`
and wrap it in a `ArraySpecifier { dimensions: NonEmpty(vec![here]) }` expression, where `here`
is your specifier.
# 4.1.1
> Wed Jul 1st 2020
- Fix the _identifier_ parser, that previously failed to parse identifiers starting with an
underscore (`_`) while it is permitted (chapter 3.7 of the GLSLang spec).
- Fix associativity for logical binary operators (`||`, `&&`).
# 4.1
> Fri Jun 19th 2020
- Implement `std::error::Error` for error types.
# 4.0.3
> Fri Mar 6th 2020
- Move all the unit tests code into their ow module to prevent rustc from parsing them if we
don’t build with tests.
# 4.0.2
> Mon 10th Feb 2020
- Remove the `lexical` feature from `nom`. It’s useful only when using functions such as the
`float` combinator, which we don’t use.
# 4.0.1
> Tue 21st Jan 2020
- Fix a bug occurring in the function-like `#define` parser (i.e. `#define foo(x) (y)`) that
would prevent the use of whitespaces in the argument list.
# 4.0
> Mon 6th Jan 2020
## Major changes
- Add support for `attribute` and `varying` keyword as a backward-compatible parser.
- Fix binary operator associativity. They were (_erroneously_) right-associative. They’re now
parsed as left-associative.
# 3.0
> Wed 14th Nov 2019
## Major changes
- `JumpStatement::Return` now takes an optional `Expr` instead of an `Expr` directly. That allows
for parsing statements such as `return;`, which should have
been supported from the beginning.
- Support for missing preprocessor directives:
- `#if`.
- `#ifdef`.
- `#ifndef`.
- `#elseif`.
- `#else`.
- `#endif`.
- `#error`.
- `#include`.
- `#line`.
- `#pragma`.
- `#undef`.
## Patch changes
- Add a `rustfmt.toml` to reformat everything and stay consistent. If you want contribute, ensure
you are correctly using `rustfmt` (either by running `cargo fmt` before submitting a PR or by
configuring your editor to format the code for you). This is important, as not respecting the
formatting would make your contribution impossible to merge due to a CI check.
- Support for _multiline_ annotations (`\`). Multiline annotations are currently supported as
part of _spaces_ — i.e. you cannot use them to break an identifier on two lines for instance.
This choice makes it faster to parse without too much compromises (after all, `\` is mostly used
in CPP directives in GLSL).
- Fix a bug with _recoverable parsers_ that would produce parent parsers to ignore GLSL grammar
errors. That fix also implies a boost in performance due to short-circuiting optimizations.
# 2.0.1
> Fri 8th Nov 2019
- Improve performance of expression parsers.
# 2.0
> Thu 24th Oct 2019
## Major changes
- Add `ShaderKind::Compute`.
- Remove `NonEmpty::from_iter` and `TranslationUnit::from_iter` as they were deprecated. Use
`*::from_non_empty_iter` instead.
## Patch changes
- Fix tokenizer of `Block`.
- Fix a bug while parsing floating-point numbers.
- Reformat with `rustfmt`.
# 1.2
> Wed 18th Sep 2019
## Deprecations
- `NonEmpty::from_iter` and `TranslationUnit::from_iter` are deprecated in favor of
## Minor changes
- Add binary SPIR-V transpilation. That enables to transpile GLSL directly into a SPIR-V buffer.
- Add `NonEmpty::from_non_empty_iter` and `TranslationUnit::from_non_empty_iter`.
# 1.1.1
> Tue 17th Sep 2019
- Update internal code for Rust edition 2018.
# 1.1
> Tue 30th of July 2019
- Add the `ShaderStage` type alias to `TranslationUnit`.
- Enhance the front documentation to showcase how to use how to use the crate.
# 1.0.2
> Tue 23rd of July 2019
- Change the description of the project and update documentation.
# 1.0.1
> Tue 23rd of July 2019
- Change the `external_declaration` parser so that it can also accept _GLSL460_. That should be a
breaking change because now, _GLSL450_ formatted input accepts feature from _GLSL460_, which
shouldn’t be allowed. Nevertheless, the added feature (being able to use semicolons (`;`) on
empty lines at top-level) is not really an interesting property and no breakage should happen.
# 1.0
> Thu 18th of July 2019
- Migrate all parsers to [nom-5](
- Improve and add unit and integration tests.
- Improve overall documentation.
- Enhance some allocation scheme (removed them by using more adapted parsers).
- Completely remove the byte (`&[u8]`) parsing. That was a bad idea, for both its impractical
aspect and error removing. Parsing is done on string slices now (`&str`).
# 0.13.5
> Sun 9th of December 2018
- Add the SPIR-V transpiler. Currently, it’s feature-gated and *very* experimental. Feel free to
try and provide feedback about it.
- Add simple accessors for `ParseResult`.
- Fix a typo in the documentation of syntax.
- Add some unit and integration tests.
- Add `Identifier::as_str` and `TypeName::as_str`
# 0.13.4
> Wed 25nd of November 2018
- Add `NonEmpty::push` and `NonEmpty::pop`.
- Implement `Deref` and `DerefMut` for `TranslationUnit`.
# 0.13.3
> Wed 24nd of November 2018
- Add `NonEmpty::from_iter` and `TranslationUnit::from_iter`.
- Implement `IntoIterator` for `NonEmpty` and `TranslationUnit`.
# 0.13.2
> Wed 22nd of November 2018
- Fix a typo in documentation.
# 0.13.1
> Wed 22nd of November 2018
- Fix a link in documentation.
# 0.13
> Wed 21st of November 2018
- Update/reset hyperlinks in all the documentation for types, traits, methods, etc.
