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// Copyright 2023 The Servo Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use std::os::raw::c_void;
use crate::base::{Boolean, CFAllocatorRef, CFIndex, CFOptionFlags, CFRange, CFTypeID, CFTypeRef};
use crate::date::{CFAbsoluteTime, CFDateRef};
use crate::locale::CFLocaleRef;
use crate::string::CFStringRef;
pub struct __CFDateFormatter(c_void);
pub type CFDateFormatterRef = *mut __CFDateFormatter;
pub type CFDateFormatterKey = CFStringRef;
pub type CFDateFormatterStyle = CFIndex;
pub type CFISO8601DateFormatOptions = CFOptionFlags;
/* Date Formatter Styles */
pub const kCFDateFormatterNoStyle: CFDateFormatterStyle = 0;
pub const kCFDateFormatterShortStyle: CFDateFormatterStyle = 1;
pub const kCFDateFormatterMediumStyle: CFDateFormatterStyle = 2;
pub const kCFDateFormatterLongStyle: CFDateFormatterStyle = 3;
pub const kCFDateFormatterFullStyle: CFDateFormatterStyle = 4;
//pub const kCFISO8601DateFormatWithYear: CFISO8601DateFormatOptions = 1 << 0; // macosx(10.12)+
//pub const kCFISO8601DateFormatWithMonth: CFISO8601DateFormatOptions = 1 << 1; // macosx(10.12)+
//pub const kCFISO8601DateFormatWithWeekOfYear: CFISO8601DateFormatOptions = 1 << 2; // macosx(10.12)+
//pub const kCFISO8601DateFormatWithDay: CFISO8601DateFormatOptions = 1 << 4; // macosx(10.12)+
//pub const kCFISO8601DateFormatWithTime: CFISO8601DateFormatOptions = 1 << 5; // macosx(10.12)+
//pub const kCFISO8601DateFormatWithTimeZone: CFISO8601DateFormatOptions = 1 << 6; // macosx(10.12)+
//pub const kCFISO8601DateFormatWithSpaceBetweenDateAndTime: CFISO8601DateFormatOptions = 1 << 7; // macosx(10.12)+
//pub const kCFISO8601DateFormatWithDashSeparatorInDate: CFISO8601DateFormatOptions = 1 << 8; // macosx(10.12)+
//pub const kCFISO8601DateFormatWithColonSeparatorInTime: CFISO8601DateFormatOptions = 1 << 9; // macosx(10.12)+
//pub const kCFISO8601DateFormatWithColonSeparatorInTimeZone: CFISO8601DateFormatOptions = 1 << 10; // macosx(10.12)+
//pub const kCFISO8601DateFormatWithFractionalSeconds: CFISO8601DateFormatOptions = 1 << 11; // macosx(10.13)+
//pub const kCFISO8601DateFormatWithFullDate: CFISO8601DateFormatOptions = kCFISO8601DateFormatWithYear | kCFISO8601DateFormatWithMonth | kCFISO8601DateFormatWithDay | kCFISO8601DateFormatWithDashSeparatorInDate; // macosx(10.12)+
//pub const kCFISO8601DateFormatWithFullTime: CFISO8601DateFormatOptions = kCFISO8601DateFormatWithTime | kCFISO8601DateFormatWithColonSeparatorInTime | kCFISO8601DateFormatWithTimeZone | kCFISO8601DateFormatWithColonSeparatorInTimeZone; // macosx(10.12)+
//pub const kCFISO8601DateFormatWithInternetDateTime: CFISO8601DateFormatOptions = kCFISO8601DateFormatWithFullDate | kCFISO8601DateFormatWithFullTime; // macosx(10.12)+
extern "C" {
* CFDateFormatter.h
/* Date Formatter Property Keys */
// The values for these keys are all CFType objects.
// The specific types for each key are specified above.
