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// Copyright 2013 The Servo Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use crate::base::{Boolean, CFAllocatorRef, CFIndex, CFRange, CFTypeID, CFTypeRef};
use crate::dictionary::CFDictionaryRef;
use crate::string::CFMutableStringRef;
use crate::string::CFStringRef;
use std::os::raw::c_void;
pub struct __CFAttributedString(c_void);
pub type CFAttributedStringRef = *const __CFAttributedString;
pub type CFMutableAttributedStringRef = *mut __CFAttributedString;
extern "C" {
* CFAttributedString.h
/* CFAttributedString */
/* Creating a CFAttributedString */
pub fn CFAttributedStringCreate(
allocator: CFAllocatorRef,
str: CFStringRef,
attributes: CFDictionaryRef,
) -> CFAttributedStringRef;
pub fn CFAttributedStringCreateCopy(
alloc: CFAllocatorRef,
aStr: CFAttributedStringRef,
) -> CFAttributedStringRef;
pub fn CFAttributedStringCreateWithSubstring(
alloc: CFAllocatorRef,
aStr: CFAttributedStringRef,
range: CFRange,
) -> CFAttributedStringRef;
pub fn CFAttributedStringGetLength(astr: CFAttributedStringRef) -> CFIndex;
pub fn CFAttributedStringGetString(aStr: CFAttributedStringRef) -> CFStringRef;
/* Accessing Attributes */
pub fn CFAttributedStringGetAttribute(
aStr: CFAttributedStringRef,
loc: CFIndex,
attrName: CFStringRef,
effectiveRange: *mut CFRange,
) -> CFTypeRef;
pub fn CFAttributedStringGetAttributes(
aStr: CFAttributedStringRef,
loc: CFIndex,
effectiveRange: *mut CFRange,
) -> CFDictionaryRef;
pub fn CFAttributedStringGetAttributeAndLongestEffectiveRange(
aStr: CFAttributedStringRef,
loc: CFIndex,
attrName: CFStringRef,
inRange: CFRange,
longestEffectiveRange: *mut CFRange,
) -> CFTypeRef;
pub fn CFAttributedStringGetAttributesAndLongestEffectiveRange(
aStr: CFAttributedStringRef,
loc: CFIndex,
inRange: CFRange,
longestEffectiveRange: *mut CFRange,
) -> CFDictionaryRef;
/* Getting Attributed String Properties */
pub fn CFAttributedStringGetTypeID() -> CFTypeID;
/* CFMutableAttributedString */
/* Creating a CFMutableAttributedString */
pub fn CFAttributedStringCreateMutable(
allocator: CFAllocatorRef,
max_length: CFIndex,
) -> CFMutableAttributedStringRef;
pub fn CFAttributedStringCreateMutableCopy(
allocator: CFAllocatorRef,
max_length: CFIndex,
astr: CFAttributedStringRef,
) -> CFMutableAttributedStringRef;
/* Modifying a CFMutableAttributedString */
pub fn CFAttributedStringBeginEditing(aStr: CFMutableAttributedStringRef);
pub fn CFAttributedStringEndEditing(aStr: CFMutableAttributedStringRef);
pub fn CFAttributedStringGetMutableString(
aStr: CFMutableAttributedStringRef,
) -> CFMutableStringRef;
pub fn CFAttributedStringRemoveAttribute(
aStr: CFMutableAttributedStringRef,
range: CFRange,
attrName: CFStringRef,
pub fn CFAttributedStringReplaceString(
aStr: CFMutableAttributedStringRef,
range: CFRange,
replacement: CFStringRef,
pub fn CFAttributedStringReplaceAttributedString(
aStr: CFMutableAttributedStringRef,
range: CFRange,
replacement: CFAttributedStringRef,
pub fn CFAttributedStringSetAttribute(
aStr: CFMutableAttributedStringRef,
range: CFRange,
attrName: CFStringRef,
value: CFTypeRef,
pub fn CFAttributedStringSetAttributes(
aStr: CFMutableAttributedStringRef,
range: CFRange,
replacement: CFDictionaryRef,
clearOtherAttributes: Boolean,