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use crate::{BusType, Error, Message, to_c_str, Watch};
use std::{ptr, str};
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::os::raw::{c_void};
pub struct ConnHandle(*mut ffi::DBusConnection);
unsafe impl Send for ConnHandle {}
unsafe impl Sync for ConnHandle {}
impl Drop for ConnHandle {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
/// Experimental rewrite of Connection [unstable / experimental]
/// Slightly lower level, with better support for async operations.
/// Also, this struct is Send + Sync.
/// Blocking operations should be clearly marked as such, although if you
/// try to access the connection from several threads at the same time,
/// blocking might occur due to an internal mutex inside the dbus library.
/// This version avoids dbus_connection_dispatch, and thus avoids
/// callbacks from that function. Instead the same functionality needs to be
/// implemented by these bindings somehow - this is not done yet.
pub struct TxRx {
handle: ConnHandle,
impl TxRx {
pub (crate) fn conn(&self) -> *mut ffi::DBusConnection {
fn conn_from_ptr(ptr: *mut ffi::DBusConnection) -> Result<TxRx, Error> {
let handle = ConnHandle(ptr);
/* No, we don't want our app to suddenly quit if dbus goes down */
unsafe { ffi::dbus_connection_set_exit_on_disconnect(ptr, 0) };
let c = TxRx { handle };
/// Creates a new D-Bus connection.
/// Blocking: until the connection is up and running.
pub fn get_private(bus: BusType) -> Result<TxRx, Error> {
let mut e = Error::empty();
let conn = unsafe { ffi::dbus_bus_get_private(bus, e.get_mut()) };
if conn == ptr::null_mut() {
return Err(e)
/// Creates a new D-Bus connection to a remote address.
/// Note: for all common cases (System / Session bus) you probably want "get_private" instead.
/// Blocking: until the connection is established.
pub fn open_private(address: &str) -> Result<TxRx, Error> {
let mut e = Error::empty();
let conn = unsafe { ffi::dbus_connection_open_private(to_c_str(address).as_ptr(), e.get_mut()) };
if conn == ptr::null_mut() {
return Err(e)
/// Registers a new D-Bus connection with the bus.
/// Note: `get_private` does this automatically, useful with `open_private`
/// Blocking: until a "Hello" response is received from the server.
pub fn register(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
// This function needs to take &mut self, because it changes unique_name and unique_name takes a &self
let mut e = Error::empty();
if unsafe { ffi::dbus_bus_register(self.conn(), e.get_mut()) == 0 } {
} else {
/// Gets whether the connection is currently open.
pub fn is_connected(&self) -> bool {
unsafe { ffi::dbus_connection_get_is_connected(self.conn()) != 0 }
/// Get the connection's unique name.
/// It's usually something like ":1.54"
pub fn unique_name(&self) -> Option<&str> {
let c = unsafe { ffi::dbus_bus_get_unique_name(self.conn()) };
if c == ptr::null_mut() { return None; }
let s = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(c) };
/// Puts a message into libdbus out queue. Use "flush" or "read_write" to make sure it is sent over the wire.
/// Returns a serial number than can be used to match against a reply.
pub fn send(&self, msg: Message) -> Result<u32, ()> {
let mut serial = 0u32;
let r = unsafe { ffi::dbus_connection_send(self.conn(), msg.ptr(), &mut serial) };
if r == 0 { return Err(()); }
/// Flush the queue of outgoing messages.
/// Blocking: until the outgoing queue is empty.
pub fn flush(&self) { unsafe { ffi::dbus_connection_flush(self.conn()) } }
/// Read and write to the connection.
/// Incoming messages are put in the internal queue, outgoing messages are written.
/// Blocking: If there are no messages, for up to timeout_ms milliseconds, or forever if timeout_ms is None.
/// For non-blocking behaviour, set timeout_ms to Some(0).
pub fn read_write(&self, timeout_ms: Option<i32>) -> Result<(), ()> {
let t = timeout_ms.unwrap_or(-1);
if unsafe { ffi::dbus_connection_read_write(self.conn(), t) == 0 } {
} else {
/// Removes a message from the incoming queue, or returns None if the queue is empty.
/// Use "read_write" first, so that messages are put into the incoming queue.
/// For unhandled messages, please call MessageDispatcher::default_dispatch to return
/// default replies for method calls.
pub fn pop_message(&self) -> Option<Message> {
let mptr = unsafe { ffi::dbus_connection_pop_message(self.conn()) };
if mptr == ptr::null_mut() {
} else {
Some(Message::from_ptr(mptr, false))
/// Get an up-to-date list of file descriptors to watch.
/// Might be changed into something that allows for callbacks when the watch list is changed.
pub fn watch_fds(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<Watch>, ()> {
extern "C" fn add_watch_cb(watch: *mut ffi::DBusWatch, data: *mut c_void) -> u32 {
unsafe {
let wlist: &mut Vec<Watch> = &mut *(data as *mut _);
let mut r = vec!();
if unsafe { ffi::dbus_connection_set_watch_functions(self.conn(),
Some(add_watch_cb), None, None, &mut r as *mut _ as *mut _, None) } == 0 { return Err(()) }
assert!(unsafe { ffi::dbus_connection_set_watch_functions(self.conn(),
None, None, None, ptr::null_mut(), None) } != 0);
fn test_txrx_send_sync() {
fn is_send<T: Send>(_: &T) {}
fn is_sync<T: Sync>(_: &T) {}
let c = TxRx::get_private(BusType::Session).unwrap();
fn txrx_simple_test() {
let mut c = TxRx::get_private(BusType::Session).unwrap();
let fds = c.watch_fds().unwrap();
println!("{:?}", fds);
assert!(fds.len() > 0);
let m = Message::new_method_call("org.freedesktop.DBus", "/", "org.freedesktop.DBus", "ListNames").unwrap();
let reply = c.send(m).unwrap();
let my_name = c.unique_name().unwrap();
loop {
while let Some(mut msg) = c.pop_message() {
println!("{:?}", msg);
if msg.get_reply_serial() == Some(reply) {
let r = msg.as_result().unwrap();
let z: ::arg::Array<&str, _> = r.get1().unwrap();
for n in z {
println!("{}", n);
if n == my_name { return; } // Hooray, we found ourselves!
} else if let Some(r) = crate::MessageDispatcher::<()>::default_dispatch(&msg) {