Revision control

Copy as Markdown

Other Tools

use std::{io, error};
use std::collections::HashSet;
use xml;
fn find_attr<'a>(a: &'a Vec<xml::attribute::OwnedAttribute>, n: &str) -> Result<&'a str, Box<dyn error::Error>> {
.find(|q| && == n)
.map(|f| &*f.value)
.ok_or_else(|| format!("attribute not found: {:?}", n).into())
struct Arg {
name: String,
typ: String,
idx: i32,
is_out: bool,
struct Method {
name: String,
fn_name: String,
iargs: Vec<Arg>,
oargs: Vec<Arg>,
struct Prop {
name: String,
get_fn_name: String,
set_fn_name: String,
typ: String,
access: String,
struct Signal {
name: String,
args: Vec<Arg>,
struct Intf {
origname: String,
shortname: String,
methods: Vec<Method>,
props: Vec<Prop>,
signals: Vec<Signal>,
/// Server access code generation option
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum ServerAccess {
/// Supply a closure from ref to ref
/// Supply a closure from ref to owned object which asrefs
/// The interface is implemented for MethodInfo
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum ConnectionType {
/// Code generation options
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct GenOpts {
/// Name of dbus crate (used for import)
pub dbuscrate: String,
/// MethodType for server tree impl, set to none for client impl only
pub methodtype: Option<String>,
/// Crossroads server handler type, set to none for client impl only
pub crhandler: Option<String>,
/// Removes a prefix from interface names
pub skipprefix: Option<String>,
/// Type of server access (tree)
pub serveraccess: ServerAccess,
/// Tries to make variants generic instead of Variant<Box<Refarg>>
pub genericvariant: bool,
/// Generates code to work with async / futures 0.3
pub futures: bool,
/// Type of connection, for client only
pub connectiontype: ConnectionType,
/// Generates a struct wrapping PropMap to get properties from it with their expected types.
pub propnewtype: bool,
/// interface filter. Only matching interface are generated, if non-empty.
pub interfaces: Option<HashSet<String>>,
/// The command line argument string. This will be inserted into generated source files.
pub command_line: String,
impl ::std::default::Default for GenOpts {
fn default() -> Self { GenOpts {
dbuscrate: "dbus".into(), methodtype: Some("MTFn".into()), skipprefix: None,
serveraccess: ServerAccess::RefClosure, genericvariant: false, futures: false,
crhandler: None, connectiontype: ConnectionType::Blocking, propnewtype: false,
interfaces: None,
command_line: String::new()
const RUST_KEYWORDS: [&str; 57] = [
fn make_camel(s: &str) -> String {
let mut ucase = true;
let mut r: String = s.chars().filter_map(|c| match c {
'a'..='z' | 'A'..='Z' | '0'..='9' => {
let cc = if ucase { c.to_uppercase().next() } else { Some(c) };
ucase = false;
_ => { ucase = true; None }
if RUST_KEYWORDS.iter().any(|i| i == &r) { r.push('_') };
fn make_snake(s: &str, keyword_check: bool) -> String {
let mut lcase = false;
let mut r = String::new();
for c in s.chars() {
match c {
'a'..='z' | '0'..='9' => {
lcase = true;
'A'..='Z' => {
if lcase { r.push('_'); }
lcase = false;
_ => {
if lcase { r.push('_'); }
lcase = false;
if r.len() < 2 { r.push('_'); } // Don't interfere with variable names like 'm' and 'i'
if keyword_check && RUST_KEYWORDS.iter().any(|i| i == &r) { r.push('_') };
