Revision control
Copy as Markdown
Other Tools
mod generate;
use crate::generate::{ServerAccess, ConnectionType};
#[cfg(feature = "dbus")]
mod connect_to_dbus {
use dbus::blocking;
// This code was copy-pasted from the output of this program. :-)
pub trait OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable {
fn introspect(&self) -> Result<String, dbus::Error>;
impl<'a, C: ::std::ops::Deref<Target=blocking::Connection>> OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable for blocking::Proxy<'a, C> {
fn introspect(&self) -> Result<String, dbus::Error> {
self.method_call("org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable", "Introspect", ())
.and_then(|r: (String, )| Ok(r.0, ))
pub fn do_introspect(dest: &str, path: &str, systembus: bool) -> String {
let c = if systembus { blocking::Connection::new_system() } else { blocking::Connection::new_session() };
let c = c.unwrap();
let p = c.with_proxy(dest, path, std::time::Duration::from_secs(10));
// Unwrapping is fine here, this is just a test program.
fn main() {
let app = clap::App::new("D-Bus Rust code generator").about("Generates Rust code from xml introspection data")
.help("Comma separated list of filter strings. Only matching interfaces are generated if set."))
.help("If present, will try to make variant arguments generic instead of Variant<Box<dyn RefArg>>. \
Experimental, does not work with server methods (other than None)."))
.help("Type of server method; valid values are: 'Fn', 'FnMut', 'Sync', 'Generic', and 'None'. Defaults to 'Fn'."))
.help("Specifies how to access the type implementing the interface (experimental). Valid values are: 'RefClosure', 'AsRefClosure', 'MethodInfo'. \
Defaults to 'RefClosure'."))
.help("Name of dbus crate, defaults to 'dbus'."))
.help("If present, skips a specific prefix for interface names, e g 'org.freedesktop.DBus.'."))
// .arg(clap::Arg::with_name("futures").short("f").long("futures")
// .help("Generates code to use with futures 0.3 (experimental)"))
.help("Type of client connection. Valid values are: 'blocking', 'nonblock', 'ffidisp'."))
.help("If present, will generate a struct wrapping PropMap to get properties from it with their expected types."))
.help("Write output into the specified file"))
.help("D-Bus XML Introspection file"));
#[cfg(feature = "dbus")]
let app = app
.help("If present, connects to the supplied service to get introspection data. Reads from stdin otherwise."))
.help("The path to ask for introspection data. Defaults to '/'. (Ignored if destination is not specified.)"))
.help("Connects to system bus, if not specified, the session bus will be used. (Ignored if destination is not specified.)"));
let matches = app.get_matches();
let s = match (matches.value_of("destination"), matches.value_of("file")) {
(Some(_), Some(_)) => panic!("'destination' and 'file' are mutually exclusive arguments - you can't provide both"),
(None, Some(file_path)) => std::fs::read_to_string(file_path.to_string()).unwrap(),
#[cfg(feature = "dbus")]
(Some(dest), None) => {
let path = matches.value_of("path").unwrap_or("/");
connect_to_dbus::do_introspect(dest, path, matches.is_present("systembus"))
#[cfg(not(feature = "dbus"))]
(Some(_), None) => unreachable!(),
(None, None) => {
let mut s = String::new();
std::io::Read::read_to_string(&mut std::io::stdin(),&mut s).unwrap();
let dbuscrate = matches.value_of("dbuscrate").unwrap_or("dbus");
let mtype = matches.value_of("methodtype").map(|s| s.to_lowercase());
let (mtype, crhandler) = match mtype.as_ref().map(|s| &**s) {
None | Some("fn") => (Some("MTFn"), None),
Some("fnmut") => (Some("MTFnMut"), None),
Some("sync") => (Some("MTSync"), None),
Some("generic") => (Some("MethodType"), None),
Some("par") => (None, Some("Par")),
Some("none") => (None, None),
_ => panic!("Invalid methodtype specified"),
let maccess = matches.value_of("methodaccess").map(|s| s.to_lowercase());
let maccess = match maccess.as_ref().map(|s| &**s) {
None | Some("refclosure") => ServerAccess::RefClosure,
Some("asrefclosure") => ServerAccess::AsRefClosure,
Some("methodinfo") => ServerAccess::MethodInfo,
_ => panic!("Invalid methodaccess specified"),
let client = matches.value_of("client").map(|s| s.to_lowercase());
let client = match client.as_ref().map(|s| &**s) {
None | Some("blocking") => ConnectionType::Blocking,
Some("nonblock") => ConnectionType::Nonblock,
Some("ffidisp") => ConnectionType::Ffidisp,
_ => panic!("Invalid client connection type specified"),
let interfaces = matches.value_of("interfaces").map(|s| s.split(",").map(|e| e.trim().to_owned()).collect());
let opts = generate::GenOpts {
methodtype:|x| x.into()),
dbuscrate: dbuscrate.into(),
skipprefix: matches.value_of("skipprefix").map(|x| x.into()),
serveraccess: maccess,
genericvariant: matches.is_present("genericvariant"),
futures: false,
connectiontype: client,
propnewtype: matches.is_present("propnewtype"),
crhandler:|x| x.to_string()),
command_line: std::env::args().skip(1).collect::<Vec<String>>().join(" ")
let mut h: Box<dyn std::io::Write> = match matches.value_of("output") {
Some(file_path) => Box::new(std::fs::File::create(file_path)
.unwrap_or_else(|e| {
panic!("Failed to open {}", e);
None => Box::new(std::io::stdout()),
h.write(generate::generate(&s, &opts).unwrap().as_bytes()).unwrap();