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//! Terminal back-end for emitting diagnostics.
use std::str::FromStr;
use termcolor::{ColorChoice, WriteColor};
use crate::diagnostic::Diagnostic;
use crate::files::Files;
mod config;
mod renderer;
mod views;
pub use termcolor;
pub use self::config::{Chars, Config, DisplayStyle, Styles};
/// A command line argument that configures the coloring of the output.
/// This can be used with command line argument parsers like [`clap`] or [`structopt`].
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use codespan_reporting::term::termcolor::StandardStream;
/// use codespan_reporting::term::ColorArg;
/// use structopt::StructOpt;
/// #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)]
/// #[structopt(name = "groovey-app")]
/// pub struct Opts {
/// /// Configure coloring of output
/// #[structopt(
/// long = "color",
/// default_value = "auto",
/// possible_values = ColorArg::VARIANTS,
/// case_insensitive = true,
/// )]
/// pub color: ColorArg,
/// }
/// let opts = Opts::from_args();
/// let writer = StandardStream::stderr(opts.color.into());
/// ```
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ColorArg(pub ColorChoice);
impl ColorArg {
/// Allowed values the argument.
/// This is useful for generating documentation via [`clap`] or `structopt`'s
/// `possible_values` configuration.
pub const VARIANTS: &'static [&'static str] = &["auto", "always", "ansi", "never"];
impl FromStr for ColorArg {
type Err = &'static str;
fn from_str(src: &str) -> Result<ColorArg, &'static str> {
match src {
_ if src.eq_ignore_ascii_case("auto") => Ok(ColorArg(ColorChoice::Auto)),
_ if src.eq_ignore_ascii_case("always") => Ok(ColorArg(ColorChoice::Always)),
_ if src.eq_ignore_ascii_case("ansi") => Ok(ColorArg(ColorChoice::AlwaysAnsi)),
_ if src.eq_ignore_ascii_case("never") => Ok(ColorArg(ColorChoice::Never)),
_ => Err("valid values: auto, always, ansi, never"),
impl Into<ColorChoice> for ColorArg {
fn into(self) -> ColorChoice {
/// Emit a diagnostic using the given writer, context, config, and files.
/// The return value covers all error cases. These error case can arise if:
/// * a file was removed from the file database.
/// * a file was changed so that it is too small to have an index
/// * IO fails
pub fn emit<'files, F: Files<'files>>(
writer: &mut dyn WriteColor,
config: &Config,
files: &'files F,
diagnostic: &Diagnostic<F::FileId>,
) -> Result<(), super::files::Error> {
use self::renderer::Renderer;
use self::views::{RichDiagnostic, ShortDiagnostic};
let mut renderer = Renderer::new(writer, config);
match config.display_style {
DisplayStyle::Rich => RichDiagnostic::new(diagnostic, config).render(files, &mut renderer),
DisplayStyle::Medium => ShortDiagnostic::new(diagnostic, true).render(files, &mut renderer),
DisplayStyle::Short => ShortDiagnostic::new(diagnostic, false).render(files, &mut renderer),
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::diagnostic::Label;
use crate::files::SimpleFiles;
fn unsized_emit() {
let mut files = SimpleFiles::new();
let id = files.add("test", "");
let mut writer = termcolor::NoColor::new(Vec::<u8>::new());
let diagnostic = Diagnostic::bug().with_labels(vec![Label::primary(id, 0..0)]);
emit(&mut writer, &Config::default(), &files, &diagnostic).unwrap();