fn make_fn_name(intf: &Intf, name: &str) -> String {
let mut r = make_snake(name, true);
loop {
if intf.methods.iter().any(|x| x.fn_name == r) ||
intf.props.iter().any(|x| x.get_fn_name == r || x.set_fn_name == r) {
} else { return r };
struct GenVars {
prefix: String,
gen: Vec<String>,
fn xml_to_rust_type(i: &mut &[u8], out: bool, genvars: &mut Option<GenVars>) -> Result<String, Box<dyn error::Error>> {
let c = i.get(0).ok_or_else(|| "unexpected end of signature")?;
*i = &i[1..];
Ok(match (*c as char, out) {
('(', _) => {
let mut s: Vec<String> = vec!();
while i.get(0) != Some(&b')') {
let n = xml_to_rust_type(i, out, genvars)?;
*i = &i[1..];
format!("({})", s.join(", "))
('y', _) => "u8".into(),
('b', _) => "bool".into(),
('n', _) => "i16".into(),
('q', _) => "u16".into(),
('i', _) => "i32".into(),
('u', _) => "u32".into(),
('x', _) => "i64".into(),
('t', _) => "u64".into(),
('d', _) => "f64".into(),
('h', _) => "arg::OwnedFd".into(),
('s', false) => "&str".into(),
('s', true) => "String".into(),
('o', false) => "dbus::Path".into(),
('o', true) => "dbus::Path<'static>".into(),
('g', false) => "dbus::Signature".into(),
('g', true) => "dbus::Signature<'static>".into(),
('v', _) => if let &mut Some(ref mut g) = genvars {
let t = format!("{}", g.prefix);
// let t = format!("arg::Variant<{}>", g.prefix);
g.prefix = format!("{}X", g.prefix);
} else if out { "arg::Variant<Box<dyn arg::RefArg + 'static>>".into() }
else { "arg::Variant<Box<dyn arg::RefArg>>".into() },
('a', _) => if i.get(0) == Some(&b'{') {
*i = &i[1..];
if &i[..3] == b"sv}" {
*i = &i[3..];
} else {
let n1 = xml_to_rust_type(i, out, &mut None)?;
let n2 = xml_to_rust_type(i, out, &mut None)?;
if i.get(0) != Some(&b'}') { return Err("No end of dict".into()); }
*i = &i[1..];
format!("::std::collections::HashMap<{}, {}>", n1, n2)
} else {
format!("Vec<{}>", xml_to_rust_type(i, out, &mut None)?)
(_, _) => return Err(format!("Unknown character in signature {:?}", c).into()),
/// Return whether the given type implements `Copy`.
/// Only implented for types which may be returned by `xml_to_rust_type`.
fn can_copy_type(rust_type: &str) -> bool {
match rust_type {
"u8" | "bool" | "i16" | "u16" | "i32" | "u32" | "i64" | "u64" | "f64" => true,
_ => false
fn make_type(s: &str, out: bool, genvars: &mut Option<GenVars>) -> Result<String, Box<dyn error::Error>> {
let mut i = s.as_bytes();
let r = xml_to_rust_type(&mut i, out, genvars)?;
if i.len() > 0 { Err("Expected type to end".into()) }
else { Ok(r) }
impl Arg {
fn varname(&self) -> String {
if != "" {
make_snake(&, true)
} else { format!("arg{}", self.idx) }
fn can_wrap_variant(&self, genvar: bool) -> bool { genvar && self.typ.starts_with("v") }
fn varname_maybewrap(&self, genvar: bool) -> String {
if self.can_wrap_variant(genvar) {
format!("arg::Variant({})", self.varname())
} else { self.varname() }
fn typename(&self, genvar: bool) -> Result<(String, Vec<String>), Box<dyn error::Error>> {
let mut g = if genvar { Some(GenVars {
prefix: format!("{}{}", if self.is_out { 'R' } else { 'I' }, self.idx),
gen: vec!(),
}) } else { None };
let r = make_type(&self.typ, self.is_out, &mut g)?;
Ok((r,|g| g.gen.iter().map(|s|
if self.is_out { format!("{}: for<'b> arg::Get<'b> + 'static", s) } else { format!("{}: arg::Arg + arg::Append", s) }