pub static kCFDateFormatterIsLenient: CFDateFormatterKey; // CFBoolean
pub static kCFDateFormatterTimeZone: CFDateFormatterKey; // CFTimeZone
pub static kCFDateFormatterCalendarName: CFDateFormatterKey; // CFString
pub static kCFDateFormatterDefaultFormat: CFDateFormatterKey; // CFString
pub static kCFDateFormatterTwoDigitStartDate: CFDateFormatterKey; // CFDate
pub static kCFDateFormatterDefaultDate: CFDateFormatterKey; // CFDate
pub static kCFDateFormatterCalendar: CFDateFormatterKey; // CFCalendar
pub static kCFDateFormatterEraSymbols: CFDateFormatterKey; // CFArray of CFString
pub static kCFDateFormatterMonthSymbols: CFDateFormatterKey; // CFArray of CFString
pub static kCFDateFormatterShortMonthSymbols: CFDateFormatterKey; // CFArray of CFString
pub static kCFDateFormatterWeekdaySymbols: CFDateFormatterKey; // CFArray of CFString
pub static kCFDateFormatterShortWeekdaySymbols: CFDateFormatterKey; // CFArray of CFString
pub static kCFDateFormatterAMSymbol: CFDateFormatterKey; // CFString
pub static kCFDateFormatterPMSymbol: CFDateFormatterKey; // CFString
pub static kCFDateFormatterLongEraSymbols: CFDateFormatterKey; // CFArray of CFString
pub static kCFDateFormatterVeryShortMonthSymbols: CFDateFormatterKey; // CFArray of CFString
pub static kCFDateFormatterStandaloneMonthSymbols: CFDateFormatterKey; // CFArray of CFString
pub static kCFDateFormatterShortStandaloneMonthSymbols: CFDateFormatterKey; // CFArray of CFString
pub static kCFDateFormatterVeryShortStandaloneMonthSymbols: CFDateFormatterKey; // CFArray of CFString
pub static kCFDateFormatterVeryShortWeekdaySymbols: CFDateFormatterKey; // CFArray of CFString
pub static kCFDateFormatterStandaloneWeekdaySymbols: CFDateFormatterKey; // CFArray of CFString
pub static kCFDateFormatterShortStandaloneWeekdaySymbols: CFDateFormatterKey; // CFArray of CFString
pub static kCFDateFormatterVeryShortStandaloneWeekdaySymbols: CFDateFormatterKey; // CFArray of CFString
pub static kCFDateFormatterQuarterSymbols: CFDateFormatterKey; // CFArray of CFString
pub static kCFDateFormatterShortQuarterSymbols: CFDateFormatterKey; // CFArray of CFString
pub static kCFDateFormatterStandaloneQuarterSymbols: CFDateFormatterKey; // CFArray of CFString
pub static kCFDateFormatterShortStandaloneQuarterSymbols: CFDateFormatterKey; // CFArray of CFString
pub static kCFDateFormatterGregorianStartDate: CFDateFormatterKey; // CFDate
pub static kCFDateFormatterDoesRelativeDateFormattingKey: CFDateFormatterKey; // CFBoolean
/* Creating a Date Formatter */
pub fn CFDateFormatterCreate(
allocator: CFAllocatorRef,
locale: CFLocaleRef,
dateStyle: CFDateFormatterStyle,
timeStyle: CFDateFormatterStyle,
) -> CFDateFormatterRef;
/* Configuring a Date Formatter */
pub fn CFDateFormatterSetFormat(formatter: CFDateFormatterRef, formatString: CFStringRef);
pub fn CFDateFormatterSetProperty(
formatter: CFDateFormatterRef,
key: CFStringRef,
value: CFTypeRef,
/* Parsing Strings */
pub fn CFDateFormatterCreateDateFromString(
allocator: CFAllocatorRef,
formatter: CFDateFormatterRef,
string: CFStringRef,
rangep: *mut CFRange,
) -> CFDateRef;
pub fn CFDateFormatterGetAbsoluteTimeFromString(
formatter: CFDateFormatterRef,
string: CFStringRef,
rangep: *mut CFRange,
atp: *mut CFAbsoluteTime,
) -> Boolean;
/* Creating Strings From Data */
pub fn CFDateFormatterCreateStringWithAbsoluteTime(
allocator: CFAllocatorRef,
formatter: CFDateFormatterRef,
at: CFAbsoluteTime,
) -> CFStringRef;
pub fn CFDateFormatterCreateStringWithDate(
allocator: CFAllocatorRef,
formatter: CFDateFormatterRef,
date: CFDateRef,
) -> CFStringRef;
pub fn CFDateFormatterCreateDateFormatFromTemplate(
allocator: CFAllocatorRef,
tmplate: CFStringRef,
options: CFOptionFlags,
locale: CFLocaleRef,
) -> CFStringRef;
/* Getting Information About a Date Formatter */
pub fn CFDateFormatterCopyProperty(
formatter: CFDateFormatterRef,
key: CFDateFormatterKey,
) -> CFTypeRef;
pub fn CFDateFormatterGetDateStyle(formatter: CFDateFormatterRef) -> CFDateFormatterStyle;
pub fn CFDateFormatterGetFormat(formatter: CFDateFormatterRef) -> CFStringRef;
pub fn CFDateFormatterGetLocale(formatter: CFDateFormatterRef) -> CFLocaleRef;
pub fn CFDateFormatterGetTimeStyle(formatter: CFDateFormatterRef) -> CFDateFormatterStyle;
/* Getting the CFDateFormatter Type ID */
pub fn CFDateFormatterGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID;
//pub fn CFDateFormatterCreateISO8601Formatter(allocator: CFAllocatorRef, formatOptions: CFISO8601DateFormatOptions) -> CFDateFormatterRef; // macosx(10.12)+