- General enhancement of the documentation.
- `ExternalDeclaration::new_struct` can now fail. Check the doc for further details.
- `NonEmpty`, `Identifier` and `TypeName` and `TranslationUnit` are now plain types and not
aliases anymore.
- Add AST visitors. Visitors allow for traversing through an AST and on-the-fly mutation,
filtering, etc.
- The `#define` preprocessor pragma is now supported in a limited form (it can only be used in
the global scope).
# 0.12
> Sun 11th of November 2018
- Fix the type of identifier stored in `Block`: it now uses the new encoding for arrayed
- `Block` parsers update for the arrayd identifier change.
# 0.11
> Sat 10th of November 2018
- Add helper functions to build objects form the `syntax` module. Those are intended to be a
simple way to build ASTs out of Rust code instead of parsing.
- Enhance the documentation of the `Preprocessor` type.
# 0.10.1
> Fri 2nd of November 2018
- Add some missing implementors of `Parse` for types from `glsl::syntax`.
# 0.10
> Fri 2nd of November 2018
- Hide the `parsers` module. It’s not exposed anymore as it was mostly
[nom]( parsers and we don’t like leaking internals.
- Introduce the `Parser` trait, acting as an abstraction over the internal parsers. Implementors
provide a type-driven parsing experience that is very similar to the one as
[FromStr]( This change is actually
mandatory for the [glsl-quasiquote]( crate’s `glsl!`
proc-macro to allow people use it for any GLSL item (and not only `TranslationUnit`).
- Enhance the overall documentation.
# 0.9.2
> Wed 3rd of October 2018
- Fix GLSL transpiled representation of `IVec*`. It was plain wrong.
# 0.9.1
> Sat 7th of July 2018
- Fix unit testing in transpilers.
# 0.9
> Sat 7th of July 2018
- Big cleanup of the module hierarchy.
- Enhanced the documentation.
# 0.8.1
> Sun, 17th of June 2018
- Add the `` path to the `Cargo.toml` manifest.
# 0.8
> Sun 17th of June 2018
This version introduces breaking changes because public types used in return positions have changed.
These concern only intermediate `nom` functions, so if you do not make a fancy use of this crate,
you souldn’t have to worry too much when migrating.
- Fix the roundtrip issue with the GLSL writer (precedence wasn’t correctly respected).
- Simplify internal code.
- Error instead of panicking when parsing overflowing integer literals.
- Fix panic trying to parse literals starting with whitespace.
- Add fuzzing to find out panics.
# 0.7.2
> Wed 13th of December 2017
- Fix the `show_expr` when the `Expr` is a `Expr::UIntConst`.
# 0.7.1
> Mon 20th of November 2017
- `std::error::Error` is now implemented for `ParseError`.
# 0.7
> Wed 27th of September 2017
- Add support for postfix expressions as function identifiers.
# 0.6.5
> Mon 4th of September 2017
- Fix the formatting of floating values when the fractional part is `0`.
# 0.6.4
> Mon 4th of September 2017
- Fix the output for `show_struct_specifier`.
# 0.6.3
> Mon 4th of September 2017
- Fix the output for `show_struct_specifier`.
# 0.6.2
> Mon 4th of September 2017
- Remove a warning.
# 0.6.1
> Mon 4th of September 2017
- Fix `show_struct_specifier`.
# 0.6
> Fri 1st of September 2017
- The `TypeSpecifier` type was wrong as it didn’t carry any `ArraySpecifier` information while the
GLSL specification’s grammar about type specifiers states they should. Fixed.
# 0.5
> Mon 7th of August 2017
- The `parse` and `parse_str` functions now take as second argument the parser to run. This enables
using those functions and all the neat logic the wrap in dependent projects.
# 0.4.2
> Fri 4th of August 2017
- A GLSL writer is now available.
- Some parsers yield non-empty list of syntax trees. Those had the incorrect `Vec` type. They were
replaced by `NonEmpty`, which is an alias to `Vec`, but carry the semantic that it has at least
one element in it.
# 0.4.1
> Thu 3rd of August 2017
- Uni/multi-line comments are now supported.
# 0.4
> Wed 2nd of August 2017
- The `Declaration::Block` variant was refactored for a better usage.
- Dot field selections and, in a mory general way, postfix expressions completely fixed. The
`syntax` module was altered to make it easier to work with dot field selection. Also related,
the function identifier syntax is now isomorphic to an identifier.
# 0.3.1
> Tue 1st of August 2017
- Fix the `preprocessor` parser so that it eats surrounding blanks.
# 0.3
> Mon 31st of July 2017
- Add a very minimalistic yet working preprocessor. It parses `#version` and `#extension`
commands. Those have to be declared at the top of your file, even though this implementation
accepts them at any place an external declaration could be defined. Feel free to submit a PR
if you want to change that behavior, I don’t really mind.
- Enhance the runtime error reporting. It’s not perfect, but it’s way better than before!
- `void` is now recognized as `TypeSpecifier::Void` instead of the erroneous
# 0.2.2
> Mon 31st of July 2017
- The `layout` parser had a nasty bug that would treat a list of key-value pairs as an expression
assignment. This was fixed and it now treats it as a list of pairs of identifier associated with a
possible constant expression.
- The `StructFieldSpecifier` type and its associated parser were wrong. Was missing:
+ the type qualifier
+ for each identifier defined in the field specifier, its optional array specifier, as in
`float foo[3];` or `vec3 bar[];` for unsized ones.
# 0.2.1
> Sun 30th of July 2017
- More documentation to help people to get their feet wet.
# 0.2
> Sat 29th of July 2017
- The whole parsing API is public.
# 0.1
- Initial revision.