fn typename_maybewrap(&self, genvar: bool) -> Result<String, Box<dyn error::Error>> {
let t = self.typename(genvar)?.0;
Ok(if self.can_wrap_variant(genvar) {
format!("arg::Variant<{}>", t)
} else { t })
impl Prop {
fn can_get(&self) -> bool { self.access != "write" }
fn can_set(&self) -> bool { self.access == "write" || self.access == "readwrite" }
fn write_method_decl(s: &mut String, m: &Method, opts: &GenOpts) -> Result<(), Box<dyn error::Error>> {
let genvar = opts.genericvariant;
let g: Vec<String> = if genvar {
let mut g = vec!();
for z in m.iargs.iter().chain(m.oargs.iter()) {
let (_, mut z) = z.typename(genvar)?;
g.append(&mut z);
} else { vec!() };
*s += &format!(" fn {}{}(&self", m.fn_name,
if g.len() > 0 { format!("<{}>", g.join(",")) } else { "".into() }
for a in m.iargs.iter() {
let t = a.typename(genvar)?.0;
*s += &format!(", {}: {}", a.varname(), t);
if let Some(crh) = &opts.crhandler { *s += &format!(", info: &cr::{}Info", crh) };
let r = match m.oargs.len() {
0 => "()".to_string(),
1 => m.oargs[0].typename(genvar)?.0,
_ => {
let v: Result<Vec<String>, _> = m.oargs.iter().map(|z| z.typename(genvar).map(|t| t.0)).collect();
format!("({})", v?.join(", "))
*s += &format!(") -> {}", make_result(&r, opts));
fn make_result(success: &str, opts: &GenOpts) -> String {
if opts.futures {
format!("dbusf::MethodReply<{}>", success)
} else if opts.crhandler.is_some() {
format!("Result<{}, cr::MethodErr>", success)
} else if opts.methodtype.is_some() {
format!("Result<{}, tree::MethodErr>", success)
} else if opts.connectiontype == ConnectionType::Nonblock {
format!("nonblock::MethodReply<{}>", success)
} else {
format!("Result<{}, dbus::Error>", success)
fn write_prop_decl(s: &mut String, p: &Prop, opts: &GenOpts, set: bool) -> Result<(), Box<dyn error::Error>> {
if set {
*s += &format!(" fn {}(&self, value: {}) -> {}",
p.set_fn_name, make_type(&p.typ, true, &mut None)?, make_result("()", opts));
} else {
*s += &format!(" fn {}(&self) -> {}",
p.get_fn_name, make_result(&make_type(&p.typ, true, &mut None)?, opts));
fn write_intf_name(s: &mut String, i: &Intf) -> Result<(), Box<dyn error::Error>> {
let const_name = make_snake(&i.shortname, false).to_uppercase();
*s += &format!("\npub const {}_NAME: &str = \"{}\";\n", const_name, i.origname);
fn write_intf(s: &mut String, i: &Intf, opts: &GenOpts) -> Result<(), Box<dyn error::Error>> {
let iname = make_camel(&i.shortname);
*s += &format!("\npub trait {} {{\n", iname);
for m in &i.methods {
write_method_decl(s, &m, opts)?;
*s += ";\n";
for p in &i.props {
if p.can_get() {
write_prop_decl(s, &p, opts, false)?;
*s += ";\n";
if p.can_set() {
write_prop_decl(s, &p, opts, true)?;
*s += ";\n";
*s += "}\n";
fn write_intf_client(s: &mut String, i: &Intf, opts: &GenOpts) -> Result<(), Box<dyn error::Error>> {
let (module, proxy) = match opts.connectiontype {
ConnectionType::Ffidisp => ("ffidisp", "ConnPath"),
ConnectionType::Blocking => ("blocking", "Proxy"),
ConnectionType::Nonblock => ("nonblock", "Proxy"),
if module == "nonblock" {
*s += &format!("\nimpl<'a, T: nonblock::NonblockReply, C: ::std::ops::Deref<Target=T>> {} for {}::{}<'a, C> {{\n",
make_camel(&i.shortname), module, proxy);
} else if opts.futures {
