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# fs-err Changelog↩
## 2.9.0↩
## 2.8.1↩
* Fixed build↩
## 2.8.0↩
* Implement I/O safety traits (`AsFd`/`AsHandle`, `Into<OwnedFd>`/`Into<OwnedHandle>`) for file. This feature requires Rust 1.63 or later and is gated behind the `io_safety` feature flag. ([#39](↩
## 2.7.0↩
* Implement `From<fs_err::File> for std::fs::File` ([#38](↩
## 2.6.0↩
* Added [`File::into_parts`]( and [`File::file_mut`]( to provide more access to the underlying `std::fs::File`.↩
* Fixed some typos in documention ([#33](↩
## 2.5.0↩
* Added `symlink` for unix platforms↩
* Added `symlink_file` and `symlink_dir` for windows↩
* Implemented os-specific extension traits for `File`↩
- `std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, IntoRawFd}`↩
- `std::os::windows::io::{AsRawHandle, IntoRawHandle}`↩
- Added trait wrappers for `std::os::{unix, windows}::fs::FileExt` and implemented them for `fs_err::File`↩
* Implemented os-specific extension traits for `OpenOptions`↩
- Added trait wrappers for `std::os::{unix, windows}::fs::OpenOptionsExt` and implemented them for `fs_err::OpenOptions`↩
* Improved compile times by converting arguments early and forwarding only a small number of types internally. There will be a slight performance hit only in the error case.↩
* Reduced trait bounds on generics from `AsRef<Path> + Into<PathBuf>` to either `AsRef<Path>` or `Into<PathBuf>`, making the functions more general.↩
## 2.4.0↩
* Added `canonicalize`, `hard link`, `read_link`, `rename`, `symlink_metadata` and `soft_link`. ([#25](↩
* Added aliases to `std::path::Path` via extension trait ([#26](↩
* Added `OpenOptions` ([#27](↩
* Added `set_permissions` ([#28](↩
## 2.3.0↩
* Added `create_dir` and `create_dir_all`. ([#19](↩
* Added `remove_file`, `remove_dir`, and `remove_dir_all`. ([#16](↩
## 2.2.0↩
* Added `metadata`. ([#15](↩
## 2.1.0↩
* Updated crate-level documentation. ([#8](↩
* Added `read_dir`, `ReadDir`, and `DirEntry`. ([#9](↩
## 2.0.1 (2020-02-22)↩
## 2.0.0 (2020-02-19)↩
* Removed custom error type in favor of `std::io::Error`. ([#2](↩
## 1.0.1 (2020-02-15)↩
* Fixed bad documentation link in `Cargo.toml`.↩
## 1.0.0 (2020-02-15)↩
* No changes from 0.1.2.↩
## 0.1.2 (2020-02-10)↩
* Added `Error::cause` implementation for `fs_err::Error`.↩
## 0.1.1 (2020-02-05)↩
* Added wrappers for `std::fs::*` functions.↩
## 0.1.0 (2020-02-02)↩
* Initial release, containing a wrapper around `std::fs::File`.↩