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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use std::ptr;
use winapi::um::dwrite::IDWriteLocalizedStrings;
use winapi::um::dwrite::{IDWriteFont, IDWriteFontCollection, IDWriteFontFamily};
use wio::com::ComPtr;
use super::*;
use helpers::*;
pub struct FontFamily {
native: UnsafeCell<ComPtr<IDWriteFontFamily>>,
impl FontFamily {
pub fn take(native: ComPtr<IDWriteFontFamily>) -> FontFamily {
FontFamily {
native: UnsafeCell::new(native),
pub unsafe fn as_ptr(&self) -> *mut IDWriteFontFamily {
pub fn name(&self) -> String {
unsafe {
let mut family_names: *mut IDWriteLocalizedStrings = ptr::null_mut();
let hr = (*self.native.get()).GetFamilyNames(&mut family_names);
assert!(hr == 0);
get_locale_string(&mut ComPtr::from_raw(family_names))
pub fn get_first_matching_font(
weight: FontWeight,
stretch: FontStretch,
style: FontStyle,
) -> Font {
unsafe {
let mut font: *mut IDWriteFont = ptr::null_mut();
let hr = (*self.native.get()).GetFirstMatchingFont(
&mut font,
assert!(hr == 0);
pub fn get_font_collection(&self) -> FontCollection {
unsafe {
let mut collection: *mut IDWriteFontCollection = ptr::null_mut();
let hr = (*self.native.get()).GetFontCollection(&mut collection);
assert!(hr == 0);
pub fn get_font_count(&self) -> u32 {
unsafe { (*self.native.get()).GetFontCount() }
pub fn get_font(&self, index: u32) -> Font {
unsafe {
let mut font: *mut IDWriteFont = ptr::null_mut();
let hr = (*self.native.get()).GetFont(index, &mut font);
assert!(hr == 0);