*s += &format!("\nimpl<'a> {} for dbusf::ConnPath<'a> {{\n",
} else if module == "blocking" {
*s += &format!("\nimpl<'a, T: blocking::BlockingSender, C: ::std::ops::Deref<Target=T>> {} for {}::{}<'a, C> {{\n",
make_camel(&i.shortname), module, proxy);
} else {
assert_eq!(module, "ffidisp");
*s += &format!("\nimpl<'a, C: ::std::ops::Deref<Target=ffidisp::Connection>> {} for ffidisp::ConnPath<'a, C> {{\n",
for m in &i.methods {
*s += "\n";
write_method_decl(s, &m, opts)?;
*s += " {\n";
*s += &format!(" self.method_call(\"{}\", \"{}\", (", i.origname,;
for a in m.iargs.iter() {
*s += &a.varname_maybewrap(opts.genericvariant);
*s += ", ";
*s += "))\n";
let needs_andthen = (m.oargs.len() == 1) || (m.oargs.iter().any(|oa| oa.can_wrap_variant(opts.genericvariant)));
if needs_andthen {
*s += &" .and_then(|r: (";
for oa in m.oargs.iter() {
*s += &oa.typename_maybewrap(opts.genericvariant)?;
*s += ", ";
let tuple = m.oargs.len() > 1;
*s += &format!(")| Ok({}", if tuple { "(" } else { "" });
for idx in 0..m.oargs.len() {
*s += &if m.oargs[idx].can_wrap_variant(opts.genericvariant) {
format!("(r.{}).0, ", idx)
} else {
format!("r.{}, ", idx)
*s += &format!("{}))\n", if tuple { ")" } else { "" });
*s += " }\n";
let propintf = format!("{}::stdintf::org_freedesktop_dbus::Properties", module);
for p in i.props.iter().filter(|p| p.can_get()) {
*s += "\n";
write_prop_decl(s, &p, opts, false)?;
*s += " {\n";
*s += &format!(" <Self as {}>::get(&self, \"{}\", \"{}\")\n", propintf, i.origname,;
*s += " }\n";
for p in i.props.iter().filter(|p| p.can_set()) {
*s += "\n";
write_prop_decl(s, &p, opts, true)?;
*s += " {\n";
*s += &format!(" <Self as {}>::set(&self, \"{}\", \"{}\", value)\n", propintf, i.origname,;
*s += " }\n";
*s += "}\n";
fn write_signal(s: &mut String, i: &Intf, ss: &Signal) -> Result<(), Box<dyn error::Error>> {
let structname = format!("{}{}", make_camel(&i.shortname), make_camel(&;
*s += "\n#[derive(Debug)]\n";
*s += &format!("pub struct {} {{\n", structname);
for a in ss.args.iter() {
*s += &format!(" pub {}: {},\n", a.varname(), a.typename(false)?.0);
*s += "}\n\n";
*s += &format!("impl arg::AppendAll for {} {{\n", structname);
*s += &format!(" fn append(&self, {}: &mut arg::IterAppend) {{\n", if ss.args.len() > 0 {"i"} else {"_"});
for a in ss.args.iter() {
*s += &format!(" arg::RefArg::append(&self.{}, i);\n", a.varname());
*s += " }\n";
*s += "}\n\n";
*s += &format!("impl arg::ReadAll for {} {{\n", structname);
*s += &format!(" fn read({}: &mut arg::Iter) -> Result<Self, arg::TypeMismatchError> {{\n", if ss.args.len() > 0 {"i"} else {"_"});
*s += &format!(" Ok({} {{\n", structname);
for a in ss.args.iter() {
*s += &format!(" {}:,\n", a.varname());
*s += " })\n";
*s += " }\n";
*s += "}\n\n";
*s += &format!("impl dbus::message::SignalArgs for {} {{\n", structname);
*s += &format!(" const NAME: &'static str = \"{}\";\n",;
*s += &format!(" const INTERFACE: &'static str = \"{}\";\n", i.origname);
*s += "}\n";
fn write_signals(s: &mut String, i: &Intf) -> Result<(), Box<dyn error::Error>> {
for ss in i.signals.iter() { write_signal(s, i, ss)?; }
fn write_prop_struct(s: &mut String, i: &Intf) -> Result<(), Box<dyn error::Error>> {
// No point generating the properties struct if the interface has no gettable properties.
