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# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## 1.0.0 - Unreleased
### Breaking changes
- The minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) is now Rust 1.65.
- Add the `std` feature which should be disabled in `no_std` environments.
- All Cargo features, except `std`, are now disabled by default. The `full`
feature can be used to get the old behavior of supporting all possible
- The `TryFrom`, `Add`, `Sub`, `BitAnd`, `BitOr`, `BitXor`, `Not` and `Neg`
derives now return a dedicated error type instead of a `&'static str` on
- The `FromStr` derive now uses a dedicated `FromStrError` error type instead
of generating unique one each time.
- The `Display` derive (and other `fmt`-like ones) now uses
`#[display("...", (<expr>),*)]` syntax instead of
`#[display(fmt = "...", ("<expr>"),*)]`, and `#[display(bound(<bound>))]`
instead of `#[display(bound = "<bound>")]`. So without the double quotes
around the expressions and bounds.
- The `DebugCustom` derive is renamed to just `Debug` (gated now under a separate
`debug` feature), and its semantics were changed to be a superset of `std` variant
of `Debug`.
- The `From` derive doesn't derive `From<()>` for enum variants without any
fields anymore. This feature was removed because it was considered useless in
- The `From` derive now uses `#[from(<types>)]` instead of `#[from(types(<types>))]`
and ignores field type itself.
- The `Into` derive now uses `#[into(<types>)]` instead of `#[into(types(<types>))]`
and ignores field type itself.
- Importing a derive macro now also import its corresponding trait.
### Added
- Add support captured identifiers in `Display` derives. So now you can use:
`#[display(fmt = "Prefix: {field}")]` instead of needing to use
`#[display(fmt = "Prefix: {}", field)]`
- Add `FromStr` derive support for enums that contain variants without fields.
If you pass the name of the variant to `from_str` it will create the matching
- Add `#[unwrap(owned, ref, ref_mut)]` attribute for the `Unwrap` derive.
By using them, it is possible to derive implementations for the reference types as well.
- Add `TryUnwrap` derive similar to the `Unwrap` derive. This one returns a `Result` and does not panic.
### Changed
- The `Constructor` and `IsVariant` derives now generate `const fn` functions.
- The `Unwrap` and `IsVariant` derives now generate doc comments.
- `#[automatically_derived]` is now emitted from all macro expansions. This
should prevent code style linters from attempting to modify the generated
- Upgrade to `syn` 2.0.
- The `Error` derive now works in nightly `no_std` environments when enabling
### Fixed
- Use a deterministic `HashSet` in all derives, this is needed for rust analyzer
to work correctly.
- Use `Provider` API for backtraces in `Error` derive.
- Fix `Error` derive not working with `const` generics.
- Support trait objects for source in Error, e.g.
`Box<dyn Error + Send + 'static>`
## 0.99.10 - 2020-09-11
### Added
- `From` supports additional types for conversion: `#[from(types(u8, u16))]`.
## 0.99.7 - 2020-05-16
### Changed
- When specifying specific features of the crate to only enable specific
derives, the `extra-traits` feature of `syn` is not always enabled
when those the specified features do not require it. This should speed up
compile time of `syn` when this feature is not needed.
### Fixed
- Fix generic derives for `MulAssign`
## 0.99.6 - 2020-05-13
### Changed
- Make sure output of derives is deterministic, for better support in
## 0.99.5 - 2020-03-28
### Added
- Support for deriving `Error`!!! (many thanks to @ffuugoo and @tyranron)
### Fixed
- Fix generic bounds for `Deref` and `DerefMut` with `forward`, i.e. put `Deref`
bound on whole type, so on `where Box<T>: Deref` instead of on `T: Deref`.
- The `tests` directory is now correctly included in the crate (requested by
Debian package maintainers)
## 0.99.4 - 2020-03-28 [YANKED]
Note: This version is yanked, because quickly after release it was found out
tests did not run in CI.
## 0.99.3 - 2020-02-19
### Fixed
- Fix generic bounds for `Deref` and `DerefMut` with no `forward`, i.e. no bounds
## 0.99.2 - 2019-11-17
### Fixed
- Hotfix for a regression in allowed `Display` derives using `#` flag, such as
## 0.99.1 - 2019-11-12
### Fixed
- Hotfix for a regression in allowed `From` derives
## 0.99.0 - 2019-11-11
This release is a huge milestone for this library.