if !i.props.iter().any(|property| property.can_get()) {
return Ok(())
let struct_name = format!("{}Properties", make_camel(&i.shortname));
*s += &format!(r#"
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct {0}<'a>(pub &'a arg::PropMap);
impl<'a> {0}<'a> {{
pub fn from_interfaces(
interfaces: &'a ::std::collections::HashMap<String, arg::PropMap>,
) -> Option<Self> {{
"#, struct_name, i.origname);
for p in &i.props {
if p.can_get() {
let rust_type = make_type(&p.typ, true, &mut None)?;
if can_copy_type(&rust_type) {
*s += &format!(r#"
pub fn {}(&self) -> Option<{}> {{
arg::prop_cast(self.0, "{}").copied()
"#, p.get_fn_name, rust_type,;
} else {
*s += &format!(r#"
pub fn {}(&self) -> Option<&{}> {{
arg::prop_cast(self.0, "{}")
"#, p.get_fn_name, rust_type,;
*s += "}\n";
fn write_server_access(s: &mut String, i: &Intf, saccess: ServerAccess, minfo_is_ref: bool) {
let z = if minfo_is_ref {""} else {"&"};
match saccess {
ServerAccess::AsRefClosure => {
*s += &format!(" let dd = fclone({}minfo);\n", z);
*s += " let d = dd.as_ref();\n";
ServerAccess::RefClosure => *s += &format!(" let d = fclone({}minfo);\n", z),
ServerAccess::MethodInfo => *s += &format!(" let d: &dyn {} = {}minfo;\n", make_camel(&i.shortname), z),
// Should we implement this for
// 1) MethodInfo? That's the only way receiver can check Sender, etc - ServerAccess::MethodInfo
// 2) D::ObjectPath?
// 3) A user supplied struct?
// 4) Something reachable from minfo - ServerAccess::RefClosure
fn write_intf_tree(s: &mut String, i: &Intf, mtype: &str, saccess: ServerAccess, genvar: bool) -> Result<(), Box<dyn error::Error>> {
let hasf = saccess != ServerAccess::MethodInfo;
let hasm = mtype == "MethodType";
let treem: String = if hasm { "M".into() } else { format!("tree::{}<D>", mtype) };
*s += &format!("\npub fn {}_server<{}{}D>(factory: &tree::Factory<{}, D>, data: D::Interface{}) -> tree::Interface<{}, D>\n",
make_snake(&i.shortname, false), if hasf {"F, T, "} else {""}, if hasm {"M, "} else {""}, treem, if hasf {", f: F"} else {""}, treem);
let mut wheres: Vec<String> = vec!["D: tree::DataType".into(), "D::Method: Default".into()];
if i.props.len() > 0 {
wheres.push("D::Property: Default".into());
if i.signals.len() > 0 {
wheres.push("D::Signal: Default".into());
if hasm {
wheres.push("M: MethodType<D>".into());
match saccess {
ServerAccess::RefClosure => {
wheres.push(format!("T: {}", make_camel(&i.shortname)));
wheres.push(format!("F: 'static + for <'z> Fn(& 'z tree::MethodInfo<tree::{}<D>, D>) -> & 'z T", mtype));
ServerAccess::AsRefClosure => {
wheres.push(format!("T: AsRef<dyn {}>", make_camel(&i.shortname)));
wheres.push(format!("F: 'static + Fn(&tree::MethodInfo<tree::{}<D>, D>) -> T", mtype));
ServerAccess::MethodInfo => {},
if let ServerAccess::RefClosure | ServerAccess::AsRefClosure = saccess {
if mtype == "MTSync" {
wheres.push("F: Send + Sync".into());
*s += "where\n";
for w in wheres { *s += &format!(" {},\n", w); }
*s += "{\n";
*s += &format!(" let i = factory.interface(\"{}\", data);\n", i.origname);
if hasf {
*s += " let f = ::std::sync::Arc::new(f);";
for m in &i.methods {
if hasf {
*s += "\n let fclone = f.clone();\n";
*s += &format!(" let h = move |minfo: &tree::MethodInfo<{}, D>| {{\n", treem);
if m.iargs.len() > 0 {
*s += " let mut i = minfo.msg.iter_init();\n";
for a in &m.iargs {
*s += &format!(" let {}: {} =;\n", a.varname(), a.typename(genvar)?.0);
write_server_access(s, i, saccess, true);
let argsvar = m.iargs.iter().map(|q| q.varname()).collect::<Vec<String>>().join(", ");
let retargs = match m.oargs.len() {
0 => String::new(),
1 => format!("let {} = ", m.oargs[0].varname()),
_ => format!("let ({}) = ", m.oargs.iter().map(|q| q.varname()).collect::<Vec<String>>().join(", ")),
*s += &format!(" {}d.{}({})?;\n",
retargs, m.fn_name, argsvar);
*s += " let rm = minfo.msg.method_return();\n";