Lot's of new derives are implemented and a ton of attributes are added for
configuration purposes.
These attributes will allow future releases to add features/options without
breaking backwards compatibility.
This is why the next release with breaking changes is planned to be 1.0.0.
### Breaking changes
- The minimum supported rust version (MSRV) is now Rust 1.36.
- When using in a Rust 2015 crate, you should add `extern crate core` to your
- `no_std` feature is removed, the library now supports `no_std` without having
to configure any features.
### Added
- `Deref` derives now dereference to the type in the newtype. So if you have
`MyBox(Box<i32>)`, dereferencing it will result in a `Box<i32>` not an `i32`.
To get the old behaviour of forwarding the dereference you can add the
`#[deref(forward)]` attribute on the struct or field.
- Derives for `AsRef`, `AsMut`, `Sum`, `Product`, `IntoIterator`.
- Choosing the field of a struct for which to derive the newtype derive.
- Ignoring variants of enums when deriving `From`, by using `#[from(ignore)]`.
- Add `#[from(forward)]` attribute for `From` derives. This forwards the `from`
calls to the fields themselves. So if your field is an `i64` you can call from
on an `i32` and it will work.
- Add `#[mul(forward)]` and `#[mul_assign(forward)]`, which implement `Mul` and
`MulAssign` with the semantics as if they were `Add`/`AddAssign`.
- You can use features to cut down compile time of the crate by only compiling
the code needed for the derives that you use. (see Cargo.toml for the
features, by default they are all on)
- Add `#[into(owned, ref, ref_mut)]` and `#[try_into(owned, ref, ref_mut)]`
attributes. These cause the `Into` and `TryInto` derives to also implement
derives that return references to the inner fields.
- Allow `#[display(fmt="some shared display text for all enum variants {}")]`
attribute on enum.
- Better bounds inference of `Display` trait.
### Changed
- Remove dependency on `regex` to cut down compile time.
- Use `syn` 1.0
## 0.15.0 - 2019-06-08
### Fixed
- Automatic detection of traits needed for `Display` format strings
## 0.14.0 - 2019-02-02
### Added
- Added `no_std` support
### Changed
- Suppress `unused_variables` warnings in derives
## 0.13.0 - 2018-10-19
### Added
- Extended Display-like derives to support custom formats
### Changed
- Updated to `syn` v0.15
## 0.12.0 - 2018-09-19
### Changed
- Updated to `syn` v0.14, `quote` v0.6 and `proc-macro2` v0.4
## 0.11.0 - 2018-05-12
### Changed
- Updated to latest version of `syn` and `quote`
### Fixed
- Changed some URLs in the docs so they were correct on and
- The `Result` type is now referenced in the derives using its absolute path
(`::std::result::Result`) to make sure that the derives don't accidentally use
another `Result` type that is in scope.
## 0.10.0 - 2018-03-29
### Added
- Allow deriving of `TryInto`
- Allow deriving of `Deref`
- Allow deriving of `DerefMut`
## 0.9.0 - 2018-03-18
### Added
- Allow deriving of `Display`, `Binary`, `Octal`, `LowerHex`, `UpperHex`, `LowerExp`, `UpperExp`, `Pointer`
- Allow deriving of `Index`
- Allow deriving of `IndexMut`
### Fixed
- Allow cross crate inlining of derived methods
## 0.8.0 - 2018-03-10
### Added
- Allow deriving of `FromStr`
### Changed
- Updated to latest version of `syn` and `quote`
## 0.7.1 - 2018-01-25
### Fixed
- Add `#[allow(missing_docs)]` to the Constructor definition
## 0.7.0 - 2017-07-25
### Changed
- Changed code to work with newer version of the `syn` library.
## 0.6.2 - 2017-04-23
### Changed
- Deriving `From`, `Into` and `Constructor` now works for empty structs.
## 0.6.1 - 2017-03-08
### Changed
- The `new()` method that is created when deriving `Constructor` is now public.
This makes it a lot more useful.
## 0.6.0 - 2017-02-20
### Added
- Derives for `Into`, `Constructor` and `MulAssign`-like
### Changed
- `From` is now derived for enum variants with multiple fields.
### Fixed
- Derivations now support generics.
## 0.5.0 - 2017-02-02
### Added
- Lots of docs.
- Derives for `Neg`-like and `AddAssign`-like.
### Changed
- `From` can now be derived for structs with multiple fields.