for r in &m.oargs {
*s += &format!(" let rm = rm.append1({});\n", r.varname());
*s += " Ok(vec!(rm))\n";
*s += " };\n";
*s += &format!(" let m = factory.method{}(\"{}\", Default::default(), h);\n", if hasm {"_sync"} else {""},;
for a in &m.iargs {
*s += &format!(" let m = m.in_arg((\"{}\", \"{}\"));\n",, a.typ);
for a in &m.oargs {
*s += &format!(" let m = m.out_arg((\"{}\", \"{}\"));\n",, a.typ);
*s += " let i = i.add_m(m);\n";
for p in &i.props {
*s += &format!("\n let p =<{}, _>(\"{}\", Default::default());\n", make_type(&p.typ, false, &mut None)?,;
*s += &format!(" let p = p.access(tree::Access::{});\n", match &*p.access {
"read" => "Read",
"readwrite" => "ReadWrite",
"write" => "Write",
_ => return Err(format!("Unexpected access value {}", p.access).into()),
if p.can_get() {
if hasf {
*s += " let fclone = f.clone();\n";
*s += " let p = p.on_get(move |a, pinfo| {\n";
*s += " let minfo = pinfo.to_method_info();\n";
write_server_access(s, i, saccess, false);
*s += &format!(" a.append(d.{}()?);\n", &p.get_fn_name);
*s += " Ok(())\n";
*s += " });\n";
if p.can_set() {
if hasf {
*s += " let fclone = f.clone();\n";
*s += " let p = p.on_set(move |iter, pinfo| {\n";
*s += " let minfo = pinfo.to_method_info();\n";
write_server_access(s, i, saccess, false);
*s += &format!(" d.{}(;\n", &p.set_fn_name);
*s += " Ok(())\n";
*s += " });\n";
*s += " let i = i.add_p(p);\n";
for ss in &i.signals {
*s += &format!(" let s = factory.signal(\"{}\", Default::default());\n",;
for a in &ss.args {
*s += &format!(" let s = s.arg((\"{}\", \"{}\"));\n",, a.typ);
*s += " let i = i.add_s(s);\n";
*s += " i\n";
*s += "}\n";
fn write_intf_crossroads(s: &mut String, i: &Intf, opts: &GenOpts) -> Result<(), Box<dyn error::Error>> {
let crh = opts.crhandler.as_ref().unwrap();
*s += &format!("\npub fn {}_ifaceinfo<I>() -> cr::IfaceInfo<'static, cr::{}>\n",
make_snake(&i.shortname, false), crh);
*s += &format!("where I: {}{} {{\n",
make_camel(&i.shortname), if crh == "Par" { " + Send + Sync + 'static" } else { "" });
*s += &format!(" cr::IfaceInfo::new(\"{}\", vec!(\n", i.origname);
for m in &i.methods {
*s += &format!(" MethodInfo::new_{}(\"{}\", |intf: &I, info| {{\n", crh.to_lowercase(),;
if m.iargs.len() > 0 {
*s += " let mut i = info.msg().iter_init();\n";
for a in &m.iargs {
*s += &format!(" let {}: {} =;\n", a.varname(), a.typename(opts.genericvariant)?.0);
let mut argsvar: Vec<_> = m.iargs.iter().map(|q| q.varname()).collect();
let argsvar = argsvar.join(", ");
let retargs = match m.oargs.len() {
0 => String::new(),
1 => format!("let {} = ", m.oargs[0].varname()),
_ => format!("let ({}) = ", m.oargs.iter().map(|q| q.varname()).collect::<Vec<String>>().join(", ")),
*s += &format!(" {}intf.{}({})?;\n",
retargs, m.fn_name, argsvar);
*s += " let rm = info.msg().method_return();\n";
for r in &m.oargs {
*s += &format!(" let rm = rm.append1({});\n", r.varname());
*s += " Ok(Some(rm))\n";
*s += " }),\n";
*s += " ), vec!(), vec!())\n"; // TODO: Props, signals
*s += "}\n";
fn write_module_header(s: &mut String, opts: &GenOpts) {
*s += &format!("// This code was autogenerated with `dbus-codegen-rust {}`, see\n", opts.command_line);
*s += &format!("use {} as dbus;\n", opts.dbuscrate);
*s += "#[allow(unused_imports)]\n";
*s += &format!("use {}::arg;\n", opts.dbuscrate);
if opts.futures {
*s += "use dbus_futures as dbusf;\n";
if opts.methodtype.is_some() { *s += &format!("use {}_tree as tree;\n", opts.dbuscrate) } else {
*s += &format!("use {}::{};\n", opts.dbuscrate, match opts.connectiontype {
ConnectionType::Ffidisp => "ffidisp",
ConnectionType::Blocking => "blocking",
ConnectionType::Nonblock => "nonblock",
if opts.crhandler.is_some() { *s += &format!("use {}::crossroads as cr;\n", opts.dbuscrate) }
/// Generates Rust structs and traits from D-Bus XML introspection data.
pub fn generate(xmldata: &str, opts: &GenOpts) -> Result<String, Box<dyn error::Error>> {
use xml::EventReader;
use xml::reader::XmlEvent;
let mut s = String::new();
write_module_header(&mut s, opts);
let mut curintf = None;
let mut curm = None;
let mut cursig = None;
let mut curprop = None;
let parser = EventReader::new(io::Cursor::new(xmldata));
for e in parser {
match e? {
XmlEvent::StartElement { ref name, .. } if name.prefix.is_some() => (),
XmlEvent::EndElement { ref name, .. } if name.prefix.is_some() => (),
XmlEvent::StartElement { ref name, ref attributes, .. } if &name.local_name == "interface" => {
if curm.is_some() { Err("Start of Interface inside method")? };
if curintf.is_some() { Err("Start of Interface inside interface")? };
let n = find_attr(attributes, "name")?;
let mut n2 = n;
if let &Some(ref p) = &opts.skipprefix {
if n.len() > p.len() && n.starts_with(p) { n2 = &n[p.len()..]; }
curintf = Some(Intf { origname: n.into(), shortname: n2.into(),
methods: Vec::new(), signals: Vec::new(), props: Vec::new() });
XmlEvent::EndElement { ref name } if &name.local_name == "interface" => {
if curm.is_some() { Err("End of Interface inside method")? };
if curintf.is_none() { Err("End of Interface outside interface")? };
let intf = curintf.take().unwrap();
// If filters are set and no filter matches -> Just print a message and continue parsing
if let Some(filter) = &opts.interfaces {
if !filter.contains(&intf.shortname) && !filter.contains(&intf.origname) {
eprintln!("Skip filtered interface '{}'", &intf.shortname);
write_intf(&mut s, &intf, opts)?;
if opts.crhandler.is_some() {
write_intf_crossroads(&mut s, &intf, opts)?;
} else if let Some(ref mt) = opts.methodtype {
write_intf_tree(&mut s, &intf, &mt, opts.serveraccess, opts.genericvariant)?;
} else {
write_intf_client(&mut s, &intf, opts)?;
write_signals(&mut s, &intf)?;
if opts.propnewtype {
write_intf_name(&mut s, &intf)?;
write_prop_struct(&mut s, &intf)?;
XmlEvent::StartElement { ref name, ref attributes, .. } if &name.local_name == "method" => {
if curm.is_some() { Err("Start of method inside method")? };
if curintf.is_none() { Err("Start of method outside interface")? };
let name = find_attr(attributes, "name")?;
curm = Some(Method { name: name.into(), fn_name: make_fn_name(curintf.as_ref().unwrap(), name),
iargs: Vec::new(), oargs: Vec::new() });
XmlEvent::EndElement { ref name } if &name.local_name == "method" => {
if curm.is_none() { Err("End of method outside method")? };
if curintf.is_none() { Err("End of method outside interface")? };
XmlEvent::StartElement { ref name, ref attributes, .. } if &name.local_name == "signal" => {
if cursig.is_some() { Err("Start of signal inside signal")? };
if curintf.is_none() { Err("Start of signal outside interface")? };
cursig = Some(Signal { name: find_attr(attributes, "name")?.into(), args: Vec::new() });
XmlEvent::EndElement { ref name } if &name.local_name == "signal" => {
if cursig.is_none() { Err("End of signal outside signal")? };
if curintf.is_none() { Err("End of signal outside interface")? };
XmlEvent::StartElement { ref name, ref attributes, .. } if &name.local_name == "property" => {
if curprop.is_some() { Err("Start of property inside property")? };
if curintf.is_none() { Err("Start of property outside interface")? };
let name = find_attr(attributes, "name")?;
let get_fn_name = make_fn_name(curintf.as_ref().unwrap(), name);
let set_fn_name = make_fn_name(curintf.as_ref().unwrap(), &format!("Set{}", name));
curprop = Some(Prop {
name: name.into(),
typ: find_attr(attributes, "type")?.into(),
access: find_attr(attributes, "access")?.into(),
get_fn_name: get_fn_name,
set_fn_name: set_fn_name,
XmlEvent::EndElement { ref name } if &name.local_name == "property" => {
if curprop.is_none() { Err("End of property outside property")? };
if curintf.is_none() { Err("End of property outside interface")? };
XmlEvent::StartElement { ref name, ref attributes, .. } if &name.local_name == "arg" => {
if curm.is_none() && cursig.is_none() { Err("Start of arg outside method and signal")? };
if curintf.is_none() { Err("Start of arg outside interface")? };
let typ = find_attr(attributes, "type")?.into();
let is_out = if cursig.is_some() { true } else { match find_attr(attributes, "direction") {
Err(_) => false,
Ok("in") => false,
Ok("out") => true,
_ => { Err("Invalid direction")?; unreachable!() }
let arr = if let Some(ref mut sig) = cursig { &mut sig.args }
else if is_out { &mut curm.as_mut().unwrap().oargs } else { &mut curm.as_mut().unwrap().iargs };
let arg = Arg { name: find_attr(attributes, "name").unwrap_or("").into(),
typ: typ, is_out: is_out, idx: arr.len() as i32 };
_ => (),
if curintf.is_some() { Err("Unterminated interface")? }
mod tests {
use super::{generate, GenOpts};
static FROM_DBUS: &'static str = r#"
<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN"
<interface name="org.freedesktop.DBus">
<method name="Hello">
<arg direction="out" type="s"/>
<method name="RequestName">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<arg direction="in" type="u"/>
<arg direction="out" type="u"/>
<method name="ReleaseName">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<arg direction="out" type="u"/>
<method name="StartServiceByName">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<arg direction="in" type="u"/>
<arg direction="out" type="u"/>
<method name="UpdateActivationEnvironment">
<arg direction="in" type="a{ss}"/>
<method name="NameHasOwner">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<arg direction="out" type="b"/>
<method name="ListNames">
<arg direction="out" type="as"/>
<method name="ListActivatableNames">
<arg direction="out" type="as"/>
<method name="AddMatch">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<method name="RemoveMatch">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<method name="GetNameOwner">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<arg direction="out" type="s"/>
<method name="ListQueuedOwners">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<arg direction="out" type="as"/>
<method name="GetConnectionUnixUser">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<arg direction="out" type="u"/>
<method name="GetConnectionUnixProcessID">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<arg direction="out" type="u"/>
<method name="GetAdtAuditSessionData">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<arg direction="out" type="ay"/>
<method name="GetConnectionSELinuxSecurityContext">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<arg direction="out" type="ay"/>
<method name="GetConnectionAppArmorSecurityContext">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<arg direction="out" type="s"/>
<method name="ReloadConfig">
<method name="GetId">
<arg direction="out" type="s"/>
<method name="GetConnectionCredentials">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<arg direction="out" type="a{sv}"/>
<signal name="NameOwnerChanged">
<arg type="s"/>
<arg type="s"/>
<arg type="s"/>
<signal name="NameLost">
<arg type="s"/>
<signal name="NameAcquired">
<arg type="s"/>
<interface name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable">
<method name="Introspect">
<arg direction="out" type="s"/>
<interface name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Monitoring">
<method name="BecomeMonitor">
<arg direction="in" type="as"/>
<arg direction="in" type="u"/>
<interface name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Debug.Stats">
<method name="GetStats">
<arg direction="out" type="a{sv}"/>
<method name="GetConnectionStats">
<arg direction="in" type="s"/>
<arg direction="out" type="a{sv}"/>
<method name="GetAllMatchRules">
<arg direction="out" type="a{sas}"/>
fn from_dbus() {
let s = generate(FROM_DBUS, &GenOpts { methodtype: Some("MTSync".into()), ..Default::default() }).unwrap();
println!("{}", s);
//assert_eq!(s, "fdjsf");